CATALOGUE OF SUBUN-SO BOOK STORE No.509 2010 item 1795 ◆◆◇◇ GREEK & LATIN ◇◇◆◆ LEXICON & LINGUISTICS 1 ADAMS (J.N.) BILINGUALISM AND THE LATIN LANGUAGE. Cambridge U.P., 2003. xxviii,836pp. lar.8vo. dw. 6,000 2 ADAMS (J.N.) THE VULGAR LATIN of the letters of Claudius Terentianus (P.Mich. VIII, 467- 72) Manchester U.P., 1977. 100pp. with dj. 3,000 3 ADAMS (J.N.),JANSE (M.) & SWAIN (S.)(Ed.) BILINGUALISM IN ANCIENT SOCIETY. Language Contact and the Written Word. Oxford University Press, 2002. x,483pp. 225x145mm (Octavo). Hardback. with dj. almost fine. 12,600 4 ALAND (K.), BLACK (M.), MARTINI (C.M.) et al.(Ed.) THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT [with] A TEXTUAL COMMENTARY ON THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT A Companion Volume to the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament (third edition) by Bruce M.Metzger. United Bible Societies, 1975,83. 2 vols. 926+767pp. sm.8vo. modern leather. 4,500 5 ALFOLDI (A.) DAS FRUHE ROM UND DIE LATINER. Aus dem Englischen Ubersetzt von Frank Kolb. Darmstadt, 1977. 24 plates and a map. 604pp. sm.8vo. 3,000 - 1 - 6 ALLEN (W.S.) VOX GRAECA A Guide to the Pronunciation of Classical Greek. Cambridge U.P., 1981. Reprinted. 174pp. bit foxing. 3,990 7 ANDRE (J.) LES MOTS A REDOUBLEMENT EN LATIN. Paris: Klincksieck, 1978. 125pp. lar.8vo. pb. bit foxed. 3,000 8 ARATOR: McKINLAY (A.P.)(Ed.) THE CODICES. Cambridge: Mediaeval Academy of America, 1942. 128pp + plate xxxvii. Roy.8vo. 3,000 9 ARNALDI (F.)(Cvra et Stvdio) LATINITATIS ITALICAE MEDII AEVI Inde Ab A. CDLXXVI VSQUE Ad A. MXXII Lexicon Imperfectum. I:A-Medicamen. II:Medicamentvm-Quum. III-IV:R-Zyson. (Bruxelles: Secretariat Administratif de L'U.A.I, 1939, 1951-53, 1957-64) Torino: Bottega d'Erasmo, 1970. 4 vols in 3. 4to. wrapper. 15,000 10 BAERMAN (M.),CORBETT (G.G.),BROWN (D.) & HIPPISLEY (A.)(Ed.) DEPONENCY AND MORPHOLOGICAL MISMATCHES. Published for The British Academy, 2007. 324pp. lar.8vo. text fine. 6,820 11 BALME (M.) & MORWOOD (J.) OXFORD LATIN COURSE Teacher's Book. Oxford U.P., 1997. 2nd Ed. 3 vols. Roy.8vo. paperback. 5,000 12 BALME (M.) & MORWOOD (J.) OXFORD LATIN COURSE. Oxford U.P., 1999(vol.I) & 1996(vol.II,III). 3 vols. Roy.8vo. pb. 4,750 13 BARATIN (M.) & MOUSSY (C.)(Textes reunis) CONCEPTIONS LATINES DU SENS ET DE LA SIGNIFICATION. Colloque du Centre Alfred Ernout Universite de Paris IV 4,5 et 6 juin 1996. Paris-Sorbonne U.P., 1999. 305pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 3,000 14 BERSCHIN (W.) GRIECHISCH-LATEINISCHES MITTELALTER. Von Hieronymus zu Nikolaus von Kues. Munchen: Francke, 1980. 363pp. lar.8vo. dw. sl.spotted. 10,500 15 BISCHOFF (B.) LATIN PALAEOGRAPHY. Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Translated by D.O.Croinin & D.Ganz. Cambridge U.P., 1997. reprinted. 291pp. lar.8vo. pb. 4,000 16 BLASS (F.) & DEBRUNNER (A.) A GREEK GRAMMAR OF THE NEW TESTAMENT AND OTHER EARLY CHRISTIAN LITERATURE. A Translation and Revision of the 9th-10th German Edition Incorporating Supplementary Notes of A.Debrunner by Robert W.Funk. Chicago U.P., 1961. xxxvii,325pp. 4to. fore-edges bit foxing. 5,500 17 BOMAN (T.) DAS HEBRAISCHE DENKEN IM VERGLEICH MIT DEM GRIECHISCHEN. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1954. 2. durchgesehene Auflage. 186pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. stamped. 