ISSUE 02006/10/05 VOLUME5 61 INSIDE 02 News 08 Comments 11 Diversions 12 Features 14 Arts & Culture uniter.ca 20 Listings » 23 Sports ON THE WEB [email protected] » E-MAIL VOL. 61 ISSUE 05 VOL. 61 OCT 05, 2006 POCKET SUITES AND PRICEY MORTGAGES 06 CITY CAN’T COVER LOW-COST LIVING NEEDS KISS PUNK ROCK GOODBYE NEW YORK 12 CBGB'S PREPARES FOR ITS LAST SHOW GRETZKY INSPIRED METAL 14 ELECTRO QUARTERSTAFF RELEASE DEBUT CD YOUNG TEAM HAS HARD LESSONS TO LEARN 23 BUT WESMEN WOMEN ARE UP FOR THE CHALLENGE THE UNIVERSITY OF STUDENT WINNIPEG WEEKLY ♼ October 5, 2006 The Uniter contact: [email protected] 02 NEWS UNITER STAFF NEWS EDITOR: RICHARD LIEBRECHT SENIOR REPORTER: DEREK LESCHASIN NEWS EDITOR: WHITNEY LIGHT E-MAIL: [email protected] E-MAIL: [email protected] E-MAIL: [email protected] MANAGING EDITOR News Jo Snyder » [email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER James D. Patterson » [email protected] NEWS ASSIGNMENT EDITOR THIS IS THE 3RD OF FOUR EDITIONS WITH THE UNITER FEATURING COVERAGE OF THE Richard Liebrecht » [email protected] 2006 WINNIPEG CIVIC ELECTIONS, including some special features NEWS PRODUCTION EDITOR and commentary. Candidates in contested ridings will answer questions – ones we hope will Whitney Light » [email protected] help voters in those wards to make informed choices. The Uniter will also speak to all mayoral COMMENTS EDITOR candidates, delivering readers their visions of the city. Issues related to youth, University students, Brad Hartle » [email protected] and the downtown community are the focus of this coverage; with community groups and stakeholders, we will attempt to promote discussion of a viable future for Winnipeg. DIVERSIONS EDITOR Matt Cohen » [email protected] ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR Mike Lewis » [email protected] LISTINGS COORDINATOR Candidate Profiles WARD: DANIEL MCINTYRE Nick Weigeldt » [email protected] SPORTS EDITOR Mike Pyl » [email protected] MICHELLE DOBROVOLNY called West End Buzz, just to create an more can be done. When I heard Mayor COPY & STYLE EDITOR BEAT REPORTER online community. I thought it might Giuliani, I was really impressed when Brendan Johns » [email protected] be a good way to get people in the com- he talked about Commstat. There’s no munity together. police accountability, and that’s what PHOTO EDITOR rime is the hot topic for many constitu- HS: When I left university, I this does. Natasha Peterson » [email protected] ents in this ward, which includes parts was in a training program with the TT: After doing many hours of of downtown and the West End. In Nov. Hudson Bay Company. I was the as- door-knocking, the two biggest issues SENIOR REPORTER C Derek Leschasin » [email protected] 2005, Mayor Sam Katz implemented Operation sistant manager of sporting goods for that have come out are safety and in- Clean Sweep, the heavily publicized crime ini- the Vancouver store. I attended the frastructure concerns, which includes STAFF REPORTER tiative that saw increased police presence in University of British Columbia. I have the caring of trees, potholes and back Kenton Smith » [email protected] the West End. The program quietly ended last an arts and education degree. After I lanes. May, but all three candidates vying for the left, I ran a weekly paper, sort of like Was Operation Clean Sweep suc- BEAT REPORTER Daniel Mac seat agree that additional police the Metro Times. When I bought it, cessful? Ksenia Prints [email protected] » are still needed in the area. The candidates it was 8 pages and I built it up to 48 DS: My opinion on Operation are: NDP-backed incumbent Harvey Smith, first pages. Then, with a teaching degree, I Clean Sweep is that it was for the most BEAT REPORTER Michelle Dobrovolny » [email protected] elected in 1998 and re-elected in 2002 with decided to go teaching. part ineffective. I more or less feel it more votes than his three challengers com- TT: My experience is based on was just a PR campaign. There was a PRODUCTION MANAGER & GRAPHICS EDITOR bined; Trudy Turner, the West End BIZ executive partnerships. I was the sponsor- murder, people wanted a quick and Sarah Sangster » [email protected] director who is part of Katz’s slate; and Don ship coordinator at the MS founda- fast solution, and the mayor imple- Salter, a computer programmer who is running tion, provincial director for the Terry mented Clean Sweep. It did produce a grassroots campaign. Fox foundation, and executive direc- some results, but I don’t think it solved THIS WEEK ’ S CONTRIBUTORS tor for the West End BIZ. It’s all about the problem. Other than previous terms on partnerships, and bringing people to- HS: Clean Sweep was very suc- Andrew Amy, Derek Rosin, Ben Moore, Brooke Dmytriw, Jacob council, what experience will