ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF SAND MINING: A CAS THE RIVER CATCHMENTS OF VEMBANAD LA SOUTHWEST INDIA Thesis submitted to the COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT UNDER THE FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES BY SREEBHAS (Reg. No. 290 I) CENTRE FOR EARTH SCIENCE STUDIES THlRUVANANTHAPURAM - 695031 DECEMBER 200R Dedicated to my fBe[0 1/ea’ Tatfier Be still like a mountain and flow like a great river. Lao Tse DECLARATION I hereby declare that this thesis entitled “ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF SAND MINING: A CASE STUDY IN THE RIVER CATCHMENTS OF VEMBANAD LAKE, SOUTHWEST INDIA” is an authentic record of the research work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr. D Padmalal, Scientist, Environmental Sciences Division, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Management under the faculty of Environmental Studies of the Cochin University of Science and Technology. No part of it has been previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or any other similar title or recognition of this or of any other University. ,4,/~=&P"9 SREEBHA S Thiruvananthapuram November, 2008 CENTRE FOR EARTH SCIENCE STUDIES Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment P.B.No. 7250, Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 031 , India CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this thesis entitled "ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF SAND MINING: A CASE STUDY IN THE RIVER CATCHMENTS OF VEMBANAD LAKE, SOUTHWEST INDIA" is an authentic record of the research work carried out by SREEBHA S under my scientific supervision and guidance, in Environmental Sciences Division, Centre for Earth Science Studies. Thiruvananthapuram, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Management under the faculty of Environmental Studies of the Cochin University of Science and Technology_ No part of it has been previously fonned the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or any other simi lar title or recognition of this or of any other University. Dr.D.Padmalal Scientist Environmental Sciences Division Centre for Earth Science Studies Thiruvananthapuram-695 031 Kerala State, India Thiruvananthapuram November, 2008 /zcvavowczmgmmwqs" I am great@/ znzfiefiteaf to 0% G). 6"atfna£z[ jczentzln‘, fnwronmenta/fczences owmm (£)"0)j, Centre for Eartfi jczence jtuzfiee ‘7fiz'ru'z/anant/Zalouram, for tie '1/aluafik guzaance; aft/ice; encouragement ana” a[so firoaaenzng my 1/zlnon and tfit'n,{t'ng "tr/62% contfucting tits researcfi work, I a[§o appreczate £23" constructive cr2'tz'czLrm, wfizcfi in many ways fie/‘oea’ me to improve tie quality of my researcfl as "u/eff as to enflance tie .rcz'entg‘Z'c {nowhfige on tie sumect. Wiegarentafcuppon pro"!/zkfetféy film tfirougfiout tie course o/M23 stuafy is rea/Q commenaafifie ana’u/itflout fizkgraczous fiefa 1 never couflfiaue compétez/tnz.'§ "a/or,{. [ pfizce on record my yincere gratitude and znz£25tea5ze5.