www .lhenewsenlerprise.com EWS- E "', Let darkness fall on 'Dark Shadows' New face by the Kristina Co~ngtnn named Central Hardin girls' basketball coach Read tl1e re~ew PUlSE, 110 Sporl., B1 MAY 11, 2012 • SERVING MARDI N COUNTY SINCE 1974 • REACH SUBSCRIBE R SE RYI CES AT (210) 5D5-177G 56 Iintl Ban jettisons branches Less The sale of four Jefferson announced sate of its Indiana agreements close laler this year, First Federal sells CoUllty branches will help First branches, the deals provide $44 the company will retain 1310ca­ SEEK, Fedeml Savings Bank's parent million in equity for the tions in five adjacent counties. four Jefferson company meet financial assur­ Elizabethtown-based bank, The hank still will have $875 • which has failed to record an allces required by its consent million in total assets ilnd de­ decree with the Federal Deposit annual profit since 2008. County locations posits of more than $761 mil­ nOratSeS Insurance Corp., the corporate The sales also renlm First By BEN SHEROAN president said. Federal's concentration to its lion. b!.htro;[email protected] .......nleTpn.. .cum Coupled with a previously historic core markets. When the Tum La BANK. All inHCS Radcliff's CLOSING MULORAUCH ElEMENTARY SCHOOL budget Dawley Park School system's vandalized tentative expense twotnnes• plan shows depleted general fund Windows broken at By KEUY CANTRAU, home on property, k<anlRll @th<~ ..rpri " .<Dm Hardin County Schools faces soccer nets slashed less money in ill general fund as administrators complete the sec­ By MARTY FINLEY ond phase of the budgeting mflnley@the".....,nterpri"'.com proc:ess. The HCS board approved the Radcliff Police Department is district's tentative budget for the investigating two acts of vandal­ .\ext fiscal year Tuesday at II spe­ ism at Dawley Park, which cial meeting. The second of Mayor]]. Duvall said resulted in three steps in the budb'l.!t cycle, roughly $5,000 worth of dam- the tentative plan shows a nearly $5 million drop in the general "".Seven windows were shat- fund from a previous budget tered May 4 and glass was bro­ dr.>fi. ken out of a screen door at a Students and faculty gatlHlr WlKlnesday tn front of Muldraugh Elementary School for the last tlme ;H HCS plans on approximately home on park property, said elanmates and teachers before the II" I, lowered. $95.6 million in the general RPD spokesman Bryce Shu­ fund, compared to $100.7 mil­ mate. Duvall said the door also lion included in the draft budget was pried open. approved in.lanuary. Local athletic associations use District officials expect a de­ the hOllIe as a makeshift club­ crease in Suppon Education house for meetings and to Excellence in Kenntcky money, arrange signups, Duvall said. The last hurrah the main source of state money The park is fronted by Rogers­ for public schools. 1be SEEK ville and Shelton roads. baJlc for each student was $3,903 In addition to that damage, Last day of classes in fiscal year 2011- 12 and is re­ Shumate said, nets all two soccer duced to $3,833 in the upcoming goals were slil.'Jhed. He estimated bitter for students, staff fiscal year. That amoWlts to an the d:unage inflicted May 4 at expected totailoliS of about $1.4 $1,700. million for the districl By EliZABETH BEILMAN The district, however, didn't Last weekend Dawley Park eb<ilm""I!f"'=<""""'«I>ri.. · <nm again was a target as vandals receive its full SEEK money for shattered more windows at the Nestled on the outskirts of Fort this fiscal year and lost S 1.3 mil­ home, Duvall said. City officials Knox is the community of Muldraugh, lion after an adjustment from the state, according to a discussion are unsure if the two acts are re­ whose center of life and activity is its paper presented to the board. lated. elementary school. The school has Shumate said RPD arrested Salaries make up the largest been around in some fonn si nce 1912 gener-.u fund expenditure. Pay­ four Radcliff juveniles Saturday - exactly 100 yelll1l. on six felony counts after they roll for instructional personnel is But Wednesday marked the ell'· expected to reach $46.9 million, broke into Moe's Liquors on mentary school's fi nal day. South Dixie Boulevard. Some of about $1 million less than the fig­ ~ When we got the official new:s that those juveniles may have been ure in the draft budget. involved in the vandaJism, we were dosing, I knew we would L__ ~ The budget doesn't include have to have a funeral or a (elebra- raises. Shumate said, but officers still II t eKller talks to MuJdrauih Elementary Sehool students are investigating and as of Tum to SCHOOL., AI2 before a group photo on their last day of &Choot. Tum La lies, A7 Wednesdayafl.emoon had issued no formal charges. Shumate declined to release what charges were levied against the teens in relation to