DOBBS FERRY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Fostering an awareness and appreciation for the history of Dobbs Ferry and all the people, noted and humble, who transmitted the good things of the past The to the present and the future. Ferryman If these walls could Star The Mead House... Dr. John On the street where speak... struck... Our beautiful Mead House Cochrane you live... A child who grew up in Did you is available for you to host Have you Did you ever wonder how Dobbs Ferry during the know that your next holiday party, heard of this the neighborhoods and 1950s reminisces about Lawrence wedding, baby shower, unsung hero of streets of our village came to the “ magical” house he Olivier, meeting or event. Please the American be named? Meet a town lived in on Colonial considered by some to be come see all we have to Revolution? He travelled forefather and learn about Avenue and the the greatest actor of the offer! with Washington’s army to his remarkable act of civic wonderful people and 20th century, learned to Dobbs Ferry and made a philanthropy that impelled events that took place fly on our humble shores? remarkable contribution to the village to name several there. Pages 1, 2 & 3 Pages 7 & 8 the war. streets in his honor. Page 6 Pages 4 & 5 Volume XXV, Issue No 2 Winter 2012 UP, UP, AND AWAY IN DOBBS FERRY WITH MOVIE LEGENDS LAWRENCE OLIVIER & VIVIEN LEIGH If you are reasonably familiar with Dobbs Ferry history, or have read The Ferryman, you are probably aware that a seaplane base existed at the village waterfront during the late 1930s and 40s. You may also have learned that the two most prominent frequenters of the base were Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh, who took flying lessons here in 1940. Riding the crest of a wave of theatrical success as well as public acclaim, the two were pursued by hordes of adoring fans wherever they appeared. One question which has always intrigued me, however is: What impact did their experience in Dobbs Ferry have on their later lives? Did they use their flying skills, or was the whole experience simply a frivolous adventure? With a little research, I discovered some interesting answers. There is evidence that Olivier appeared to have a serious intent in pursuing piloting skills. That June (1940) Belgium and Holland had been overrun by the Nazis; the Scandinavian countries were under attack, and France seemed about to go under. There was a widespread feeling that even England was endangered. PLEASE VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.DOBBSFERRYHISTORY.ORG • - . .... • THE FERRYMAN RALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N. Y„ MONDAY, JULY 22, 1940 and high walls of property owners July 4 Celebration cluded Richard Braun. Jack Stittler. Thief Escapes VillagJuly e1940, Erase Oliviers line (left)d both preparessides of the for"blind his" pilot’s test in DobbsJoan Ferry.Rogers, Charlotte Schwenker, Legion Post Votes corner. Held, Though Late Alice Halliday. Barbara Parrilll, Al- Several weeks ago the Village exander Ramondelli, Matthew Pil- Aid To Kemmerer Police Cordon 'Blind' Corner Board obtained permission from the KINGSBRIDGE—A July 4 chil- jiere, Robert Austin, Howard Myron. flying lessons. In otherpropert words,y owners toOlivier level the beganwalls At this time, fellow actress Katherine CornellAn appropriatio n to help de dren's program of the Patriotic ] James Donleary. Joseph Costelli. and the Intersection was widened I Walter Rogers, Joan Monroe, Helen hospital expenses of Joseph In Eastchester Dangerouseriouss flightTuckaho traininge by approximatelbefore comingy 20 feet. to Society of offeredVan Cortland thet Par couplek took ' O Shea her, Glori housea Spanutin at sSneden’s and Vir- merer , county commander of 'U**''| American Legion, who was Injured Intersection Eliminated Drivers of school buses and other place Saturday at the park after • ginia Duffy. House Looter Dashes Dobbs Ferry. motorists had complained to the bands and Landingparades had crowde as ad refuge.the This was ideal, as recentlthe y in an automobile mishap, board that they were unable to see was voted at the annual outing of children's contests from the Inde- ALTO SET AFIRE To Safety Through TUCKAHOE—One of the village's the northbound traffic on White couple’s relationship had begun to emergeBodenstab-Thoma as s Post, American dangerous traffic hazards was elim- pendence .Day docket. EASTCHESTER-A short circuit Legion. Saturday, on the lawn of Nearby Underbrush Plains Post Road inatedWhether Saturday whe orn wor notk o nOlivier the envisioned leading anThe societsomethingy was founded bscandalous.y Cap- tin the ignitio Eachn cause wasd a fire married in an Fran kto Palmer' s home, 138 Rossiter widening of the Rose Avenue-White HART RE A URNS HOME Avenue. tain Millard J. Bloomer of Ri*er- ! automobile operated by Wilson Gll- EASTCHESTER- Surprised In