Československá VĚDECKÁ SPOLEČNOST PRO MYKOLOGII f V_> £ J lv/\ i 42 E ACADEMIA/PRAHA I PROSINEC 1988 I ISBN 1 1 1 1 - 1 ( 1 « | L — ——. ^ -—-———.— - — ------------------------------------ ČESKÁ MYKOLOGIE Časopis Cs. vědecké společnosti pro mykologii k šíření znalosti hub po stránce vědecké i praktické Ročník 4 2 Číslo 4 Prosinec 1988 Vedouc! redaktor: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Urban, DrSc. I Redakční rada: RNDr. Dorota Brillová, CSc.; RNDr. Petr Fragner; MUDr. Josef Herink; RNDr. Věra Holubová, CSc.; RNDr. František Kotlaba, CSc.; RNDr. i Vladimír Musílek, D rSc.; doc. RNDr. Jan Nečásek, CSc.; Ing. Cyprián Paulech, CSc.; i prof. RNDr. Vladimír Rypáček, DrSc., člen korespondent ČSAV. Výkonný redaktor: RNDr. Mirko Svrček, CSc. Příspěvky zasílejte na adresu výkonného redaktora: 115 79 Praha 1, Vítězného února 74, Národní muzeum, telefon 26 94 51—59. 3. sešit vyšel 12. srpna 1988 OBSAH J. Moravec: Klíč k určování druhů rodu Sowerbyella. (Discomycetes, Pezi- zales) 193 V. Holubová-Jechová: Studie o kubánských hyfomycetech VIII. Nový rod Piricaudilium a některé druhy nové pro území K uby ..........................................200 F. Kotlaba: Pevník bledookrový — Stereum rameale, jeho ekologie a ze­ měpisné rozšíření v Československu .............................................................................205 C. Paulech a Š. Maglocký: Príspevok k štúdiu huby Tilletia contro- versa Kühn na pýre (Elytrigia Desv.) v Československu ..........................................215 M. Semerdžieva a kol.: Statistika otrav po požití hub v letech 1985 a 1986 ve čtyřech krajích českých zem í.............................................................................222 E. Kováčiková: Vědecko-koordinační porada RVHP a sympozium “Vý­ zkum principů odolnosti rostlin k chorobám a škůdcům“ ..........................................227 V. Musílek: RNDr. Marta Semerdžieva, CSc., šedesátnicí...................................233 C. Paulech: Životné jubileum RNDr. Doroty Brillovej, CSc..................................240 M. Svrček: In memoriam Růžena Hilberová-Podlahová..........................................243 M. Svrček: Vzpomínky na profesora Karla K avinu .................................................246 S. Šebek a kol.: Významná životní jubilea členů Čs. vědecké společnosti pro mykologii v roce 1988 .................................................................................................. 249 S. Šebek: Zpráva o činnosti Československé vědecké společnosti pro myko­ logii při ČSAV v roce 1987 252 Referáty o literatuře: R. Watling et N. M. Gregory, (5) Stropha- riaceae et Coprinaceae p. p. (M. Svrček, str. 254); A. Y. Rossman, M. E. Palm et L. J. Spielman, A literature guide for the Identification of plant patho- genic fungi (Z. Urban, str. 256); M. Lisiewska, Flora Polska, Grzyby (Mycota) XVII, M ýcena (A. Příhoda, str. 255), V. Urbonas, K. Kalamees, V. Lukin, Conspectus florum agaricalium fungorum (Agaricales s. 1) (F. Kotlaba, str. 255). Přílohy: černobílé tabule: VII.—X. Sowerbyella spp. XI.—XII. Stereum rameale (Pers.) Fr. XIII. Tilletia controversa Kühn XIV. Prom. biol. Růžena Hilberová-Podlahová, CSc. ČESKÁ MYKOLOGIE ČASOPIS ČESKOSLOVENSKÉ VÉDECKÉ SPOLEČNOSTI PRO MYKOLOGII ROČNÍK 42 1988 SEŠIT 4 A key to the species of Sowerbyella (Discomycetes, Pezizales) Klíč k určování druhň rodu Sowerbyella (Discomycetes, Pezizales) Jiří Moravec A key to the species of Sowerbyella summarizes the author’s taxonomie revisions within the genus (J. Moravec 1985a, 1985b, 1986, 1988). As a result, twelve species are recognized in the key: S. radiculata (Sow.) Nannf., S. orassisculpturata J . M or., S . par- vispora (Trig.) J. Mor., S. densireticulata J . M or., S . rhenana (Fuck.) J. Mor., S. reguisii (Quél.) J. Mor., S. polar ipustulata J . M or., S . pallida (Spooner) J. Mor., S. imperialis (Peck) Korf, S. fagicola J . M or., S. brevispora Harm, and S. angustispora Cao et J. Mor. The generic characteristic of Sowerbyella, comments on the morphology and on the distinguishing of Sowerbyella from Otideopsis Liu et Cao (1987) comprising two species, O. yunnanensis Liu et Cao and 0. kaushalii (J. Mor.) J. Mor., are added. Line drawings of macro- and microfeatures including the ascospore ornamentation studied mostly on type material of each species, and SEM photomicrographs of ascospores complete the key. _____________ Klíč k určování druhů rodu Sowerbyella Nannf. shrnuje výsledky dřívějších autoro­ vých taxonomických revizí rodu Sowerbyella (J. Moravec 1985a, 1985b, 1986, 1988). V klíči je zahrnuto 12 druhů: S. radiculata (Sow.) Nannf., S. orassisculpturata J . Mor., S. parvispora (Trig.) J. Mor., S. densireticulata J . M or., S . rhenana (Fuck.) J. Mor., S. reguisii (Quél.) J. Mor., S. polaripustulata J . M or., S . pallida (Spooner) J. Mor., S. imperialis (Peck) Korf, S. fagicola J . M or., S. brevispora H arm , a S. angustispora Cao et J. Mor.. Je připojena charakteristika rodu Sowerbyella a poznámky k morfologii a k odlišení rodu Sowerbyella od rodu Otideopsis Liu et Cao (1987) s dvěma druhy — O. yunnanensis Liu et Cao a 0. kaushalii (J. Mor.) J. Mor.. Klíč je doplněn kresbami makro- a mikroznaků, včetně ornamentiky askospor (studované většinou na typovém materiálu každého druhu) a mikrofotograíiemi (SEM) askospor. Introduction The previously published taxonomie revisions of the genus Sowerbyella Nannfeldt (1938), (J. Moravec 1985a, 1985b, 1986) have confirmed that Sowerbyella is a rather large genus. In a key (J. Moravec 1985b), 9 species were recognized. However, further examinations and revisions resulted in the transferring of Aleuria rhenana Fuck, and Discina parvispora Trig, to Sowerbyella (J. Moravec 1986). A new genus, Otideopsis Liu et Cao (1987), as a segregate from Otidea and Sowerbyella, was established and Sowerbyella kaushalii (J. Moravec 1986) was transferred to Otideopsis as Otideopsis kaushalii (J. Mor.) J. Moravec (1988). A new species, Sowerbyella angustispora Cao et J. Mor. in J. Moravec (1988) was recently described. Therefore, it was necessary to make a new key, which integrates the previously published one, and, add notes on a recognition of Sowerbyella from Otideopsis. Generic characteristic of Sowerbyella Sowerbyella Nannfeldt, Sv. Bot. Tridskr. 32: 118, 1938. Apothecia scattered or gregarious to caespitose, 1—7 ( — 10) cm diam., cupulate, the cup broadly seated on 198 O E S K l M Y K O LO G IE 42 (4) 1988 a long or short stipe, or apothecia are rarely substipitate, the cup rounded or depres­ sed, mostly with a continuous margin, becoming shalowly cupulate to discoid in age, the margin in the old apothecia mostly irregularly lobed or involuted, occasionally incised but only very rarely split downwards the cup or even to the stipe; hymenium smooth or venose near the centre, yellow, egg-yellow, ochraceous, brownish ochrace- 'ous, also with olivaceous tinge or yellow-orange to orange with a redish tinge; ectal surface yellowish, pale ochraceous to pale orange, covered with a whitish appressed tomentum, but apparently smooth, sometimes the surface is rugulose. Stipe 3—10 mm thick, 2—40—60 mm long, whitis to yellowish, smooth or with pits, often covered with a white tomentum, with or without basal underground root-like prolongation, which can be conspicuously long, covered with hypostroma and wrapped with a dark substrate. Dried apothecia in all species have a typical smell resembling the smell of Lactarius helvus. Ectal excipulum composed of textura globulosa-angularis, the ectal layer of globose cells and from these cells hyaline, superficial, hypha-like, septate, up to 500 (im long hairs arise. The walls of these hairs are thin or slightly to more con­ spicuously thickened, occasionally brownish coloured hairs with thicker walls occur. Medulla and hypothecium composed of hyaline, interwooven, septate hyphae, which can be inflated, forming textura intricata. Paraphyses more or less enlarged above, straight or with curved to hook-like or dentate to shortly branched apex, with a pale yellow to pale orange pigment. Asci cylindrical, 8-spored (but occasionally 2—6 asco- spores merely developed in ascus and such ascospores are usually larger than these in normally 8-spored asci), inamyloid. Ascospores ellipsoid to ellipso-fusoid or of an irregular shape, containing two (exceptionally 3) guttules, occasionally with de Bary bubbles, with ornamented perisporium; the ornamentation consists of cyanophilic, almost regular and complete to irregular incomplete reticulum, or, isolated to connec­ ted coarse warts, ridges or spines, or the ornamentation consists of verruculose sculp­ ture, formed by isolated or connected and in chains arranged fine warts. H abitat: On decayed needles, leaves, twigs and debris of wood, probably on places with a greater contents of ammonia (urea), both in coniferous woods and deciduous forests, mostly in calcareous areas, occasionally on manured soil and on excrements, June to December, in most species in September to November. Comments on the morphological features The habitus of apothecia and also the excipular structure are similar in all species. The diffe­ rence of a greater importance is only the thickenning of walls in the hypha-like hairs of the ectal layer of excipulum. Although the hairs are hyaline, I have found, in the course of my inve­ stigation of the ectal excipulum, also sparse, brownish coloured, thick-walled hairs, which occas- sionally occur in many species (e.g. S. brevispora, S . rhenana, S. radiculata, S. imperialis). The shape of apothecia may vary in each individual collection
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