E80 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 15, 2014 see that the House Republican agenda for OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL This prestigious organization, founded at 2014 does not include renewing federal unem- DEBT Howard University by nine visionary women in ployment insurance. The long-term unem- 1908, at a period when Jim Crow laws flour- ployed cannot wait on Congress to restore this HON. MIKE COFFMAN ished in the law books, knew the rigors of their critical support any longer, and I urge my Re- OF COLORADO journey during the early 1900s. Those nine special women were: Anna Easter Brown, publican colleagues to act now. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Beulah Burke, Lillie Burke, Marjorie Hill, Mar- Wednesday, January 15, 2014 garet Flagg Holmes, Ethel Hedgeman Lyle, f Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January Lavinia Norman, Lucy Slowe, and Marie PROFESSOR MICHAEL S. GREEN & 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- Woolfolk Taylor. 2013 EUGENE ASHER DISTIN- fice, the national debt was The organization, which has grown to a sis- GUISHED TEACHING AWARD $10,626,877,048,913.08. terhood of more than 260,000 members in 975 Today, it is $17,287,251,611,151.62. We’ve chapters worldwide, includes an extraordinary added $6,660,374,562,238.54 to our debt in 5 collection of women, who now encompass di- HON. DINA TITUS years. This is over $6.6 trillion in debt our na- verse ethnicities and nationalities and are tion, our economy, and our children could united by a bond of sisterhood and a commit- OF NEVADA have avoided with a balanced budget amend- ment to service. Alpha Kappa Alpha was founded to touch IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment. lives, improve the stature of women and serve f Wednesday, January 15, 2014 humankind. Its mission is to develop leaders, BIRTHDAY OF DR. MARTIN expand educational and economic opportunity, Ms. TITUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with LUTHER KING, JR. and ensure that the Sorority is fully engaged pride and pleasure to congratulate Dr. Michael in the civic life of the nation and each commu- S. Green, professor of history at the College HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. nity in which it has a chapter. of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas, on his re- Sojourner Truth once said, that ‘‘If women OF MICHIGAN want any rights more than [they’ve] got, why cent selection as the recipient of the American IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Historical Association’s 2013 Eugene Asher don’t they just take them and not be talking Wednesday, January 15, 2014 about it.’’ This quote embodies the spirit that Distinguished Teaching Award. The AHA, a the determined women of Alpha Kappa Alpha leading professional organization dedicated to Mr. CONYERS. I rise today to honor the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the man Sorority, Inc. the study and teaching of history, awards this Alpha Kappa Alpha is home to college prize only once a year to recognize out- who so many year ago inspired me and chal- lenged me to pursue a life in public service. presidents, deans, directors of Fortune 500 standing teaching and advocacy for history. His message of love, hope, and compassion companies, judges, mayors, Members of Con- This is the first time ever that this prestigious ignited a Civil Rights Movement that changed gress, state legislatures, city councils, and award has gone to a community college pro- the hearts of millions of Americans. His stirring school boards. This sorority has provided the fessor. rhetoric, his devotion to non-violence even in foundation for intellectuals such as Sharon To quote Winston Churchill, ‘‘Study history, the face of grave danger, and his example of Pratt Kelly, the first woman to serve as mayor of Washington, D.C.; Angie Brookes, the first study history. In history lie all the secrets of moral courage, breathed new life into the woman President of the United Nations; the statecraft.’’ Professor Green is encouraging promises of freedom, equality, and justice that have always defined American democracy. long revered Rosa Parks, mother of the Civil the young people of Southern Nevada to do Rights Movement; Azie Taylor Morton, the just that—‘‘study history, study history.’’ Today I remind my colleagues that the na- tion and world of which he dreamed of re- only African-American to hold the position of Through his excellent teaching, he is culti- Treasurer of the United States; and First Lady vating the minds of tomorrow. Many of his mains unrealized. We have eliminated the most invidious forms of Jim Crow, but racism Eleanor Roosevelt. former students are found today in public serv- Alpha Kappa Alpha women have served in still permeates far too much of our daily lives. ice and media positions throughout Nevada. the United States Armed Services and de- We have made great strides in ensuring equal voted their lives to saving ours. I salute those A graduate of the University of Nevada— opportunity regardless of race, sex, or religion, women today who are active or retired military Las Vegas and Columbia University, Dr. but vast inequalities still exist. We have been personnel. They are the sheroes that should Green specializes in nineteenth century poli- stalled in our efforts to ensure that every be emulated by the next generation. tics and the American West, and has pub- American has the opportunity to grow through AKA’s have long referred to founder Ethel lished several books including, Las Vegas: A education, gain dignity through honest work, Hedgeman Lyle as the ‘‘guiding light,’’ a figu- Centennial History, and dozens of articles in and receive equal treatment before the law. rative phrase that emphasizes the central im- scholarly journals. He writes a regular column These are the struggles where we have failed portance to AKA sisters of aptitude, resilience, in several popular magazines and is often to live up to the example set by Dr. King; unwavering service, and valor. called upon to serve as a lecturer, guest these are the battles Dr. King would be fight- President George W. Bush, in his address speaker, and expert on Nevada history and ing if he was still around to celebrate his 85th at the 55th Inauguration, stated that: politics. He is a researcher and consultant for birthday. Our nation relies on men and women who Remember Dr. King, be thankful for the leg- the City of Las Vegas Mob Museum, and is look after a neighbor and surround the lost acy he left behind, and consider what we can currently writing a text book on Nevada his- with love. Americans, at our best, value the do to honor his memory. life we see in one another, and must always tory. A man of many talents, Dr. Green is also Happy Birthday Dr. King. Happy Birthday to remember that even the unwanted have a specialist on President Lincoln, having au- you. worth. thored several books focusing on Lincoln and f I am honored to commemorate this historic the politics of the Civil War. He is currently ed- milestone and commemorate the 106th anni- iting a collection of essays focusing on Lincoln COMMEMORATING 106TH ANNIVER- versary of the coming together of an amazing as well. SARY OF THE FOUNDING OF sisterhood, born of the passion for humani- ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY Nonetheless, while many academicians tarian service and educational excellence of often prioritize research and publications over nine extraordinary young women. As a member of the Alpha Kappa Omega teaching, Michael Green’s number one priority HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Graduate Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha So- has always been his students. As one re- OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rority in Houston, Texas, I take great pride in marked, ‘‘Dr. Green loves his subject and it the fact that the legacy of the founders lives Wednesday, January 15, 2014 shows.’’ I can think of no higher compliment, on in the work of the Omega Graduate Chap- and I can imagine no one more deserving of Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ter under the leadership of Marianne Young this award. I commend Dr. Green for this dis- commemorate the 106th anniversary of the Walker, Chapter President; and Jeanne tinction, and am proud to have him as a founding of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Cherise Story, Chapter Treasurer. friend, a colleague, and a constituent, Only in the first Greek-letter organization established Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter located in District One. by black college women in America. Houston, Texas is also the home chapter of: VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:49 Jan 16, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15JA8.020 E15JAPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS January 15, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E81 The 18th International President, Dr. Mattelia to secure enough food to feed themselves and SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS B. Grays; the 21st International President, Ms. nurture their families. Faye B. Bryant; the 20th South Central Re- During the recent recession, demand for nu- Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, gional Director, Dr. Polly Sparks Turner; and trition assistance increased dramatically. As a agreed to by the Senate of February 4, the 23rd South Central Regional Director, Mrs. result, charitable organizations across the 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- Gwendolyn J. Brinkley. country have been asked to do more with tem for a computerized schedule of all Inspired by a dedicated investment of less. In my district, Three Square Food Bank meetings and hearings of Senate com- human capital and a bold commitment to the has witnessed former donors becoming clients mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- principles of basic human rights, the sisters of due to layoffs and long-term unemployment.
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