University of Vermont ScholarWorks @ UVM University of Vermont College of Medicine University Libraries Catalogs 1885 University of Vermont, College of Medicine Bulletin University of Vermont Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.uvm.edu/dmlcatalog Part of the Medicine and Health Sciences Commons Recommended Citation University of Vermont, "University of Vermont, College of Medicine Bulletin" (1885). University of Vermont College of Medicine Catalogs. Book 39. http://scholarworks.uvm.edu/dmlcatalog/39 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Libraries at ScholarWorks @ UVM. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Vermont College of Medicine Catalogs by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ UVM. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THIRTY- SECOND -----==-{WI) 1l ual Wtrtt OUI\ Ce1ft e:q t,~=.,____, A~D CATALOGUE OF TilE ALuMNI FROM 1·354 To 1884. u... • ..... FOR THE YEAR 1885. GIFT OF JOHN P. HOWARD, OF BURLI~GTON. _........ ~-~;- n~---••••.. DESCRIPTiON OF THE FLOOR PLANS OF THE NEW COLLEGE BUILDING. 0,.,., t:::=J r::::::J c:::::j (I),..., (") :j tn I I [\,___ __ _. I :z ...., I;) .,.., " Cl ::0 c:::::::J c:::J r::::::cJ 0 ~~~ ~ i§ 0 ...,., :;::: [:=J c::::J r:=J r- I I 1111 111 1• I a ., "1l CJ CJ ::::0 >z c=J 1 TNll -u r- ~ iz: ~ ~>~ " "' 1 ,.. , .... -~ "' FIRST FLOOTI PLAN. ,\. Office. U. 8tmlonts' Clolk I:oom nml Post Office. C. ]\lu.scum . n } lnin Entrnnce. E E E . ,Jnnitor's Apartm ents. F. l.,rh~nto £ntmnco nnd to tho Dissecting Tioom. L. EloY.ltor. ~--=-= .::z ==--~=- -= ~ I SECOND FLOOR PLAN. I Ia /--.-... 0 ~.:.:-,, Pr;vntc Ti oom for Prof. of Surgery nnd Prof. ••f --- ,1 ( Obstetric.,. F . P rim to room for Prof. of Theory nod P rnclict• of -==jl > l\ fc1licinc. IT. ~ [ntura :l.lcdicn nnd P hysiology Room. I. Chcmicnl Lnborntory. n. Amphithcau·o. • M N. Hooms for L•bornlory Instruction. L. Elcmtor. DISSECTING ROOM PLAN. L. E l ~vnto r to Dls.ecting Room. S. Private D issecting l~oom fo r Prof. <• f .An ~to:n: . '1' T. Dissecting Tables fol' Students. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwvwewwwwwwwwwwvwww THIRTY -SECOND • ANNUAL ANNOU:NCEMENT Oli' TllE ·MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF TilE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT AND STATE AGRICULTURAL CoLLEGE, BURLINGTON, VERMONT, FoR THE YEAR 1885. BURLINGTON, VT.: R. S. STYLES, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. 1884. MATTHEW HENRY BUOKHAM, D. D. , BuRLING TON, VT., President. JOHN ORDRONAUX, :fiT. D., LL. D., New York City, Emeritus Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. - WILLIA ~I DARLING, A. M., M.D., F. R. 0. S., New York Cit.y, Professor of General and Special Anatomy. ALBERT FREE~fAN A. KING, A. 1YI., M:. D., Washington, D. C., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. HENRY DWIGHT HOLTON, A. M., M. D., Brattleboro, Vt., Pr o f e~sor of li:Iateri<\ Medica and Therapeutics ; Consulting Physician to Mary Fletcher Hospital. JAMES LAWRENCE LITTLE, M.D., New York City, Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery ; Consulting Surgeon to Ma ry F letcher Hospital. ASHBEL PARMELEE GRIN:NE LL, M. D., Burlington, Yt., Professor of the Theory and P ractice of 1\Iedicine; Attcndin_g Physician to Mary Fletcher Hospital ; And Dean of the F aculty. RUDOLPH AUGUST WITTHAUS, A. M., M. D., :Kcw York City, Professo r uf Ch <' mistry nnd Toxicology. J . HENRY JACKSON, A. :M., M.D., Barre, Vt., Professor of P hysio:ogy and Microscopic Anatomy ; Consulting Surgeon to Mary Fletcher Hospital. ROBERT WILLIAl\I TAYLOR, New York City, Professo r of Diseases of tlJc Sk:u and Yenereal Diseases. STEPHEN :l¥IA.RTINDA.LE ROBERTS, A. l\I. , M. D., New York City, Professor of Diseases of Children. ADRIAN THEODORE WOODWARD, 1'1. D., Brandon, Vt., Professor of Surgical Diseases of Women. WILLIAM JAMES MORTON, A. ?ri., 1\I. D., New York City, Professor of Diseases of the l\liutl and Nervous System. WILLIA.l\'I OLIVER 1\IOORE, 1li. D., New York City, Professor ~ Diseases of the Eye and Ear. STEPHEN S. BURT, l\f. D., New York City, Professor of Physical Diagnosis. CHARLES PA.INE THAYER, III. D., Boston, 1\Iass., Adjunct Professor of Anatomy. WILDER L. BURNAP, A. l\I., Burlington, Vt., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. JOHN BROOKS WHEELER, A. M., JIL D., Burlington, Vt., Instructor in Principles and Practice of Surgery, and Assistant t.o the Chair of Surgery HENRY CRAIN TINKIIAi\I, M.D., Burlington, Vt., Demonstrator of Acatomy. JO IIATCII LINSLEY, l\L D., Burlington, Yt., Curator of the Museum. faculty to Preliminary Sgssion of 1885. CIIARLES P.MNE THAYER, JII. D. , WTLUA~[ BROWN LIT)TD. A.. i\L. JIL D., Instructor in Anatomy. JHtending S ur~t eon to Mary Fletcher Uospital ; Prof. A. P. GRIN~ELL, 11f. D., I nstructor h ~ l ate ri:l. Jl[ edica and Attending Physician to Mary Fletcher 'l' herapeutics. IIospital ; ANDREW J. WILLARD, A.M., M. D ., Instructor in Theory and Practice of Superintendent of Mary Fletcher H oSpital; Instructor in Chemi.;try n.nd Tox i co lo~:y, Medicine. ' anr\ A ·sistant. to the Chail· of Ohemistrv. HlRA)! HAYDEN ATWATER, A.llf .. li! .D., Prof. .T. llE:>IRY JACKSO~. A. 111., M.D., Consulting Physician to Mary Fletcher Instructor in Phrsiolngy and Microscopic . · Anatomv. Hospital; JOIDf)3ROOKS WHEELER. A. :M., D-L D., Instructor in Obstetrics and Diseases Io•G·octor io Pt·incipleR ancl Practice of of Women and Children. Surgery; Attending Snr~:eon to Mary Fletcher Hospital. 