3,000 18 BOURCIEZ (E.) ELEMENTS DE LINGUISTIQUE ROMANE. Paris: C.Klincksieck, 1967. Cinquieme Ed. Revisee par L'Auteur et par Les soins de J.Bourciez. xxvii,783pp. wrapper. 3,670 19 BUCK (C.D.) & PETERSEN (W.) A REVERSE INDEX OF GREEK NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES. Arranged by Terminations with Brief Historical Introductions by C.D.Buck & W.Petersen. Chicago U.P., 1975. xvii,765pp. Roy.8vo. paperback. sl.foxed. 12,000 20 BULLINGER (E.W.) A CRITICAL LEXICON AND CONCORDANCE TO THE ENGLISH AND GREEK NEW TESTAMENT. Michigan: Zondervan, 1975. 999,xxxiipp. lar.8vo. bit soiled. 3,000 21 BURTON (P.) THE OLD LATIN GOSPELS. A Study of their Texts and Language. Oxford Early Christian Studies. Oxford U.P., 2000. 232pp. with dj. fine. 10,500 22 CALBOLI (G.)(Ed.) SUBORDINATION AND OTHER TOPICS IN LATIN. Proceedings of the Third Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Bologna, 1-5 April 1985. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1989. xxix,691pp. 5,000 - 2 - 23 CART (A.) et al.: LE LATIN ET LES AUTEURS LATINS Classe de Troisieme. Paris: Fernand Narhan, 1967. 367pp. spine heavy rubbed. 2,620 24 CHANTRAINE (P.) DICTIONNAIRE ETYMOLOGIQUE DE LA LANGUE GRECQUE. Histoire des Mots. avec un supplement. Paris: Klincksieck, 1999. 1447pp. 4to. 25,000 25 COLBY (J.K.) LATIN WORD LISTS for First, Second and Third Years with ENglish Meanings. Independent School Press, 1972. 30pp. cr.8vo. wrapper. 3,000 26 COOPER (F.T.) WORD FORMATION IN THE ROMAN SERMO PLEBIUS. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1975. xlvii,329pp. sm.8vo. 5,770 27 CORBETT (E.P.J.) & CONNORS (R.J.) CLASSICAL RHETORIC FOR THE MODERN STUDENT. Oxford U.P., 1999. 4th Ed. 562pp. lar.8vo. sl.sc. 6,000 28 COURY (E.M.)(Ed.) PHORMIO A COMEDY BY TERENCE. Manuscript Reproduction, Facing Transcription, Edited Latin Texts, Notes, Vocabulary. Bolchazy-Carducci pub., 1984. 2nd printing. xxxiii,224pp. pb. 3,000 29 CROY (N.C.) A PRIMER OF BIBLICAL GREEK. Michigan: W.B.Eerdmans, 1999. xviii,264pp. sm.4to. pb. 3,000 30 D'EICHTHAL (Gustave) DE L'USAGE PRATIQUE DE LA LANGUA GRECQUE./ DE LA REFORME PROGRESSIVE ET DE L'ETAT DE LA LANGUE GRECQUE./ LES TROIS GRANIS PEUPLES MEDITERRANEENS ET LE CHRISTIANISME. 1865-1870. presentation to the Athenaeum Club with Inscription by the Author. 22,78,48pp. last 2 items with title pages. exlibrary stamped. modern imitation vellum(Boards). 9,240 31 DALES (R.C.) & ARGERAMI (O.)(Ed.) MEDIEVAL LATIN TEXTS ON THE ETERNITY OF THE WORLD. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1991. 229pp. lar.8vo. dw. sl.foxing. 10,500 32 DHUODA: RICHE (P.)(intro.,text cri.,notes) MANUEL POUR MON FILS. Traduction par B.deVregille et C.Mondesert. Paris: CERF, 1997. 389pp. wrapper. 5,000 33 DIRINGER (D.) THE BOOK BEFORE PRINTING. Ancient, Medieval and Oriental. N.Y.: Dover, 1982. 503pp. paperback. 3,670 34 DODD (H.P.) THE EPIGRAMMATISTS. A Selection from the epigrammatic Literature of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern times. London: Bell and Daldy, 1870. xl,587pp. title page stamped. spine edges wear. 3,670 35 DONZE (R.) LA GRAMMAIRE GENERALE ET RAISONNEE DE PORT-ROYAL. Contribution d l'histoire des idees grammaticales en France. Francke berne, 1971. 264pp. wrapper. 4,200 36 DRESSLER (W.U.) & BARBARESI (L.M.) MORPHOPRAGMATICS. Diminutives and Intensifiers in Italian, German, and Other Languages. