POSTAL RECEIPTS SHOW THE RECORD CIRCULATION THE LARGEST IN THE COUNTY. THEY DON’T LIE. "HERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN! UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN." VOLUMN XXXVIII. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 . 1 9 3 7 . NUMBER 2 6 to get ahead and the other numer NEWS OF LONG AGO. Democratic Fraud In Are We Really Free? ous wrong attitudes and unrighte­ Governor Landon Since Farm Loans To Farmers Rabbi Morris Teller, in Supreme ous conduct that result from bond­ Mr. Mark Davis has be, n appoint­ Whal Was HappemDS In Davie Kansas City. Council Bulletin age to misapplied ambition? The Election. ed representative of the Statesville BeforeTheNewDeal Used Up Kansas City, Mo., has long been The words of the title sound Reading is the gateway to men Two fates may befall a political Production Credit Association in this noted as one of the most corrupt strange to one who lives in America ta! self improvement So much it- leader who looms large in the Ameri­ section and will have his office open . The Alphabet, Drowned The can picture after he has been defeat­ spots in the country in the matter When we think of freedom, we being printed! The printing.press­ on Tuesday of each week at the Hogs and Plowed Up The of holding elections. Itisunderthe usually associate it with political ed for office He may pass quietly County Agent’s Officelin Mocksville, 's roll off daily so many books anci into political oblivion like Alton B M. C. iron heel of Tom Pendergast, no liberty, the freedom' of speech ' and Cotton and Corn. magazines, as well as newspapers? Parker, in 1904, James M. Cox in 1920 The Statesville Production Credit torions Democratic boss who gives press, the freedom to do what we (Davie Record, February 2 , 1 9 0 9 ) In European countries ruled by Iobn W. Davis in 1924 and Al Smith Association makes short-term loans out the word the size of the tna W. L. Call is wearing a smile— like, go where we like and say dictators people must read only in 1928, or be may commence to grow Fo farmers to finance the production, jority needed to put his benchmeD it’s another boy. what we like without fear of gov what is prescribed by the govern steadily in the estimation and affec­ Harvesting and marketing of crops; across and there are plenty of bis ernmental punishment. We A- W A. Owen spent Tuesday in ment; other reading matter is pro tion of the people of the United for the breeding, raising, fattening deluded followers ready to deliver mericans contrast snch freedom thai States. The above naned all Demo- Winston. scribsd lest “ loyalty” to the Fueh- ind marketing of-livestock and poul­ the goods. millions of people in Europe must -rats, were forgotten by the populace try; for the purchasing of fertil’zers, J. L Sheek made a business trip er or Dace, as the case may be, Bnt it is a long lane that has no now endure, where under Black. after having been defeated for the farm machinery, work s t a hiring to Charlotte Wednesday. shall weaken. Here we may read turning and Saturday a federal Red or Brown dictatorship one must whatever we choose; but what do presidency but we have bad others of labor and general agricultural Harold Early, of Winston, was in like Grover Cleveland and William grand jury clamped conspiracy in be on the guard not to he thrust many of ns choose to read? Are purposes. Any farmer is eligible to town last week on business. -Jennings Bryan," who continued tr dictments on 3 6 persons, mostly into a concentration camp or exiled ipply for a loan and the security re­ Miss Rosa Smith, of Farmington we really free if cannot “ find time” ievelop in the judgment of the peo­ election officials in an effort to pnrge from the family, or even be brought quired is a first lien- on crops chat­ was in town Saturday. or bave not the patience to read ple. tels and other personal property. the city of the notorious November home in a coffin, having summari J. T. Angell made a business trip much else than the comic sheet or It must, therefore, be extremely The Statesville Production Credit vote frauds. Iy been dealt with by a government to Winston Friday. sports page or financial columns, or gratifying to the friends of Governor Association already has a large num­ Theindictmentswerecalled “just that permits no independence of Percy Brown spent Sunday in the a cheap, inane motion picture ma­ Landon to note the increase in esteem ber of member of members in this a start’’ by United States Attorney thought or speech . quaint old town of Thomasville. gazine. or a foolish novel, when so toward him which seems to be de­ section and the local office-will be of Maurice M. Milligan. How grateful we