April 22, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E639 THE CONGRESSIONAL YOUTH AD- his retirement from service.—Anita sary. It is the vision, innovation, and commit- VISORY COUNCIL: A LEGACY OF Chandrahas ment of Denver Health that continually en- SERVICE f hances the lives of our citizens and builds a TRIBUTE TO DENVER HEALTH better future for Coloradoans and for all Amer- HON. SAM JOHNSON icans. OF TEXAS HON. DIANA DeGETTE f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF COLORADO HONORING TAYLOR MILLS AS A Thursday, April 22, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STUDENT LEADER Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Madam Thursday, April 22, 2010 Speaker, I ask my fellow colleagues to join me HON. JOHN BOOZMAN Ms. DEGETTE. Madam Speaker, along with in congratulating the 2009–2010 Congres- OF ARKANSAS Representative ED PERLMUTTER, I would like sional Youth Advisory Council. This year 45 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES students from public, private, and home to recognize the exceptional endeavors and schools in grades 9 through 12 made their notable undertakings of an extraordinary pub- Thursday, April 22, 2010 voices heard and made a difference in their lic hospital system in Denver, Colorado. It is Mr. BOOZMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise to communities, their country and their Congress. fitting and proper that we recognize this out- honor Taylor Mills, a student leader at the Uni- These students volunteered their time, effort, standing institution for its innovation in the versity of Arkansas. and talent to inform me about the important health care field and for its enduring service to A dedicated student and an active indi- issues facing their generation. As young lead- care for the people of our state. It is to com- vidual, Taylor Mills has quickly distinguished ers within their communities and their schools, mend this outstanding and distinguished insti- himself as an influential leader among the stu- these students boldly represent the promise tution that we rise to honor Denver Health on dents of the University of Arkansas. He has and the hope we all have for their very bright the occasion of its 150th Anniversary. served in various leadership positions around future. Since 1860, Denver Health has been pro- campus, such as the president of the Red President Ronald Reagan said, ‘‘Freedom is viding essential, quality health care services Cross, vice president of Hogs for Haiti, and as never more than one generation away from for the metropolitan area. It is astonishing to the president of One World RSO. Maintaining extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in think about what an integral role Denver his motivation to be a well rounded individual, the bloodstream. It must be fought for, pro- Health has played over the last 150 years. It Mills conducts research for the Terrorism Re- tected, and handed on for them to do the has been a community institution since Abra- search Center as well as serves as the intern same, or one day we will spend our sunset ham Lincoln was elected President; sixteen coordinator for Winrock International. All of years telling our children and our children’s years before Colorado even became a state. this has culminated in his nomination as Stu- children what it was once like in the United Denver Health has been here since the days dent Leader of the Week. States where men were free.’’ of duels and horse-drawn ambulances; since Taylor Mills serves as an inspiration for all To ensure that the blessing of freedom is before the Civil War even began. The hospital of us, showing what hard work and dedication passed from one generation to the next, the began in a small log cabin and has trans- can lead to. I have seen his hard work first members of the CYAC spent time interviewing formed into the extraordinary institution we hand as an intern in my office and am proud a veteran and documenting the experience for know today, serving twenty-five percent of of what he has accomplished. I believe this the ‘‘Preserving History Project.’’ Today I’m Denver residents and one in every three Den- man is capable of great things not only for the proud to submit the brief summaries provided ver children. Last year alone, Denver Health State of Arkansas, but also for the entirety of so the patriotic service of our dedicated vet- provided approximately $350 million in uncom- the United States. Thank you, Taylor Mills, for erans and the thoughtful work of the CYAC pensated care to the uninsured and medically all you have done at your time at the Univer- may be preserved for antiquity in the CON- needy. sity of Arkansas and all you will continue to GRESSIONAL RECORD. A copy of each sub- The first sentence in Denver Health’s mis- do. We look forward to seeing what you will mitted student summary follows. sion statement is a testament to its commit- accomplish. To each member of the Congressional ment to the health of our citizens. It reads: f Youth Advisory Council, thank you for making ‘‘Provide access to the highest quality health this year and this group a success. It is not a care, whether for prevention, or acute and HONORING REVEREND JAMES coincidence that this congressional tribute chronic diseases regardless of ability to pay.’’ COFFEE celebrates two generations of service. Each of Serving as the safety-net provider for the com- you is trusted with the precious gift of free- munity, Denver Health faces obstacles year HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY dom. after year as the uninsured population con- OF CALIFORNIA You are the voices of the future and I salute tinues to increase. Denver Health’s pioneering IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES you. God bless you and God bless America. leadership has been innovative in developing The summary follows: tools to reduce cost, curb waste, and improve Thursday, April 22, 2010 As a 1st rank navel veteran, Mr. Harvey F. quality for our most vulnerable populations. Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise with Spears has had many awe-inspiring experi- In addition to its role as our primary safety- sadness today to honor a man who was a ences. In particular he was involved in law net hospital, Denver Health provides a number dear friend to me and a giant in our commu- enforcement and weapons control in his mili- of other services to the surrounding commu- nity. Reverend James Coffee of Santa Rosa, tary career, which lasted 20 years. In the Navy, he was the Command Master in Arms nities and region. Denver Health operates the California, passed away April 6, 2010, at the (CMAA) and was involved in the Navy Secu- city’s school based health centers, Denver’s age of 76, after a life that touched thousands rity Guard. He comes from a history of fam- 911 emergency response system, provides of lives. He will be deeply missed. ily serving their country through various as- correctional facility care, and houses the Den- Raised in Oklahoma when segregation was pects of the military. He helped found the ver Public Health Department. Denver Health the rule of the day, Rev. Coffee moved to the Veterans Association just before graduating also serves the surrounding region by housing San Francisco Bay Area as a teenager. He from the University of North Texas in Den- the regional Rocky Mountain Poison Control was first invited to be the pastor of Community ton, Texas; currently, Mr. Spears is the Center, Rocky Mountain Center for Medical Baptist Church in Santa Rosa in 1962 while president of the Veterans Association at UNT, which helps veterans gaining an edu- Response and the Rocky Mountain Regional studying at Golden Gate Baptist Seminary in cation at the University of North Texas to Trauma Center. Denver Health is truly a sys- Mill Valley. A year later, he accepted the posi- fully access all the resources available to tem of integrated care. tion and took on a small congregation of 15 them. Denver Health’s physicians, leadership, and African American members. I absolutely enjoyed talking to him and re- medical professionals have received an array Rev. Coffee was engaged in the civil rights alized that he had been through much that of local and national accolades for their inno- struggles of those times, including the 1956 even I could learn from. I was also amazed at vation and commitment to achieving the high- Montgomery bus boycott where he met Rev. how many places he has been to, seeing as I have never been outside the country. Ulti- est quality of patient care. Denver Health Martin Luther King, Jr. Racial tensions existed mately, I admire his leadership ability to leads the way in innovation and improvement in Sonoma County also. In 1985 the church create an organization for veterans as an in quality and efficiency. was damaged in a fire that Rev. Coffee be- alumnus of the university and still play a Please join me in commending Denver lieved to be arson, possibly because of his prominent role in his community, even after Health on the occasion of its 150th Anniver- stand against apartheid and his success in VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:28 Apr 23, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22AP8.064 E22APPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E640 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 22, 2010 persuading the Board of Supervisors to with- of my colleagues the work of Take Stock in With regards to education, Israel has the draw investments in South Africa. Many in the Children. This organization offers extraordinary highest ratio of university degrees in the world, community rallied around the church, contrib- educational and mentoring programs for dis- so it is no surprise that Israel has become a uting time and money to the repairs and later advantaged youth throughout the state of Flor- leader in the health, science, and technology to the building of a new church.
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