HAITI This file contains election results for the Haitian Chamber of Deputies for the elections held in 2015 through 2017. This file has a format different from many others in Election Passport. Haiti uses a two-round system in single-member constituencies to elect the Chamber. The first round of elections was held in August 2015 but the electoral commission annulled results in 23 of the 119 constituencies. Reruns of the first round in these constituencies were held simultaneously with the second round of elections in October 2015. In some cases, the electoral commission made a post-first round decision to exclude candidates who had made it into the second round, and other candidates who received fewer votes were substituted. Comments are included when this occurred in CV1 and CV2. No second round was held in ten constituencies due to first-round victories. Two second-round contests held in October were either annulled or delayed. These rerun second-round contests, along with the second rounds for the constituencies that had to rerun their first rounds in October 2015, were held in November 2016. Haitian election results are incomplete with votes from some polling stations excluded from the returns in most constituencies. While the electoral commission never received the results in some cases, other results were intentionally excluded intentionally, often due to suspicion of corruption or other issues. RG Region The following eight regions are used in the dataset. Africa Asia Western Europe Eastern Europe Latin America North America Caribbean Oceania CTR_N Country Name CTR Country Code Country codes developed by the UN (https://unstats.un.org/unsd/methodology/m49/) 332 Haiti DEPT Department Name Name of the department, Haiti’s first-level subnational administrative unit. ARR Arrondissement Code Name of the arrondissement, Haiti’s second-level subnational administrative unit. CST_N Constituency Name Name of the electoral constituency. CST Constituency Code A unique numeric code assigned to each of the units recorded in CST_N. PTY_N Party Name The name or abbreviation used in the electoral commission records. See PTY for the full party name where available. PTY Party Code 1. AAA (Ayiti an Aksyon) 2. KID (Komite Inite Demokratik, Convention for Democratic Unity) 3. BOUCLIER (Reseau Bouclier National) 4. MOCHRENHA (Mouvement Chrétien pour une Nouvelle Haïti) 5. VERITE (Truth) 6. KONTRAPEPLA (Kombit Travaye Peyizan pou Libere Ayiti) 7. P.H.T.K (Parti Haïtien Tèt Kale) 8. fUSION (Parti fusion des Sociaux-Démocrates Haïtiens) 9. RENMEN AYITI 10. OPL (Organisation du Peuple en Lutte) 11. fANMI LAVALAS (Lavalas family) 12. UNIR-AYITI INI (Union Nationale pour l’Integrité et la Réconciliation) 13. PLATfÒM PITIT DESSALINES 14. U.P.A.N (Union des Patriotes pour L’Avancement National) 15. KONSYANS PATRIYOTIK 16. ADEBHA (Action Démocratique pour Bâtir Haïti) 17. LAPEH (Ligue Alternative pour le Progrès et L'Émancipation Haïtienne) 18. PRHA (Parti Republicain Haïtienne) 19. ENTREH (Entente Nationale des Travailleurs pour le Reveil d’Haïti) 20. RANDEVOUS (Rassemblement des Nationaux Démocrates Volontaires pour l’Unité Salvatrice) 21. PPFf (Pati Politik fanm ak fanmi) 22. PPRA (Retabli Ayiti) 23. MOPOD (Mouvement Patriotique Populaire Dessalinien) 24. TET ANSANM POUR LE SAUVETAGE HAITI (Heads Together) 25. REPAREN (Regroupement Patriotique pour le Renouveau National) 26. ANSANM PATRIYOT POU LAVNI AYITI 27. RESPE (Respect) 28. C.N.P.P.H (Consortium National des Partis Politiques Haïtiens) 29. PONT (Pou Nou Tout, for Us All/Bridge) 30. UNCRH (Union Nationale Chretienne pour la Reconstruction d’Haïti) 31. CONCORDE (Concorde Nationale) 32. PLATfÒM LEVE KANPE 33. INITE PATRIYOTIK (Patriotic Unity) 34. UNDH (Union Nationale des Démocrates Haïtiens) 35. PPG18 36. DELIVRANS 37. AKAO (Aksyon pou Konstwi yon Ayiti Oganize) 38. MIDH (Mouvement pour l’Instauration de la Démocratie en Haïti) 39. PLATfÒM PEYIZAN 40. KONA (Konbit Nasyonal) 41. NOUVELLE HAITI 42. ATERI 43. PLATEfORME RAPWOCHE 44. PANAH (Parti Nationaliste Haïtien) 45. CONAPPH (Cohesion Nationale des Partis Politiques Haïtiens) 46. PLATEfORME POLITIQUE PALMIS (Parti pour la Libération des Masses et d’Intégration Sociale) 47. FUN (force Unite Nationale) 48. MOPAM (Mouvement Progressiste pour l'Avancement des Masses) 49. PLATEfORME JISTIS 50. OLAHH BATON JENES LA 51. KOPA (Konbit pou Ayiti) 52. ADRENA (Alliance Démocratique pour la Reconciliation Nationale) 53. P.P.N (Parti Populaire National) 54. fURH (front Uni Pour La Renaissance d’Haiti) 55. M.R.A (Mouvement Revolisyone Ayisyen) 56. M.N.C (Mouvement National des Citoyens) 57. MONHA (Mouvement National Haïtien) 58. REKLAM 59. fORCE DEMOCRATIQUE HAITIEN INTEGRE 60. M.A.S (Mouvman Aksyon Sosyalis, Mouvement Action Socialiste) 61. KONFYANS 62. CANAAN 63. MOPANOU 64. PSUH (Parti Socialiste Unifié d’Haïti) 65. PLATEfORME POLITIQUE SOLUTION 66. P.N.C.H (Parti National Chrétien d’Haïti) 67. MUDHAH (Parti de la Diaspora Haïtienne pour Haïti) 68. K.L.E (Kombit Liberasyon Ekonomik) 69. PKN (Pati