Adath Israel Players in Presentation Wednesday Night Treasurer inbepenbent-Ieabet Lead (Joes l!f PRICK FIVE CENTH >-e \\'l N. J.. THURSDAY, MAY U, ISM!' 1 o Geritv l'i|liliv)l("l I'lW'fy 'riiui-Kilii y (irci'll Hlrci>t, WIIIIIIIIIMBI., N. J I'inal OII in Si«|ii: llrmi arc Protection in Colonia District Uncertain, Actively in H;,n, WU(,|)HRIIX;K Fi,»m Residents Can Bet on One Thing-Law Suits 'I in- n.iiwi r ] enui' r, i], by the original com- ;u liv t snt In Thursday and on Friday, .1 i>t>.) ttn-n 1 HIP IH.MIinn M»f pany. a committee consisting of Mayor iipTieaMiivi But th,- mm. Although a conference Is in llur' '',,'ilii'i I ire August I', ttrriner, and Coininit- II' Itlcilll.-.. Juis hdtMl (Ic'fl- the making fnr next Monday I miinisslnnprs tecmi-n William Fltzpatrick, Wil- "Hl.'li Cl,;,i|(-; ,1 AlfX.lll- i night, when the three attorneys, liam Warren nnd Peter Krhmidt. i'l-. anil KriWiii-,1 Bli'ili. l.se- holds of the (wo fire companies all (if whom have hud fire com r I "new" !• :ln'ii- l).n-ki-i>. ion. and the arbitration committee pany experience for years. I iic nine,-! i>[ tlie appointment of thr Township Committee an? served n* mediators. ;1 VI \ii;iins, an- Uisi'd 1! a cauiiis sr,i.si--m 1 scheduled to meet, (he majority trr< i ': i -i..n«i»-. it" At Friday's session Mr, Adams, I'ut'Mliiv main fi,., ,i, made another attempt to hinder n r I who appeared for the first time, .i| Hi-aliii mceiin- Wlmn arbitration efforts by calling a F (l ,,,1,,-ars Hint objected to the "Commissioner -ssinii convened. .l.Kcph III.-i meeting Tuesday night for the : riclcRsitiiiK their rights to the '>iuci :'ne newly elected Dcmo- vill 1 ||iii d purpose of removing the siren "'Ti.lnVi i ! » j Township Committee." Mayor :'I'll- IMIIIM; I>JS outside m the from the present flrehousr, The Greinrr corrected the attorney, in Kin; nnd up to ilmt point did. ""'"; , pi-rsiilpnt purpose was stymied, however, lt pointing nut the Committee was nor p.irticip.ite m ilie caucus . <llH when Mr. Barhnur was called to ',,!,-.. l;i« " only serving in an advisory ca- ' I,',!,,,,: «ill> the raterson on the death of his Above is the cast of "Vim Cunt Take It With You." u three- Itnbimmilz. Kwa Kohn idirectori. Michael T.uisn Irving ifood- 11 i-- known ili:it Mr. Oerlty. who pacity and the "Township Com- stcin, Sidney liCBow. Jack <lottdnnkcr, Clurlcs Sokler, Henfy ha.s Inni; been active In the IX'in- till'" mother, emitting a 2-2 deadlock. act comedy by Moss Hart and (iconic Kaufman, which will be mittee's only interest In the Kurirrirmn. cridic party, luvs the backliw of r <in Confabs Galore presented next Wednesday night in Woodbridgc High School ' H'nil '" '"' matter is to see td it that the Seated, left to right, Mrs. Isidore Italiinimit/, Mr-,. Irving the iw<> First. Ward Commit tee- "^ M ,, (),., i<tos In re.- Two conferences were held people in the district receive the Auditorium under the auspices of the Adath Israel Players. Pro- Ilutt, Mrs, Ralph Delitsch, Mrs. Hurry Kngan, Mrs. Henry Beluf- men. Joiin Ben-en and William the old lust Thursday and Friday with , 11 > • < In ceeds will so to the Synagogue and Community Center Building sky, Miss Annette Kaufman, Mrs. Herman I'lavin. Mrs. (ieorge Flip.pnirick. Cominittwrnan Wil- icl his the Township Committee lend- protection to which they are en- " Fund. Frederick (stage manager!. Not present when the picture was liam Wiirifii is definitely m [ v ut 1 «'hnrg- ing Its efforts In a vain attempt titled and for which they arc taken were Benjamin Raltintmitz, I.con Nrdzrlln, Dr. Ralph fl W paving." Left to right, standing, arc Irvine Kline, Edward Kaufman, of Mr. Alexander while Commit- to reach a cordial settlement, I)r. Louis Manger, Sidney Darwin, VValtcr Ruderman, Dr. Isadore Delitsch, I Photo by Lakls.i The entire Township Committee lecmnn Petei-Sclnnidi. us an Iselln (Continued on Page 2) n.-iideiii. i< Mild to be backinc Mr. BreiMi. In this c.\se. Ii will be the two Third Ward Committeemen, l 1800 Grade Jligh School Students Pupa Registration Health Board Told of Untreated Vog«l Makes Plea Thomas Stevens and Oeorne Miw, m uc wiio may c.tsi the deciding votes. Da s en Monda Sem e Nrither of tlie Third Ward Com- ! To Help In Stadium Dedication I y °P y S Overflowing Septic Tanks For liJA Campaign mitteiinon has definitely commu- Mure ted himself. Mr. .Stevens was ab- Beginners Starting in Conditions on Oak Street Deplored by Bailey in 'Says Sacrifice of Money sent from Tuesday's session. \uiliority Exhibitions of Games, Folk Dancing, Program September Must be 5 Urging Laying of H00 Feet of Sewer Lines Small in Comparison Party lender, hope that com- Ik Mav Hi Of Sports Planned for Ceremony on June 2 plete agreement on tlie appoint- Before Novemberr 1 i WOODBRIDGE—ThurA™-ninTnm? TI,eO ' BoarRna.