THE ROMANCE OF SAVOY AND VI CTOR A MADEU S I I . H I S ST UA RT B RI DE THE MARCHESA A’ITELLESCH I WITH TWENTY- SI X FULL- PAGE I L LUSTRATIONS I N C L U DI N G T W O P H OTO GR A V U RE P L AT ES I N T W O VO L U M E S VOL I . ' U ° London H TCHINSON 59 CO . Paternoster ROW I 90 5 PR EFA C E HE connection between the Courts o f Great Britain and Savoy, and the mutual interests bind i ng the royal houses of these countries, supply a large o f fund historical incidents , the political i mportance of which culminate d under the reign o f Victor ’ ’ 1 d Orle an s . Amadeus I . and Anna o f The persistent attempts Louis XIV . to keep of Savoy in his iron hand , and the tenacity purpose by which Victor Amadeus overcame his manifold o f adversities, not small importance for the political of equilibrium Europe, form a most attractive theme , and suggested to the Author to attempt to meet the of o n approbation the reading public this subj ect . In entering into this work the Author has met with much assistance from several sources . She would first, with all due respect, wish to mention Her M r f o . Maj esty, Queen arghe ita Savoy Besides the gracious encouragement received from the illustrious M Sovereign, Her ajesty extended her courtesy to off ering the Author reproductions from her private of o f of collection portraits the Princes Savoy . A vi PR EFAC E similar privilege was conferred on the Author by His M of ajesty the King Italy, by whose gracious per mission the charming portrait of the Duchesse de Bourgogne in the Quirinal Palace is here reproduced . For these royal favours the Author desires to express her most warm and respectful gratitude . These portraits have added considerably to the interest of the book , and in her endeavour to produce a picture o f Court life at Turin in the seventeenth and early o f part the eighteenth century, will greatly conduce to help the success of a study on a period o f history but little known to England . The Author further wishes to take this opportunity o f expressing her thanks to the Principe di Scalea, who furnished her with notes and appropriate repro ductions relating to the short residence o f Victor M Amadeus in Sicily, to the Barone Antonio anno , “ by whose eff orts the strict rules of the cla usura ” of M papale the onastery at Pinerolo were infringed, and for the first time access was granted to reproduce ’ o f M the portrait the archesa di Spigno, the King s second wife, whose life terminated tragically in those ff precincts, and to the Conte Balbo Bertone, who a orded the Author information on the Contessa di Verrua . In addition to those friends who, absent or present, ff have o ered the Author a helping hand, she would wish to pay a tribute o f respect to the memory o f M K onsignore Lanza, Court Chaplain to the ing of PREFACE Italy, whose death has occurred during the progress ff of this work . The courtesy of this prelate a orded the Author an opportunity o f knowing o ne well versed in the history o f that House to which he was M deeply attached . It was also due to onsignore Lanza R Vi are n o that she obtai ned permission from oux e g , re re publishers , to reproduce the curious engraving p senting the Duke and Duchess of Savoy in adoration before the Holy Shroud . These senti ments of gratitude are extended to the Master of Peterhouse , for his assistance in historical of i nvestigations , and to the Directors the State o f o f Mi ni s tere ff Archives Turin, the des A aires o f Etrangeres in Paris , the Archives at Chambery, f O c and o the Record fli e in London . L ’ ENVOI A pretty tradition relates that when Edmund , Earl o f o f Lancaster, wooed and won the beautiful Blanche o f V. Navarre , the widowed Queen Henri , he brought from Provence