ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 19(1): 54–69 15 JULY 2010 New genus and species of subfamily Trinodinae (Coleoptera, Polyphaga, Dermestidae) from Lowermost Eocene French amber Новый род и вид подсемейства Trinodinae (Coleoptera, Polyphaga, Dermestidae) из нижнеэоценового французского янтаря A.G. KIREJTSHUK, J. HÁVA & A. NEL А.Г. КИРЕЙЧУК, Ю. ХАВА, А. НЕЛЬ A.G. Kirejtshuk, Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] J. Háva, Private Entomological Laboratory and Collection, 37 Rýznerova St., CZ-252 62 Únětice u Prahy, Prague- west, Czech Republic. E-mail: [email protected] A. Nel, CNRS UMR 5202, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, CNRS UMR 5202, Entomologie, 45 Rue Buffon, F- 75005 Paris, France. E-mail: [email protected] In the paper six new species of the genus Oisenodes gen. nov. (Dermestidae, Trinodinae, Trino- dini) are described: O. azari sp. nov., O. clavatus sp. nov., O. gallicus sp. nov., O. metepister- nalis sp. nov., O. oisensis sp. nov. and O. transversus sp. nov. A new tribe Trinoparvini Hava, trib. nov. is established for the recent genus Trinoparvus Háva, 2004. Short review of known fossil records of the subfamily Trinodinae is given. В статье описываются шесть новых видов рода Oisenodes gen. nov. (Dermestidae, Trino- dinae, Trinodini): O. azari sp. nov., O. clavatus sp. nov., O. gallicus sp. nov., O. metepister- nalis sp. nov., O. oisensis sp. nov. и O. transversus sp. nov. Устанавливается новая триба Trinoparvini Hava, trib. nov. для рецентного рода Trinoparvus Háva, 2004. Дается краткий обзор ископаемых находок жуков подсемейства Trinodinae. Key words: Lowermost Eocene French amber, taxonomy, Coleoptera, Dermestidae, Trinodi- nae, new tribe, new genus, new species Ключевые слова: нижнеэоценовый французский янтарь, систематика, жесткокрылые, кожееды, Coleoptera, Dermestidae, Trinodinae, новая триба, новый род, новые виды INTRODUCTION atics of fossil record and historical develop- ment by Kirejtshuk et al. (2009). More de- The paper is the eighth contribution to tailed information on representation of this the knowledge on fauna of Coleoptera from coleopterous family in the fossil record can Lowermost Eocene French amber collected be got in the catalogue by Ponomarenko & in Oise falls (Batelka et al., 2006; Bílý & Kirejtshuk, 2007; Kirejtshuk & Nel, 2008, Kirejtshuk (2010). This subfamily is known 2009; Moseyko et al., 2010, in press; Kirejt- in fossils from Baltic amber (genus Trinodes shuk et al., 2010a, 2010b), which is devoted Dejean, 1821: Larsson, 1978; Spahr, 1981; to the families remained unknown from this Háva, 2003; Háva & Prokop, 2004, 2006; resource and poorly known in fossils at all. Háva et al., 2006, 2008) and Lebanese amber The family Dermestidae was provided with (Kirejtshuk et al., 2009). Among inclusions a short necessary review of data on system- of the Lowermost Eocene French amber © 2010 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes A.G. KIREJTSHUK ET AL. NEW TRINODINE GENUS AND SPECIES FROM LOWERMOST EOCENE AMBER 55 about a hundred specimens of Dermestidae Tribe Trinodini Casey, 1900 and, among them, more than 30 specimens of the subfamily Trinodinae were recently Type genus: Trinodes Dejean, 1821. found and all of them belong to the genera or one genus, apparently rather related to Oisenodes gen. nov. those represented in the Recent fauna. Type species: Oisenodes gallicus sp. nov. Etymology. The name of this new genus MATERIAL AND METHODS is formed from the name of locality with Many specimens recovered among inclu- amber deposits and generic root ‘nodes’ of sions from the Lowermost Eocene French the type genus of the subfamily. Gender: amber are deposited in the Laboratoire de masculine. Paléontologie, Muséum National d'Histoire Description. Adult males. Body elon- Naturelle, Paris (MNHN). Ordinary optic gated oval, strongly convex dorsally and equipment was used for the examination, moderately convex ventrally; dorsum dif- in particular, a stereomicroscope Olympus fusely punctured, with long and stout hairs, SCX9 and an inverted microscope Olympus frequently of two types: longer and thicker CK 40 in MNHN, and also the stereomicro- suberect ones and others shorter, thinner scope Leica MZ 16.0 in the Zoological Insti- and subrecumbent; thoracic and abdominal tute, St. Petersburg. All holotypes and most underside with comparatively sparse and paratypes of the new species deposited in moderately long recumbent hairs; length MNHN, part of paratypes of Oisenodes gal- 1.3–1.7 mm. Head oval and strongly de- licus sp. nov. and O. metepisternalis sp. nov. clined, with very large and coarsely faceted are deposited in the Zoological institute of eyes, labrum exposed, antennae eleven- the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Pe- segmented