2015/1 HISTORICA REVUE PRO HISTORII A přÍbuzNé vědy ROČNÍK 6 2015/1 REVUE REVUE PRO HISTORII A přÍBUZNÉ VědY HISTORICA 0 1 9771803 755008 HISTORICA REVUE PRO HISTORII A přÍBUZNÉ vědy 2015/1 HISTORICA 2015/1 INDEX Revue pRo histoRii a příbuzné vědy • ROČNÍK 6 STUDIES REDAKČNÍ RADA Prof. PhDr. et dr. h. c. Milan Myška, DrSc. (předseda, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě) TERESA PAC Prof. PhDr. Aleš Zářický, Ph.D. (mí sto předseda, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě) 1 Christianization of Fourteenth-Century Gdańsk Mgr. Petr Kadlec, Ph.D. (výkonný redaktor, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě) Mgr. Jiří Brňovják, Ph.D. (Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě) JAN KILIÁN Prof. Gary B. Cohen (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA) 17 Mining in the Town of Kašperské Hory During Prof. zw. dr hab. Wacław Długoborski (Muzeum Holokaustu, Oświęcim, Polsko) the Thirty Years’ War Prof. zw. dr hab. Ryszard Kaczmarek (Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice, Polsko) Prof. PhDr. Jan Keller, CSc. (Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě) BOGUSŁAW CZECHOWICZ Prof. PhDr. Eduard Kubů, CSc. (Univerzita Karlova v Praze) 27 „…když se pán voli v Praze na rathúzi…” : Ideological Doc. PhDr. Marián Skládaný, CSc. (Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava, Slovensko) Programmes of Town Halls and Proceedings Dr hab. Janusz Spyra (Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, Polsko) Legitimizing the Rights for the Czech Throne Doc. PhDr. Pavel Šopák, Ph.D. (Slezské zemské muzem, Opava) in the XIV–XV Century Prof. PhDr. Josef Válka, CSc. (Masarykova univerzita, Brno) Prof. PhDr. Vladimír Wolf, CSc. (Slezská univerzita v Opavě) JANA DAVIDOVÁ GLOGAROVÁ REDAKČNÍ KRUH Prof. PhDr. Lumír Dokoupil, CSc. (Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě) 43 Complaints and Laments as Historical Source : Prof. PhDr. Tomáš Krejčík, CSc. (Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě) Exemplified by The Works of Václav Černý, Prof. PhDr. Jiří Štaif, CSc. (Univerzita Karlova v Praze) Ladislav Jehlička, Jan Zahradníček and Jakub Arbes Prof. PhDr. Radek Fukala, Ph.D. (Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem) HANNA KOZIŃSKA-WITT Doc. PhDr. Bohumír Smutný, Dr. (Moravský zemský archiv v Brně) Doc. Mgr. Lukáš Fasora, Ph.D. (Masarykova univerzita, Brno) 58 Kraków Municipality and Jewish Denomination PhDr. Jan Hájek, CSc. (Historický ústav AV ČR, Praha) Church : Provisional Municipal Statute for the Royal PhDr. Jana Machačová, CSc. (Slezské zemské muzeum, Krnov) Capital Kraków (1866) and its Effect PhDr. Daniela Rywiková, Ph.D. (Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě) Mgr. Jana Grollová, Ph.D. (Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě) MARTIN VAŠÍČEK 69 Students of the First Czech Grammar School in Brno in the Years 1870–1938 OBSAH ADAM ŽIDEK 87 Nationalization of industry in Austria in the years ČláNKY A STUDIE LITERATURA 1945–1955 TERESA PAC Recenze 1 Christianization of Fourteenth-Century Gdańsk LITERATURE 101 KLEISNER, Tomáš: Medaile císaře Ferdinanda 101 Reviews JAN KILIÁN Dobrotivého (1793–1875) : Kritická edice sbírky 108 Literature Reports 17 Kašperskohorské hornictví v období třicetileté války Národního muzea / Medals of the Emperor Ferdinand (1793–1875) : Collection of the National Museum, BOGUSŁAW CZECHOWICZ 118 CHRONICLE 27 „…když se pán voli v Praze na rathúzi…” : Programy Prague. Praha: Národní muzeum 2013, 192 s. ideowe ratuszy a działania legitymizujące prawa ISBN 978-80-7036-396-6 (Květoslav Growka – Karel Müller) do tronu czeskiego w XIV–XV wieku HISTORICA REVUE PRO HISTORII A přÍBUZNÉ vědy JANA DAVIDOVÁ GLOGAROVÁ 102 LIŠKA, Anton: Cholerová epidémia z roku 1831 a jej Vychází dvakrát ročně. Toto číslo vyšlo 22. června 2015 43 Křiky a pláče jako historický pramen : Příklad textů priebeh v prešovskej eparchii. Prešov : Prešovská Cena 100 Kč + poštovné Václava Černého, Ladislava Jehličky, univerzita, 2012, 164 s. ISBN 978-80-555-0691-3 Vydává Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, Jana Zahradníčka a Jakuba Arbese (Ján Golian) Dvořákova 7, 701 03 Ostrava, CZ, IČ: 61988987 HANNA KOZIŃSKA-WITT 103 JEMELKA, Martin (ed.): Ostravské dělnické kolonie, Adresa redakce: Katedra historie, Filozofická fakulta, 58 Krakauer Munizipalität und jüdische II : Závodní kolonie kamenouhelných dolů a koksoven Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, Reální 5, Konfessionsgemeinde : Provisorisches ve slezské části Ostravy. Ostrava : Filozofická fakulta 701 03 Ostrava, CZ Gemeindestatut für die königliche Hauptstadt Ostravské univerzity v Ostravě, 2012, 736 s. e-mail: [email protected] Krakau (1866) und seine Wirkung ISBN 978-80-7464-190-9 (Oldřich Klepek) Vedoucí redaktor: Milan Myška MARTIN VAŠÍČEK 106 HANUŠ, Jiří a kol.: Nostalgie v dějinách. Brno : Výkonný redaktor: Petr Kadlec 69 Studenti prvního českého gymnázia v