the roses planted there by the Cru sade r s . , and thus instituted the badge of his House The rose is also the ancient and traditional flower of o f the House Savoy, established, it is said, in the 1 6 o f year 4 3 by the Queen of Cyprus , wife Duke Ludovico of Savoy . The roses that bloom under o f the grey sky the north , and those that luxuriate in ‘ o f o f the balmy clime Italy , form a nosegay blending perfumes that, side by side with the great interests / that have led to the unity of the royal Houses of ‘ o f Great Britain and Savoy, is a poetic emblem the feigning concord and the harmony of associations by h w ich the two countries are bound . C TE TS OF VOL ON N . I C HAPTER I I ET T Duc HEss OF O L HENR A , R EANS C HAPTE R II SAVOY I N OLDEN DAYS C HAPTER I I I TH E BIRT H OF VICT OR AMADEUS C HAPTER IV TH E REGENCY C HAPT ER V ANNA MARIA OF ORLEANS C HAPTER VI THE MARRIAG E OF PRINCESS ANNA C HAPTER VI I EARLY MARRI ED DAYS C HAPTER VIII IN THE WALDENSIAN VALLEY C HA PTER I X TH E CARNIVAL OF VENI CE AND I T S C ONSEQUENCES LLUSTRAT ONS TO V L I I O . I P t ra r i c VICTOR AMADEUS II . ( ho og vu e' F ront fpie e ’ LE S OF ANNA MARIA D OR ANS , FIR T QUEEN SICILY Fa cing page 2 8 T H E OLD CHAT EAU AT CHAMB ERY 5 2 T H E T - - B PT ST 6 REGEN , MARIE JEANNE A I E 4 VICT OR AMADEUS AT T H E AGE OF NINE 8 0 VICT OR AMADEUS AT T H E AGE OF EIGHT EEN I 38 T H E OLD CHAT EAU AT CHAMB ERY I 7 2 T H E P ZZ T O T I 8 IA A CAS ELL , URIN 7 T HE DUK E AND DUCHESS OF SAVOY W ORSHIP H O PING T E SS . SIND NE T H E P OF T H E T T ALACE VALEN INO , URIN T O I L T K OF VIC R AMADEUS , FIRS ING SICILY AND SARDINIA FACSIMILES T T OF T O I I LE ER VIC R AMADEUS . LET TER OF ANNA MARIA OF ORLEANS THE ROMA N C E OF S A VOY C HA PT E R I E N E D C ES S OF E S H RI TTA , U H ORL AN — d a The a ssoci a tion of the Houses of Stua rt a nd S a voy Ch a rles I . a n Henriett — — M a ria Birth of the future Duchess of Orlea n s Esca pe of the Queen to — — F ra nce The young Princess con fi ded to the ca re Of L a dy Morton The — — chi ld is conveyed in sa fety to her mother Her educa tion a t Cha illot Her a n a i n I 6 — n a n L XI V — ff present tio t Court 54 The coro tio Of ouis . The di er — ence of cha r a cter between the K ing a nd his brother Ann e of Austria chooses ’ — Prin cess Henrietta Anne for Monsieur s bride Description of the Princess E n a — n a The Queen a nd Princess return to gl nd Their receptio by Ch rles II . — — ’ M a rria ge dowry voted Imp a tien ce of Monsieur on his bride s return — — Violen t storm a t se a The a ttentions of the Duk e Of B uckingh a m Dea th z — a — a a n n of M a a rin The roya l m a rri ge Louis XI V. p ys tte tio s to his sister — — i n - l a w The suspicions of Monsieur a re roused The Comte de G uiche — ’ — Domestic troubles a rise Ma da me s politic a l i n fluenc e Louise de l a Va lliere — — ’ Birth Of the future Duchess Of S a voy i n I 66 9 M a da me s unha ppy life — — with Monsieur The Christening Of the Princess Triumph a l progress to — F la nders M a demoiselle de Montpensier rel a tes the ex perience of the e x — — p edi tion Monsieur continues to tormen t his wife M a da me lea ves for — — Engl a nd on a politica l mission The tre a ty of Dover The gra titude of ’ IV on a a a a n — H n n — R Louis X . M d me s ssist ce er sudde ill ess umours of — n - n a - be d — n f n O n poiso Sce es by her de th f The i di fere ce f Mo sieur The — ’ a B ossuet s a n . indigna tion of Ch rles II . or tio HE numerous works published of late years o n the last Princes of the H ou Se o f Stuart tend to confirm belief that the public interest is unabated as to all that concerns a subj ect of such unfailing of e fascination .
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