with three-segmented anten- tersburg) and one paratype of O. gallicus nal club; median ocellus on head present. sp. nov. in the Entomologické oddělení Pronotum with convex anterior and pos- (Národní museum, Prague, coll. J. Háva). terior bi-sinuate edges, paralateral carinae Type strata. Lowermost Eocene, in am- distinct. Elytra with separately rounded ber, circa 53 Myr, Sparnacian, level MP7 of apices and usually leaving apex of pygidi- the mammal fauna of Dormaal. um not covered. Prosternal process rather Type locality. Farm Le Quesnoy, Chev- wide and widely rounded at apex. Posterior rière, region of Creil, Oise department edge of metaventrite between coxae almost (north of France). straight. Metacoxae moderately separated. Tarsomeres 1–4 very narrowly lobed to RESULTS simple. The posterior wing are shown in Fig. 19 and 20. Order COLEOPTERA Adult females. External characters are Family DERMESTIDAE corresponding with those in males. Diagnosis. The new genus is similar to Subfamily Trinodinae Casey, 1900 the genera Trinodes Dejean, 1821, Apsectus This subfamily can be diagnosed by the LeConte, 1854 and Evorinea Beal, 1961, (sub) erect, long and stout hairs on dorsum, but differs from them in the comparatively 11-segmented antennae with 1–6-segment- widely separated pro- and mesocoxae, and ed club, pronotum with paralateral striae, also truncate posterior edge of the metaven- prohypomera without depressions for re- trite between metacoxae. Besides, the char- ception of antennal club, prosternum some- acters given in the key below can be used for what projecting anteriorly. the diagnostics of the new genus. © 2010 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 19(1): 54–69 56 A.G. KIREJTSHUK ET AL. NEW TRINODINE GENUS AND SPECIES FROM LOWERMOST EOCENE AMBER Key to genera of the subfamily Trinodinae 9(8)b. Prosternal process incomplete, truncate or emarginate apically and abutting ante- 1a. Antennae ten-segmented; body form very rior mesoventral process; posterior edge of small, subcircular; median lobe of male geni- metaventrite between coxae with small me- talia not separated from parameres (tribe dian emargination (recent) . Trinoparvini Háva, trib. nov.) (recent) . Apsectus LeConte, 1854 . Trinoparvus Háva, 2004 1b. Antennae nine- or eleven-segmented; median Notes. Tribe Trinoparvini Háva trib. nov. lobe of male genitalia separated from para- (type genus: Trinoparvus Háva, 2004 recent), meres . 2 except the diagnostic features mentioned in 2(1)a. Antennae filiform (tribe Thylodriadini the above diagnosis, is characterised by the Mroczkowski, 1954) (recent) . 3 very small body (1.1–1.2 mm) and three- 2(1)b. Antennae with club . .4 segmented antennal club. The name of the 3(2)a. Antennae nine-segmented (recent) . Thylodrias Motschulsky, 1839 tribe has been already mentioned at various 3(2)b. Antennae eleven-segmented (recent) . web-sites. .Trichodryas Lawrence & Slipinski, 2005 4(2)a. Body elongate . 5 Key to the Oisenodes species 4(2)b. Body oval . 7 5(4)a. Body form very elongate and strongly 1a. Ultimate antennomere at most slightly longer convex; antennal club three-segmented than two previous ones combined; integu- (tribe Cretonodini Kirejtshuk & Azar in ment more smoothed and more finely punc- Kirejtshuk et al., 2009) (Lebanese amber) . tured, and comparatively less pubescent . 2 . Cretonodes 1b. Ultimate antennomere 1.5–2.0 times as long Kirejtshuk & Azar in Kirejtshuk et al., 2009 as two previous ones combined; integument 5(4)b. Body slightly elongate; antennal club more coarsely sculptured and punctured, and four-six-segmented (tribe Trichelodini Pea- also comparatively more pubescent . 4 cock, 1978) (recent) . .6 2(1)a. Metepisterna strongly widened posteri- 6(5)a. Procoxae strongly projecting, without orly; prosternal process with more convex plates; anterior mesoventral process very posterior edge (Figs 6, 21–23) . short and acute (recent) . O. clavatus sp. nov. .Hexanodes Blair, 1941 2(1)b. Metepisterna subparalell-sided or slightly 6(5)b. Procoxae not strongly projecting, with widened posteriorly; prosternal process with well developed plates; anterior mesoventral only slightly convex posterior edge . 3 process long and narrowly rounded (recent) 3(2)a. Head slightly narrower than pronotum; . Trichelodes Carter, 1935 antennae not longer than head width; dis- 7(4)a. Antennal club one- or two-segmented in tance between procoxae more than width of male, two-segmented in female; posterior femora; pronotal base about twice as long as margin of metaventrite without small me- its apex (Figs 14, 24) . O. oisensis sp. nov. dian emargination (recent and Baltic amber) 3(2)b. Head moderately narrower than prono- . Evorinea Beal,
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