§ to 4);: 514. Q3a6a, Q)z'rector, Centre fir Earti Sczence _5"tua€e.s" /( Z515) ‘Z7§z'ru1/anantfiapuram for encouragement; an/a[§o epending necessary/fizczlitzes to carry out tit; st ucfy. [ am conzmzttecf very mucfi to (Dr. /1'mmz'nz' josepfl, Reader; fcfioof of fnuzronmenta/Stua?e.g Cocfizn ‘Z/nzr/erszty ofjczence an¢{Yecflno[ogy /CZ/jflfl 7(ocfiz,' for ner encouragements, suggestzons ana”tz'mely /ieljas in comp/etzng till; u/orfi [ghee my fieartfefl gratztude to Q°rof /0)r) 1.5 $rzgflt jzngfi, Q)ean anféarof (@r. ,4 91/onana/a.g Qfmentus Profizssoz Scfloof of Enuzronmentafjtudieg CZ/.$fl7,’ Kocfizjfivr tfiezr uafitabfi 5640.; anzfencouragemente during tfle course oftflzk stua_/y. I am mucfi znzfefitef to Q)r K. 5% Wain Qzrector 7/a/@{om 9!/loufizr/2' Foundation Trust /‘I/91//F7] 77z'z'ru"(/anantfiapuram for prouzfing secondary data rekuant to tflzk stuafi/, encouragementx ana’a[ro sflanng 623* e,(,oertz.'$e tn tie yué/ect. ./ egorexs my sincere tfian,{s to @r. K K. Ra/an, Qzrectoz Centraf Water Commzlrszon UV!/Q Kocfizj jorprouzkfing cuzta on water / setfiment aivcfiargev anaf fiezf fin:/erzng of tfie rzuers tn my stuafl area. I am gratefuf to @r K 7\/arenzfra Q5’a5u, .5'cz'entzL¢t, Cnemzcafjczencev QM/zkzon ESQ) (Eff, fir fill; ,{z'na’ support in cfiemzca/[email protected]"zIr ofwater anfsetfiment Jampfes anfafioflr eagtenfing fie/lbs in many ways aurzng t/z'e ear6/ pfiases oftfizk stuafl/. 1 aL}o tfianfi (Dr K. flldaya, fczentzlrt, £91), (Q-11$] /or 1/arzous fie/121.9 pro?/zaezf Qy fier during tfle course oftflte stud I e,(tend' my gratitude to @r. K Soman, <Z)r jrzl{umar Cfiattopazfflyay and 5121 Q’. 511/iumar; _5’czentz.'9ts, Resource flnaé/szlr Q)z'uz3z'on (76/14)) @r. 914. _)"am.>"ua’zfi'n, .5’cz'entzlrt-tn-cfiarge Qeomatzcs Lafioratory (§9!1L) Cfiffflr prof/ta/Z'ng fiterat ure anf map; reéuant to tflzk .9tu@/. f am tfiamffuf to a/T tie ot/Zer fczentzkts of CY‘ISI5l' Professors and ‘Readers of faculty of fnuzronmentaf .5’tua5e.s; CZ/.)"/37' ana’ aa”mznirtratz*z/e stafifs qf 021515’ aruf CH5}? ‘T fir fieljvs in various ways dunno Me course ofMzs stu{y. I Man,{ Me [Mrary stafifis of (£5151 ‘]7iiru1/ananMa‘ouranz,' C7/_5fl7f 7(oMz," Centraffiiarine Fzsfierzes Researcfi Institute K CW 9-" 4(1), 7(oMz," Kerafiz Forest Yfiesearcfi lnstzitute 7-"RQ Q"eeMz,' ?77iris.sur,~ Kerah University Lzfirary Yfiirui/ananMapuram,' Centre fir @e'r/e/opment Studies (CW5), 77iiru"r/ananMapuram,' fBnZiM Lzfirary ‘]7iiru1/ananMapuram ana’ ‘Q1//aMru5fiumi' qflices at 7(oMi ancf Kofhm to access Meir /i6raryjacMZzes ancfalso fie4ning me to coféct some if Me inzponfant fiterazfure on Me sufiject. [ u/LM to ofler my Man.{s to .S’rzI Z?a’zson, Kerah jzate Land Z/se Q?oara’ (K52 Z/Q3’/' f77iiruz/ananMapuram,' 4’u6!ication @j‘icer, Qepanfment cy’ fconomics anzf Statistics ’]7Ziru"r/ananMapuranz,' _$'tate §’rouna" Water fioard fl'S’§‘7/V73) flhppuzfiajorproi/z'a’in(g rekr/ant secondary Mztaflr Me stu@/. Q7ian,€s are also Jue to .5’mt. fflyni 09.5., Quest Lecturez /7[[.5’ainzs Cofige, ‘Mira?/ananMapuram, fir fiefos renafereifu/fizle filerature coffiection. 