T, ■\... I mroAT, JANUARY 4, 199t SK TW ELVE jianrlifater 4Ett^ning H^raUt Avenute Dally Net PrM Rm The Weather the Week liiidM rereeeet e f C. S. Weather 9mim Deeeteber M« IDM iniiiiiii-ilHiiiiiiHiliiiiiiiH: iliiiiiiilliiilllilliiiiiliililiiliilliiilijiiilli OeomUy fair tonight. Soedl About Town ooneMetaUe elondUieee. Chaatee Main. Street 13,879 mow Snrriee. Low tonight hi M PARK Member ol the AndH Tli« lUv. H. Osgood BMmott, Bnrcea al dMoiattaa 20a. BMtor of Nortii Mothodist Caiurch, FREE Manchester sh eiier^A City o f Village Charm wUl bo In charge of rad;io broad- caJrta i|>oiiaored by the Manches­ rear of Phone ter Mtailaterial Association .ovet (TEN FACES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN.,. SATURDAY, JANUARY 5 1968 (Claaelfled Adverttoing on Fage 8) PRICE FIVE CENTS ■taUon WINF Sunday at 7:3Bp.m. TOL. LXXXII, NO. 81 and ^ l y heoct week at 7^30 a.m. our store Ml 3-4123 and 6:30 p.m. The Manchester Philatelic So- State News elety will hold its flrtt meeting of OPEN 6 DAYS 9:30 AM. to 5:30 P.M. - THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHTS till 9.4X) Dirksen Indicates Clay Raised the new year Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. -at North Methodist Church, SOO Parker St. A mystery pro­ $ Roundup gram has been scheduled. Push for Economy 1.9 Bunche Says Capture Pfc. Walter F. Scadden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Scadden, IS Courtland St., has completed OPEN TONIGHT till 9:00 For Cubans diceman Held recruit training at Parris Island, WASHINGTON (AP) Uy Kennedy of a $99-bmion budget. S. C., and advanced training at 8«iate RepubUcan leader Ev­ 'T think the temper of the NEW YORK (A P )—Gen. Brains of Holdup Camp Lejeune, N. C., with the erett M. Dirksen of Illinois Lucius D. Q ay. says he per­ U.S. Marine Corps. After finish­ country la turning agalnat foreign ing a leave, he will report to the Heads ACS Group haa signaled a GOP drive in aid," Dlrkaen aald. "The people sonally sighed for a $1.9 mil­ BRIDGEPORT (AP) — don’t aee any real reaulta from It. Of Town in UN Plan Marine Corps' Air Wing School at Dr. Lockhart B. Rogers, a na­ the new Congreaa to hold the lion loan to hetp ransom Cu­ Originally accusedsbf taking Mlllingrton Air Force Base, Mem- They are getting tired of pouring tive of Manchester, and piofessoi economy line against Presi­ money Into a program they don’t ban invasion prisoners. Sub­ a bribe from two bimk robr phla Tenn. He is a 1962 graduate dent Kennedy's domestic and sequently, Clay adds, he got bery suspects, a Brmg^^rt { of Manchester High School. of chemistiy and head of the think la effective." analytical division at Purdue Uni­ foreitim spending programs. Dlrkaen Indicated he haa no m industry leaders to pledge the!policeman now has ofeen 87th Birthday versity, has been named 1963 /- Such preBldentlal proposala aa tention------------ of -------joining- with Democratic entire payment, with no indi- charged with playing a much | T alks Aim Clarence Foley, chairman of the federal aid to education and the ways and means committee of the chairman of the American Chem­ in offering a compromlae rules ca**®" ‘‘‘ hey felt they had more active role in the crime.' financing of health care for the When Officer Robert Canell, 39. ■ Democratic Town Committee, has ical Society’s EHvision of An­ elderly through An Increaee in change when Senate liberals Observed by called a meeting tonight at 8 at Clay, board chairman of Conti- was arrested Thursday night, P o -, alytical Chemistry. MAGNIFICENT Social Security taxea probably launch an - effort to ease the Sen­ lice Superintendent Joseph A .; T o Improve Cavey's Restaurant to plan for will be turned down again, Dirk ate debate limitation requirement. nental Can Co., also saya that' Dr. Rogors, a Manchester High Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy Walsh explained it was because the victory dance and dinner at 2 Pant SUITS ate told reportera Friday. The nilnola senator indicated he Bdnn Leader the Garden Grove Saturday, Jan. School graduate and tennis and raised another |1 million toward Canell had known the Identity and track star, received an A.B. de­ On Kennedy'a plana for a tax is keeping an open mind on Dem­ the ransom whereabouts, of the men who rob- Liaison Job 12. ocratic overtures that he take a By JOHN WEY^AND gree from Wesieyan University in SHACMOOR reduction, Dlrkaen Indicated moat Hla comments Friday confirm- bed a branch of the Bristol Sav­ Hie Motherhood of Mary Moth­ 1939, and an AAl. in 1940 and a O F PURE Republicana would take the poal- post on the Senate