Volume 4, No. It Week of November Bltl, 1965 "CAPITOL LEADS THE WAY" This is the first in a series af articles from the leaders of the Canadian music in dustry. In these articles the people at the helm of the industry will express their out looks a nd the ir ~p i nio n s regarding the domestic industry. In the weeks to c ome, we hope to print comments from every Canadian-minded record company. PAUL WHITE CA PITOL GETS AWAR D tember, it has already established itself Capitol Records (Canada) Ltd. as a big seller. Can adian- Capitol i s not Capitol Records (Canada) Ltd. were concentrating its tal en t drive to any on e voted "TOP CANADIAN CONTENT" re­ area in Canada. At present our roster cord company in a national trade magazine features artis t s from both the Easte rn readers poll at the close of 1964. This and Western Provinces. Negotiation s are honour came as a result of our being the presently underway to sign addition al first major company to seriously attempt talent 10 Vancouver, Edmonton and Mo nt­ to find and develop Canadian talent and real. place the artists where they belong - as NEW ARTISTS names on the International Scene. Capitol has maintained its policy during 1965 and We are very excited a bout the fo llowing as 1966 approaches, we can forecast an artists recently sign e d: -E rnie L yon s - e ven greater year for our artists. came ro Canada from Ireland . He s tarted a band called The Imperials in Saskatoon A L L STAR LIN E UP and on moving to Toronto, forme d a new group, The Gyration s, eventually branc h­ To date in ' 65 we have produced hit ing o ut as a solo perfo rm er. Ernie is 22 . singles by The Esquires, The Bradfords Carol Wharton was born in Montreal 21 and Diane Leigh; and our roster also years ago. When the family moved to boasts hit releases by The Big Town Boys, Guelph, Ontario, Carol starte d to s ing The Staccatos, Barry Allen, Wes Dakus, with he r brother's band . She eventually Robbie Lane and Garry Ferrier. The Es­ teamed with brothe r Gary a nd the duo quires were the first Canadian group sig­ toured various Am e rican Sta tes. When ned by Canadian-Capitol (in 1963) and Gary gave up singing in 1962, Carol de­ they have now contributed two hit singles cided to try her luc k a s a solo. A Capitol and a "best seller" album as a result of contract was the result. The Young Cana­ the association. Session s have just been dian s are Lois Fletche r from Ha milton , completed for an al bum by Diane Lei gh , Dan Moore o f Winnipeg and Dan Da lton and The Staccatos are due to cut an LP from Windsor. T he trio me t in Los Angel es in November. Further proof that Canadian where Dan Dalton and Lo i s were me mbers talent can shine outside the country was of the Back Porch Ma jority. All three a re Canadian talent. shown when Tower Records chose Diane very versatil e write rs, s ingers a nd mu­ We ha ve noted that during '65 Cana dian Leigh and The Esquires discs for release s 1c1an s. Initial rel eases by these ne w artis t s fo r the first time are being a ccep­ in the U.S.A. The Big Town Boys new artis t s will be rel ea sed s hortly. We have ted by radio s tation s in thi s country. The single was acquired by the Amy l abel for a l so acquired rights to a singl e releas e old cry of "the produc t and a rtists a re rel ease Stat eside. by Can adian Stu Mi tc hell a nd his p a rtne r, inferior to o ther countries" is vanis hing Do ug Ro be rts. MALKA AND JOSO quickly. Another important signing for the Canadian FRENCH CANADIAN CANADIAN SUPPORT J company took place in Janua ry when the We c an attes t to the fa c t that Canadian T he French Canadian record ma rket 1s International Fol k Duo, Malka & Jose, record buyers do s upport "home grown anothe r a rea Capito l intends to capture. were signed to a long-term contract. Two talent" by the ex cellent s ale s fi gures on We have s t arted on the roa d to s ucce ss in al bu ms have been produced and both have our al bums and singles. With mo st of the F rench Canada with Les Cailloux - a trio become best sellers; Capi tol- USA recent­ other lea ding l abels realizing that C api­ ly picked up the duo ' s recordings fo r