THE IAF YP MAGAZINE Volume 3, Issue 2 August 2021 Private Spaceflight - New Milestones www.iafastro.org Image: © SpaceX Young Professional’s *** Magazine *** August 2021, Volume 3, Issue 2 The Interna�onal Astronau�cal Federa�on—Workforce Development Young Professionals Programme Editorial Team Commi�ee (IAF-WD/YPP) is one of the administra�ve commi�ees dedicated to Young Professionals and Students. The commi�ee’s scope includes all ma�ers pertaining to interna�onal space community workforce development. The commi�ee focuses on early career professionals in all the areas of the BALBIR SINGH aerospace community and provides overall guidance to IAF’s Young Professional Programme: Editor-in-Chief Vice-chair (Communica�ons) Leadership ANDREA JAIME ALBALAT Senior Managing Editor and Member HUGO SIMOES Managing Editor and Member Patrick Hambloch CLEMENTINE DECOOPMAN Chair, IAF WD/YPP Commi�ee Managing Editor and Member SCOTT MADRY Senior Associate Editor and Member CAROL CARNETT Kate Becker Kevin Stube Stephanie Wan Balbir Singh Senior Associate Editor and Member Vice Chair Vice Chair Vice Chair Vice Chair Career Development Internal Rela�ons Technical Programmes Communica�ons MATTEO CAPELLA Associate Editor and Member Members ************************************************ Edward Ashford Merve Erdem Christopher Nie Stephanie Schierholz Laszlo Bacsardi Nicholas Fishwick Twinkle Pandhi Juergen Schlutz Elizabeth Barrios MarkusGeiß Maria Antonie�a Perino Elizabeth Seward Andrea Boyd Guillaume Girard Arnau Pons Kevin Shor� Angelia Bukley Ajeet Hansra Ana Raposo Steven Shumsky Carol Carne� Birgit Hartman Minoo Rathnasabapathy Jackelynne Silva Chiara Cocchiara Andrea Jaime Kathryn Robinson Hugo Simoes Kathleen Coderre Ryan L. Kobrick Bruno Sarli Jan Svoboda Message Jessica Culler Ayami Kojima Kaori Sasaki Chris Vasko Alan T DeLuna, Michal Kunes Amalio Monzon Adi Wasserman Dear friends, Ramon P. De Paula Joao Lousada Ali Nasseri Lyn Wigbels J.R. Edwards Sco� Madry Amalio Monzon Clémen�ne Decoopman It is already September and we are ge�ng close to Tahir Merali the IAC. We will have our usual Sunday, Tuesday, Ma�eo Emanuelli Ruth McAvinia Ma�eo Cappella and Wednesday night recep�ons, as well as jointly Anthony Yuen Bethany Downer Claudiu Mihai Taiatu Joseph Ibeh organised events with other commi�ees and Mariam Naseem Harriet Bre�le Davide Petrillo organisa�ons. Please follow our social media channels for more informa�on on the actual programme over the coming two months leading Friends up to the congress. I hope that many of you will see us in Dubai, if not please find out about the Mar�n Adriaensen Kimberley Clayfield Claudia Kessler Mary Snitch opportuni�es to join us online in the five Global Farid Ahmed Ariane Cornell Charlotte Kiang Jacob Sutherlun Technical Symposiums which are happening Camille Alleyne Emmanuel David Benjamin Lenoir Jan Svoboda throughout the IAC week and are simultaneously broadcast on the internet. We are looking forward Julio Aprea Ken Davidian Khalid Manjoo Chris Welch to interac�ng with you in-person or virtually! Christopher Beauregard Stacey Edgington Naomi Mathers James V. Zimmerman Kristen Bloschock Far as Ghadaki Anne Meier Meanwhile, please enjoy this issue of Juventa with Maria Botha Jeffrey Hendrikse Nathalie Meusy a lot of interes�ng content, as usual, in par�cular So Young Chung Nicky Jordan Stephanie Shierholz with ar�cles on private space travel, space debris, space infrastructure, and much more. Also, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel where Ex-Officio we con�nue to expand our content year round. Emma Boisdur See you in Dubai! Minoo Rathnasbapathy Chair, IAF WD/YPP Commi�ee **************************************** ELSA-d’s Successful Priate Spaceflight: Boeing Starliner: Juventa YP magazine isan official informa�on Magnetic Capture New Milestones - Potential ISS Ferry - A document from IAF-WD/YPP commi�ee. Test - The Tech Story The Cover Story Report 14 16 21 This is volume 3, Issue 2 2 Editorial Dear IAF Community, Young professionals and students: Balbir Singh Scott Madry MIT, MAHE UNC-CH I'd like to welcome you all to the latest issue of your beloved magazine "Juventa." Every issue, we a�empt to bring you something special because our major goal is to guide the youth who work or are interested in space and its fron�er. We'd like to hear your recommenda�ons for improvement. Please provide feedback and do not hesitate to submit intriguing material for publishing in Juventa. The good news is that the IAF and the IAF WD/YPP commi�ee are now in the process of obtaining Carol Carnett Ruth McAvinia an ISSN number for Juventa, and we will a�empt to have some of the ISU ESA papers assigned a DOI number for publica�on and indexing in key indexing sites such as Scopus and Web of Science very soon. We shall have a special sec�on in the magazine for the publica�on of scien�fic papers beginning 2023. Please feel free to write to us: [email protected] Hugo Simoes Andrea Jaime Albalat Stay safe and strong! ESA ISAR Aerospace Balbir Singh Editor-in-Chief and Vice-chair (Communica�ons) IAF WD/YPP Commi�ee Clementine Decoopman Matteo Capella SGAC SGAC IN THIS ISSUE Q & A with Jeanne Medvedeva …………………………………………… 04 Matteo Emanuelli Claudiu M Taiatu Member Spotlight ……………………………………………………………….. 