US 20080083053Al (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0083053 A1 Lin (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 10, 2008 (54) HAT AND PROTECTIVE HELMET Publication Classi?cation (76) Inventor: Paul S. Lin, Win?eld, PA (US) (51) Int. Cl. A42B 1/24 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: A42B 1/00 (200601) CALFEE HALTER & GRISWOLD, LLP A63B 71/10 (200601) 800 SUPERIOR AVENUE (52) US. Cl. ...................... .. 2/422; 2/175.1; 2/410; 2/425 SUITE 1400 CLEVELAND, OH 44114 (US) (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 11/869,299 (22) Filed. Oct 9, 2007 Ahelmet/hat includes a helmet siZed for an associated user’s head. The helmet provides impact protection to the associ Related US Application Data ated user’s head. Ahat covers at least a portion of the helmet and substantially disguises an outer shape of the helmet from (60) Provisional application NO_ 60/828,752, ?led on 001 View. A fastener is removably secured to the hat and to the 9, 2006. helmet. The fastener may secure a retention ring to the hat. Patent Application Publication Apr. 10, 2008 Sheet 1 0f 3 US 2008/0083053 A1 Patent Application Publication Apr. 10, 2008 Sheet 2 0f 3 US 2008/0083053 A1 50 52 54,56 46" \ \ // // I 16.. 0 )K Patent Application Publication Apr. 10, 2008 Sheet 3 0f 3 US 2008/0083053 A1 114 FIG. 4 US 2008/0083053 A1 Apr. 10, 2008 HAT AND PROTECTIVE HELMET invention that addresses the need for protective head gear for a horse rider (e.g., a Western style horse rider). [0001] This application claims the bene?t of US. Provi sional Application No. 60/828,752, ?led Oct. 9, 2006, Which [0013] In the illustrated embodiment of the present inven is hereby incorporated by reference. tion, a helmet/hat system 10 comprises three (3) parts: i) a protective helmet 12; ii) a hat 14; and iii) a retention ring 16. BACKGROUND [0002] The present invention relates to protective head [0014] The ?rst part of the illustrated helmet/hat system 10 gear. It ?nds particular application in conjunction With includes the helmet 12, Which provides protection against protective head gear for horse riders and Will be described injuries (e.g., head injuries) due to impact With, for example, With particular reference thereto. It Will be appreciated, the ground. hoWever, that the invention is also amenable to other appli [0015] In the illustrated embodiment, the helmet 12 has a cations. brimless shape and a loW pro?le. [0003] It is Well documented that falls from a height, such [0016] It is contemplated that the hat 14 may be one of a as from riding a horse, especially at a high rate of speed, are plurality of con?gurations of a coWboy hat. For example, the associated With thousands of head injuries each year. Hel hat 14 may include one or both of tWo (2) common hat mets are available for offering head protection to horse croWn con?gurations (e.g., a pinched contoured area 20 at riders. HoWever, these helmets are typically English style or the top and/or a pinched contoured area 22 at the front of the racing helmets that are shunned by Western style riders. hat 14). [0004] It is not uncommon for young children under the [0017] It is contemplated that the exterior surface of the supervision of their parents to Wear a variety of helmets ranging from English style helmets to bicycle helmets. helmet 12 includes a plurality of recessed contoured areas 24, 26 (e. g., tWo (2)) for accommodating the pinched area(s) HoWever, as their age, skill, and/or independence 20, 22 in the various con?gurations of the hat 14. For increase(s), the Western style riders become less concerned example, the illustrated embodiment includes the ?rst about safety and more concerned about style and vanity. One recessed area 24 toWard the top exterior surface of the reason for this lack of regard for safety may be the iconic helmet 12 and a second recessed area 26 toWard the front American coWboy, Who is recogniZed throughout the World exterior surface of the helmet 12 to accommodate the for his/her stylish hatinot his/her safety helmet. illustrated hat 14, Which includes the top and front pinched [0005] The present invention provides a neW and areas 20, 22, respectively. It is to be understood that improved apparatus and method Which addresses the above although certain areas 24, 26 of the helmet 12 are recessed, referenced problems. those areas 24, 26 still provide protection against injuries due to impact. SUMMARY [0006] In one embodiment, a helmet/hat includes a helmet [0018] It is to be understood that although the illustrated siZed for an associated user’s head. The helmet provides embodiment includes a hat 14 With