REPORT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL 16 June 1987 - I5 June 198% GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS: FORTY-TlilRD SESSION SUPPLEMENT No, 2 (A/43/2) UNITED NATIONS New York, 1989 REPORT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL 16 June 1987 - I5 June 198% GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS: FORTY-TlilRD SESSION SUPPLEMENT No, 2 (A/43/2) UNITED NATIONS New York, 1989 NOTE Symbols of United Nation0 document8 arc compored of capital letters combined with figurer, Mention of much a rymbol indicate8 a rcfcrcnce to P. United Nations document, Documents of the Security Council (symbol SI I I , ) are normally published in quarterly Supplmmts of the Oflclaclr Records of the Securlry Council. The date of the document indicator the supplement in which itappcarsorin whichinformationaboutit ir given. The rcsolutionr of the Security Council, numbered in accordqncc with a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumee of Ru~okt~ons md Decldons of the Securlry Cowrcl/, The ncrw system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before I January 1965, became fully operative on that date. CONTENTS PART I 1. THE GITUATION BETWEEN IRAN AND IRAQ .*..,,.,,,*.,11.....,,..*,,,.,*.. 2 A. Communications received betwasn 17 June and 20 July 1987 .,..,... 2 B. Consideration at ths 2750th m6ating (20 July 1987) .,l,,,,l..,,,l 3 C, Communications r6ceived brtwern 22 July and 21 December 1987 ..,. d D, Conrideration at the 2’179th meeting (24 December 1987) ,*,**..1*. 13 E. Communiaations received between 28 December 1987 and 16 March 1988 and requert for a meeting ..l.,....l......l..,..... 14 F. Consideration at the 2798th msetting (16 March 1988) ,,,,.,,,.~,~~ 17 (3, Communication8 received between 17 March and 5 May 1988 and report of the Mission dispatched by the Secretary-General .,.,,.. 18 H. Coneiderntion at the 2812th meeting (9 May 1988) . 23 I. Communicati%xi received between 11 May and 13 June 1988 .I....... 24 A. United Nation6 Interim Force in Lebanon and developments in the Israel-Lebanon rector ,,,1,,1.,0,~,~,.,~1~.,....,,.,,~.,.....~.. 26 1, Communications received between 19 Jun? and 28 July 1987 and report of the Secretary-General ,...1...,.1....,,,,,.~~,,,... 26 2, Consideration at the 2751st meeting (31 ,July 1987) *,,.*..,I. 26 3, Communicatione received between 12 August 1987 and 7 January 1988, special report of the secretary-General and request for a meeting ,*,,,,,1.*,1.1,...........,..,,....,,.* 27 4. Coneideration at the 2782nd to 2784th meetingu (15-18 January 1988) .*..,,..*.,**..*..**.,. ..*.....**...*. 28 5. Communications received between 20 and 25 January 1988 rend report of the Secretary-G6neral ,*1*11~.....1..1...*......... 31 -iii- CONTENTS (continued) 6, Cor\rideration at thr 2788th me6ting (29 January 1988) 1~~~~*~ 31 7. Sp6aia1 r6pOrt of the Sesretary-Gea6ra1, CommwIicatiune reaeived between 14 Morah and 5 May 1988 and rcquert for a mooting ,1.,,.,....,.111.,...,,,,....~.....,*..,.,....~*... 32 a* Conrid6rrtion at th6 2811th, 2813th and 2814th meetings (6, 9 and 10 May 1988) ,1...1,.....,,.*1...........,..,,..*.. 33 9. Communiaationr rrc6ivrd brtwern 11 May and 15 June 1988 .,.,. 36 B, Unit6d Nationr Disengagemrnt Observer Forc6 . 36 1, RIpOrt of the Sear6tsry436n6ral datrd 13 NovQmber 1987 . 