Sands of Time Screenplay and Series Pilot and Episodes 1-13 Are Also US Copyrighted

Sands of Time Screenplay and Series Pilot and Episodes 1-13 Are Also US Copyrighted

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THE UNIFIED FIELD THEORY ™ © EQUATION IS TRADE MARKED AND COPYRIGHTED WITH A US PATENT PENDING For use as a Super-Luminal Gravitational Communications System by Dr. Sean-David Morton, PhD, et al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any years ago a powerful, mysterious man approached the author. He had lived virtually all his life as a top director and high-level scientist involved in the Above Top Secret “Black World” of shadow government projects and research. He said he admired the service of the author in his undaunted quest to bring the truth to light and began a feed of crucial in- side information to be released to the public. When certain circumstances presented themselves he wanted to get the truth out to the world, “Before it was too late”, as our planet was, he said, “In grave danger!” But he could only tell the whole story after he had “moved on” to use his exact words. Two years ago his estate made available documents which were the basis for the book you now hold. This only being done with the agreement that this memoir change the names to protect still living family and active personell. So, after decades of silence, this truly incredible tale can finally be told. This story explains and clarifies practically all the mysteries research- ers have struggled with for years, putting all the puzzle pieces together of dark science, Black Ops and secret government conspiracies that have baffled those seeking the truth for many years. I hope this will shed light on these for everyone. I also present the completed Unified Field Theory upon which much of this remarkable science is based, and on which I now have a pending US Patent and Trademark. Call it a gift to mankind from our friends in the future as a preperation for the coming shifts. The story you are about to read is true. There are still forces out there that would literally stop at nothing to silence anyone who comes forward with what you are about to experience. But the persons, places, projects, science, history, events and experiments are all frighteningly real. SANDS OF TIME was novelized from the original notes for your en- lightenment and entertainment, and for the author’s additional protection, so “The Powers That Be” will not find it necessary to put a bullet through the author’s head, allowing you to write this all off as a quaint little “science fiction fantasy fairy tale” if you so desire. So Be It. I assure you it is not. It all started with my father, Doctor Theodore Humphrey, Senior, PhD, somewhere back when the sands of time in the hourglass of all of our lives was far fuller than it is today. A strange way to begin things really, as the more I reflect on it all in the disparate dark and bright corners of my memory, it’s truly a story about me, Dr. Theodore Humphrey, PhD, Junior. Or really just “Teddy” or “Ted” which was much more common with about everyone I ever knew. One of those great names that ages well, where you’re Teddy as a kid and to your close friends all your life, Ted as an adult with your business associates and Theodore as an old man, or ‘The Beaver’ to every bully on earth if you grew up in America in the 1950s, like I did.

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