tWo (2) pinched areas 20, impact protection to the associated user’s head. A hat covers 22 and a helmet 12 With tWo (2) corresponding recessed at least a portion of the helmet and substantially disguises an areas 24, 26, other embodiments are also contemplates. For outer shape of the helmet from vieW. A fastener is removably example, another embodiment may include a plurality of secured to the hat and to the helmet. The fastener may secure recessed areas on the helmet 12 While the hat 14 includes a retention ring to the hat. Zero (0), one (1), or tWo (2) pinched areas. A helmet 12 including a plurality of recessed areas (e.g., the tWo recessed BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS areas 24, 26) may be considered a “universal” helmet for [0007] In the accompanying draWings Which are incorpo accommodating various con?gurations of hats (e.g., hats rated in and constitute a part of the speci?cation, embodi including Zero (0), one (1), tWo (2), or any number of ments of the invention are illustrated, Which, together With pinched areas). If the helmet includes a number of recessed a general description of the invention given above, and the areas that is greater than the number of pinched areas on a detailed description given beloW, serve to exemplify the hat used With the helmet at any time, the additional recessed embodiments of this invention. areas of the helmet are simply not used. [0008] FIG. 1 illustrates an exploded vieW of a helmet/hat [0019] It is contemplated that the protective helmet 12 system in accordance With one embodiment of an apparatus may be available in a variety of siZes. For example, the illustrating principles of the present invention; helmet 12 may be provided in three (3) siZes (i.e., small or children’s, medium, and large). In addition, the helmet 12 [0009] FIG. 2 illustrates a retention ring and retention ring may include at least one (1) liner 30 (e.g., a cushioned liner) cover in accordance With one embodiment of an apparatus on the inside surface, and/or a headband 32, Which may be illustrating principles of the present invention; adjustable. A securing mechanism 34 (e.g., a clip-lock, [0010] FIG. 3 illustrates a retention ring cover in accor nylon Web band, etc.) may be positioned to close or secure dance With another embodiment of an apparatus illustrating the headband 32 under an associated user’s (Wearer’s) chin principles of the present invention; and to secure the helmet 12 in the user’s head. The siZe of the helmet 12, the cushioned liner(s) 30, and/or the adjustable [0011] FIG. 4 illustrates a helmet/hat system in accordance headband 32 cooperate to insure a secure ?t for the Wearer. With another embodiment of an apparatus illustrating prin ciples of the present invention. [0020] The hat 14 in the illustrated embodiment is a material relatively softer than the helmet 12. For example, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF ILLUSTRATED the hat 14 may be a soft coWboy hat. Although the hat 14 EMBODIMENT may not offer much in the Way of protection against impact, [0012] With reference to FIG. 1, an apparatus is shoWn the hat 14 may provide a level of protection from rain and illustrating principles in one embodiment of the present sun via an upper central portion 36 and a brim 40 of the hat US 2008/0083053 A1 Apr. 10, 2008 14. A volume de?ned under the upper, central portion 36 of about 77 cm). In addition, it is contemplated the that fastener the hat 14 is sized to ?t over the helmet 12. In one 44 is integral on the retention ring 16'. HoWever, other embodiment, the volume under the upper, central portion 36 embodiments in Which the fastener is not integral to the is siZed to substantially exactly ?t over at least a portion of retention ring are also contemplated. the helmet 12 When properly matched. In the illustrated embodiment, the top pinched area 20 of the hat 14 ?ts into [0026] When the fastener 44 is in the open position (so that the corresponding like-shaped front recessed area 24 on the the retention ring 16' is not continuous), the retention ring front of the helmet 12 and the front pinched area 22 of the cover 46 is applied over the retention ring 16'. In one hat 14 ?ts into the corresponding like-shaped top recessed embodiment, it is contemplated that the retention ring cover area 26 on the top of the helmet (e.g., like ?ngers in a glove). 46 is a tubular shape sleeve having substantially the same In this manner, the hat 14 substantially covers at least a length as the retention ring 16'. The sleeve 46 also is siZed portion of (or all of) the helmet 12 from vieW.
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