Week Ending Friday, February 6, 1998 Remarks Honoring the 1997 Stanley When I met Vladi in there a few minutes Cup Champion Detroit Red Wings ago, I reminded him that I am term-limited in my present position, and I asked him to January 30, 1998 take a picture with me. I said, you know, you can't ever tell, I might want to run for office The President. Commissioner Bettman, in Russia some day. [Laughter] So he agreed Coach Bowman. To Denise Ilitch-Lites and to do it. I expect it to be in the papers in all the members of the Ilitch family, please Moscow any dayÐ[laughter]Ðand I expect tell Mike and Marian we're thinking about my popularity to soar as a result of it. [Laugh- them. Senator Abraham, Congressman and ter] And we thank him so much. Mrs. Dingell, thank you so much for being I also want to say, I know we're all thinking here. Congressman Kildee, Congressman about Sergei Mnatsakanov. Our thoughts and Knollenberg, Congressman Levin, Congress- prayers are with him and with his family. man Stupak, former Senator Reigle, former Now let me thank the entire team for let- Governor Blanchard. And to the very proud ting us borrow the Cup to display here at mayor of Detroit, Mayor Archer. the White House. You've earned it, and I Teddy Roosevelt became famous for many don't expect you to give it up without a fight. things, but one of them was his great saying, So congratulations on your victory, and good ``Speak softly and carry a big stick''Ðadvice luck in 1998. the Red Wings have taken literally. [Laugh- Thank you. And now I'd like to introduce ter] No one has to remind anyone else that Senator Levin. Thank you very much. you are the Stanley Cup champion. You [At this point, Senator Carl Levin and Denise didn't just win the Stanley Cup, you swept Ilitch-Lites made brief remarks, followed by a strong Flyers team in four games after fin- Coach Scotty Bowman, who made brief re- ishing with the best record in the league. marks and presented the President with a Your coach's name is engraved on the cup miniature Stanley Cup replica with the Presi- so many times, I'm surprised it's not called dent's name engraved on it.] the Stanley Bowman Cup now. [Laughter] But it's the first Stanley Cup for your cap- The President. Oh, thank you. [Inaudible] tain, Steve Yzerman. Steve, you and your [At this point, Steve Yzerman made brief re- teammates proved that the Red Wings were marks and presented the President with a the best hockey team in the world. And now personalized Red Wings jersey.] all of your games will be engraved forever The President. Oh, isn't it great? [Ap- on this historic cup. plause] Thank you. Thank you so much. Bless There's one member of this team I espe- you. cially want to mention, because I know how much Vladimir Konstantinov means to every- NOTE: The President spoke at 5:16 p.m. in the one here. And I just met him, and I'm East Room at the White House. In his remarks, thrilled that he's here. Thank you, Vladimir. he referred to Gary Bettman, commissioner, Na- [Applause] Thank you. tional Hockey League; Red Wings owners Mike Vladi, we know how hard you are working, and Marian Ilitch, and their children, Denise Ilitch-Lites, Ronald Ilitch, and Lisa Ilitch-Murray; and how far you have come since your acci- Debbie Dingell, wife of Representative John D. dent last summer. You are showing every day Dingell; former Governor James J. Blanchard of that you have the heart of a champion, and Michigan; Mayor Dennis W. Archer of Detroit; you're showing even greater courage off the and Red Wings defenseman Vladimir ice. Konstantinov and team masseur Sergei 175 VerDate 28-OCT-97 10:49 Feb 11, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P06FE4.002 p06fe4 176 Jan. 30 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 Mnatsakanov, both of whom were seriously in- (a) make full use of best commercial jured in an automobile accident a few days after practices when purchasing instruc- the Stanley Cup finals in June 1997. This item tional software; was not received in time for publication in the (b) work with businesses, universities, appropriate issue. and other appropriate entities to fos- ter a competitive market for elec- Memorandum on Enhancing tronic instruction; Education Through Technology (c) develop a model technical approach to facilitate electronic instruction January 30, 1998 building on existing agency efforts, Memorandum for the Heads of Executive such as the Advanced Distributed Departments and Agencies Learning Initiative Partnership; and (d) develop and support a program of re- Subject: Enhancing Learning and Education search that will accelerate the devel- Through Technology opment and adoption of new instruc- The Federal Government continually in- tional technologies. vests in training its employees. Federal agen- 2. The Secretary of Education and the Sec- cies have an obligation to provide the best retary of Labor shall work together to pro- training for their employees at the lowest mote adoption of the best new ways of using possible cost. Federal agency training pro- technology to enhance training and edu- grams should be model users of new tech- cation in programs that provide Federal sup- nologies to enhance learning. Many agencies port for education and training. are already improving training by using new 3. The NEC, in coordination with the Of- technology effectively, but more can be fice of Management and Budget, the OSTP, done. New instructional technologies can and other appropriate Federal Government also make education, at work and at home, entities, shall develop a national strategy to easier and more convenient for all American promote high-quality education and training workers. Federal programs that provide fi- opportunities that can be offered in a manner nancial support for lifelong learning should that is efficient, affordable, and convenient. adapt to the new opportunities technology Industry, universities, labor unions, and other provides. A Federal Government-wide effort stakeholders should be consulted in the de- is needed to explore how Federal programs velopment of the strategy. The strategy shall and initiatives can better support the use of be completed within 6 months of the date technologies for lifelong learning. Therefore, of this memorandum. I hereby direct as follows: William J. Clinton 1. The National Economic Council (NEC), in consultation with the Chief Information NOTE: This item was not received in time for pub- Officers Council (CIOC) as established by lication in the appropriate issue. Executive Order 13011 of July 16, 1996, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Memorandum on Renewal of the and the Office of Science and Technology China-United States Trade Policy (OSTP), shall investigate how to make Agreement full use of emerging technologies to improve the cost-effectiveness and the quality of Fed- January 30, 1998 eral training programs. Specifically, I direct Presidential Determination No. 98±13 that within 6 months from the date of this memorandum the NEC, in consultation with Memorandum for the United States Trade CIOC, OPM, and OSTP, provide me a plan Representative identifying areas in which technology-en- hanced training and learning may com- Subject: Renewal of Trade Agreement with plement conventional Federal training and the People's Republic of China learning. The plan should describe how the Pursuant to my authority under subsection agencies, when feasible and appropriate, will: 405(b)(1)(B) of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 VerDate 28-OCT-97 10:49 Feb 11, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P06FE4.002 p06fe4.
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