Kunene Regional Council Kunene Regional Development Profile2015 The Ultimate Frontier Foreword 1 Foreword The Kunene Regional Devel- all regional stakeholders. These issues inhabitants and wildlife, but to areas opment Profile is one of the include, rural infrastructural develop- beyond our region, through exploring regional strategic documents ment, poverty and hunger, unemploy- and exposing everything Kunene has which profiles who we are as ment, especially youth, regional eco- to offer. the Great Kunene Region, what nomic growth, HIV/AIDS pandemic, I believe that if we rally together as a we can offer in terms of current domestic or gender based violence and team, the aspirations and ambitions of service delivery (strengths), our illegal poaching of our wildlife. our inhabitants outlined in this docu- regional economic perform- ment can be easily transformed into ances, opportunities, challenges It must be understood clearly to all of successful implementation of socio and and constraints. us as inhabitants of this Great Kunene, economic development in our region, and Namibians at large, that our re- which will guarantee job creation, In my personal capacity as the Region- gional vision has been aligned with our economic growth, peace and political al Governor of Kunene Region and a national vision. Taking into account stability. Regional Political Head Representative the current impact of development in of the government, I strongly believe our region, we have a lot that we need With these remarks, it is my honor and that the initiation of the Kunene to achieve within a limited period of indeed a great pleasure to pronounce Regional Development Profile exposes time, hence commitment from Central that this assembled piece of work will our region’s position and highlights the and Regional Government is of the facilitate and direct visionary men and need to join forces with our develop- essence, especially regarding financial women from all corners of life to dis- ment partners locally and internation- resource allocation and sound manage- cover Kunene Region as the ultimate ally through outlined government ment of our available resources. frontier to live, visit, invest and develop programmes and regional activities. in Namibia. As a joint team, we should own this When it comes to our Great Kunene document and use it as a guide to Region, big and vast as the name addressing our regional needs, with sounds, there are critical issues that the view to a prosperous region. As need to be given serious attention you are aware, the Kunene Region has Hon. Angelika Muharukua and this requires the cooperation of a great responsibility not only to our GOVERNOR: KUNENE REGION 2 Kunene Regional Development Profile 2015 Executive Summary The regional profile provides in- region are highlighted. The number of Otjiwarongo in the Otjozondjupa formation on the development households with access to safe water, region to Outjo. The Rural Electri- needs of the region for plan- number of households with access to fication programme is moving at a ning, budgeting and prioritiza- health facilities and sanitation are also slow pace due to the vastness of the tion, to facilitate the develop- shown in this chapter. region as well as the high cost of the ment and management of the programme, which makes it difficult region’s inhabitants in a way Chapter three is the main chapter of for most places to be electrified. This that ensures their well-being. the profile as it provides the regional is clearly indicated on the On-grid development areas in terms of the Power line network map. This regional development profile economic and social sectors, infra- consists of five (5) chapters, namely; structure and private sector services. Chapter four deals with the Regional 1) Introduction to Kunene Region, 2) In Kunene Region, livestock produc- and Local Government structures, Regional Key Statistics, 3) Regional tion is one of the main sources of giving information about the govern- Development Areas, 4) Regional and livelihood to many rural households. ing and administrative organs of the Local Government and 5) Regional The trading of livestock during formal constituencies, and local authorities Competitive and Comparative Ad- auctions especially in Outjo, Kaman- in the region. The region has seven vantages. jab, Khorixas and informal sales in constituencies and one municipality Opuwo creates a source of income to which is Outjo Municipal Council, Chapter one gives the background many farmers in the region. In order while Khorixas and Opuwo are Town and location of the region. The region to improve the livestock production, Councils. The region has one village sees itself as the most ethically and many programmes and initiatives are council which is the Kamanjab Village demographically diversified region, under way, such as the Community Council. Kunene Regional Council home to Namibia’s indigenous ethnic Based Rangeland and Livestock Man- administers three Settlement Areas groups, the Ovahimba, Ovatue and agement, Mentorship Programme, namely Fransfontein Settlement Area, Ovazemba, whose lifestyle, tradition, Namibia German Special Initiatives Okangwati Settlement Area and values and culture have never changed programme as well as the Breeding Sesfontein Settlement Area, as local to modernity even after centuries of Animal Scheme. authority areas according to the Local colonialism. The name Kunene is de- Authority Act of 1992 as amended. rived from Kunene River, which forms Tourism is one of the growing sectors the Northern boundary of the region in the region due to its variety of scen- Chapter five, which is the last chapter and also the border between Namibia ery and wildlife. Kunene region boasts of this profile, discusses the competi- and Angola. Kunene Region is the the presence of the big four, namely, tive and comparative advantages of second largest region in Namibia after the Leopard, Elephant, Rhino and the the region, which assist the region //Karas Region and covers an area of Lion, which can be found roaming in leveraging its advantages for 115, 293 KM² with 86 856 inhabitants. freely in their natural environment. development. Kunene region sees The mining sector is also rising signifi- itself as a tourist haven because of its The climate of the region is very dry cantly, particularly with minerals such wildlife and beautiful scenery as well during most of the year and tempera- as Iron ore at Orumana, Copper at as the traditions and culture of the tures during the summer period reach Otuani, Diamonds at Otjinungua and indigenous groups of Ovahimba and up to 35 degree centigrade on average. Rare Earth at Khorixas. The infra- Ovazemba. The region’s landscape is mountainous structure, specifically with regards to in some parts, while other parts are the roads network, is clearly illustrated There are opportunities for infra- hilly and undulating with some flat in the map which indicates that only a structure development in the region plains towards the Namib Desert. distance of 550km of roads are tarred such as the planned Baynes Hydro In chapter two, regional key statis- in the region, while the rest are gravel power plant and the envisaged Agra tics that show the population size, roads. The railway line distance in the Fria Harbor. literacy rate and sex ration of the region is only about 35 km that is from Excutive Summary 3 Executive Summary 4 Kunene Regional Development Profile 2015 Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude to acknowledge, with much appreciation, and appreciation first to the prolific the crucial role of all the stakeholders that National Planning Commission for constituted the implementation commit- initiating and facilitating the compi- tee and high level committee whose sector lation of Regional Development Pro- knowledge and wisdom played a pivotal role files in Namibia, geared towards the in the discovery of tangible information that creation of a repository for strategic was needed in crafting this profile. regional information systems aimed at informing decision makers and Special thanks to Cornerstone Joe Public development partners on key areas Consultants for their editorial input, com- requiring intervention. pilation of the comparative and competitive advantages and development of the brand This document is a result of team work at strategy for Kunene Region. All institu- its best, without which nothing was going tions that provided various datasets of to be achieved within the given timeframe. different formats are also recognized and Kunene Regional Development Profile has acknowledged as critical path factors for been prepared, compiled and documented providing on-time, tangible and systematic by a joint team of competent regional gov- information relevant to the Kunene Region ernment officials and professional consult- profile. Finally, I would like to recognize the ants under the guidance of their excellent participation of the Regional Inhabitants for political leadership. their readership of this document. Special thanks goes to the profile secretariat whose sleepless nights, strategic program- ming and coordination, undivided attention and stimulating suggestions led to the Hon. Cllr. T.D. Murorua finalization of this profile. I would also like CHAIRMAN: KUNENE REGIONAL COUNCIL Section title 5 Kunene Regional Vision “ To be the fastest developing region that provides quality and accessible services and a hub for sustainable investments in Namibia by 2030”. Kunene Regional Manifesto “ Welcome
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