08 AIRBUS D & S ESPI The Tech Story: ELSA-d Successful Capture Test ..………………… 14 The Cover Story: Private Spaceflight - New Milestones ..……… 16 Anthony Yuen Bethany Downer Weill Cornell Medicine ESA/Hubble A Report: Boeing Starliner - Poten�al ISS Ferry ……………………. 21 Meet IAF Professional: Kaori Sasaki, JAXA ……………………………. 24 Joseph lbeh Northern Sky Research Space News ..……………………………………………………………………….. 26 IAF WD/YPP Commiteee Communica�ons Team and Juventa Editorial Board 3 As industry leader, you have been involved in Space for some�me.Howandwhydidyouchoosespace?Wasyour space career always part of your development plan? I always knew that I wanted to do something unique and onaglobalscale,butIneverexpectedittobespace!Iwas looking for an interna�onal career with large commercial projects, cross-cultural communica�on, and a good amount of travelling. While considering several industries, the space industry struck me as incredibly special, roman�c even, and I was lucky to end up in smallsat launches at the dawn of New Space. I studied World Economics and Finance, a bit atypical amongst my aerospace colleagues, and I had to learn a lot about the technical and programma�c side of the projects. I graduated in 2013 and started my career at the interna�onal commercial center of Roscosmos. My educa�onal background in business, as well as my knowledge of foreign languages, enabled me to help build from scratch the offerings of smallsat launches to SSO aboard Soyuz-2 for foreign customers. I saw the opportunity to work with smallsats and the bright future for New Space. I gained a lot of unique exper�se and connec�ons across the New Space industry and in 2018 I joined Exolaunch to work with a mul�-launch pla�orm and apply my experience to different launch vehicles and be�er serve the launch needs of the industry. What was your career’s turning point? Did you have a mentor or sponsor at the �me? Q&A The turning point was my first launch campaign in Baikonur followed by the successful launch in the summer of 2014. Our team arranged the ride to SSO with Soyuz-2 Jeanne Medvedeva for such prominent customers as SkyBox, Space Flight Laboratory (SFL), SSTL, and the UK Space Agency. We VicePresident,LaunchServices stayed with a lot of interna�onal teams in Baikonur for Exolaunch GmbH, Berlin, Germany over a month for their satellites’ pre-launch checks and integra�ons, enjoying rockets and good weather. This was a dream job. We also had to build a lot of processes from Please introduce yourself to our readers in the IAF scratch, as launch services for smallsats were an community. absolutely new field for everyone. Only now are smallsat launches becoming more organized and standardized. Well, I am the Vice President of Launch Services at Back in those days we had to learn and create many things Exolaunch GmbH, a leading Germany-based provider of along the way. launch, in-space logis�cs, deployment and integra�on services for small satellites. I worked with mul�ple launch What was your biggest challenge in your career? What inspired and mo�vated you the most? vehicles and rideshare missions to arrange successful launches of over 230 small satellites (as of today) for the Each rocket launch is a challenge by defini�on. At the New Space actors.I was also recognized in the Forbes 30 same �me, the right experience and constant under 30 list (2021) for her contribu�on to the New professional growth will give you a lot of confidence and Space growth and the facilita�on of access to space for know-hows. It was always challenging to handle difficult small satellites. situa�ons for the first �me, for example, to manage the Please, tell us in three hashtags what you think will define delays on a launch vehicle or satellite side or to work with space business in next decade. a large number of payloads on a single mission (70+) #access to space, #inspacelogis�cs, #spacesustainability 4 technically and contractually and make sure that each commercial aspects of launches, supervise our marke�ng customer will get an op�mal launch slot and will be safely strategy, get involved into the overall mission deployed into space on �me and on budget. Working management, and help arrange launch campaigns and with large clusters of smallsats is extremely complicated launch events. Now I’m also involved into investor due to the overall logis�cs and a lot of a�en�on to rela�ons, scaling up our business and entering new details, almost 24/7 involvement with the mission market fields.
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