.^TV; too I t n r ♦ Vol 63. Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, March 26, 1913. No. 13 Parcel Post to be Made W . C. T. U. I not for reform ? Think you not ldth. Do you recommend women’s | could we cast our vote,it would mean suffrage in cities ? The replies from Easier The Union met, on Mar. 18 with higher moral life in politics ? Oh yes the 140 mayors to the ten questions Mrs. F. L. Dyer, Kelleran St. tlier** is lots of gush about the ignor­ have been tabulated and form an The busy men in the New York Toe meeting was unusually well ant woman, the had woman and overwhelming array of testimony to postofiice, which embraces Manhat­ attended. word, of all, the loud mannish wo­ the value of women’s suffrage. tan and the Bronx, handled 8,482,292 Devotional service led by Mrs. man who would counteract all the In addition to these answers from pieces of parcel post mail in Febru­ ROYAL Garcelon. Usual business transact­ good the rest oi us could do. Some the mayors we have letters endors­ ary, as against 2,972,‘>70 in January, %*•! Adortrf ed. after which equal suffrage was say that we would use the ballot to ing woman’s suffrage from such with its 81 days, or an increase of men as Judge Ben Lindsey, Judge considered. the detriment of our country, our 609,922 pieces. This is accepted as Louis Cunningham, also Govs. Haw­ Miss Wilson read a logical and laws would he weak, our homes ne­ ley, Goldsborough Hay, Johnson iv m w evidence that, Uncle Sam’s experi­ very interesting paper. Mrs. Barnes, glected and our physical strength and West and others. ence here as an expressman Iras Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Jackins and Mrs. overdrawn. It world cause increase (c) As mothers, we have a r ght to fully justified his expectations, says Absolutely Pure Small read select articles pertinent of corruption in politics, (which the ballot ; Its well to stay in the { home and train aright the children the N. Y. Sun. to the subject under consideration, Heaven forbid) and lastly that wo­ That his new postal departure has that. God has.given us. Nothing The anty Baking Powder made and the meeting was interesting and men are not capable of dealing with under Heaven requires so much been|flnancially worth the while, so entertaining. tDe problems of government. care and prayer aud wisdom. I be­ from Bogal Brape Oream of Tartar far as the local postofiice is con­ No one threatened, or broke win­ 140 mayors of cities in Wyoming, lieve in it withtall my soul, and such cerned, is borne out by figures, work has a wonderful power thro all dows, or walked bare footed, or Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Kansas MO ALUM, MO UME PHOSPHATE showing that the gross receipts in their lives, hut mothers ! with all wanted to be a policeman, but the were asked the following questions ; your care and prayers and some­ February, 1918, amounted to $2,284,- good women present wanted their 1st. Do women voce in consider­ times agonizing to Almighty Gotj, 8(59.19, or $209,077.47 mor than was rights just the same and knew what able numbers ? even now open dens lie in wait for taken in February, 1912. As Uncle innocent feet, inviting doors of Hell their rights were. 2d. Ate they corrupted by their m Samjhas several thousand postoffices are wide open and someone beckons participation in election ? your cliild in, and you can’t put out expended locally. that are making the most of the par­ Aroostook Jersey 8d. Are the polling booths gener­ your hand openly and publicly clear The observations of the work by ed post it is evident that the new The following paper on Franchise ally located in places fit for women the den or shut too trie door. Its " Breeders Association Director Cooper are of interest, as system is stimulating business and was given at a recent meeting of the to enter ? not enough to influence at home and | indicating the general devotion of is bringing about a great savipg, by W. C. T. U., by Mrs. W i’son, wife have no part or voice in saying what ' The Sprlnjf nieot'np- of the Amos- 4th. Is there more or is there less laws shall be made to protect that I the pupils to the practical experience, reason of the reduced rates, to the of County Missionary, Q. L. Wilson. took Jersey Breeders Association corruption in elections ? home and child from without. t “The school is peculiar.” says Mr. folks who pay the freight. In writing our various themes, es­ Frances Willard said ; Women WM held In Easton oil Tuesday the 6th. Are better or worse