Foreign' Rela- ed his and Kennedy’s parts in the | bi8s Bank of $13,800 w pcc. FT BONN, Germany (AP) — Kon- Ph,D. in 1942 from Princeton tlte he and Houae , Republican tlbha Committee. Because he haa fund raising as reported in a copy- but accepted a payoff to keep rad Adenauer, West Germany’s LEOPOLDVILLE, T h e ers Carcle wlU meet Monday at 8 leader Charlea A. Ralleck hold:' given Kennedy atrong support in .m. at the home of Mrs. Raymond University. right story in the Minnespplis quiet. Iron - willed chancellor, today ob- Congo (AP) — Dr. Ralph He joined the faculty of Stan­ There ahould be ho out unleaa hitemational crises, Mansfield Tribune, and the Des Moines Reg But yesterday Walsh said j hirthdav nrpmim- J. Muiphy, 33 Dorothy Rd. Mrs. ■FINE WOOL WORSTED apending la alaahed. has proposed that Dirksen fill one ' Canell did far more than merely served-hia 87th_ birthday, presum- Bunche has pledged that the Hajry Carr will be co-hostesses. ford University as an instructor in ister. chemistry in 1942. and became as COATS On the foreign aid front, Dirk- of two vacancies on the 17-mem- ably his last in office. He cele­ United Nations will carry on , The 12.9 million that Clay said I ^ withhold Infor brated It with an all-day party. assistant professor in 1943. From aen foreaaw deep trouble ahead ber committee. its action in Katanga until the The monthly meeting of the La­ If he accepted, the Democrats he and Kennedy raised was de- { The chancellor recently 1946 to 1948 he was a group lead­ for the aM program. Theae dlffi According to Wolsli, Canell be- U.N. force is assured freedom dles of the Assumption will be in er in long-range research in an­ e FUR TRIA\MED regularly 65*00 oidtlea, he aald, will be com- manded by Cuban Prime Mlnto-1 promised to retire next fall upon the Church Hall on Monday, Jan. alytical chemistry at the Oak poundM by the expected aubmla- (Contlnaed on Page Three) ter Fidel of movement throughout the minute as part of the deal to 7, Immediately after N o v e n a. Ridge National Laboratory. themtv,™ the methods V...by which police, fide.. His ^successor . t:. remains, to .be secessionist territory. There will be a question and an­ In 1948 he became an assistant e UNTRIMMED ^ free 1,118 prisoners taken in the operate. Canell also furnished aEconomics Minister The U.N. undersecretary for swer program, with Father But­ professor at the Massachusetts 1901 Bay of Pigs invasion. glm Uiat was used in the bank considered special political affsiirs made the The cash was in addition to $68 ler as moderator. Refreshments In.stitute of Technology, where he holdup and, once the crime had j , « statement on his arrival here late will be served. was appointed associate profes­ million in food and medical sup­ been committed. burned the . ^-S- Preslden Kennedy led off Friday night amid reports of a sor in 1951, and professor in 1959. States Seek Easing plies given in exchange for the clothes worn by the two men, the congratulations to Adenauer, conflict between U.N. headquar­ Miss Sheila A, Hill, daughter of Dr. Rogers was named head of prisoners. police superintimdent said. began arriving from all j ters in New York and U.N. offi­ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hill, 99 the analytical division at Purdue 1q o f f CaMro had agreed last spring Robert Erhardt, 34, of Bridge- f “ >e world I cials in the Congo over tha wla- Strickland St., is one of five stu­ in 1961. 47.90 to free a group of wounded and port, and Robert Fozekas, 24. of » «^ceat pleasur^to con- dom of holding any new talks dents of Melrose-Wakefield School Dr. Rogers is also a fellow of ailing prisoners if their families ^ l e l d , were arrested for the fat^late you on your 87th birth- with Katanga Prerident Mbiae of Nursing on affiiiation at the the American Instit,ute of Chem­ Of Guard Changes would pay him $2.9 million. Sixty robbery Wednesday after police »"°‘her year of serv- Tshombe. Children’s Hospital, Boston, from ists and a member of the Amer­ of those men arrived back in the recelvte a Up. p k e e said Er- country, Kennedy Bunche said he was confident ican Academy of Arts and Sci­ WERE NOW United States last April 14. hardt and Fazekas admitted the ® *’ telegram. his talks here with U.N. officials Jan. 7 to April 1. But the money still hadn’t been ences, the American Association lots more wear for lots less WASHINOTON (AP) — A com-^Ouard troop list for hU state. At T.mA. R Bristol job and Implicated Canell- . Few men ofI any age carry the would prevent a recurrenca of paid when James B.
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