36 2, Conridoration et thr 2769th m66ting (25 NOV6mb6r 1987) ,..... 36 3, R6port of th6 Secretary-General dated 20 May 1988 .,......... 37 4. Conridrration at the 2815th meeting (31 May 1988) .,,..,..... 38 C, Other arpoctr of the situation in the Middl6 Eart . 39 Communications rroeived between 15 July 1987 and 15 June 1988 and reports of the Secretary-General . 39 3. THE SITUATION IN NAMIBIA .~...,1...,.,,,,,,,~...,.....,,,,,,~~~,..... 42 A. Communications received betwren 15 July and 13 August 1387 ,.,,.. 42 B. Statem6nt by the Prerident of the Security Council (21 Augurt 1987) ,...~~,.I~,~,,,~.~,,,..~.,~...,,~~,.,.,,~,,..,.. 42 C. Communications received betwren 21 August and 27 October 1987, report of the Secretary-General and requorts for a meeting ,.,... 43 D. Considrration at. the 2755th to 2759th meetings (28-30 October 1987) . ..1..........~................,~.,~~... 43 E. Communications received bstween 6 November 1987 and 24 February 1988 ,,..,,.,L..*,,....,,,....*................,..... 47 4. COMPLAINT BY ANGOLA AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA ,,,I.,............,,,.,..... 49 A, Communications received between 20 October and 20 November 1987 49 and requactr for a meeting .,,..,,..,,,,,,..~............~~...... 8. Conridrration at the 2763rd to 2767th meetings (20-25 November 1987) . ,.,,,,..,,~~,.,,,,,I..~...,.....,~,,~.., 49 -iv- CONTENTS (continued) C, Communiaationr roasivmd betwmmn 24 Novmmbmr and 22 Ddcmmbe: 1987, rrport of the Srcrmtary-Qenrral and raqumrt for a meeting . 53 D, Conridcration at the 2778th mmeting (23 Decmmber 1987) ,.I.V,,.,I 53 E. Conununiaatfonr rmcmivmd between 24 Decrmber 1987 and 16 Fmbruary 1988 ..I*....,..“.‘..~‘.‘...*...“.................. I5 6. THE SITUATION IN TX3 OCCUPIED ARAB TERRITORIES .o.....,.,....,...... 56 A. Communiaationr rmcmivmd botwren 29 Juno and 11 December 1987 and rmqumrt for a mmmting . ..~.~.~.....~.~.~...~.~..~.~...~~.. 56 8. Conrideration at the 2770th crnd 2712nd to 2777th memtings (11-22 Docmmbmr 1987) . ..**..*1*.,.*.I*~~..*~*~~*..‘~..~.‘....... 57 C, Communication6 rrcmivmd bmtwarn 14 Dmcrmber 1987 and 4 January 1988 and rmqumrt for a mmrting . 63 D, Conridmration at thm 2780th mmmting (5 Jarruary 1988) ,..,.,,..,,. 64 E, Communications rrcaivmd on 5 and 12 January 1.988 L.....C...,I.... 66 F. Conrfdmratfon at the 2781rt meeting (14 January 1988) . 66 0. Communication6 rmcm~ved bmtween 15 and 27 January 1988 and report of thm Smcretary-Gmnmral . ..*............................... 67 H. Conrideration at thm 2785th to 2787th, 2789th and 2790th meetings (27 January-l February 1988) ,.*,*.*.*..I.......*...,.*. 68 I. Communicationa received between 28 January and 29 March 1988 and raqumrt for a memting .*..*..............*..........*..*......... 72 J. Consideration at the 2804th to 2806th meetings (30 March and 14-15 April 1988) . ..*.......*...*I.*............*..*....*..*.... 74 K. Communications received betWe6n 30 March and 3 June 196e .V.I...I 77 6, THE SITUATION IN CYPRUS .,...,..**,....I.,,.*,...........*..*....***, 80 A. Communication8 received between 23 June and 14 December 1987 and report of the Secretary-General ,,,.,...,......,.., -...**.I, 80 B, Conoidsrstion at the 27710t mooting (14 December 1987) . ..I...... 81 C. Communications recmivmd between 17 December 1987 and 14 June 1988 and report of the Secretary-General ..,............. 