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KYOTO SUNDAY,OCTOBER 22ND Post Time 10:05 1 ! Race Dirt 1400m TWO−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:15Nov.97 1:23.6 DES,WEIGHT FOR AGE,MAIDEN Value of race: 9,550,000 Yen 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Added Money(Yen) 5,000,000 2,000,000 1,300,000 750,000 500,000 Stakes Money(Yen) 0 0 0 Ow. Susumu Hayashi 0 S 30003 Life30003M 00000 1 52.0 Yutaro Mori(4.5%,19−25−20−362,45th) Turf10001 I 00000 1 Cool Win(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 +Meisho Bowler(0.80) +Fuji Kiseki C2,b. Ichizo Iwamoto(5.8%,13−26−27−157,84th) Course10001E 00000 Wht. ,Kool Modern ,Kool Arrival 5Apr.15 Urakawa Nissei Bokujo Wet 10001 7Oct.17 KYOTO MDN D1200Sl 9 11 1:13.0 8th/14 Yutaro Mori 52.0 474 ) Aster Sword 1:11.9 <1/2> Links Nana <NK> Tagano Pretoria 3Sep.17 KOKURA MDN T1200Fi 3 7 1:13.0 15th/17 Ryuji Wada 54.0 464) Aonbharr 1:09.0 <1> Love Kampf <5> Riley 12Aug.17 KOKURA NWC D1000St 2 2 1:04.5 11th/11 Ryuji Wada 54.0 454% Hiro Shige Gold 1:01.1 <NS> Pegaso <NK> Queen’s Cattleya Ow. Shinichiro Nishimura 0 S 10001 Life50005M 40004 2 55.0 Kyosuke Kokubun(5.4%,19−19−20−291,46th) Turf30003 I 00000 2 Daikirishima(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 +Meisho Bowler(0.80) +Scatter the Gold C2,d.b. Akira Murayama(6.2%,13−7−8−182,96th) Course10001E 00000 Blk. ,Platinum ,Shoei Mizuki 12Mar.15 Shinichiro Nishimura Wet 10001 8Oct.17 KYOTO MDN D1400Mu 9 9 1:27.5 6th/11 Kyosuke Kokubun 55.0 468( Muscle Masamune 1:24.9 <3> Meisho Opus <4> Sky Luke 2Sep.17 KOKURA MDN D1000St 12 12 1:04.5 13th/14 Kiwamu Ogino 53.0 468) Pegaso 1:00.6 <1/2> Soliste Thunder <2> Queen’s Cattleya 5Aug.17 KOKURA MDN T1800Fi 11111111 1:51.6 11th/11 Hideaki Miyuki 54.0 460' Tagano Sky High 1:49.0 <NK> Shigeru Horenso <1/2> Tagano Barbados 16Jul.17 CHUKYO MDN T1400Fi 10 9 1:23.2 9th/11 Kiwamu Ogino 52.0 454( Red Charlotte 1:21.8 <1 1/4> Rule Dharma <1 1/2> Cocktail Dress 4Jun.17 HANSHIN NWC T1400Fi 1111 1:25.2 10th/12 Ryoya Kozaki 53.0 450( Weiser 1:21.9 <1/2> Tagano Sky High <NK> Tanino Mystery Ow. Makio Okada 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 3 55.0 Hideaki Miyuki(6.9%,56−63−60−636,12th) Turf10001 I 00000 3 Ilion(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Roses in May(0.96) +Jungle Pocket C2,d.b. Naoyuki Morita(6.7%,17−19−13−205,56th) Course00000E 00000 Red ,Aphrodisias ,Power of Love 5Apr.15 Okada Stud Wet 00000 1Oct.17 HANSHIN NWC T1400Fi 8 8 1:24.3 7th/10 Kiwamu Ogino 53.0 436$ Armonica 1:22.2 <3> Valentine Gem <2> Faire du Bien Ow. KT Racing Co.,Ltd. 750,000 S 00000 Life30003M 30003 4 55.0 Daisaku Matsuda(9.0%,7−7−5−59,81st) Turf30003 I 00000 4 Big Wave(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Daiwa Major(1.37) +War Emblem C2,b. Masato Nishizono(10.7%,31−23−24−212,11th) Course00000E 00000 Blu. ,Dream Emblem ,Maxim Dream 21Feb.15 Kineusu Bokujo Wet 00000 16Jul.17 CHUKYO