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1994. 682pp. 21,000 37 DRONKE (P.) MEDIEVAL LATIN AND THE RISE OF EUROPEAN LOVE-LYRIC. Ox C.P., 1965. 2nd Ed. 2 vols. dw. fine copy. 12,600 38 DURRY (M.) REVUE DES ETUDES LATINES. Publiee par la Societe des Etudes Latines. 50e Annee Tome L. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1973. xxxv,475pp. lar.8vo. wrappers. 3,000 39 ELMER (H.C.) CORNELL STUDIES IN CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY No.VI. Studies in Latin Moods and Tenses. Johnson Reprint Corp., 1965. 231pp. 3,000 40 ERNOUT (A.) PHILOLOGICA II & III. Paris: C.Klincksieck, 1957,65. 2 vols(vol.II & III). racked vol.I. lar.8vo. wrapper. white square-paint. 5,770 - 3 - 41 EVERSON (S.)(Ed.) LANGUAGE. Companions to ancient thought: 3. Cambridge U.P., 1994. 280pp. lar.8vo. dw. 4,200 42 FAGEN (M.D.)(Ed.) A HISTORY OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE IN THE BELL SYSTEM. National Service in War and Peace (1925-1975). Bell Telephone Labo., 1978. xv,757pp. Roy.8vo. dw. bit foxing. 6,000 43 FARRELL (J.) LATIN LANGUAGE AND LATIN CULTURE. from ancient to modern times. Cambridge U.P., 2001. 148pp. sm.8vo. 4,000 44 FLOBERT (P.) LES VERBES DEPONENTS LATINS des Origines a Charlemagne. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1975. xxii,704pp. lar.8vo. pb. cover bit rubbed. 6,000 45 FLOBERT (P.) VARRON LA LANGUE LATINE Livre VI. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1985. xli,181pp. white square-paint. 2,500 46 FRAKER (C.F.) THE LIBRO DE ALEXANDRE. Medieval Epic and Silver Latin. North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 1993. 187pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 5,000 47 FRASER (P.M.) & MATTHEWS (E.)(Ed.) A LEXICON OF GREEK PERSONAL NAMES. The British Academy. vol.I:The Aegean Islands Cyprus Cyrenaica. vol.II:Attica Edited by M.J.Osborne & S.G.Byrne. vol.IIIA:The Peloponnese Western Greece Sicily and Magna Graecia. vol.IIIB:Central Greece From the Megarid to Thessaly. vol.IV:Macedonia Thrace Northern Regions of the Black Sea. Oxford C.P., 1987,1994,2001,2000,2005. 4 vols in 5. lar.4to. with dust cover(II,IIIB,IV). fine. 100,000 48 FREED (A.F.) THE SEMANTICS OF ENGLISH ASPECTUAL COMPLEMENTATION. (Synthese Language Library Vol.8) D.Reidel, 1979. x,172pp. with dust cover. 6,300 49 FRISK (H.) GRIECHISCHES ETYMOLOGISCHES WORTERBUCH. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1973. Zweite, unveranderte Auflage. 3 Bde. sm.8vo. almost fine. 50,000 50 FUHRMANN (M.) LATEIN UND EUROPA. Geschichte des Gelehrten Unterrichts in Deutschland Von Karl dem Grossen bis Wilhelm II. Koln: DuMont, 2001. 248pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,500 51 FUHRMANN (M.)(Ed.) ANAXIMENIS ARS RHETORICA. Qvae Vvlgo Fertvr Aristotelis ad Alexandrvm. B.G.Tevbneri, 1966. xlviii,114pp. 3,500 52 GAENG (P.A.) AN INQUIRY INTO LOCAL VARIATIONS IN VULGAR LATIN. As Reflected in the Vocalism of Christian Inscriptions. North Carolina U.P., 1968. 299pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 3,990 53 GILDERSLEEVE (B.L.) & LODGE (Gonzalez) GILDERSLEEVE'S LATIN GRAMMAR. St.Martin's Press, 1977. 546pp. sm.8vo. sl.underlined. stamped on endpaper. 4,720 54 GLARE (P.G.W.)(Ed.) OXFORD LATIN DICTIONARY.
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