YOUR TRAVEL MAGAZINE Heritage Food & Drink C u l t u r e Outdoors On Location DIAMOND HILL COUNTY GALWAY HISTORIC FAbulous Food IRELAND’S THE GREAT IRELAND LANDMARKS & DRINK CULTURE OUTDOORS ON SCREEN Drama and romance Delicious feasts to Urban escapes filled Walking Ireland’s Discover real-life Westeros in Ireland’s castles tempt the taste buds with warm welcomes tracks and trails in Northern Ireland MB20GBR01TIL Welcome WELCOMEWELCOME TOTO IRELANDIRELAND IfIf modernmodern lifelife hashas leftleft youyou yearningyearning forfor moremore authenticauthentic experiences,experiences, thenthen thethe islandisland ofof IrelandIreland isis thethe perfectperfect antidote.antidote. YouYou see,see, IrelandIreland isis moremore thanthan justjust aa destination,destination, it’sit’s aa feeling…feeling… It’sIt’s thethe thrillthrill ofof standingstanding atat thethe toptop ofof Donegal’sDonegal’s SlieveSlieve LeagueLeague cliffscliffs alongalong thethe WildWild AtlanticAtlantic Way.Way. It’sIt’s thethe sensationsensation youyou getget atat aa traditionaltraditional IrishIrish musicmusic session,session, suchsuch asas thethe onesones thatthat kickkick offoff inin MattMatt Molloy’sMolloy’s ofof Westport,Westport, CountyCounty Mayo,Mayo, oror thethe HouseHouse ofof McDonnellMcDonnell inin Ballycastle,Ballycastle, CountyCounty Antrim.Antrim. It’sIt’s thethe coolcool touchtouch ofof thethe ancientancient stonesstones thatthat dotdot thethe islandsislands ofof LoughLough Erne,Erne, CountyCounty Fermanagh.Fermanagh. TheThe shipbuildingshipbuilding heritageheritage ofof Belfast:Belfast: thethe citycity thatthat builtbuilt thethe Titanic.Titanic. AndAnd thethe chancechance toto seesee thethe real-lifereal-life locationslocations forfor HBO’sHBO’s GameGame ofof ThronesThrones®® oror thethe viewsviews fromfrom aa JediJedi knight’sknight’s islandisland hideaway,hideaway, asas seenseen inin StarStar Wars.Wars. It’sIt’s thosethose 100,000100,000 welcomeswelcomes youyou getget fromfrom thethe people.people. TheyThey saysay youyou shouldshould alwaysalways listenlisten toto youryour heart.heart. RightRight now,now, IrelandIreland cancan fillfill youryour heartheart withwith thethe goodgood stuff.stuff. • • Ireland.com CONTENTSCONTENTS 44 HiHistoricstoric LandmarksLandmarks TaTakeke aa triptrip intointo Ireland’sIreland’s fascinatingfascinating pastpast 88 FaFabulousbulous FoodFood && drinkdrink GeGett stuckstuck intointo thethe flavoursflavours ofof IrelandIreland 1212 IrIreland’seland’s CultureCulture AA cuculturalltural adventureadventure throughthrough festivals,festivals, liliteratureterature andand threethree ofof thethe island’sisland’s greatgreat citiescities 1616 ThThee GreatGreat OutdoorsOutdoors HeaHeadd intointo naturenature toto enjoyenjoy somesome ofof Ireland’sIreland’s bestbest outoutdoordoor delightsdelights 2020 IrIrelandeland OnOn ScreenScreen SeSeee whywhy IrelandIreland isis aa starstar ofof filmfilm andand TVTV 2424 PlPlacesaces toto staystay B&B&Bs,Bs, castles,castles, campingcamping andand eco-friendlyeco-friendly accommodationaccommodation 2626 AA gogolflf coursecourse calledcalled IrelandIreland SaSamplemple somesome ofof thethe island’sisland’s amazingamazing golfgolf coursescourses 2727 IrIrelandeland informationinformation YouYourr essentialessential guideguide toto thethe islandisland ofof IrelandIreland PUBLISHEDPUBLISHED BYBY MIX L;S Paper from ~o ~ Tourism Ireland t&lptlftliibl• et.lLlt'CM ~ FSC" C016201 (),recycle COPYCOPY ANDAND DESIGN:DESIGN: MAXMEDIAMAXMEDIA IRELANDIRELAND LIMITEDLIMITED PRINTING:PRINTING: WW && GG BAIRDBAIRD 2 PEACEPEACE BRIDGEBRIDGE 33 DERRYDERRY~~LONDONDERRYLONDONDERRY mm_ti_MBL20_GB_TP_V2.2.indd 3 21/10/2019 14:14 Heritage reland’s historic landmarks are not all about bricks and mortar. As you walk up the 800-year-old stone steps at HISTORIC LANDMARKS IHook Head Lighthouse in County Wexford; wander through the 17th century pleasure gardens at Loughcrew in County Meath; or stare up at a round tower built nearly 900 years ago by monks at Devenish Island in Lough Erne, County Fermanagh – it’s good to take some time to absorb the history embedded in these walls. Nothing captures the imagination quite like a good story, and on the island of Ireland, you don’t have to look far to find one. In towns and villages, on hillsides and cliff-edges – especially around Ireland’s Ancient East – you’ll find battlements, fortifications and historic mansions that fizz with tales of lavish parties, fascinating characters and even a ghost or two. Take the eerie 16th century Leap Castle in County Offaly, which claims to be the “world’s most haunted location”. Or Carrickfergus, a Norman stronghold in County Antrim, which has been besieged by the Scots, Irish, English and French over its 800 year history. And just because the island’s grand country