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Cir-ilGl9 C(C?Ra!io-Cana!a ((S AS In-erou-e Tel#-ra 4In-erna-ional5 (ou8gue# Telecom IS" E-liance ISC 4F-Roo-5 Air#,ee! Telecom Rai!io Tele%i# Eireann "o/erTec+ In%orma-io *R' 'E*ET "TT-G;* Omni Telecomunicae# Tren-ino *e-/or& In-erne- Solu-ion# "CH?Woo!8ne- *S An8 Flex *e-/or& RISQ inc (a#e%arm AS WA*A*CHI OL El#8ne- S.r.l. Re-eli- CIRTIL 4)RSAAF5 SWITCH Cogen- Ex-erne- Algar Telecom Tele&om $ala8#ia (er+a! 4T$5 ART"RICE "an#er0ice H3G .IF In-erne- *ETrega-or e La Salle )ni0er#i-8 O.H In-re! S-ar*e- $ol!o0a ClioCom LASOTEL Google Inc. 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Lea#e/eb So%-La8er Tec+nologie#H Inc. 4an I($ Com,an85 Air/ire *$IX "rime Telecom Carroll-on Sc+ool o% A&amai Tec+nologie# Euro,ean AS ALI*TO E.CLIC Wi!e.OI" La "o#-e GTS Cen-ral Euro,e O#lo IS" A Engineering L8onix LIACO In%racom I-alia Loo,bac& S8nco TOrino "iemon-e Exc+ange "oin- Au-onomou# S8#-em S8mbio *e-/or&# Aruba Ho-mail Cor,ora-ion F$I 4Force $icro In- Ca8o France Com,le-el RIO $e!ia a.#. *e-,o/er Scan,lu# GmbH BSC Tran#TeleCom Com L8onix .i#ian- Tec+nologie# Srl Elio-- *e## "or-lane A( Fa#-Ho#- AS (T ITALIA "ac&e- Clearing Hou# (T Telecom I-alia (ean%iel! Tec+nologie# Inc. F"L FI(ER*ET T.*e- "ac&e- Clearing Hou#e Wi-be .i#ian- Ou-#ourcing Srl 4%ormerl8 Gru,,o IH Srl5 AS992 .OL.O IT GLO(AL CROSSI*G LATI Fro#inone Wirele## Wirele## Connec- L-!. "rime-Line *e- "remium .L.-IX *eu% Cege-el?SFR Xenion Communica-ion *e-Com GS$ AS ;gni-ion *e-/or&# abilene Coloca-ionIX Ca8o France A##ocia-ion Greno!e "ac&e- Clearing Hou#e T+e In-erne- (u#ine## L-!. -?a Tibu# T+re#+ol! Communica-ion#H Inc AS AS IT.Ga-e Greno!e S0en#&a (re!ban!#bol Ti#cali i0er#IT E X *e-/or& reamlea! $icro#o%- *IX.CCH 1.#.,.o. O.H Fiberring ? Lea#e/eb Si#-emi )no S.r.l. EF-el "-8 L-! Ca#ablanca I*T #.r.o. ClioCom GET *e-IX Communica-ion# L-!. RI"E-RIS AAR*ET Tarr L-!.

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