Mar. 12 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2013 when it comes to Government spending, ev- ating, and we can start cutting through some of erybody thinks it’s all the same. I think every- the redtape and get things done. body around this table knows in your business- So continue to provide us with recommen- es, you think very differently about capital in- dations. We’ll work them through. There’s an vestments, long-term investments that are go- interagency process; it’s a good way for us to ing to make your company more competitive, break down some of the silos that develop be- versus wasting money. And here’s an example tween various agencies. And I think we can of where we should be doing less of some make significant improvement and continue to things that are not helping us grow. Building build on the goals that we’ve set. infrastructure is something that does help us grow. Okay? Thank you, everybody. All right, guys, I think you’ve got smarter OTE: The President spoke at 10:22 a.m. in people around the table than me to deal with N some of these issues. Again, I just want to Room 350 of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Exec- thank all of you who’ve been involved. We are utive Office Building. In his remarks, he re- going to continue to push this agenda. ferred to Acting Secretary of Commerce Re- One of the things I hope that you’ve seen becca M. Blank; Robert A. Iger, president and during the course of these last 4 years is that if chief executive officer, the Walt Disney Com- we hear good ideas, we’ll implement them, pany; Under Secretary of the Treasury for In- we’ll move them. So the great thing about a ternational Affairs Lael Brainard; and Patricia council like this is that it gives us insight into A. Woertz, chairman, chief executive officer, how things are actually operating or not oper- and president, Archer Daniels Midland Co. Remarks Following a Meeting With Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei March 12, 2013 President Obama. Well, it is a great pleasure And so, at the ASEAN East Asia Summit, to welcome my good friend, His Majesty the we will be discussing a wide range of issues: ev- Sultan of Brunei. The Sultan and I have had erything from how we deal with issues of ener- the opportunity to get to know each other from gy and climate change to how we expand com- a series of multilateral meetings, particularly merce, potentially through the Trans-Pacific the ASEAN East Asia Summit meetings. He is Partnership that has the opportunity of creat- a key leader in the Southeast Asia region, but ing jobs and prosperity here in the United also widely respected around the world. States, but also throughout the region. And part of the reason that we thought now We’ll be discussing maritime issues. Obvi- was a good time for a meeting here in the Oval ously, there have been a lot of tensions in the Office is because His Majesty will be hosting region around maritime issues. And His Majes- the next ASEAN East Asia Summit meeting in ty has shown great leadership in trying to bring Brunei this October. There are a range of is- the countries together to make sure that every- sues that we’ve worked on together, and that body is abiding by the basic precepts of rule of should be no surprise because the friendship law and international standards so that con- between the United States and Brunei actually flicts can be resolved peacefully and effectively dates back 160 years. and that everybody is brought into that kind of His Majesty himself has led his country for structure. 40 years now, and he’s gone through nine U.S. We’ve also had a chance to work together on Presidents. I won’t ask him which one was his educational issues. His Majesty himself and favorite—[laughter]—but our interests in hav- Brunei have helped to finance a number of ing a strong, peaceful, prosperous Asia-Pacific English-language instructors so that more region is something that we share. youth in the Southeast Asia region are learning 178 Administration of Barack Obama, 2013 / Mar. 12 English, which obviously can help to expand President Barack Obama and I have had an commerce, but also strengthen the ties be- excellent meeting this morning. I am indeed tween the United States and the region. very happy with the progress of our bilateral And we’re also going to be doing, for the cooperation, especially in energy, education, first time, a joint—ASEAN-U.S.-Chinese joint defense interests. The Brunei-U.S. joint 5-year exercises around disaster and humanitarian re- English-language program, which was lief, which points to the fact that our militaries, launched last year, is progressing well. It is that are extraordinarily capable, and the bilat- meant for the people in ASEAN in order to eral military relationship between the United improve and strengthen the English-language States and Brunei has the capacity to help peo- skills. On energy cooperation, there are already a ple in times of need and to try to help avoid number of American companies providing a conflict rather than start conflict. range of upstream and downstream services in So, overall, I’m very grateful for His Majes- our oil and gas sector. In the Trans-Pacific ty’s outstanding leadership and his friendship. Partnership agreement, we are negotiating I’m glad that he’s had a chance to visit. He got with further buildup of this economic condi- here yesterday and flew in his own 747, mean- tion. ing he actually piloted it himself. I think he’s I also had the pleasure to share with Presi- probably the only head of state in the world dent Obama some of our plans as ASEAN who flies a 747 himself. And so, in case Air chair this year. As ASEAN chair, we have ex- Force One, the pilots have problems, we know tended an invitation to President Obama to the who to consult. [Laughter] And my under- East Asia Summit and the first ASEAN-U.S. standing is tomorrow he’s going to have an op- leaders’ summit in October this year. portunity to take his family up to New York, The United States has been a good friend to where we’re going to encourage him to do ASEAN and is actively involved in many of our some shopping because we want to continue to projects, such as the Comprehensive Energy strengthen the U.S. economy. [Laughter] Partnership and the Expanded Economic En- So, Your Majesty, it’s wonderful to see you. gagement of E–3 initiative. And we are confi- Thank you so much. Thank you. dent that these initiatives will strengthen the Sultan Hassanal. Ladies and gentlemen of economic linkages between ASEAN and the the press. Mr. President, firstly, thank you for United States. In closing, I thank President Obama again inviting me to visit the United States. I know for today’s meeting. We look forward to wel- you have a very busy schedule. It’s very kind of coming you to Brunei Darussalam later this you to receive me. year, Mr. President, and to working together to This visit gives me a good opportunity to re- strengthen the important relationship between new the longstanding and warm friendship be- ASEAN and the United States. tween Brunei Darussalam and the United Thank you. States—the relations, which dated back to President Obama. Thank you very much. 1850, with the signing of the Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, soon NOTE: The President spoke at 11:54 a.m. in after the USS Constitution called at our port. the Oval Office at the White House. 179.
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