re­ wh o have already had two bes t selling tol 's ambitious plans have proven to be lease in the USA, and E.M.I. Records albums for us. One - "Ohe! Le Vent" suc c e s sful, we can expec t the competition have ordered their ma terial for the Euro­ was an awa rd winner in the firs t F esti val to become ve ry keen to discover n e w pean market. du Dis que held ea rlier this month in Mont­ Stars in 1966. real. We will shortly rel e a se the de but COAST TO COAST album by J ean Cl aude Becker, and s ingles As far as C apitol 1s conc erned we will by Cl aude And The Megatones a n exc iting continue our policy to plac e all o ur artists Another s uccessful al bum features Wes new group. Our activities wi ll be intensi­ in the forefron t of the World reco rd game - Dakus (from Edmonton) - released in Sep- fied during 1966 to discover new Fre nc h We are confident we c an do it! • Ottawa: Sandy Gardiner has it that The Stacca­ tos will be waxing their first Capitol LP the latter part of November. "Move To California" has created much to the popularity of this Ottawa based group and still continues to climb charts across the nation. Dave Britten rs the happy victim of home town support. His Capitol release of "But Then" and "Falling Tears" SCORES AGAIN WITH has made Dave one of the most popular talents in the Capital. Other Canadian " FEEL GOOD " centres are beginning to list Dave's effort. He has just finished taping TV shows in Kingston, Montreal and Ottawa and and is off on a promotion trip to Halifax. Dasanda Productions have just signed " HOOCHICOOCHICOO" The Townsmen. This Ottawa based group have become one of the most popular in the area and negotiations are underway for a RECORD NO. 72305 forthcoming record session. Distribution in the US will be handled Stan Kulin of RCA Vic­ by Amy-Mai. tor is very excited over Ron Scribner, The Prez of Bigland, the forthcoming release makes the big city scene this week and of the LP by Les Feux among other things will set into motion Follets. This fantastic the establishing of a New York office company of 65 have for this very progressive Canadian book­ just returned from the ing firm. Commonwealth Festi­ To ronto: Marty Onrot, bossman at val in London England M.O.T.A. (Entertainment) Ltd. adds Miss where they received Shawne Jackson to his growing roster of rave reviews. They talent greats. Miss Jackson has made have also been skedded Toronto well aware of her singing a bili­ for four appearances on ties with her many TV appearances and the Ed Sullivan Show PA' s at local after hours spots. commencing with Nov. 7 Both RCA Victor and Hallmark studios In January they will Winnipeg Mayor Stephen Juba went on record are experiencing busy times with more and make a 35 city tour of the US and Canada. recently as being the first such politician to more MOT groups making their way into Next y ear they will be appearing at the honour Canada's MOT. He bestowed "Good the recording field. Jack London, The Olympia in Paris and commence a tour of Citizenship Community Awards" on ea ch of Paupers, Little Caesar and The Consuls, 8 European countries. Les Feux Follets The Guess Who group and at the some time The Ardels, Last Words and The Rising translated is Willow Wisps and is not a made Quality's Notional Sales Manager, Lee Suns are all examples of the good produc­ French company. It boasts members from Farley, on Honorary Citizen of Winni peg. L tions coming out of this centre. Watch for practically every province in Canada to R: Lee Farley, Reg Ayres, Quality Ma nager releases by The Poppy's, Bobby Kris and for Winnipeg, Bob Burns, mana ger of Guess and their Canadian International album The Imperials, ]aye's Rayders, and The Who, Gory and Rondy of The Guess Who, Jim should be a must for every GMP station Counts. • Purvis PD, CJAY-TV and Chad ond Bo b of 10 Canada. J.B. and the Playboys are The Guess Who . being handled by Mike Merrick out of Vancouver: Kent Chauvin notes that NYC. "Upon a Painted Ocean" looks the Sonny & Cher show was a s mashing "Take The First Train Home" like a s trong follow-up for Barry Mc Guire.
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