4 liEDICA.L DEPARTMENT OF ~cAnnual Announcement©?< .. N this, their thirty-second Circular and Catalogue, the Faculty I of the Medica,] Department of the University of Vermont are pleased to announce the progressive development and continued prosperity of the Institution. The class of 1884-numbering two hundred and thirty matriculants-is the largest in the history of the College. ·I%- NEW +G8liliEGE+ BUIJJDING.-!t· THE GIFT OF MR. JOHN P . HOWARD. At no time since the organization of the College have its prospects been more flattering than at prer;en t. To accommodate the constantly increasing number of students the old college buildings had been, from year to year, enlarged, until in 1884 1t became evident that an entirely new structure would be required. At this juncture the Medical Facnltj were agreeably surprised to receive from Mr. JoHN P . HowARD the munificent gift of a new and commodious College building. 'rhis new struc­ ture, which had been so far completed as to accommodate the greatly increased number of students in the class of last year, will be further elaborated and entirely finished in readiness for the session of 1885. 'fhe new structure is a substantial brick building situate on Pearl Street, on the north side of, anJ immediately overlooking, the Col­ lege Park. It is provided with an amphitheatre capable of com­ fortably seating three hundred and fifty students. The Labora­ tories for Practi_cal Chemistry and Physi_olo~y, and the Di_ssecti_ng Room for Practical Anatomy, are ample 111 s1ze, and supphed w1th every modem convenience that may contribute to the comfort of the student, and facilitate his work. The College Museum is spacious, well li ghted, and contains a large 9ollection of carefully prepared specimens,-many of them mre,-illustrating alike, normal and pathological structures. 'rite entire edifice is heated by steam, thoroughly ventilated, and in all its appointments completely adapted to Medical tC;Jaching. Among the man y magnificent and liberal gifts-amounting in the aggregate to nrarly half a million dollars-which Mr. HowARD has so generously bestowed upon the City of Burlington, none will · THE UNIVERSITY . OF VERMONT. reflect more lasting praise or elicit more grateful acknowledgment than this much needed and elaborate College Building, erected for the promotion of Medical Education and dedicated to the ad>ancc - ment of Medical Science. · PLAN OF INSTRUCTION. The plan of instruction adopted by this Institution comprises a complete course of Scholastic Lectures upGn the seven essential branches of Medical Science, viz : Anatomy. Physiology, Chemistry, Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Surgery, Obstetrics, and the Theory and Practice of Medicine. The facilities _for Clinical instruction in the Practical branches r are in every respect ample and complete. Seven years ago The Mary Fletcher Hospital, erected for t he City of Burlington solely by the generosity of the lady whose honored name it bears, was opened for the reception of patients. At the time of its construction Miss FLETCHER added to the Hospital Buildings a splendid amphitheatre, specially adap­ ted to clinical teaching, and designed to offer additional advantages, in the way of clinical in struction , to the Medical Students of this College-a purpose which has been fully realized, and for which students and Faculty are alike g r atef~:~ l to the respected donor. / In order to render the several courses of in struction as thorough as possible, t he F aculty have selected a number of medical gentle­ men to lecture upon special subjects. Such parts of the regular co urse as are not taught in detail by the regular Professors will thus receive special attention from gentlemen who are acknowledged authorities in their respecti1e specialties, each on e giving a short ancl practical course of lectures. This plan, which was adopted for the first time eight years ago, has been of great Yalue to, and is highly appreciated by, the students, since it enables them to obtain a more exact practical knowledge of important subjects, than they can receive from the general lecture course. The Faculty are pleased to announM the continuance of Profes­ sors Robert W. T aylor, Stephen M. Roberts, A. T. Woodward, and Willi,Lm J . Morton. They also take pleasure in statin g that Wilder L.
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