RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVI., NO. 46. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1944. SECTION 'ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 Sea Scout Dance Sailor in Hospital Ed vonKattengell, 59, Tomorrow Night Fair Haven, Rutnson Hartshorne House, All who attend the dance to be given tomorrow night In the Red Postmaster, Succumbs Bank Catholic high school auditor- Homes Change Hands Built In 1670, Sold ium by the Sea Scout Ship North Star will be "piped" aboard. Bob Haliigan's orchestra will play for Pioneer Auto Dealer And dancing from 8:30 o'clock until William H. Hintelmann, Realtor, midnight New Owner Of Middletown Sea Scouts will give a demonstra- Former License Agent tion and there will be on display Broker In Three Realty Transactions Property Is Winston E. Kock ••- boat models, relative bearing chart, -•- Ed. vonKattengell, postmaster at splicers and other nautical equip- Eldon Harvey has sold his Bat- Red Bank for the past eight years ment used by the Scout* to pass tia Road, Fair Haven residence to The Hartshorne homestead at and one of the oldest automobile requirement*. Invitations have been Hebrew Society Paul Smith of Point Pleasant. The Dr. Clayton At Middletown village, built in WTC. dealers in this section In years of extended to the Girl Mariners to property has a frontage on the and believed to be one of the old* service to the community, died sud- attend. Has Nominations East side of Battln Road of 100 est residences iri the country, baa denly Tuesday morning at his home Arrangements for the affair are feet, running through to Fourth Atlantic Highlands been sold to Winston E. Kock tan at 19 Rector place. He had been In charge of Frank McHugh, Jr., Creek. Th* residence, which Is of ecutlve in the Bell laboratories at attend to his duties at the post- chairman; Edward Welristein and Election In June frame construction with slate roof, Holmdel, by Mr. and Mrs. Edward office. He was stricken about 3 William Shampanore. contains three master bedrooms, Missionary To Speak A. Early, ,who have occupied the; o'clock Tuesday morning and his Supper May 14 one maids' room, two baths, lav- At Union Service :ace since 1941. The transaction physician, Dr. D. V. Manahan, was atory, living room, dining room, as announced yesterday by Sole* .on Waterbury, Red Bank realtor' with him for three hours, He died Max Lerner Will and kitchen. It U equipped with Dr. Edward H. Clayton, a native at 8:45 a. m. Officers nominated at Tuesday oil burning hot water heat. There who negotiated the sale. ' night'* meeting of the Ladies' He- of Lincroft and well known mis- The house consists of eight rooms Mr. vonKattengell, who was 88 brew society of Red Bank were is a two-car garage on the prem- sionary of the American Baptist years old, was the son of the late Speak On "After ises. Mr. Smith is asiociated with WILLIAM V. FISLBR of early American design, contain* Mrs. David Bulkln for president, Foreign Mission society, will speak three large colonial fireplaces, twisv Ferdlnando and Emmy Relmer Mrs. Maurice Stalberg for first vice the D'Arcy Advertising Company William Frederick Fisler, 19, son at the union evening service of the vonKattengell. His family at one president, Mrs. May Newman for of New York city. He will occupy Hving-rooras with authentic hand- Victory,^What?" the property as his all-year home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisler of Third avenue churches of Atlantic hewn beams, original Dutch doors time owned considerable real estate second vice president, Mrs. M. L. Broadway, Belford, a gunner in the Highlands Sunday at 8 p. m. In the at Red Bank and vicinity. Wasser tor recording secretary, about June 1, The sale wag ef- with brass locks and hand-wrought fected by William H. Hintelmann Navy, Is in a hospital at San Diego, Central Baptist church of that bor- hinges, and^ Is situated on_an acre Mr, vonKattengell became acting Editorial Writer to Mrs. Harry Papier for correspond- Callfornla, where he was brought ough. postmas'ter September 1, 1936, suc- ing secretary, Mrs. Irving Krako- of Rumson, of land. The place has been" tn> ceeding the late William A. Sween- from the South Pacific with a brok- ! ... _ _.. ._ proved Inside and out, and situated Be Heard Sunday At witch for financial secretary and Mr. Harvey has purchased en leg. He was in the Guadalcanal | J» ey, who had held the position for Mrs. Samuel Cohen for treasurer. through Mr. Hintelmann the A. G. at King's highway and New Mon- 13 years. On February 6 of the fol- Election will be held in June. and Marshall Islands engagements, mouth road in Middletown town- Local High School Scherer property situated on the and