houses look genteel, it doesn’t mean they don’t have their own tales of intrigue, like Westport House in County Mayo. Today, it may be the very picture of aristocratic elegance, but step down into the dungeons and you can see the remains of the castle that once belonged to the notorious 16th century pirate queen, Grace O’Malley. Ireland’s early Christian history is also packed with fascinating stories and beautiful settings. Dating from the mid-6th century, Clonmacnoise was established by St Ciarán on an idyllic site on the River Shannon – stroll around here and you’re catapulted back to an age of “saints and scholars”. At Gallarus Oratory on Slea Head in County Kerry, you can still experience what drew monks here hundreds of years ago – heart-stirring views of the brooding Three Sisters coastal peaks and the vast coastal bay of Smerwick Harbour. And on St Patrick’s Trail, which weaves through key sites linked to Ireland’s patron saint in counties Armagh and Down, beauty abounds, especially at tranquil Saul Church. It’s inevitable that a journey into Ireland’s past will lead to Ireland’s cities, whether it’s the Viking history of Dublin and Waterford or Titanic-era Belfast. And, whichever one you visit, a compelling piece of history awaits. Walk the 400-year-old walls in Derry~Londonderry, where cannons roared during the 17th century. Travel back to the Middle Ages with a stroll along Kilkenny’s Medieval Mile. Or imagine the life of a Norman soldier at the 13th century King John’s Castle in Limerick. On the island of Ireland, you can experience history like never before. • 4 DEVENISH ISLAND 5 COUNTY FERMANAGH Heritage PHOTO: GARETH MCCORMACK 1 2 3 CASTLES OF DREAMS 4 5 6 Ireland’s castles are set in some of the most beautiful DUNGUAIRE CASTLE COUNTY GALWAY parts of the island, from tranquil lakefronts to the edge of dramatic coastal cliffs. We look at three of the most captivating… called the Waterford Treasures. Here, the Medieval Museum, Bishop’s Palace and Reginald’s Tower (pictured) recount the story of the city, from its foundations 1,100 years ago by the STEP INTO th Vikings to an era of Georgian opulence in the 18 century. 4 Derryglad Folk and Heritage Museum County Roscommon THE STORIES Ireland’s history is about big dramatic events, but it’s also about ravel around Ireland and you’ll quickly discover that castles dunguaire has one of the most scenic locations Museums, galleries and visitor attractions on the the life and times of ordinary people. At this small family- There have the power to stop you in your tracks with their on the island of ireland. no wonder it’s the most owned museum you’ll discover a trove of humble objects that sheer good looks. Whether it’s a crumbling 12th century pile island of Ireland bring the past to life, from the hopes " photographed castle in the west and dreams of emigrants to the creativity of the Celts show what life was really like not so very long ago. Examine overlooking a glassy lake, a gracious Baronial mansion set in horse-drawn farm machinery, browse the display of school life, glistening green fields or a dramatic cliffside ruin pounded by " and visit a reconstructed 1930s bar and grocery – the heart of waves, these structures never fail to surprise and delight. 1 The National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology Dublin every country town. A good place to start is with Dunguaire Castle. Nestled on everything from the stories behind the portraits, to a remarkable The big draw at the National Museum is Ireland’s Bronze Age the south shore of Galway Bay, this 16th century tower house temple in the basement that is devoted to the Egyptian goddess, jewellery. Exquisitely crafted between 2200BC and 500BC, it’s 5 Ulster American Folk Park County Tyrone is built on the site of a 7th century fort. It’s fairly modest – as Isis. And don’t miss the gardens at Huntington – laid out in the one of the most important prehistoric gold collections in Europe. Emigration to the New World is central to Ireland’s story, and castles go – but its history takes in the clans of Ireland, Queen 1680s, they’re filled with lawns, ponds and beautiful woodland. Within the museum, you’ll also find remarkably preserved bog at this vast folk park you can walk into houses from the period, Elizabeth I of England, the Celtic revival of the early 20th century For a total contrast, go north as far as you can go, to Antrim bodies from the Iron Age, an exhibition on Viking Ireland and both Irish and American. The buildings were either moved from and a divorce case so scandalous that it triggered a change in on the rugged Causeway Coast, where you’ll find the ruins of the beautifully decorated 8th century Ardagh Chalice. their original sites, or replicated, and show
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