1927 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1465 gress of aduitional legislation for the relief of Civil War vet· the relief of Civil War veterans and their widows; to the Com­ erans and their wi<lows ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. mittee on Invalid Pensions. 4722. By Mr. l\IIOHENER: Petition of residents of Lenawee 4745. Also, petition signed by numerous residents of Greenup County, Mich., asking that certain pension laws be amended; County, in the ninth congressional district of Kentucky, urging to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the passage before adjournment of Congress of a bill for the 4723. By Mr. MILLIGAN: Petition of citizens of De Kalb relief of Civil War veterans and their widows; to the Com­ County, State of Missouri, requesting action on a proposed bill mittee on Invalid Pensions. for nn increase of pension to Civil War veterans and their 4746. By Mr. WASON: Petition of Clara F. Curtis and 28 widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pemdons. other citizens of Wilton, N. H ., urging that immediate action 472:1:. Also, petition of citizens of Ray County, State of Mis· be taken to bring to a vote a Civil War pension bill in order souri, requesting action on a proposed bill for an increase of that relief may be accorded to needy and suffering veterans pension to Civil War veterans and their widows; to the Com· and their widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. rnittee on Invalid Pensions. 4747. Also, petition of Samuel 1\I. and Florence l\I. Lambert 4725. By Mr. NELSON of Missouri: Petition signed by Virgil and nine other citizE-ns of Keene, N. H., urging that immediate Evans, Stoutland, l\lo., and others, in behalf of the Civil 'Var steps be taken to bring to a vote the Civil War pension bill in veterans bill; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. order that relief may be accorded to needy and suffering veter­ 4726. By Mr. RAMSEYER: Petition of residents of Monroe, ans and their widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. I1nva. urgiug that immE-diate steps be taken to bring to a vote 4748. By Mr. WILLIAMSON: Petition of Sidney l\Iills, the Civil War wiuows increase of pension bill (H. R. 13450) ; to Charles H. Simpson, Anna M. Curran, C. H. Budd, and sundry the Committee on Invalid Pensions. other persons ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 4727. By Mr. ROBINSON of Iowa: Petition of citizens of 4740. By l\Ir. WOLVERTON: Petition of C. W. Law and Cedar Falls, Iowa, requesting the passage of the Civil War others, of Harrison County, W. Va., asking for consideration pem.:ion bill ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of pending bill for the relief of widows of Civil War veterans; 4728. By Mr. ROl\IJUE: Petition of Cleve 0. Porter and to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. others, for increased pensions to Civil War veterans and their 4750. Also, petition of Virgil Wolfe and others, asking for widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. consideration of pending bill for the relief of widows of Civil 4729. By 1.\Ir. ROWBOTTOM: Petition of Paul E. Hart and War veterans; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. others, of Princeton, Ind., that the pension bill increasing pen­ 4751. Also, petition of G. W. Cook and others, asking for sions of Clvil War widows be enacted into law at this session consideration of pending bill for the relief of widows of Civil of Congress; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. War veterans; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 4730. By Mr. SINCLAIR : Petition of 43 residents of Powers 4752. By l\fr. 'VOODYARD: Petition of citizens of Hunting­ Lake, 87 residents of Bowman, 111 residents of Stanley, all of ton, ,V, Va., favoring enactment of certain pension legislation; North Dakota, urging the early enactment of the Civil 'Var to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. pension bill; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 4753. By l\fr. WURZBACH: Petitions of R. H. 1\Iiller, F. R. 4731. Also, petition of the executive committee of the North Feille, James Stevens, Sam R. Knight, W. A. Anderson, F. E. Dakota Wheat Growers' Association, asking for the creation of Yanlanuingham, A. W. Harlos, James Tafolla, Hart McCormick, a Federal farm board to handle the surplus problem for basic G. E. Robinson, A. n. Comstock, John Bentz, and others, of agricultural commodities ; to the Committee on Agriculture. San Antonio, Tex.,.urging the passuge of the Civil War pension 4732. Also, petition of the Kenmaro, N. Dak., chapter of the bill ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Izaak Walton Leagu~ of America, for the establishment of the 4754. Bv l\fr. ZIHLMAN: Petition of citizens of Glen Echo, Roosevelt National Park in western North Dakota; to the Com­ l\Id., urging immecliate action and support of the Civil War mittee on the Public Lands. bill to provi<le relief for needy and suffering veterans and 4733. By 1\'lr. SINNOTT: Petition of numerous citizens of the their widows ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. second district of Oregon, asking for an increase in pensions for Civil War veterans and their widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ' SENATE 4734 . .Also, petition of certain citizens of Hereford, Burns, Monument, Baker, and Nyssa, Oreg., protesting agaim;t compul­ WEDNESDAY, January 1~, 19E7 sory Sunday observance bills (H. R. 10311, 10123, 7170, and 7822) ; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. (Legislative da-y ot Tuesday, .Tamw-ry 11. 