you bring Brown, Cameron MacLean, Stephen Spence, Meryl Kage, gether to work on common goals. cessful at the start, but during the Melody Rogan, Aaron Epp, Michael Banias, Erin McIntyre, Dan to City Hall? Major issues in Daniel McIntyre? summer months, they drained the Huyghebaert, Kristy Rydz, Daniel Falloon, Kalen Qually, Mykael DS: In terms of professional experi- DS: The major issue, and this is personnel away. In recent weeks, it Sopher, Josh Boulding, Vicki Plett, April Plett, Matt Urban, Tim ence, I did attend a year at the University from talking to residents, is crime, but fell away, but the mayor is committed, Raffey, Brock Griffin, Ben MacPhee-Sigurdson of Winnipeg, but that wasn’t really I think another major issue in all our so I’m hoping the mayor will live up for me, so I went to work for Agricore wards is infrastructure, the roads and to his word. And when the holiday is The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of Winnipeg and is published by Mouseland Press Inc. United, and basically started out in the sidewalks. Many of them are in terri- through, we’ll have it in full strength. Mouseland Press Inc. is a membership based organization in which students and community members are invited bottom there in the mail room. Then ble shape. I spoke to a gentleman who I’m also for a police commission, be- to participate. For more information on how to become a I took continuing education courses, is blind, who told me he can’t walk cause I want citizen input. member go to www.uniter.ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a member of the Canadian University Press and and got a diploma in computer pro- down the sidewalks because they’re so TT: Operation Clean Sweep was a Campus Plus Media Services. gramming and database administra- bad, and he’s having a hard time deal- big success, while it was in place. The SUBMISSION OF ARTICLES, LETTERS, GRAPHICS AND PHOTOS ARE WELCOME. Articles must be submitted in text tion. I made my way through the ranks ing with that. concept makes good sense, that the (.rtf) or Microsoft Word (.doc) format to [email protected], at Agricore, and now work in the IT de- HS: I think housing and safety, in officers can follow up and attack crime or the relevant section editor. Deadline for submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before publication. partment there. In terms of anything my mind, but I want to talk about my at its root rather than at the end result. Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves the right to refuse to print else, last year I put a website together record. I’ve been a very strong sup- The new unit, called the Street Crimes submitted material. The Uniter will not print submissions porter of Operation Clean Sweep. I Unit, will work on the same principle, that are homophobic, misogynistic, racist, or libellous. We also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. supported the hiring of 30 police of- and I’m looking forward to that being ficers in the last few years. Now, a lot in place full swing. CONTACT US » General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Advertising: 204.786.9779 Editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 Email: [email protected] LOCATION » Room ORM14 University of Winnipeg 515 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E9 COVER IMAGE COVER ART: ANDERS SWANSON'S "THREE SISTER'S" IS PART OF GRAFFITI GALLERY'S MURAL FEST. YOU CAN SEE IT ON THE STARLAND THEATRE, SOUTH WALL 626 MAIN ST. WWW.MURALFEST.COM (PHOTO BY THE ARTIST) Garbage removal projects aim to clean up the area PHOTO: TIM RAFFEY contact: [email protected] The Uniter October 5, 2006 NEWS 03 How can Winnipeg’s core areas be Car Dealers Association. Gerbasi is also known to be involved. Cycling is a really im- revitalized? as one of Mayor Sam Katz’s main critics, and her portant issue, as a form of recreation DS: What we need to do is deal with signature can be found in the nomination papers as well as commuting, and it’s now Campus & the perception first, the perception that of mayoral candidate Kaj Hasselriis. She was become a bigger issue for politicians it is an unsafe community. We do have first elected to council in 1998. because people are raising the issue. crime, but a lot of the time it’s just a per- I think it’s also having an effect on Community ception. I propose a three-step process Other than previous terms on council, people who weren’t aware before. in dealing with crime. First, residents experience will you bring to City Hall? WM: To be honest with you, I have to start caring for our properties JG: I was a community health would have to do a little more research BRIEFS and take ownership of our properties.
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