was wounded February 28. ship. It has been a show place for lowing year he was nominated for Mrs. X Kerber was named chair- East side of Bellevue avenue, Rum- the position by President Roosevelt His parents talked to him over many years. Max Lerner, principal editorial man of a committee in charge of son, This property has&a frontage the phone Sunday. He said he was The original owner was Richard and confirmation by the Senate •--••«,„•--. ViT_™,Nr_TT... writer for the New York newspaper a bullet supper to be held Sunday, on Bellevue avenue of 528 feet and soon followed. His term expired ED vonKATTENGELL feeling fine and expected to come Hartshorne, who was one of the PM, will speak Sunday evening in May 14, tn behalf of the United a frontage on Honeysuckle Lana of home AS soon a^ he is Able to leave leading Quakers in America, and February X, 1941, and at that time fond of Red B&nk ^ wbat ,jt the auditorium of the Bed Bank Jewish appeal drive. Assisting her 800 feet and comprises approxi- he was re-appointed. are Mrs. M. It, Waseer, Mrs. Max the hospital. believed-to have been the first man- to offer and to trlends on many high school. His subject will be mately 5.57 acres. There Is an at- Fisler enlisted in the Navy In to practice law In what Is now Postmaster vonKattengell became occasions stated that he regarded "After Victory, What?" This Is the j Morris, Mrs. Glasgow, Mrs. Leon tractive Colonial residence on the a resident of Red Bank largely as December, 3942. Monmouth county. He held many the accident that had befallen him third and last in the spring lecture iRftueckbaus • • , Mrs-----. Julius Straus- , Mrs. property which Mr. Scherer built important offices, among them pro- a result of an accident. He wi In youth as a fortunate one, for It series sponsored by the Community May Newman, Mrs. Max Grand, in 1934. It Is of frame construc- born Friday, February 13; 1883, in prietor of East Jersey, commission- brought him to this section. — Activities committee of the Jewish Mrs. Charles Gogel and Mrs. Ar- tion with shlplap siding and wood er of boundaries, speaker of the New York city. When he was a Mr. vonKattengell was a member Community center. Edwin C. Gil- thur Herahon. shingle roof. It contains four mas- Leonardo Lawyer boy he was Injured by a runaway provincial council and high sheriff; of Red Bank Lodge 277, Free and land, superintendent of schools, will Mrs. Catherine Elkus White epoke ter bedrooms, three master baths, He came over with three servant* ' horse. His mother, the late Mrs, Accepted Masons, and services of introduce Mr. Lerner. on "Mothers In This War," Mrs. dressing room, two maids' rooms, Emmy vonKattengell, rented a Named Recorder from Heathcorn, Leicestershire, that organization will be held this Mr. Lerner studied literature and Frank Kuhl gave a talk on the maids' bath, living room, den, lav- England, inJLBSi. house at Red Bank for the sum- evening at the Worden funeral law at Yale and economics and pol- work of the inter-church council, atory, dining room, butler's pantry mer, thinking that a change would Hs acquired some 7,000 acre* of home. itics at the Robert Brooking Grad- and Mrs. Harry Feldt submitted a and kitchen. There Is a two-car In Middletown Monmouth county land, most of it benefit her son, Ths results ex- uate school In Washington. At 40 report on the USO tea. garage on the premises connected ceeded her greatest expectation! The religious service will be held in what is Middletown township, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock he already has behind him 15 yean The society will hold a rummage to the house by means of a breeze- but he also owned the whole f and she later became a permanent during which he has alternated be- sale in a Shrewsbury avenue store way. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey will Irving Teeple resident of this section, buying a at the funeral home with Rev. Car- Sandy Hook, which he used for tne roll M. Burck, retired pastor of tween teaching and Journalism. beginning May 157* occupy the property as their sum- Urge house on the riverbank at mer home early in June. Successor to grazing of cattle and as a fishing River Plaza. Christ Episcopal church at Shrews- He has taught at Sarah Lawrence headquarters. bury, officiating. Hi« associates at college, at Harvard, and most re- The Scherer property has been Sverre Sorenson In 1670 or thereabouts, he built Mr. vonKattengell, who had re- the postomce will serve as honor- cently at Williams college. He has Junior Class To occupied for the past year under the Hartshorne house. Record* In- ceived his early education In the ary and active bearer*.
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