on Police 1(c$imipsaouRNAi* 11 sted Off Hit Record (Friday, October f, 1959 Rehearsals are under my at Annual Ball St Agnes High School for the This Coupon operetta, "Creatures of Impulse" y^ScJteta are now: on sal« foj Worth 10 Canti from the pen of W. S. Gilbert. first annual Brighton F6- Theme Song Toward Admission leading roles are being sung '«f jBall, sponsored by the by Barbara Starapoll, Monica pistol Hickory Club, for the to Rajient theatre Welj,, Mary Ann Bayer, Fraser Of the Brlghtoaa Mice Showing *jf s By SUZANNE WIGG Smiley, Joseph Araaa.and Rob­ !e**t Association. T he "Embtxxltd Heaven*" ert Oberklttbr. The perform li tie held in aicQuaid From the new movie "A Sum­ Slice dates are' Nov. 2 and 3. Jesuit': ligh School Friday, Oct. mer Place" comes a new tong WARNER BROTHERS does P^W» * pni- to 1 a.rm. Theme From A Summer It again. This time with*an at At* are on sale at Brigh- Place." There are several re­ bum called "Greatest Motion l|ife;Mls* hctdauarters» as well cordings of this long. Some Picture Piano Concertos" with §|£3M-»ft.;BrlgBton fire houses wort* mentioning are Hugo pianist George Greeley and the Around the World Wtnterbatter on Victor, Don Warner Brothers Orchestra. ••^"'.'^LTMOit Brighton mer- Dalke on Warner Brothers and ,, 4syCih*irniaB Is Officer Jay Such lovely tunes as "Love Let­ Leroy Holmes on MGSL This Is ters," "Moulin' Rouge," "An Af­ in 80 Days &F3Bif!«r Jr., assiitod by Offi- o pretty, nostalgic tune and re­ ?'.<alr*aee w. Grey J-r., and a fair To Remember." "Picnic," minds one of the "Theme Music "Tara's Theme, "The High And nmltlfte of fifteen members From Picnic." It ought to be a '0i)ttobb, lilt I hope so. (The Mighty' and "lullaby Of | Broadway' are played beauti Fancies Eddie" Meath, popular The Beverley Sisters on Lou-!*11''? *>y George Greeley adding riaio and television personality don have recorded a new ver-,a.n undeniably popular touch to "^ b« Master of Cerenwmies of he «other V*f Ieti« -THfAtili OF DiitWCflWI slon of "The Little Drummer i concerto's rich, dramatic iftterrnlisioa show. Local Boy"* which was first released sound, creating thrilling new 12ot*99 Qt-$ti5 I Clinton-' An. So., Cor. S. Goodman * | ar>* tiatloaal celebrities* are ex­list December Toy the Harry musical experiences. An album pected to- appear. Mualc will Slmeone Chortle on 20th Cen­ worth owning. Askyoufliquorstore hTf rovltted by Syl Novell's or­ tury Fox label. Although the chestra. London recording is not near RCA Victor needs no intro­ Assisting In the arrangements up to the Simeone disc in either duction but the new lineup of for the ball will be Brighton quality or performance, it M »lbums just released by RCA Citizen's Committee with Mr. worth mentioning because this must be mentioned. Here's and Mrs. Joseph Sciaarrino as lovely little melody is one of few gome from the pack: BROADEN TETA LINEK (Annie Rosar) at a Papal Audience in St. Peter's stands with chairmen, and Senator and Mrs. the finest new Christmas aongs YOUR "Two Sides Of Winterhalter. other pilgrims In the front row behind a bench seating real cardinals and Kenneth B. Keating aanrj Mr. to he recorded in many, many EDUCATION bishops just before the entrance of His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, in this and Mrs. Leonard Boniface, co- years. Since Christmas is com­ Wlnterbalter plays mood music scene from "Embezzled Heaven.?' chairmen. ing, I Imagine we will hear a selections and offers some Jan- VISIT lot more of and about "The Lit­ Inspired big band numbers. "Rendezvous In Rome." The f WNT ST. tle Drummer Boy." Incidentally, W. Citir T« Tic- TtertM Trite Watching The Screen Theatre News Harry Simeone is the composer Melaehrino String Orchestra ot the song. presents a musical portrait of SALVAGGIfyS 1 Rome A beautiful full-string al­ WILL, SONG TITLES are bum. "Belafonta At Carnegie LIQUOt STOti Mitnltln thecountryjl 'Moscoo - Moscoo getting stranger and stranger. Hall." Harry Belafonte sings Quliir Wilts eel IJeetn finest charcoal restaurant! By EUPHEM3A WWATT This one. "FtaeS-a-Frack" by folk tunes. Calypso, Spirituals, 39 Freer S». A* Ht At 'Outstanding Tom Thumb, on Decca lives up ballads and other great songs Foaturlng- mouth • watering to the title. It's a silly little associated with Belafonte. 10. 