FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1952 iMmtfhgHttf iggralb 'Ligjkis On*^ Tomorrow Nighf^to Aid Cancer Fund Drive ..... I " • of the local Eiaenhowar club, act- . Rev. Harold B., DUaler from Rt. bd as master of ceremonies for the Averase Daily Net PrcM Run /ohn'i BvangeUcal and Reformed r " GOP Learfei^^Pose Rl ‘Ike* Rally D ra w s WHY NOT GIVE THE LITTLE WIFE A MEAK7 rally. .. For .the Week Ending ....... ____ ...TIib WeatherX- ' -tanroir tn tjantnlalc. Pa., and Rev, j ■ v. ■ ■■.- ■■ ; .Sx- ■ ...... - .... - ........... MroVLeoimitf.'^dib arrtyM about TAKE HER NORTHtFOR A SUfPER OF STEAK Clifford O. Slmpaon of the Center “ .... AjiHi 12 . T ift • ' ........ Fnrecait of 17; 0. Wentlim Sanaa Telephone employei who ' have 9:30, "ahortly after Dimock bid ComireaBtional Chilrch will ex- m all C ro w d good night to the crowd, said thert^ maonteered to work oh"S lthe “”1«hanff» pwmita. thli Sjmday. Mr.r NOntH METHODIST CHURCH "UfhtX.On’ had been "*’some rhiaundefstahd- 10^4*94* r Fair aiid''warmer the' OlUUr - wUl,. preach. , on "The Ifold- Ing" about.the, achedulea............... .. ai’enlnf a re ----------------, , .. o f the R oad";it both the 9:18 end MrA. Radd^H W hb AufK'* Member ot , the Audit. .cloudy and oboteg, Bnaday, _____ . telephone company«mn*nv bulldlntbuilding on o'clock eervicea at the Center Present on the speakers’ plat­ Bureau of Olrealntlons SATURDAY, APRIL 19, INIZ ■ .X , Beet Center atreet at .8..p.^Jtt..auai cmiffcTlt W Bbirt^dl^ -the itw|ent e n c e . ‘ I k e ’ ‘ !g n H « form . last . night lyero. Cjharies, S. Mattchesier— A City of Village Charm day, when they will be.aaalgned House,, legal advisor to Governor .....t :00''rd"'7:00 P; ’■---■'''•’-sr-’- ' - -- ■aalatant, will {>reach at the 8 And Unite tne People.^ to different care. Thomaa Dunbar O’clock aervlce' and will have full Lodge and atate committeeman will be captain and Mra. Dunbar charge o^-the worahlp at that from the fourtt^lqtrlcl: Williams. VOL. LXXI, NO. 171 (Claealfled Advertliliig on Page 18) XANCHESTER, c o n n ., SATtiRDAY. APRII. 19, 1952 (TWBLVE PAGES) PRICE nV B CENTS will aaalat. The Elsenhowei rally staged Davis, chairmaiTof the Republican time. last night at Center Pahk by the Town comlratlse;' Natalie -.'McIn­ HAMBURG STEAK DINNER The regular meeting .of Man- local Eisenhower for President tosh, vice chairman of the Repub­ eheater Dlitrlct Scout'qfflcera will ktnga Daughters circles in this Club attracted about 200 hut held lican Town committee, and Mrs. area w’lll have a.union meeting to­ qnly about 50 people, and\ tho.se Hazel Finlay, president of the be held tonight at 8 o’clock at the morrow afternoon at J;45 In the Beat Side Rec library. I who, remained missed the . \nlain Manchester Republican Women’s Steel Wage •ElraL ..Ereabyterlan.. Church,-. Wfl i sneeker—asspeaker ■ as ■ -• SecrotarvSecretary ■ of. .. Btate. Club. Capitol avenue; Hartford. ......GUI Scputi pI,Trooo;>.M AlLce K. Leopold failed to puK In i ibdor to the speaking, phase, of Glri Scout rooKiea: at Burton'a mil appirlrSftce until- shortly afth,f the rally, the Kiltie Band, colorful­ Beethoven Glee Club members the 9;2S conclusion of the rally. Boost «Seen itore all de:y tomorrow. are requested to meet at Emanuel ly attired In their richly appointed But loyal Elsenhower adherents 'scarlet and tartan uniforms and Lutheran Church, Sunday, April did hear, reports on the general The Cyp Chib of the Center 20,■ promptly at 8:30, to leave at 8 lid by high-atepplng drum major­ \ Church will meet thla Sunday at from two of his supporters In the ettes from the high school, parad­ End W E Strike Next Week for the Stonliigton, Federated atate. ' «:S0 p. m. at the church. Wer­ Church where they will give a con­ ed up Main atreet. ner Vetter, an exchange atudent - Mrs. -Florence Raddall. vice cert ’The men are also asked to chairman of the Marlborough Washington, April 19—(/P> from Germany, will apeak on Oer- wear dark suits. New York,- Aprir‘19—(/P)—A compromise wage increa.se - many aad-will play..hia.ACconUoa; Republican _ToWn committee, in -..tThe steel labor fight-grew- speak'ihg "on ‘Efseh'hbweV'ii... htick- ' ' earlv today ended the key strike o f - 10,000 GlO Owtallers ^freahmenta, and a aoclal hour King David Lodge, Ho. 31. In­ agafnst the We.stern Electric Co.,, and fostered hopes for A hotter today with the Tru­ will follow. , ground and qualifications, told the dependent Order 'Of Odd Fellows, crowd' that the general Is the man POODLE GUT! quick settlement in two remaining telephone walkouts. The man administration threaten­ will meet tomorrow night et 7:80 lo ” lgnlle and unite the people" '^^XiuUierwedii o f Ernaitiuel Luther- " ngreemcht. hetweert* the Installers, _' . ^ ing to raise worker wages in St Odd Fellows Hall. It Is re- of this country. POODLE CUT! members of the CIO Commimlca- * • ■ will P'«ftt tonight at_ 8 quMteU .that ,»U. im#mh?m • • She- isakl tha t Eisenhower's sue-1 1 « _•{“ *-«««. «yyu';-«'a-a'-eftiwpi-rviafcriu o'clock IK the veatry. Reflfeiih- this meeting, as It will be visiting ■ ■ “ tloria ■ ■•Wdrketa'“ b f : Afherics;’ ■ and- ' cess at unifying the representa­ .Rigiilofiiy $1.IM Western Electric was regard^ as; F i s hing Luck a Ceoter Springi Ill G o o f l a n d I la d menta will be aerved by Mr. and officers night. Refreshments will tives of the NATO nations .urider ! new uproar in Congress. Mra. Clarence A nderaon. be-served followl.Dg -.the^ meeting..'