2019–20 ANNUAL REPORT SCALING WORK-BASED LEARNING INCREASES IMPACT FOR ALL INTERMEDIARY SERVICES PAVE A PATHWAY TO SUCCESS years MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 2019 was a year that GPSEd saw steady expansion of our work-based learning intermediary services throughout the Midwest and beyond. With new partnerships across more industries and additional services added across the work-based learning continuum, we were poised to support more students on their journey to proud and productive lives. With 2020’s global pandemic thrusting our communities into unchartered territories, we focused our efforts to support our partners by adapting our programs and learning, so that we could continue developing our students into the next generation workforce. I am so proud of the commitment we made to help prevent a widening of the skills gap that remains critical to our economic recovery. It put the joy back into 2020 having it be GPSEd’s 20th Anniversary and provided us with more motivation to make 2021 our biggest year yet! Despite the challenges that faced both schools and businesses, as well as the vulnerable population of students we serve in our WI-based Manufacturing Youth Apprenticeship Program, we stayed the course and proudly held a virtual graduation. This ceremonious occasion sent 99 more students into the next chapter of their lives with a high school diploma, as well as credentials and industry certifications that put them on a pathway to prosperity. Work also continued on the development of new partnerships that included a virtual academy in Oregon and a high school district in DuPage County, Illinois in which we are working to expand work-based learning experiences to its educational offerings. This exciting work is part of our strategy to scale work-based learning and get us to our goal of serving 10,000 students by 2025. Through the faithful support of our donors, partners, volunteers, students, and staff, we have accomplished so much over the past year. This annual report represents our results, but is just a sample of our ability to serve a greater population of students who need our support. Through collaboration and our ability to apply our talents to developing new innovations, I am so confident in our future. Your partner in student success, Stephanie Borowski President & CEO GPS Education Partners 3 WHO IS GPSED? GPSED’S CLIENT SERVICE DELIVERY PROCESS BUILDS SUSTAINABLE WORK-BASED LEARNING SOLUTIONS GPS Education Partners is a nonprofit that has been delivering work-based learning (WBL) solutions to revolutionize career readiness for the past 20 years and counting. We are on a journey to take on the challenges of the growing education and workforce gap in communities everywhere. We serve as an intermediary partner to schools, businesses, and communities to provide scalable, quality WBL solutions that impact educational systems, talent pipeline needs, and unite and lift local economies through the development of technical talent and young leaders. Leveraging the ability to customize solutions from a standard set of tools Design Build and principles, we are able to customize solutions to meet the unique needs of each of our partners. Our core services include: Customized Talent Solution Activate Pilot: Proof of Design • Evaluate current and future workforce needs • Recruit and assess students • Creating and mapping career pathways • Establish job(s) competency and skill requirements • Create individual student training plans • Create and map career pathways • Provide client /partner training • Aligning curriculum with industry standards • Align curriculum and credentials • Assess and support all pilot activities • Recruiting and assessing student progress • Develop school engagment strategy • Develop and deploy WBL tools and resources • Creating individualized student training plans 80% GPSEd | 20% Client • Deploying a full suite of WBL tools and resources 60% GPSEd | 40% Client • Providing all client/partners training • Monitoring and reporting on quality outcomes measures • Evaluating impact and outcomes for continuous improvement Work-based • Teaching personal development skills and certifications Evaluate Learning Execute Continuous Improvement for Fully Integrated Sustainability Solution for Scale • Provide data-driven tracking tools • Deploy full program to scale • Maintain student class and work reviews • Update credentials and curriculum “ Our partnership with GPSEd gives us the opportunity • Administer competency-based student assesments • Deliver program playbook for replication • Evaluate impact and outcomes for • Provide systems and tools for consistent execution to teach and mentor students and put them on a continuous improvement • Monitior and report on quality outcome measures • Plan and execute expansion strategy career pathway that is sustainable for all parties.” 40% GPSEd | 60% Client 50% GPSEd | 50% Client RHONDA, A GPSED BUSINESS PARTNER 4 5 PROVIDING CAREER CONNECTING TODAY’S CLASSROOMS WITH TOMORROW’S CAREERS CONNECTING TODAY’S CLASSROOMS WITH TOMORROW’S CAREERS TM TM ACCELERATED, NAVIGATION CONNECGPST INEDUG CTAOTIONDAY’S PA RCLTNERSASS RWORK-BASEDOOMS WIT HLEARNING TOMOR RJOURNEYOW’S C AREERS CONNECTING TODAY’S CLASSROOMS WITH TOMORROW’S CTMAREERS TM WHAT IS GPS EDUCATION PARTNERS WORK-BASED LEARNING JOURNEY WHAT IS TM CONNECGPST EDUINGC TAOTIONDAY’S PAR CLTNERSASS WORK-BASEDROOMS WIT LEARNINGH TOMOR JOURNEYROW’S C TMAREERS CUSTOMIZED, AND ALONG A WORK-WHAT IS GPS EDUCATION PARTNERS WORK-BASED LEARNING JOURNEY TM TM WHAT IS GPS EDUCATION PARTNERS WORK-BASED LEARNING JOURNEY TM TM OUTCOMES-BASED CONTINUUMWORK-WHBASEDA T IS WORK-LEARNINGWORK-WHBASEDAT IS SOLUTIONS OF LEARNINGWWORK-LEARNINGBASEDork-based learning (WBL) WORK- M I DDLE SCH OOL HIGH SCHOOL POST -SE CON DAR Y givesLEARNINGBASED students exposure to GPSEd provides proven solutions to prepare a diverse body of students for future Successful career navigation shouldWtheork-based include world of learningwork a through (WBL) LEARNINGBASEDa set of sequenced and M I DDLE SCH OOL HIGH SCHOOL POST -SE CON DAR Y gives students exposure to STUDENT BENEFITS STUDENT BENEFITS STUDENT BENEFITS STUDENT BENEFITS STUDENT BENEFITS careers more rapidly than traditional pathways. Our solutions not only meet the continuum of work-based learningW thethatork-basedcoordin world involves aofted learning work activities through (WBL). Discover your passions and Explore potential career pathways Learn valuable hard and Gain work experience in your Implement a personalized career- givesLEARNING students exposure to interestsM, andI DD how theyLE can SC relateH OOandL start creating aHIGH data-driven soft skills whileS buildingCH an OOdesired careerL pathway whilePOS T -StrainEingCO plan, whetN DAher thRat Ymeans Work-baseda set of sequenced learning (WBL)and STUDENT BENEFITS STUDENT BENEFITS STUDENT BENEFITS STUDENT BENEFITS STUDENT BENEFITS unique needs of our partners, they allow students to complete the program with meaningful interactions with businessesgivestheIt addressesworld students and/or of work theexposure sharedthrough to to Man aI ttainableDDLE caree r.SCH OOL career plan.HIGHimpressive portfolioSCH through OOtaking classesL that advancePOS your T -SsecEurCOing emNploDAymentR in youY r coordinated activities. 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