men elect­ Cooper, “ in that it has no buildings Although the business is growing says, etc. at school, we had always ! will make more home-like every llSth Inst. Thirty enthusiastic breed- ed to office ? and no class rooms, except the fields by leaps and bounds the men who first to make out our outline, so per­ place on this round earth.” “ Each BIB were present. The meeting was 6th. Are women generally in favor reform passes thro three stages ; which are owned by the pupils. Its guide the destinies of the Postoffice haps here it might be well to ask Balled to order at 10.80 a. m. by Pres. of law and order ? Ridicule, argument and adoption, facult-* is scattered over an entire department at Washington are mak­ first ; What is a franchise ? and to the last stage of this reform is adop­ I Stanch field, who briefly reviewed 7th. Do they take an intelligent state and each member is a special­ ing plans to extend the usefulness of consider it in three ways ; Who tion and workinar, and now from tne MHi winter’s doings and spoke of the interest in municipal affairs ? ist in many branches. Our 2,400 pu­ the system. At the same time they wants it ? Why is it wahted ? and, watch tower hear them say ; W e see aflMK'araging outlook for the live 8th. Are they public spirited and a cloud arising. Its about as big as pils were very regular in their at­ are trying to meet the criticisms why should it be granted ? ttoefc Interests of Aroostook Co. ready to ially to the support of up­ a woman’s hand with a ballot in it. tendance, for in only a few cases did that have been made against the Franchise, as a verb transative, Some of these days its gdmg to rain The l on tine business which inelud- right and honorable men of progres­ they go to the teacher. Inmost of service by devising ways of smooth­ such copious showers that tne high a discussslon of the State Assool- means “ to make free,” as a noun, it sive \ iews ? the work the teacher went to the ing out the wrinkles which are now is “ an exemption from duty,” “ the license clan will have to run and tell n of Jersey Breeders and its 9th. Are there enough “ bad wo­ Ahab to prepare his chariot and get pupils, and there, on the student’s bothering Uncle Sam. right to vote in governmental affairs was quickly disposed of. men” votes to he a menace ? in out of the rain. own farm and under the actual con­ One of the most promising innova belonging to citizens not aliens.” 1. Redman of the College of ditions he is called upon to face, the tions starts on July 1 next, when the Accordingly, then, women are not culture, spoke of the importance work of instruction was carried on.” “ (J. O. I). service’’ will go into effect the Panama Pacific Exposition citizens or are aliens. On payment of a 10 cent fee by the the benefits to be derived frem The work of this association is I remember in studying Commer­ sender Uncle aam will undertake to exhibit of Maine's live stock very practical in its usefulness iti cial Law’ how very indignant 1 was that it begins and continues with collect from the addressee the price to read this ; “ Women, fools and other products. of the article sent by parcel post, to­ e oommittee on Futurity test the member or pupil on the condi­ idiots cannot vote,” I have ever gether with the amount of postage le an advance report outlining tions and opportunities which he since been for women’s suffrage de­ due for sending. •Bhcme for testing which will be himself has possessed for some time, spite the fact that some of my young By this method if a woman goes decided upon at the an- and which he hopes to improve and friends then thought me strong into a store and soes something that meeting. thereby increase his own resource­ minded, and the fact that many she thinks she wants very much, $ provides for a week's test, the fulness. It is a principle which women now make fools of them­ but doesn’t happen to have the ter to be appointed by the M. E x ­ strikes at the individual initiative selves over it and binder the cause wherewithal to purchase, she can it stptlon with the approval and ambition. The work of such an by so much. make her arrangement with fhe Au J. C. Club so that all belt- association is not in any sense in­ Franchise ; the right to vote in sales person and go away happy in qualifying may enter the Regis- tended to take the place of more governmental affairs, Who wants specific scientific training which the certainty that the parcel post­ M erit.
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