the PlainsRAF Post Roasquadrond intersectio nin wa defenses EASTCH ofT /TE hisR — homeland, S u p cr visor he dale, whosanothere aim Is to promotperson,e safe | andchrist ohad,f 52 Laure inl effect,Place, Ne wabandoned Ro- Thirty member s and guest* we*% jet of ransacking a house at 15 completed. Charles S. Hart returned Saturday present. Vice-Commander Thomas' celebrations. | chelle, yesterday on Manchester Winding Lane last night, a thief Parwast of th ine intersectiofact terrifiedn lies in afteofr flying.spending a However,week at a nationa hel both spouses and children. W. Sullivan was chef at a barbecue. dashed into surrounding underbrush Tuckahoe and part in Bronxville Elks convention in Touston. Texas. The Riverdale prize winners In- | Road. There was only slight damage. Mr. Palmer was chairman. md escaped a cordon of Eastchester was determined to conquer his fear. police. The man had entered the home of Unfortunately, he demonstrated little in the At Sneden’s, Olivier glanced across the river., A. L. Neary by breaking a first-floor window in the rear. He was fright- way of skill. As Donald Spoto, in his spied the seaplanes taking off and landing at ened away by the appearance of & neighbor, Margaret White of 1 Dog- biography of Olivier tells us:! Dobbs Ferry, and saw an opportunity to wood Lane who heard the noise of breaking glass, police said. complete his flying instruction, which had The house was vacant ovef the “Olivia de Haviland saw him narrowly miss weekend while the Neary family was Huge Improvemenbeen interrupted. t in on a trip. Police were unable to determine at once if anything had several planes in midair, and before he had been taken from the house. The man bolted from the building completed his two hundred hours of I came across no record of Olivier’s progress and raced toward White Plains Post Road. Responding to Mrs. White's instruction that year, he had smashed into at Dobbs Ferry. Evidently, his flights up and call were Patrolmen Edward Tier- ney, George Speidell and Albert three landed aircraft and caused damage ten down the Hudson were relatively accident- Bodnar. The policemen searched through times at landing fields from Monterey to San free and he acquired enough flying hours to the woods but were unable to locate the man. described as of dark com- Diego. Vivien was sick with worry, for he was gain a license. plexion, dark hair, medium height gnd slender. He was wearing a blue certainly among the worst fliers in history; short-sleeve shirt. What about Vivien? She is recorded as going The theft of two automobile just as he was a reckless driver, taking wheels and tires from cars in the 2 aloft only once, and spent the rest of the time parking yard of the Slwanoy Coun- chances as he did on stage.” (Olivier insisted try Club Saturday night was re- on the ground, anxiously awaiting Olivier’s ported to police. on doing his own stunts on stage as well as in Louis Mangano of 260 South Sec- safe return. ond Avenue, Mount Vernon, reported films). the loss of a wheel, a tire and an automobile Jack were taken from his automobile. Louis LaManna of . „ (Staff Fhotoi One odd note: It was a tradition at the Dobbs 156 Wallace Street, Tuckahoe. re- A STAR TAKING WING. Laurence. Olivier (left), motion picture After filming in Hollywood, Olivier and ported the loss of a wheel and tire actor. Is shown with his Instructor, Robert Tinay, as he prepared for Ferry base for new graduates to host a dinner from his car. his flyer's test Saturday at the Westchester Private Flyers' base in Leigh went to New York, where they planned Slwanoy Country Club omcials re- Dobbs Ferry. for the entire group (known as the ported someone had gained en- to appear together in their own stage trance to the caddy house Saturday. Westchester Private Flyers, Inc.). This was to A small qiianlty of candy was taken production of Romeo and Juliet. Among fans in and the cigaret machine was Olivier Takes Test As Flyer, take place at The Village Tavern in Dobbs smashed. 8New6 York, there was great excitement. The Hopes To Help Britain In Air films Wuthering Heights and Rebecca, both Ferry. At the last minute, Olivier and Leigh Holy Name Society ducked out, leaving the remaining newly- Screen Star Completes Course At Dobbs Ferry— featuring Olivier, had been revived and lines Holds Yearly Outing 84 Expects To Practice Between Hftllvwood Scenes were forming around the block. Meanwhile, emergent pilots to host the event. A HASTINGS-ON-HUDSON —About 90 persons attended an annual out- spokesman for the couple claimed that they ing of the Holy Name Society of St. DOBBS FERRY—Laurence Oli- Mr. Olivier has been taking fly- Gone With the Wind was still showing at the Matthew's Church Saturday after- vier, British star of stage and screen, ing instruction here for the past had been “called to Canada.” noon at Uniontown Field.
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