Kreyol Nou Ye) 70. CORRECH (Coalition pour la Convention de la Reconstruction de la Reconciliation des Citoyens Haïtiens) 71. MPH (Mobilisation pour le Progrès d’Haïti) 72. MEKSEPA (Mouvement Independent Kitirel Social Economie ak Politik an Ayiti) 73. BLOC 20 (Bloc Politique pour la Liberte l’Organisation et le Changement) 74. fRONTCIPH 75. MOSANO (Tet Kole sous Chimen Devlopman pou un Nord’Ouest Uni et Renonve) 76. P.A.N.A.J.U.T.O (Parti National Justice pour Tous) 77. PF (Parti federaliste) 78. RCP (Rassemblement des Citoyens Patriotiques) 79. KONVIKSYON 80. RESULTAT (Regeneration Economique et Sociale dans l’Unite et la Liberte Totale d’Action de Tous) 81. PAC (Plan d’Action Citoyenne) 82. PATRAYIL (Platforme Ayisyen Kap Travay pou Rekonstwi Ayiti Infyel ak Liberel) 83. M.U.R (Mouvement d’Union Republicaine) 84. LIDE (Ligue Dessalinienne) 85. P.E.N.H (Parti pour L’Evolution Nationale Haïtienne) 86. 24 POUR LE SAUVETAGE HAITI 87. PPAN (Plateforme Politique Antre Nou) 88. P.D.I (Parti Démocratique Institutionaliste) 89. VEYE YO (We Are Watching) 90. ASO (Alternative Socialiste) 91. GREH (Grand Rassemblement pour L’Evolution d’Haïti) 92. PDCH (Parti Démocratique Chrétien d’Haïti) 93. RPH (Rasssemblement des Patriotes Haïtiens) 94. PAH (Parti Agricole Haitien)/INDEPENDENT-145 95. KONBIT SITWAYEN 96. OLAHH (Organisation Pour L'Avancement d'Haïti Et des Haïtiens) CAN Candidate Name Name of the candidate. In many cases, it appears that the electoral commission may have scrambled first and last names, which is reflected here. YR1 Election Year (First Round) Year of the first-round election. MN1 Election Month (First Round) Month of the first-round election. 1. January 2. february 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December PVI1 Procès-Verbaux Included (First Round) The number of procès-verbaux (polling place reports of election results) included in the calculation of the first-round vote totals recorded in CV1, VV1, BLANK1 and NULL1. PV1 Procès-Verbaux (First Round) The number of procès-verbaux (polling place reports of election results) that would have been reported had results from all polling places been reported and included the calculation of vote totals by the electoral commission. DEF1 Preliminary or Final Results (First Round) Indicates whether votes reported in CV1, VV1, BLANK1 and NULL1 were based on the official preliminary or final results. 0. Preliminary results. 1. final results identical to the preliminary results. 2. final results that differ from the preliminary results by less than 10% in the number of valid votes (VV1). 3. final results that differ from the preliminary results by more than 10% in the number of valid votes (VV1). The available final first-round results from the election commission include only the results for candidates that were elected or made it into the second round. As a result, vote totals for most candidates are based on preliminary results. When the final results for the candidates who were elected or made it into the second round are identical to the preliminary first-round results, it seems a safe assumption that the preliminary and final results are also identical for other candidates. This was the case in the vast majority of constituencies. In some constituencies, the electoral commission excluded procès- verbaux from the final results that had been included in the preliminary results. In these cases, the preliminary results are reported for all candidates but a comment is included reporting the revised totals and the number of procès-verbaux on which they were based for the two most successful candidates in PVI1, PV1, DEf1 and CV1. CV1 Candidate Votes (First Round) The total number of votes received by the candidate in the first-round election. VV1 Valid Votes (First Round) The total number of valid votes in the first-round election. In the rare cases where the total number of votes cast for all candidates in a constituency does not equal the reported number of valid votes, it is noted in a comment. In cases in which results for some candidates are based on final results and others are based on preliminary results and the number of procès-verbaux used to calculate each was different, the number of valid votes reported may differ across candidates. BLANK1 Blank Votes (First Round) The total number of blank votes in the first-round election. In cases in which results for some candidates are based on final results but others are based on preliminary results, and the number of procès-verbaux used to calculate each was different, the number of blank votes reported may differ across candidates. NULL1 Invalid Votes (First Round) The total number of invalid or spoilt votes in the first-round election. In cases in which results for some candidates are based on final results but others are based on preliminary results, and the number of procès-verbaux used to calculate each was different, the number of invalid or spoilt votes reported may differ across candidates.
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