. the most important thus far In 12 ; bends More ills command lx proof that he can ! days of strikes that have threat-, - -Becrotary--of^Commerce'Sawyer unify, the people of the country. ! sreqiA L late yestrtday,server an uitima- -M rs. Ffed Manning of 47 Maple ened to disrupt telephone service Horace E. Rockwell, ope of the ; 43 states and AVashlngton, D. C. tum on the industry’s private own- I street le chairman of the resolu- flrxt supporters of the Eisenhower' ForSoinein ers-^aaying that unless they reach in :* tlons and reeommendaUona for the Nfay Set Pattern PLOWINB AND mm'rinCnt In- Connecttmit- and a • - $1.00. It was expected pattbTti -'—’O ..... ■a* agiwement with -CIO P i^ den t ' 43rd annual state convention of . - —Hersld Pholn. l6 iieVa 1 recent visitor to the national EU-j with the purchase of any, for the settlement at a meeting •Philip Murray by Monday or Tues- HARROWING the Daughters of Union Veterans Four local Republican leaders joined 1^f». Florence Rauaall (stand­ ' enhower headquarters tn Washing- | X da.v, the government will step In of the Civil War to be held In home permanent,^flll. later today between \Veqtern Elecr,_ U. h. l^orces F oiir State& ing) who addressed last night’s Eisenhower rally, on the apeaker's ton, said -that the Elsenhower, .- ( ______ and give the steelworkers a pay Hartford 4it the Hotel Bond on platform. Flanking Mrs. Raddall. wh is vice chairman of the Marl­ trie and 6,000 still striking CWA A. BUTLER 6 boom Is sweeping the country, and Limited Time Only. salesmen, distributors and ware-_ boost. April 23 and 'i2L borough Republican Town committee, arc Charles S. House t left I, Re­ that support .which was, supposed ; . Washington,, April OrtiBhg, A p ril 1 9 ~ </P) T d . 2-954.1 or. 8914 publican State commllteemah from ihlS district,'And William 8.'Davix,’ housemen.' ; rt,,' to have been pledged to "another ■ And, it also may provide th4 so­ —Most -nniistiTients in tlie union and companies' rbu'ld get to­ The runaway Missouri hurled A daughter was., born to Mr, chairman of the Manchester Republican Town commltUe. Seated aie candidate"- la now switching to JAMES' gether on a desl. In fact, Murray and Mrs. Anthony E. Salvatore Mra. Natalie McIntosh (lefti vice chairman of the Republican Town lution to a strike by a union-esti­ U. S. armed forces which a new menace at Omaha to­ the general.' 148* Main S t—Tel. t-A701 mated 8500 CWA members against and President Benjamin Falrlesa of .82 Englewood drive at the Hert­ committee, and Mrs. HaaCl Finlay, president of the Manchester Re­ Richard Dimock, vice chairman are due to expire in the year of U. S.-'Steel Company left the day while its muddy torrent Read Herald Advs. ford Hospital on Ttiesday. , publican Women’s Club the Bell system affiliate for north­ ern Callfo'rnia and Nevada. beginning July 1 were extend­ Capital to'spend the week end In smanhed levees, engulfed CWA President ■ Joaeph A. ed today fbr an additional Pittsburgh. , , farms, and spread destruction Bclrne, in a statement made In nine months. Sawyer's announcement that he downstream for 200 miles. Washington and “released here, The single exception cbv*r«i Se­ w js practically ready, to Impoae This blggeat-in-hlstory flood for said after the installers’ agree­ lective SerWee registrants who en­ neW wage lerma and wbrking con­ the Mlisourt Valley ran almoat ment: .............. .......... ... ditions on the seized . Industry listed for 24 months instead of spurred a drive by \yr uncontrolled into northeastern ..... ."W e-hopa lo .wihd up Ihe .O.ther awaiting induction.— ----------- -Kanaasi' It - was_--drivipg- famIHea R^pbllcans -wlib forbid use of any’ Western Electric negotiations in a The Defense department, in sn- from their homes In growing num­ hurry -and '-reach an agreement m nouncing the action, said not all federal,funds for salaries‘of feder­ bers In Nebraska, Iowa,-Missouri al officials to run the-ileel mills nortbern^CaUfprnia.^T^^^^^ will end Uio...men.
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