1!)£'1) 4735. By Mr. SMITH: Petition signed by citizens of New The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration Meadows, Idaho, protesting against the enforcement of the of the recel'ls. Sunday observance law; to the Committee on the District of The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate resumes the con­ Columbia. sideration of House blll 7555. 4736. Also, petition signed by Chris Thompson and others, of Melba, Idaho, protesting against the bill for compulsory Sunday MATERNITY AND INFANT HYGIENE observance ; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. 'rhe Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the 4737. Also, petition signed by Mr. Philip E. Tate and others, of consideration of the bill (ll. R. 7555) to authorize for tile Boise, Idaho, favoring legislation to increase the pension~ of fiscal years ending June 30, 1928, anu June 30, 1929, appro­ Civil War survivors and their widows; to the Committee on priations for carrying out the provisions of tbe act entitled Invalid Pensions. " An act for the promotion of the welfare and hygiene of 4738. Also, petition signeu by Dr. Alfred Bud~e and others, maternity and infancy, anu for other purposes," approved of Boise, Idaho, favoring legi8lation to increase the pensions of November 23, 1921. Civil War survivors and their widows; to the Committee on The VICE PRESIDENT. Tbe question is on the amendment Invalid Pensions. of the committee. 4739. By Mr. STRONG of Pennsylvania : Petition of citizens Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a of Saltsburg, Pa., in favo1~ of the Sundi\Y rest bill for the Dis­ quorum. trict of Columbia (H. R. -10311) ; to the Committee on the The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. District of Columbia. Tbe legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Sena­ 47:1:0. By Mr. TAYLOR of West Virginia: Petition of B. F. tors answered to their names: Epperly and others, asking for consideration of pending bill Ashurst Fess King Schall for the relief of widows of Civil War veterans; to the Com­ Bayard Fletcher La Fol1ette Sheppard mittee on Invalid Pensions. Bingham Frazier Len root Shortridge 4741. By Mr. THURSTON: Petition of citizens of Taylor BleaRe George McKellar Smith Borah Gerry McMaster Smoot County, Iowa, and vicinity, requesting action on the Civil War Brntton Glass McNary Steck pension bill ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Broussard Goff Mayfield Stephens 4742. Also, petition of citizens of .Afton, Iowa, and vicinity, BL"Uce Gooding Metcalf Stewn1·t Cameron Gould Neely Swanson reque.::;ting action on the Civil \Var pension bill; to the Com­ Capper Greene Norbeck 'l'rammell mittee on Invaliu Pensions. Caraway Hale Norris T:rson 4743. By Mr. TINCHER: Petition of sundry residents of Copeland Harreld Nye 'Vadswortll Norwich, Kans., urging passage of a pension bill for the relief Couzens Harris Oddie Walsh, Mass. Curtis - Hawes Overman Warren of needy Civil Wa!: veterans and widows; to ~e Committee on Dale Heflin Phipps 'Yatson Invalid Pensions. Deneen Howell Pine Wheeler 4744. By Mr. VINSON of Kentucky: Petition signed by DiU Jones, N. Mex, Ransdell Willis Edwards Jones. Wash. Reed, Pa. numerous residents of Flemingsburg, Fleming County, Ky., urg­ Ernst Kendrick Robinson, Ind. ing the passage b~fore adjournment of Congress of a bill for l!'euls Keyes Sackett 11466 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE J .ANU.ARY 12 Mr. BORAH. I wish to state that the members of the Now, therefore, your memorialists respectfully beg leave to pray Foreign Relations Committee are in session. I ask that those and petition that the amendment proposed in the House of Repre­ members who have not answered to their names be noted as sentatives by the Oregon Representatives, and all other safeguards being in attendance on that committee. requested by the Oregon congressional delegation, may be incorporated The following members of the committee did not answer in the measure now pending before the Congress, or in illlY other to their names: measure which may be proposed. Resolved, That the secretary of state be, and he is hereby, directed Mr. Johnson. to forthwith transmit this memorial by telegraph to tbe Speaker of ~lr.
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