who enjoy A- veloping among American citizens. Mrs. M. E. Swicegood spent Sat many excellent books of interest as great convenience to them as well as Fedetal Judge Albert L Reeves merican freedom should be for our Fhose who knew the Governor per­ to those farmers who have notJ been urday and Sunday in Salisbury. well as worth are available? admonished the grand jnry three form o f government, imperfect sonally before and during the cam­ members heretofore but expect to Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Williams Leisure is so characteristic of our weeks ago to “ reach for all, even if though it may be How prayerful day. The unemployed have too paign were impressed with his sound joint this year, Mr. Davis said. spent Thursday in Winston shop­ business sense, and his charming and you find them in authority.’’ and vigilant we must be that no much of it, and even those who are The Association charges 5 per cent ping. somewhat modest personality. Per- “ We can’t surrender the ballot damagogues shall import into A- employed no longer have to slave interest per annum but the farmer F. M. Johnson went to Greens sons had not been fortunate enough pays for the money only for the boxes to thugs, gangsters and plug merica, the Land of the Free, snch as in the past in order ’ to earn a boro Friday to have his eyes treated. to come to close contact with him but time he actually has it and farmers uglies,” Judge Reeves said. “ We vicious doctrines as have vitiated Miss Edith Swicegood returned livelihood. We are free to use our Who bave met him since the election are urged to make their applicaticns can’t stand that any longer.’’ Monday from an extended visit to most of Europe. Not in the spirit leisure as we will Are we really have been gratified with the experi­ early, get their commitments and The Kansas City political picture of chauvinistic flag-waving, but in friends in Salisbury. free if we waste all our leisure on ence. The recent Gridiron dinner at then get their checks as their checks has been dominated for years by the appreciation of the blessings of true Walter Rattz, of Salisbury, spent useless, trivial and frequently dis­ Washington furnishes an illustration as they need it, according to Mr. Democratic organization of Pender Americanism as compared with the Sunday in town with his sister, the sipating and dangerous health of this fact. The Kansas Governor Davis. gast— one of the most powerful eoslayment of the spirit that ty­ made an excellent impression among Misses Rattz wrecking amusements? Indeed R. R. SMITHWICK. political groups in an American city. rants in Europe bave imposed upon the guests there and be was “up County Agent. Miss Lizzie Ellis, of Advance, was wholesome recreation and fun are The defendants who were not their people, we may repeat the against” some of the most discerning in town Saturday attending the necessary and necessary' and al­ precinct judges or clerks were pre­ words of our anthem. persons in the world. The impression Teacher’s meeting. lowable for the most dignified and Thrngs That Never Hap­ cinct captains, with one exception Long may our land be bright which Lahdon left with the Gridiron SherifiSheekand James McGnire serious-minded person, but to be Club was recently well summed up Onewasdescribed in the indictment With Freedom’s holy light. Jr.,speut one day last week in Win come a slave Ito time wasting and by Arthur Krock, distinguished cor­ pen In Church. as a member of the Kansas City Political freedom, essential as it ston. character - weakening amusement respondent of the New York Times, The following things that never police fotce. is, is only one aspect of human Miss Mabel Xurfees, of Cooleemee habits is detrimental to one's spirit­ himself a dose friend of President happen in church as told by the Thirty of the defendants were freedom. An .ancient Greek slave- Churchman, Episcopal publication, Junction, spent Saturday in town ual freedom, for to be engrossed in Roosevelt, who wrote, among other named in our four indictments ac philosopher said: is so true to life that we are passing with relatives. self-indulgence prevents one from things: cusing them of conspiring to vlo “The praise the Governor is receiv­ it along. Mrs. Henry Xelly and little son, I am a slave to my master, but in utilizing oee’s leisure for intellec­ late the civil rights act by miscount­ ing must surprise him. Laurels are Ushers calling for help in carrying of Taylorsville, are visiting her par­ spirit I am a free perron; others tual, aesthetic, moral, religious, as ing votes for President and con­ being tossed at him from all over the the offering.
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