MDN T1400Fi 6 6 1:23.2 10th/11 Manabu Sakai 54.0 468% Red Charlotte 1:21.8 <1 1/4> Rule Dharma <1 1/2> Cocktail Dress 2Jul.17 CHUKYO MDN T1400Fi 4 2 1:23.5 4th/12 Manabu Sakai 54.0 468$ Cordierite 1:22.2 <6> Rapier Wit <1 1/4> Namura Appare 10Jun.17 HANSHIN NWC T1400Fi 2 2 1:23.7 9th/12 Yuga Kawada 54.0 476$ Amalfi Coast 1:22.1 <1 3/4> Scarlet Color <2 1/2> Stella Rosa Ow. Silk Racing Co.,Ltd. 2,800,000 S 00000 Life10100M 10100 5 54.0 Christophe Lemaire(22.6%,141−104−84−294,2nd) Turf00000 I 00000 5 Soubrette(JPN) Dirt10100L 00000 +Gold Allure(1.02) +Mr. Greeley F2,ch. Sei Ishizaka(6.2%,15−23−24−180,67th) Course00000E 00000 Ylw. ,Flirtatious Miss ,Seductive Smile 26Apr.15 Northern Racing Wet 00000 24Sep.17 HANSHIN NWC D1400St 2 2 1:26.6 2nd/16 Christophe Lemaire 54.0 472! Opera Gloves 1:26.6 <NK> Soubrette <3> Kitchen Witch Ow. N.Namura 0 S 00000 Life20002M 20002 6 52.0 Hayato Mitsuya(2.9%,6−5−2−195,86th) Turf00000 I 00000 6 Namura Shishimaru(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 +Apollo Kingdom(0.75) +Came Home C2,b. Tetsuya Meno(5.5%,10−6−10−157,135th) Course10001E 00000 Grn. ,Namura Nene ,Rosangela 6Apr.15 Mutsuhiro Namura Wet 00000 9Oct.17 KYOTO MDN D1800Go7789 1:57.89th/11HayatoMitsuya52.0492' Vip David 1:54.4 <6> Kurino Capone <NS> Shigeru Horenso 24Sep.17 HANSHIN NWC D1400St 15 15 1:28.4 11th/16 Hayato Mitsuya 51.0 496* Opera Gloves 1:26.6 <NK> Soubrette <3> Kitchen Witch Ow. Masami Suganami 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 6 55.0 Takashi Fujikake(4.5%,9−5−10−177,73rd) Turf10001 I 00000 7 Trust Nobunaga(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Henny Hughes(0.46) +Danehill G2,b. Tomohiko Hatsuki(3.7%,7−6−8−170,166th) Course00000E 00000 Grn. ,Royal Lineage ,Royalivor 19Mar.15 Hokusei Murata Bokujo Wet 00000 1Oct.17 HANSHIN NWC T1400Fi 5 4 1:24.0 6th/10 Takashi Fujikake 54.0 444% Armonica 1:22.2 <3> Valentine Gem <2> Faire du Bien Ow. Forest Co.,Ltd. 0 S 00000 Life10001M 00000 7 55.0 Kenichi Ikezoe(8.9%,43−55−47−340,19th) Turf10001 I 10001 8 Z Ares(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Eishin Flash(0.29) +Neo Universe C2,bl. Kaneo Ikezoe(8.3%,17−24−19−146,52nd) Course00000E 00000 Org. ,Neo Silvia ,Trevi Sunrise 19Feb.15 Forest Inc. Wet 00000 27Aug.17 KOKURA NWC T2000Fi 1112 2:04.98th/9 Kohei Matsuyama 54.0 472" Bubbly Barows 2:03.6 <1 3/4> Narita Blue <NS> Kurino Diamond Ow. Takafumi Tomoyama 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 7 55.0 Ryuji Wada(10.2%,83−70−77−587,5th) Turf00000 I 00000 9 Rosa Valenti(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 +Rose Kingdom(0.24) +Sakura Bakushin O C2,d.b. Yoshihiko Kawamura(9.2%,21−11−25−172,33rd) Course10001E 00000 Org. ,Paris Seiryu ,Loran Road 27Mar.15 Takafumi Tomoyama Wet 10001 7Oct.17 KYOTO NWC D1400Sl 5 4 1:27.1 6th/13 Katsuma Sameshima 54.0 472& Hosho Now 1:24.8 <2 1/2> Sunlit Dew <5> Heyday Ow. Katsutoshi Nagayama 1,100,000 