the liquor store incident but said the juve­ Sweet day at Morningside Elementary nil es range in age from 14 to 17 yean old. Rowland's fifth-grade class at ~ lt started out just to reward iteJrul herself with facts about Special I'rojecl!l Coordinator Students make Morningside El ementary my kids for a wonderful year," the history of chocolate pnxl­ Dale Painter tol d Radcliff City School has studied chocolate for she said. Council on Tuesday night there ucts such as Orcos. chocolate in class the end of school year, a tradi· But the idea has grown to en­ "Every year it gels bigger," was nothing in the building to tion that dates back 20 years. compass all aspects of curricu­ steal, but II windows were bro­ she said. By KELLY CANTRALl.. This yeH marked a first when lum and ~he haJl chocolaty activ­ Student Jeremiah Vea liked ken. Il.epairs likely will cost $500 Rowland and students prepared ities for all .'JUbjects. These in­ to $600 per window, Painter kcan""" @ th~". ......",.'P""'. < om the variety ill the chocolate unit. chocolate in class. cluded a selection of books, a uJt's (001 and it's fun and you said. Barbara Rowlruld discovered The tradition began as a Hershey's-i nfluenced Monop­ Because the city must file two an effective way to teach math chocolate day, which originally oly game and book of Hershey's get to do a lot of activities,~ Vea separate insurance claims, and reading to her students - was a chance for a sweet Ireat at Fractions. said. Twn La PARK. All just add chocolate. year's end, Rowland said. Rowland has created lI1any Tum I<> CIlOCOI.ATF~ AI2 INSIDE WEATHER • TODAY'S OBITUARIES SINCE YOU ASKED Leland Goodman, 85 ABBY ..............A. NEtGHBORS ..... A8 'Ibomas ~Waync " McCoy, 72 R.esuilli of Wednesday's Thr News­ CALENDAR. ...... A4 OBtTUARIES ..... A4 Ralph Roger Ycnshaw, 48 EllltrPristonline poll, as of 7 p.m.: CtASStREOS ...B6 OPtNION .......... A6 COMICS ........8U PUUlES .......810 QUESTION: What's a reasonable HELOtSE. ....... Bl0 curfew for private fireworks use? LOnERIES ......81 SPORTS .•.• .•.• .•81 MONEY ............ A9 TELEYIStON •.. 810 10 p.m.: 19 percent 11 p.m.: 42 pertent Midnight: 39 percent MOYtES .........810 PULSE ........... Al0 Follow us: MOSTLY SUNNY Gov. Steve Beshear has ( ~ TODAY'S QUESTION: What is your announced that flags shoutd favorite of these chocolates: White, be lowered to half-staff from dark or milk? sumise to Stlr1set today in 78/53 honor of Pre. Dustit D. Gross of fni the poll QI.lCStion ~the 'opiIion' meru at Jeffersonville, attao:;he<lto R"lrt • OOMPLEl"E REPORT. A2 ,,-,~e.prI&e.com -. A2 1lIE NEWS-ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, lillY 17, 2m LOCAL NEWS AN D NOTES FROM AROUN D KEN T UGKIANA LOOKING BACK Radcliff approves limited alcohol use at ON TlIlS DATE 1M 1792, the New York Stock Exchange had ill origins lU a group of brokers met under a tree on Colvin Community Center, City Park North Wall Street. Alcohol prohibitions remain at no charge to invited visitors, he coverage with the city listed as IN HARDIN COIJIfTY Spirits must be sold all other c:ity parks. said. the insured entity. 30 YURS AGO, Mary Jo Under the terms of the policy, There will be zero tolerance Pike has said Ille insurance Young of Elizabethtown or given away by alcohol use will only be pennitted for those who attempt to bring mandate is imperative if the c:ily was named Citi7.en of the at Colvin if the entire facility is their own alcohol to events or plam to allow alcohol on public Month by the Elizabeth­ licensed caterer rcnted and the renter adheres \(I come in off the street and con­ property because it offers protec· town Rotary Clu b. The all rental requirements. swne alcohol at supposedly pri­ tion if an injury occun on c:ity plaque was presented by By MARTY FINLEY Alcohol only can be given vate events, l'ike added. grounds and the injured individ· Rotary member thc Rev_ mfonley@""''''',,·..,nto'l''..... rom away at the center if the renter is "That's a recipe for disaster," ual punues a lawsuiL John Spalding. hosting a private party, "uch as a he said. The ordinance also requires a Rackliff this week eased ako· 20 YEARS AGO, Jack and family reunion. birthday party or Proof also Illust be offered that renTer 10 provide a security plan hoi restrktions at Colvin Com· as well as an alcoholic beverage Joan Armstrong of Patriot, wedding reception. If the event is those who sell and serve alcohol munity Center and C ity Park sale and scrving plan a minimum Ind., we re honored by public, the alcohol must be sold have received the proper training North, but the use will remain of60 days before the event for re­ Kentucky State Police for by a state and locally licensed to do so and are "age appropri­ limited.
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