1' sincere§/ ac,{no"a/Qzfqe .92. flfifiiseéfi Q’. V, G"roject Te//ow, (E51? and fri $az]'u£1[ 61, Qjroject Te/Zm/, KSL 7/Q31 771-irui/ananMa]Juram /or Meir fie/lbs in Me preparation cy’ Mematic maps. 9|/I y gratitude goes to Q)r. 7/. _5'anMoM ancf 9//r R51 Q?ay'u, Senior Wrojecl .S'ta[7‘.'g' 7/zsflnu 9!/loflan .51, Qemya SI. arufflnozya JT, Qvroject fiffilws £§@, CEXSI .’Miru"eananMapuram aria’ Lini 7(r1§Mna 765., 914.3" c Qeobgy student, ‘Z/ni"r/ersiiy Co/Qcae, ‘]7z'iru1/ananMapuramy’or penfincq Meir 1/afuafié time in fie/peg me Minn; Me preparation (y/1:61; Meszs. 1 esgoress my sincere Ma-mfis to Wr. M 7C-Si/{umaran flair jecretary Q’am6a ?arira1{Mina _j"amzMi for /iis u//zo/e-fiearzfeif support cfimngfieflfsurr/eys in Me G’am6a river fiasin. I aiso owe my sincere Manfiis to Me nath/es of Me szfucfil area fir Meir .{imfco-operation a/uringu/or,{ 1 am z‘/zc/eaten’ to OT’rasanM Q? 9'Kame.M £1, jfiaéeer 7(f./4., jfiarzai/az C Q? aruf Qefiiya 7/eetMz,{",az‘/2; 911.5%. Stucfe/Its Qepartnzent §e0/btgy )1?/znamaflzi Unir/erszly Tamzffi/aM1_/or Meir "ea/uafile fie[z2s in certain stages ry‘-rny_/‘iefifu/or»€, in I/ze [ow/ézna/s of Pamfia river /iasin. 1' Man»{ aff my frzenafv ancf cofleagues esoeczaféz frecya YE. §'fiesearM jcfiohz fnvironmentaf Sciences Q)z'1/ision, (Z519; Qfloopananda 9!/laflia j anof jfizny Sara 77Zoma.g Qesearcfi Scfiohrs, (Biopfiotonics Lafioratory UZ~I§I,¢,' ffimifiumar Ra/' and 7/isfinu R Researcfi jcfiohrs fltmaspfienc jczences @i"r/ision Cflfjfir Meir encouragement in various ways. I am uery muM zndeotedto Q)r. flrun Q’. R, jar 6’. ? 0. _$’err/z'ce.g 77ir1punzMura, 7(oMz,' fmt. §l/lznzlji R, Qepartment of,)"0z[_5"urr/e)4 fMz'ruuananMapuram and \ Skznzffl ya ‘M _5'ouMern Qfiazfu/ay.g '7/izruz/ananMapuramjor Mezr ,{z'ruffie(n arufsuppont durzng Me earner stages ofMzk re5earM u/or,{ Yfianfis are aZ}o due to my 5roMerjz'nu 3 QDEQ Qufiazfor 623 ,{z'ruf6e4v (funny my fieh’ surveys. /lryafi Tfiomag flczan Qfieporter /Irafi fl/lea/z'a group, @u5az' and fl/aueen Warayanan, Cargo 51//anacaer fmzrates LS"»{)/cargo, @u5az'aeser'oe.s‘ a hrqe @251: of pratzluaefir Meir zmmense support ancfaa/7r/zces Mroupfiout Me course of Me xtucfi/. I a[§o Man,{ Me jecunky jtafly" of @Z~1)"j_fi1r Meir co-operation ancfsuppozt Mat mead me to .¢ucces.ffu[@/ compfi/Ete Mzlf stua/y. ‘Fe financzaf supports from GEES ana’ Kera/a _5'taze Courzcz/fir \S'cz'encc; 7Z*Mno/opy a/1/‘Z? n-uz'ro/zment /K5 'C)"7T) are a[§o preazfy acfinou/firajeaf Specza/Marx/Q; are M/e to Q72: 711 Q flu!/ffiurnar; ‘I/zkzlzncq Tacu/iy Qepanfment of §eoscz'ence§ 7/rzzuer.rz'zfy ¢y‘§-’eorgza, /'€Mznta, Z/.51 ,1; K. 7fiamaMan/ran, /4.a@/zlror (Qtdfj 05.5.5", 77z'z'ru1/auanMapuram aru/(Dr (TM joy, <7fieaa’e6 §'fie5earM /Depanfmenzf of $ozany jacref.71/ean‘ Co/kye ‘Me?/ara, Koc/izjor Meir timeél aa’1/ices Mat fie/pea’ me to zmproue a fit zn my academic career. I afio ta/{e Mzls opportunzky to rememoer Me gracious flelpc prouuiecf 5y Late @r R jaMeeM, Tomzer Qzrecton _S’Moo/ cf En"!/zronmentaf jtufzesj 91/lafiarma Qanffii Z/nz*oerszZy, Kottayam, Mmnp my posl graduation.
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