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 8 55.0 Yasunari Iwata(11.0%,74−65−79−457,7th) Turf00000 I 00000 10 Mild Jon(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 +King Halo(0.68) +Ogygian C2,d.b. Kazuya Nakatake(6.9%,18−15−19−210,48th) Course00000E 00000 Pnk. ,Ange Tosho ,Nuevo Tosho 19Apr.15 Akita Ikusei Bokujo Wet 00000 30Sep.17 HANSHIN NWC D1800St 1111 1:57.44th/6YasunariIwata54.0482# Meisho Wazashi 1:55.9 <3 1/2> Curren Galliard <1> Darjeeling Cooler Ow. Kazuo Ito 0 S 00000 Life10001M 00000 8 55.0 Keisuke Dazai(2.7%,9−17−17−287,64th) Turf10001 I 10001 11 Tiger Thule(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Captain Thule(0.28) +Fusaichi Pegasus C2,g. Yuki Ohashi(6.2%,14−15−16−181,78th) Course00000E 00000 Pnk. ,Confidential ,Simply Lovely 29Mar.15 Kineusu Bokujo Wet 00000 8Oct.17 KYOTO NWC T2000Fi 3348 2:04.511th/11FutoshiKomaki55.0470' Jun Valerot 2:01.3 <1 3/4> Dominatus <1 1/4> Algo Seiko KYOTO SUNDAY,OCTOBER 22ND Post Time 10:35 2 ! Race Dirt 1800m TWO−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:19Nov.16 1:51.3 DES,WEIGHT FOR AGE,MAIDEN Value of race: 9,550,000 Yen 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Added Money(Yen) 5,000,000 2,000,000 1,300,000 750,000 500,000 Stakes Money(Yen) 0 0 0 Ow. TokyoHorseRacing Co.,Ltd 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 1 54.0 Yasunari Iwata(11.0%,74−65−79−457,7th) Turf10001 I 00000 1 Red Zenobia(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 )Orfevre(0.43) )Kingmambo F2,ch. Ryuji Okubo(10.2%,22−24−20−150,28th) Course00000E 00000 Wht. *Visual Shock *Reach for the Moon 19Feb.15 Hidetoshi Yamamoto Wet 00000 30Sep.17 HANSHIN NWC T1800Fi 6 7 1:50.6 7th/11 Yuichi Fukunaga 54.0 452" Admire King 1:49.9 <2> Nangoku Ai Net <NS> Mer de Glace Ow. Koichiro Kitamae 1,100,000 S 00000 Life20002M 20002 2 55.0 Kota Fujioka(6.0%,33−39−41−440,27th) Turf20002 I 00000 2 Key Flash(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 )Strong Return(0.49) )Southern Halo C2,ch. To ru M i y a (5.9%,13−16−11−179,91st) Course00000E 00000 Blk. *Southern Ray Star *Lady Profile 16Apr.15 Hamaguchi Bokujo Wet 00000 23Sep.17 HANSHIN MDN T1800Fi 4 3 1:49.8 9th/10 Ryuji Wada 54.0 474 % Meisterschale 1:48.2 <NK> Moonraker <7> Narita Blue 20Aug.17 KOKURA NWC T1800Fi 8844 1:53.24th/10Ryota Sameshima 54.0 482% Legenda Aurea 1:52.5 <2> Nihonpiro Festa <3/4> Conferment Ow. H.Yamada 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 3 55.0 Kenichi Ikezoe(8.9%,43−55−47−340,19th) Turf10001 I 00000 3 Yamakatsu Kenzan(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 )Kurofune(1.24) )Dance in the Dark C2,b. Manabu Ikezoe(9.3%,20−11−18−167,40th) Course00000E 00000 Red *Yamakatsu Orchid *Yamakatsu Suzuran 14Mar.15 Hiroyasu Yamada Wet 00000 3Jun.17 HANSHIN NWC T1600Fi 1 1 1:37.8 7th/10 Kenichi Ikezoe 54.0 522# Keiai Nautique 1:36.8 <2> Violent Blow <NK> Divine Breeze Ow.

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