trunks and pademelons grazing in the undergrowth. the in grazing pademelons and trunks Anna Osetroff © Qld Govt (above). Govt Qld © Osetroff Anna Lightcapturer © Qld Govt (background). Govt Qld © Lightcapturer Lightcapturer © Qld Govt Qld © Lightcapturer Ranger Wil Ranger (left); Govt Qld © Lightcapturer (left); Govt Qld © Hill Nicholas Border Track (bottom right) (bottom Track Border and yellow-throated scrubwrens foraging on fallen tree tree fallen on foraging scrubwrens yellow-throated and leave no trace!’ no leave lookout, Morans Falls track (above) track Falls Morans lookout, Albert River circuit (background) circuit River Albert pademelon (top right); right); (top pademelon logrunners for look track, the Along history. geological (left); Morans Clearing Clearing Morans (left); Ranger Wil (left); Echo Point lookout, lookout, Point Echo (left); Wil Ranger circuit (right); Red-necked Red-necked (right); circuit and softly tread wren scrub Yellow-throated Falls, Toolona Creek Creek Toolona Falls, Lamington’s of years million 23 through journey a generations— future by circuit (above); Toolona Toolona (above); circuit West Canungra Creek Canungra West on you take track this along signs time’ in back ‘Walk enjoyed be can area wonderful (blue pool), pool), (blue Yerralahla 1.4km return. Allow about 30min walking time. walking 30min about Allow return. 1.4km this ensure to Help again. and again return them sees Rainforest return Rainforest 2 overnight at your destination. your at overnight and make a connection, one that that one connection, a make and and organise to be picked up at the end of your walk or stay stay or walk your of end the at up picked be to organise and presented. People visit Lamington Lamington visit People presented. branches and Albert’s lyrebirds scratching in the leaf litter. litter. leaf the in scratching lyrebirds Albert’s and branches being longer. Whatever end you begin, leave as the sun rises rises sun the as leave begin, you end Whatever longer. being giant king ferns. king giant world’s heritage—is protected and and protected heritage—is world’s watch for regent and satin bowerbirds darting through the the through darting bowerbirds satin and regent for watch Other routes may appear to reduce the distance, but end up up end but distance, the reduce to appear may routes Other plants, such as as such plants, With pride, this heritage—the heritage—the this pride, With aspen fruit. Bench seating provides plenty of spots to sit and and sit to spots of plenty provides seating Bench fruit. aspen Track. Border the on Stay park. the in trailhead either ancient rainforest rainforest ancient of the southern satinash and yellow citrus-smelling lemon lemon citrus-smelling yellow and satinash southern the of Warning: Warning: from walk to way shorter no is there creates a protected, moist and shady refuge for many many for refuge shady and moist protected, a creates views of many other picturesque waterfalls. waterfalls. picturesque other many of views birdlife. This track is often scattered with the bright-red fruit fruit bright-red the with scattered often is track This birdlife. queensland.com for more information. more for Visit hinterland. Toolona Gorge to Wanungara lookout. The narrow gorge gorge narrow The lookout. Wanungara to Gorge Toolona (Mount Warning). (Mount way you came or walk the whole circuit and be rewarded with with rewarded be and circuit whole the walk or came you way Take a stroll through an aromatic forest filled with vibrant vibrant with filled forest aromatic an through stroll a Take Canungra, Beechmont and other towns in the Gold Coast Coast Gold the in towns other and Beechmont Canungra, Chalahn and Toolona falls, as you journey up through through up journey you as falls, Toolona and Chalahn Wollumbin and Coast Gold the ranges, Beechmont and before reaching the photo-worthy Elabana Falls. Return the the Return Falls. Elabana photo-worthy the reaching before 1.8km return. Allow about 30min walking time. walking 30min about Allow return. 1.8km tent. There’s also a range of accommodation in and around around and in accommodation of range a also There’s tent. Enjoy the cool spray from the many waterfalls, such as as such waterfalls, many the from spray cool the Enjoy the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area. Heritage World Australia of Rainforests Gondwana the lookout that provides some of the best views of McPherson McPherson of views best the of some provides that lookout trees. Stop at Picnic Rock to listen to the cascading creek creek cascading the to listen to Rock Picnic at Stop trees. Centenary track Centenary 1 campervan and safari tent sites and spots to pitch your own own your pitch to spots and sites tent safari and campervan We recommend walking this circuit clockwise. circuit this walking recommend We There is a short (600m return), steep side track to Merino Merino to track side steep return), (600m short a is There recognised for its ecological importance and declared part of of part declared and importance ecological its for recognised stands of pink-barked brush box and a few Antarctic beech beech Antarctic few a and box brush pink-barked of stands time. walking 6hr about Allow return. 