2-6501 Wt DBIVsTP by an exceptional performance Euphemla Van Rennselaer mutual aid to an IB-treated ttrlotn on a skewer .,. By RAY SMITH IVyatt has Ions been" associated friend, they admowlewlge the thing in which soloist and by Annie Rosar. The high point chorus spend two minutes sing­ Doubling In Brass." Morton etiunki of the most famous The cream of the crop moves of the film is the last third with theatre on the Broadway other's fine qualities and are of til steaks,. erlsreoil into the Regent Theater this scene. For many years >h( was not aihauned to confess their ing and talking* aabut a Word Gould gains some fantastic ef­ which takes place inside the (Rack-A-Fraek) which obvious­ fects with bran initruments. broiled. $3.S5 week as the warn and touching Vatican and includes scenes drama critic on The Catholic love. story of a wormrt's erring and World. Playwright Emmet Lav ly has no meaning. It's so bad sometimes employing three com­ NtMf&Y MO ,,.._,..,,._ .. Showing tho late Pope Pius XII. cry says that "she Is that rarity The fun about Shskeaspeire it It's bound to be a big seller. plete bands at Once to attain unerring f? this told in beauti-^o p^ ia mX llmlted t0 "Ishnflly in "EMBEZZLED ^ lation. among critics: a critic who loves that his plays can be staged in that stereo effect These albums onu g )t of lhe popu the theatre." Mrs. Wyatt won so many different ways. "Much Another rather ridiculous set all contain what RCA calls HkAVEN. .however, for its dramatic. con-r-. _„„._,. _. ... .- „„, -. Ado About Nothing" wai pro­ of lyrics appear on a disc call­ "Miracle Surface." It's a new tent and slmpio elements off**e coveted Blnneen Award for 8 the duced at Stratford, Connecticut ed "Seven Little Girls Sitting process which is supposed to I I'm warning yoi. riglU now. ^ l3Vitless in its appeal. vmmtem <•' Christian If yv.u ni.63 j,,i t,,iii, a hope values In theatre In 1938, the in 1037 when it was set in In The Back SeaJ" by Paul help repel dust, prevent surface Evans on Guaranteed label. It your television tube breaks into! jrj ENSURE the place in same year her actress-daughter Texas in the colonial period noise tnd static and give faith­ Hearth^ £fiibcrs T with Katherlne Hepburn In a Is concerned with a poor fellow ful sound reproduction. Sounds a thousand pieces. (Ugh! What heaven she wants above all else, Jane was presented with tele J? was that noise?) Sat seriously vision's prized "Emmy.** mantllln and Alfred Drake In a driving an auto who is quite great an elderly lardy devotes her en stiff gold .embroidered Jacket *$ Irked because the aeven pretty though, when It comes to good tiro earnings to the education solid entertainrnont, this is it eaballero. girls ire sitting in the back seat FOR LOUIS Prima and Keely cf-tk of nor nephew for the priost' Only one thing that Mr. with Fred. Outside the silly hood. Years go by before she Smith fans. Dot label has re­ This film is certain to be ap­ Khrushchev said on his tour MISS HEPBURN'S Beatrice story and the many and equally leased another album by this preciated by all people regard finds he has swindled her and pleased me and that was bis was a bit of a hoyden and 1111 y "dee-doo-deedum-dunM," tho discovery shows her that famous Jan team. It's warm, lets of belief. It's alternately criticism of "Can Can" and tho crawled tinder a table to eaves­ it's a rather cute little ditty. lilting, exciting, it's Jin. 2b Clinton Ave., S, humorous and sad and marked She has been trying; to buy sal dance he saw from the picture drop on her friend s while Decca has Just released a new 9 tft*9Hag rata a%Mfr, vallon. in Hollywood. A can-can isn't DraJte's Benedick was very care­ flatiiaaint firaauBBrsaut album called "Sesame" sung by The Glee Club." tn album , Sdva On SpoaaV's Coifi 4 Carry Prices really a dance at all but vul- ful of his dimity. wlV,wTaTgaX*tgW( W^****T*H*fTW g*i ^ Toni Arden. It's an album of by the Merrill itatoa Choir an MttssaUa fcttttd f»f Seeking solace and absolu- garlties set to rollicking music. fiery. Latin - American tunes, tidn, Che bewildered woman At Stratford, Ontario In 105S, Epic Is a collection of famous par cenftrt. &1 ta«r« I MUCH ADO was put hack in sung well by Miss Arden and lee club tongs, tuch n "Aura Speed's FLUFF DRY joins a pilgrimage to Borne, and One small repercussion of the played well by the orchestra M* tao #•» CN*t*iW ,ln a mass Papal audience, where Russian visitation was tho re­ Italy but Italy of the 18SM'i.Tbii Lee," "Gospel Train," "Sweet­ iMWWtlMS. was rather t homey cent with which Is not mentioned on the heart of Sigma Chi." etc. The Tike itttia) IhM 1st IAUNDRY u. add, .sho receives the blessing Pope vival in New York of "The libeL {Pius XII extends to the thou Three Sisters" when David Ross footmen carrying in the luggage tongs are well sung In a very fraat TimiaaJ si 4:05 m SERVICE 8HN.*1" lb.
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