Brně Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2014, Obálka, grafická úprava a sazba: Kazimierz Gajdzica v letech 1870–1938 148 s. ISBN 978-80-7325-335-6 (Pavlína Nováčková) Obrázek na titulní straně: Tympanon portálu radnice ve Vratislavi ADAM ŽIDEK 108 Zprávy o literatuře (foto Bogusław Czechowicz) 87 Zestátnění průmyslu v Rakousku Překlady: Marcel Eliáš (ang.), Jiří Knap (něm.), v letech 1945–1955 118 KRONIKA Jakub Vala (ang.) Tisk a vazba: , s. r. o., Český Těšín Distribuce: Prodejna skript Ostravské univerzity, © Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, Filozofická fakulta, 2015 Mlýnská 5, 701 03 Ostrava 1 MK ČR E 18625 ISSN 1803-7550 tel.: 597 091 034, e-mail: [email protected] HISTORICA REVUE PRO HISTORII a příbUZNÉ věDY 2015/1 1 ČLÁNKY A STUDIE Christianization of Fourteenth-Century Gdańsk* TERESA PAC Pac, Teresa: Christianization of Fourteenth-Century Gdańsk The article studies the dynamics of the construction of a Christian image in fourteenth-cen- tury Gdańsk, as manifested in architecture, urban space, and artwork. This study demon- strates that the city’s Christian image was not only formed by the Teutonic Knights, a Chris- tian military order that governed Gdańsk during this time, but by many social groups representing all strata of the city’s residents, sometimes supported by external powers, in the process of negotiating social and urban statuses. Consequently, the city’s architecture, urban space, and artwork were not only an expression of religious beliefs or of a particular artistic style, but also a manifestation of social, economic, and political identities. Key words christianization * Gdańsk * teutonic knights * medieval art * medieval archi- tecture * medieval saints * medieval city Contact University of Central Oklahoma, [email protected] Fourteenth-century Gdańsk was an important Hanseatic-trading center located in the ethnically and religiously diverse Prussia of the Teutonic Order.1 Enhanced by its location in the middle of the Baltic commerce routes, the city traded a variety of goods, including grain, amber, and wood, to all parts of the European continent.2 Because of the trading activities, Gdańsk’s population dramatically increased from 7,000 in the thirteenth cen- tury to 14,000 by the end of the fourteenth century.3 Mainly of Polish backgrounds in the thirteenth century, with a small number of Prussians and Germanic people, by the four- teenth century the city’s residents were predominantly of German origins, representing different Germanic cultures, while Polish and Prussian population groups constituted a minority of Gdańsk’s cultural and language makeup. The remarkable demographic growth fostered the complete rebuilding of Gdańsk un- der the Kulm Law. In this process of urban transformation, the thirteenth-century city – * This paper expands one of the chapters of my dissertation: PAC, Teresa: Churches at the Edge : A Comparative Study of Christianization Processes along the Baltic Sea in the Middle Age : Gdańsk and Novgorod. State Univer- sity of Binghamton 2005, pp. 118–154. 1 I would like to thank Catherine Kempf, Buss Kato, and Paul Gato for reading and editing drafts of this paper. 2 PLUSKOWSKI, Aleksander: The Archaeology of the Prussian Crusade : Holy War and Colonisation. London 2013, pp. 239, 316. 3 As in any medieval city, the number is highly estimated at each time, but the double demographic growth is indisputable. PAC, T.: Churches, p. 139. 2 HISTORICA REVUE PRO HISTORII a příbUZNÉ věDY 2015/1 comprised of the princely stronghold, the fishing station, the trading-craft area around the Dominican church of Saint Nicholas and the parish church of Saint Catherine, and the Cistercian Abbey located near the city – developed into a set of urban enclaves: the Knights’ castle (on the site of the princely castle); the fishing station; the Old Town around the church of Saint Catherine; the Main Town incorporating the Dominicans; the suburbs; and the gardens.4 Evolving from the existing small trading stations, the Main Town became a center of civic and trading activities, separated by a brick wall from the other compo- nents of the city.5 As is often the case during a colonization process, the Old Town received much less attention, but a lack of the city wall suggests that it was open for further expan- sion. Moreover, the fishing station was shifted to Osiek (Hackelwerk), near the Knights’ castle, to provide them with fish. The increased trading activities were manifested by the construction of 130 granaries, a shipyard, and an English trading colony.6 At the same time, a significant number of ecclesiastical public architecture made of brick arose against the wooden fabric of residential houses to serve both the old and new residents of the city.7 Built mostly in the second half of the fourteenth-century, Gdańsk churches were a few times larger than the residential buildings, and thereby visually projected the city’s Chris- tian image, which
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