-Hd or>f HealtHoaitvhi wass umvnncwarnedi ^ «lli IIIIIIIUH Sacrifice ment will be reached at a emeus I-IIH'II Club WOODBRIDGE—Approximatelppy y 800 elementary and WOODBRIDGE"^ Registration Tuesday night by Health Officer Harold J. Bailey that va- WOODBRIDGE-State Heiiiilor tomorrow ni»lu mid tlit* treasurer h Shl tdt ll named Tuesday nisht. Mil.- Carol High School students will participate in the program for! of children who will enter school; rious sewer conditions in the Township will have to receive B. W. Vnmi, honorarhonoraryy ciumchairmam n of i .; Director the dedication of the new High School Stadium on June 2,! for \je first time in scptrmber immediate attention if the health of the Township is to lllfl Township united Jewish Meanwhile, the commlltce will i,-. will talk peal and Community Center Cnm- fllso be faced with the nppoint- Supervising Principal Victor C. Nicklas, general chairman Urn be held May 16 to 20 inclusive j ^c maintained, ment of a custodian of Hi? Mj'ino- \! W.-'dllCS- of the committee in charge of arrangements, announced ia l sdlQo1 No- ' bt 1100 A MM. ; • 1 ,• !in' CrnUs- and 11:30 A. M rial Municipal Building tn take ° • ° onH 11 'in A S/l today. 3 P.M. the place left vacant by the death The program will start promptly ; proper. Six or seven houses at the dogs runnins at lariie in the In- isoul of $50,000 may be reached. of William Heller and the ap- :,.<-. .tllTHdy A child must be five years old jenc l of the street sllll have sppllc at 6 P. M. In case inclement Ame,.i(.an man Avenue section. The dons arc pointment of a clerk in the Wel- jiooo miles It is before November 1, 1949 in order h overflowing on "Let no one consider the quota weather makes it necessary to gnks and lhey flre said to be runnlnu in packs and fare Department. ,-,, i ins yciir. j to Rain admittance. He must also , . stni;uerhm." lie .said. "If each and postpone the dedication rites, fire b vscba11 the yai ds of new nomes in the vl have attacked two mea who fought :i:i Atlantic events a ' ,be successfully vaccinated against . rive. It is esti- everyone of us consider th* blood, It is understood that William whistles' In all sections of the clnlly of Gl ady D them off. Mr. Bailey said he would ::•,!• Gillf of Wnws. smallpox and have a birth certi-; sweat and tears paid by our heroic Huber. of the First Wnrd and Ray- Township will blow four blasts at matetl that 300 feet of 1)nes wiU report the matter to the iiaim n;,il.'lH'C how ncilte people, the .sacrifice of money on mond Elliott. Isclln are interested 4:45 P. M. The program wlli then ; - 'have to be laid to connect to the warden who could oreunize a posse our part is insignificant." in the custodian's post. Hnvw ver, ,:II ;Ins yiar be presented the next evening. Spruce Up Homes Next It was announced today that the 'sewer. The matter was referred to i..!.!uri. She to shoot the if the treasurership goes to ;« Fuiit Admission will be fire and si!' Tips tire Offered j Tliii-cl Graders of School No.l vis- the Township Committee and en- The campaign committee, of Ward man there Is every liklilmud i :•.!•(•!> .limiot residents of tiie community are ....'__'_ •• ited tlie Walker-GoTdDn Farm and j gineer. • which Dr. Henry Belaf.sky is chair-- that- tlve oilier wards will snahi »n :.I.KI, where WOOUB1UDGE--Next week i.s Washington's Headquarters, Rocky : Another condition reported by Urges Drive Support man. has announced the follow- Shi' makes invited. Children up to and includ- some recotsnttion on the other nut ing the sophomore year of Hi«h Clean-up Week m the Town- . Hill last week. The Fourth Graders i the Health Officer was in the In- im: calendar: ToniKlH, 8:30 o'clock, appmiitments. However, boili Hi" School will not be admitted unless ship, , will visit thn State Museum in i man Avenue section. Colonia. Initial Gifts mec-tim: at the Belaf- custodian's and dirk's appoint- •in nut her- accompanied by an adult. - , Health Oflicrr Harold J. Bail- Trenton and Washington's Cross*'Vhere he said "a survey should be- >kv inline: May 19, dinner mer-t- (Continued on Pane 'it .-[• personal 111'!.
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