17.4km options available from apartments and cottages to to cottages and apartments from available options Short walks in Green Mountains Green in walks Short Barney and Main Range national parks) was internationally internationally was parks) national Range Main and Barney Head anticlockwise through rainforest and pass impressive impressive pass and rainforest through anticlockwise Head Mount Bithongabel (1,199m). Bithongabel Mount Mountain Lodge—they have a variety of accommodation accommodation of variety a have Lodge—they Mountain Toolona Creek circuit Creek Toolona 7 National Park (along with parts of Springbrook, Mount Mount Springbrook, of parts with (along Park National 10.9km return. Allow about 4hr walking time. walking 4hr about Allow return. 10.9km park— the in peak highest the to trek a and wildlife with ecolodges—O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat or Binna Burra Burra Binna or Retreat Rainforest ecolodges—O’Reilly’s exceptional ecological history. In December 1994, Lamington Lamington 1994, December In history. ecological exceptional Volcano. Be rewarded with spectacular views, encounters encounters views, spectacular with rewarded Be Volcano. Box Forest circuit Forest Box 5 to a night or two (or more) at one of the two world-renown world-renown two the of one at more) (or two or night a to a 115 storey high rise building! rise high storey 115 a and injuries have occurred. have injuries and biological diversity, ongoing geological processes and and processes geological ongoing diversity, biological erosion caldera—a remnant of the 23 million year old Tweed Tweed old year million 23 the of remnant caldera—a erosion that you’ll want to stay for more than a day! Treat yourself yourself Treat day! a than more for stay to want you’ll that inhabit the West Canungra Creek, they bite when threatened threatened when bite they Creek, Canungra West the inhabit to 450m—that’s the equivalent of climbing the stairs of of stairs the climbing of equivalent the 450m—that’s to Full day walks in Green Mountains Green in walks day Full outstanding and valuable places—protecting ancient trees, trees, ancient places—protecting valuable and outstanding Embark on this well-known track and walk on the edge of an an of edge the on walk and track well-known this on Embark at the creek crossings to navigate the circuit. Also, eels eels Also, circuit. the navigate to crossings creek the at There’s so much to discover in Lamington National Park Park National Lamington in discover to much so There’s Some walking tracks in Lamington can fall and rise up up rise and fall can Lamington in tracks walking Some walking track system, with most walks branching off it. it. off branching walks most with system, track walking This area is recognised as one of the world’s most most world’s the of one as recognised is area This not be obvious in places. Look for orange directional arrows arrows directional orange for Look places. in obvious be not Stay in Lamington in Stay the park, the Border Track is the backbone of the Lamington Lamington the of backbone the is Track Border the park, the World Heritage wonder Heritage World difficult to navigate, especially after rain, and the track might might track the and rain, after especially navigate, to difficult towards Mount Lindesay and Mount Barney in the distance. the in Barney Mount and Lindesay Mount towards Connecting Binna Burra and Green Mountains sections of of sections Mountains Green and Burra Binna Connecting creek crossings. Take care as these crossings may be be may crossings these as care Take crossings. creek and take in sweeping vistas over the Albert River valley valley River Albert the over vistas sweeping in take and and spectacular views. spectacular and nothing but forests and grand vistas—it’s serenity! vistas—it’s grand and forests but nothing Warning: Warning: completing this circuit involves several several involves circuit this completing 21.4km one way only. Allow about 7hr walking time. walking 7hr about Allow only. way one 21.4km the drive is very narrow and winding. and narrow very is drive the track over a crystal-clear creek to Morans Clearing lookout lookout Clearing Morans to creek crystal-clear a over track Allow for extra time to rest and soak in the landscapes landscapes the in soak and rest to time extra for Allow only birds, the wind or running water and see see and water running or wind the birds, only Border Track Border 9 Lamington National Park—Binna Burra.
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