April 4, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E407 chairman during this Congress, I will build on out the course of his more than a half-century There are many factors that contribute to those practices. career, Mr. Lionel has been widely considered school security that we should acknowledge in The resolution I am introducing today does the ‘‘Dean of the Nevada Bar,’’ and he served the bill’s report. four things. First, it celebrates Romani Amer- as the Chairman of the Board of Bar Exam- I am particularly interested in the work of ican Heritage. Second, it supports Inter- iners for several years. school architects who design schools and, for national Roma Day and the Department of Mr. Lionel has accumulated numerous decades, have worked successfully to address State’s robust engagement in related activities. awards and honors, including three honorary difficult safety challenges in school design. April 8 marks ‘‘International Roma Day’’ doctorate degrees from St. John’s University, As a direct result of school architects, around the world and is a day to celebrate the California Western School of Law, and the schools are engineered to be resilient against Romani culture and raise awareness of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He is the fires, and high winds caused by tornadoes. issues facing Romani people. Third, it com- first recipient of the Jurisprudence Award from School architects are taking on the chal- memorates the 75th anniversary of the de- the Nevada Anti-Defamation League. He won lenge of addressing the threat of active shoot- struction of the ‘‘Gypsy Family Camp’’ at the 2012 Liberty Bell Award, and in 2013 he ers in schools by developing designs that cre- Auschwitz. Fourth, it commends the U.S. Hol- was named Las Vegas Best Lawyers’ Lawyer ate visual blind spots in classrooms and hall- ocaust Memorial Museum for its critically im- of the Year. ways as well as engineering features that portant role in promoting remembrance of the Samuel Lionel is a fellow with the American would delay an active shooter long enough to Holocaust and educating about the genocide College of Trial Lawyers, a member of the allow first responders to arrive. of Roma. American Bar Association, the State Bar of It is my hope that stakeholders will also in- Madam Speaker, I respectfully ask all Mem- Nevada, and the Clark County Bar Associa- clude students and teachers who can provide bers to support this resolution and for its time- tion. He served as a member of the Ninth Cir- different perspectives on what constitutes ly consideration on the House Floor. cuit Senior Advisory Board from 1990 to 1996. school safety. f Remarkably, Mr. Lionel still practices law as For these reasons, I urge all my colleagues a Director at Fennemore Craig, and can be to join me in voting for H.R. 1593. PERSONAL EXPLANATION found at the local courthouse waiting his turn f to argue a case before the judge. Mr. Lionel, PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. ERIC SWALWELL along with his wife Lexy, continue to be active OF CALIFORNIA members of the Southern Nevada community. HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On the occasion of this centennial birthday, we wish him the very best. OF INDIANA Thursday, April 4, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Mr. SWALWELL of California. Madam Thursday, April 4, 2019 COORDINATING AND LEVERAGING Speaker, I missed votes on Monday, April 1. Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, on April Had I been present, I would have voted as fol- ACTIVITIES FOR SCHOOL SECU- RITY ACT 4, 2019, I missed Roll Call vote 153. Had I lows: been present for Roll Call 153, on passage of Roll Call Vote Number 137 (Passage of SPEECH OF S.J. Res. 7, a joint resolution to direct the re- H.R. 1593, the Coordinating and Leveraging moval of United States Armed Forces from for School Security (CLASS) Act of 2019): HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have YES; OF TEXAS not been authorized by Congress, I would Roll Call Vote Number 138 (Passage of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have voted ‘‘Yes.’’ H.R. 1590, the Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Monday, April 1, 2019 I am deeply dismayed and saddened by the Travel Exercise Act of 2019): YES; and ongoing civil war in Yemen. According to the Roll Call Vote Number 139 (Approval of the Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in United Nations High Commissioner for Refu- Journal): YES. strong support of H.R. 1593, Class Act of gees, this conflict has resulted in almost 22 f 2019, which addresses the increasing risks of million Yemenis in need of humanitarian as- security in schools. sistance due to the worsening violence, includ- HONORING THE BIRTHDAY OF As a senior member of the Homeland Secu- SAMUEL S. LIONEL ing over 2 million internally displaced persons, rity Committee, I ensure you that this bill will as well as over 190,000 refugees that have improve the safety plans and policies within fled to neighboring countries, such as Saudi HON. DINA TITUS our schools as well as the communication be- Arabia, Djibouti, and Somalia. I firmly believe OF NEVADA tween the homeland security and the Home- that it is important for the U.S. to continue to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES land Security Committee. support an end to the worsening violence and This Class Act will ensure a council within Thursday, April 4, 2019 prevent further human suffering. the Department of Homeland Security that co- Ms. TITUS. Madam Speaker, I am honored ordinates with school security departments of f to rise with Representative ERIC SWALWELL their policies, plans, and activities in regards JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMUNICA- today to offer our congratulations to Mr. Sam- to security, and require the Secretary of TIONS CENTER AUTHORITY uel S. Lionel, a resident of Las Vegas, Ne- Homeland Security to submit a report to Con- vada, who is celebrating his 100th Birthday on gress on the council’s effort. HON. ED PERLMUTTER April 7, 2019. Between January and May 2018, school OF COLORADO The son of immigrants, Sam Lionel grew up shootings averaged one per week. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the Bronx in New York City. He graduated Schools need to be buildings of safety law school at St. John’s University in 1940. where children can gain an education in Thursday, April 4, 2019 Shortly after he finished law school, the United peace. Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise States entered WWII, and Mr. Lionel joined During Homeland Security Committee mark- today to recognize and applaud the Jefferson the war effort. He fought with the 5th Army in ups of H.R. 1593, the ‘‘Coordinating and County Communications Center Authority on the campaign to liberate Italy. After the war, Leveraging Activities for School Security Act.’’ their one-year anniversary of establishment. Mr. Lionel taught at the United States Military I want to thank and recognize Chairman Jeffcom 911 is an emergency dispatch cen- Academy at West Point. He retired from the PAYNE for his tireless work to improve the De- ter that increased production, reduced over- reserves as a Lieutenant Colonel Judge Advo- partment of Homeland Security’s capability head cost, and created a more efficient public cate General. and capacity to provide services to our young- safety system by regionalizing eight emer- Mr. Lionel passed the Nevada Bar exam in est citizens. gency service agencies across Jefferson 1954. Together with the late former Nevada His dedication to meeting the homeland se- County. The company has overcome obsta- Governor Grant Sawyer, he founded the Lio- curity needs of children is greatly appreciated. cles in staffing shortages, technology updates, nel, Sawyer, and Collins Law Firm in 1967. The amendment I offer to H.R. 1593, the and changes to policies, procedures, and work The firm quickly became one of the largest ‘‘Coordinating and Leveraging Activities for flow processes in order to eliminate delays and most prestigious in the state, and Mr. Lio- School Security Act,’’ directs that any engage- and accomplish their role in public safety. nel represented many key gaming operators ment with stakeholders should be reflected in A workforce of 136 qualified call-takers, dis- and resorts on the Las Vegas Strip. Through- the final report provided by this bill. patchers, and supervisors were required to VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:50 Apr 05, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04AP8.011 E04APPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS.
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