82 D. Conrideration at the 2816th mamting (15 June 1986) . 83 -v- CONTENTS (continued) 7. LETTER DATED 10 Fl ‘UARY 1988 FROM THE PERMANENT OBSERVER OF' THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA TO THE UNITED NATIONS ADDRESSED TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE SECURTTX COUNCIL .*..*..*...*....**...........*..,...*.......~ 85 LETTER DATED 10 FEBRUARY 1988 FROM THE PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF JAPAN TO THE UNITED NATIONS ADDRESSED TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL ,,........,**....,,.*...*.,...*..*............,.*... 85 A, Communioationr rmcmived bmtwern 26 Janu,\ry and 17 February 1988, roquestu for a meeting and report by the Secretary-Qsneral ,,,.,. 85 . 8. Consideration at thm 2791st and b792nd meetings (16-17 February 1988) ,."~,.,,~~,~,,~,,,.........~..~......~.~.~. 85 C, Communications received on 16 and 17 February 1988 .,,,,,........ 87 8, THE QUESTION OF SOUTH AFRICA ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,..1.1.......,.,.~~.‘....~ 88 A. Communications recmived between 22 June 1987 and 2 March 1988, report of the Secretary-General and requests for a meeting ,..... 88 8, Consideration at the 2793rd to 2797th meetings (3-8 March 1988) . 90 C. Communicacionr received between 3 and 15 March 1988 and request for a meeting ,,,,~.,.,~,..~,~.,,,,~,,......,.,..~...~.~~ 95 D. Consideration at the 2799th meeting (16 March 1968) ,..l,.,,.,l.l 96 E. Communications received between 16 March and 10 June 1968 ....... 97 9, LETTER DATED 11 MARCH 1988 FROM THE PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF ARGENTINA TO THE UNITED NATION& ADDRESSED TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL AND COMNUNICATIONS REGARDING THE QUESTION CONCERNING THE SITUATION IN THE REGION OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS (ISLAS MALVINAS) 99 A. Communications rec.)ived between 12 February and 16 March 1988 and request for a meeting ,~~,,~,,,,,,,,,,.,......~......~.~~...~ 99 8, Consideration at the 2800th and 28Oist meetings (17 March 1988) . 99 10. LETTEh DATED 17 MARCH 1988 FROM THE CHARGE D'AFFAIRES A.I. OF THE PERMANENT MISSION OF NICARAGUA TO THE UNITED NATIONS ADDRESSED TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING DEVELOPMENTS IN CENTRAL AMERICA ~~,,,,,,~,,,,,1,.~..~..~...~.....~.~. 101 A. Communications received between 22 June 1987 and 17 March 1988 and request for a meeting ,~,,,~,1,,,,.,,,.......~....,.,....~~,. 101 B, Consideration at the 2802nd and 28C3rd meetings (18-22 March 1988) ,,~,,~,,,~~,,,,~,.I,~.,~.................~~... 103 I -vi- CONTENTS (continumd) C. Communications rrcoivmd bmtwrrn 18 March and 25 May 1988 *.,..,.* 104 11, LETTER DATED 19 APRIL 1988 FROM THE PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF TUNISIA TO THE UNITED NATIONS ADDRESSED TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL ,.,,,.1,.1,1*,..,,.,.*.......*..........*,,.*.*.**.. 107 A. Communication8 recmivmd on 19 and 20 April 1988 and requmrt for a mmmting ,*I,,,,,.,,,.,.,,..,..,.~....,....,*.........,.,..,.,.. 107 8, Conrideration at the 2807th to 2810th meetingr (21-25 April 1988) 107 c. Communiaationr rrceivad on 21 April and 12 May 1988 ..,,........
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