WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION vBc/90.2 MAUgO.2 ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE ENGLISHONLY @ Distr.:LIMITED VECTORBIONOMICS IN THE EPIDEMIOLOGYAND CONTROL OF MALARIA PARTII THEWHO EUROPEAN REGION AND THEWHO EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN REGION APPLTE[oiHlFJtuDrES SECTIONltl: VECTORBIONOMICS, MALARIA EPIDEMIOLOGY ANDCONTROL BY GEOGRAPHICALAREAS (A)THE MEDITERRANEAN BASIN PREPAREDBY A.R.ZAHAR DISTR.: LIMITED WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION DISTR.: LIMITEE ORGANISATIONMONDIALE DE LA SANTE vBc/ 90 .2 @ MAL/90.2 ENGLISHONLY VECTORBIONOMICS IN THE EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF MALARIA PART II TI{E WIiO EUROPEANREGION & THE WIIO EASTERNMEDITERRANEAN REGION VOLI]MEII: APPLIEDFIELD STUDIES* SECTIONIII: vEcToRBroNoMrcs, MALARTAEPTDEMIoLOGY AND CONTROLBY GBOGMPTTICALAREAS (A) TI1EMEDITERRANEAN BASIN PREPARED BY A.R. ZAITAR FORMERWHO ENTOMOLOGIST * Literature search ceased at the end of December 1989 This document is not issued to the generalpublic, and Ce documentn'est pas destind d Otredistribu6 au grandpublic all rights are reservedby the World Health Organization et tous les droits y affdrentssont r6servispar l'Organisation (WHO). The document may not be reviewed, abstracted, mondiale de la Sant6 (OMS). ll ne peut Ctre commentd, quoted, reproduced or translated, in part or in whole. rdsumd,citi, reproduitou traduit,partiellement ou en totalitd, without the prior written permissionof WHO. No part sansune autorisationprdalable icrite de l'OMS.Aucune partie of this document may be stored in a retrieval system or ne doit Otrechargde dans un systdmede recherchedocumen- transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, taire ou diffus6esous quelque forme ou par quelquemoyen mechanicalor other without the prior written permission que ce soit dlectronique,m6canique, ou autre - sansune of WHO. autorisationprdalable dcrite de l'OMS. The viewsexpressed in documentsby namedauthors are solely Les opinionsexprim6es dans les documentspar des auteurs the responsibilityof thoseauthors. citdsnommdment n'engagent que lesditsauteurs. vBc/90.2 MAL/90.2 Page 2 VOLIJMEII APPLIEDFIELD STUDIES(conrd) SECTIONIII: VECTORBIONOMICS MALARIA EPIDEMIOLOGYAND CONTROLBY GEOGMPHICALAREAS (A) THE }TEDITERRANEANBASIN DETAILED TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION (+ ADDI T IONA]. ACKNOWLEDGEI'IENTS 6 Subsection (i): VECTORBIONOMICS r0 1. The An. naculipennis complex J.U 1.1 Vector inportance 10 L.2 Breedlng hablrar 10 1.3 Swarning and natlng 19 I.4 Dispersal 19 1.5 Local spatlal and seasonal distribulion 20 1.6 Resting behavlour & 1.7 Bitlng behaviour 35 1.8 Sanpling of nosqultos in flight 41 1.9 Host feeding patrerns 47 1.10 Longevity 49 1.11 Natural infection 51 1.12 Vector resistance to lnsectlcides 54 2. An. superpictus and An. sergentil 57 2.1 Vector lmportance >t 2.2 Breeding habirat 58 2.3 Swaming and naclng 64 2.4 Dispersal 64 2.5 Local spatial and seasonal dlstributlon o) 2.6 Resting behaviour e 2.7 Biting behaviour 74 2.8 Sanpling of nosqulros iu flight 2.9 Host feeding patterns 2.10 Longevity 79 2.11 Natural infection t9 2.12 Vector resistance to insectlcldes 80 3. An. pharoensis 81 3.1 Vector importance 8l 3.2 Breeding habitat 81 3.3 Swarning and 83 3.4 Dispersal 83 3.5 LocaL spatial and seasonaL distrlbutlon 84 3.6 Resting behaviour & 3.7 Biting behaviour 85 3.8 Sanpling of nosquiros in fllght 89 3.9 Host feeding parterns 90 3.10 Longevity 92 3.11 Natural infection 94 3.12 Vector reslstance to lnsectlcides 95 vBc/90.2 r4Ar./90.2 Page 3 Page Secondary and suspected vectors 95 .+.I An. hyrcanus group 95 4.2 An. claviger s.1. 97 4.3 An. hispaniola 101 4.4 An. drthall ro2 4.5 An. multicolor LO2 Subsectlon (ii): EPIDEMIOLOGYAND CONIROL0F MALARIA r05 1. Epideniological studies and control operations 105 2. Resistance of P. falciparun to chloroqulne in the Mediterranean Basin 163 3. llalaria and its concrol ln water resources and other development projecEs 164 4. Alternative nethods of control 190 5. Connunity participation 196 CONCLUSIONS:SECTION III(A) 198 SELECTEDREFERENCES 205 ANNEX1: SELECTEDREFERENCES ON ,MALARIAQUAI{TITATIVE EPIDBI"IIOLOGY 224 ANNEX2: ABBREVIATIONS 226 vBc/90.2 r[AL/90.2 Page 4 INTRODUCTION ThC SeTiES of PART II of VECTORBIONOMICS IN THE EPIDEMIOLOGYAND CONTROLOF MALARIA Docurnent VBC/88.5-MAP/88.2 (issued in November 1988): VOLUMEI: VECTORLABORATORY STUDIES Docunent VBC/90.1-}{AL/90.1 (issued in April 1990): VOLUMEII: APPLIEDFIELD STUDIES SECTIONI: AN OVERVIEWOF THE RECENTMALARIA SITUATION AND CURRENTPROBLEMS SECTIONII: VECTORDISTRIBUTION Docunent VBC/90.2-ML/90.2 (the present document issued in May 1990) SECTIONIrI.. VECToRBIoNOMTCS, MALARIA EPIDEMIOLOGY Al.lD CoNTRoL BY GEOGMPHICALAREAS (see Fig. 1) (A) THE MEDITERRANEANBASIN Docunent VBC/90.3-l{ALl90. 3 (in prepararion) SECTIONIII: VECToRBIONOMICS, MALARIA EPIDEMIOLoGY AND CoNTRoL BY GEOGMPHICALAREAS (see Fig. I) (B) ASIA WESTOF INDIA The same set of principles and the system shown in the PREFACEof VOL. I (pp. 6-10) have been observed when compillng inforrnation in VOL. II, wlth some nodi.ficat.ions. It should be enphasized that when new infonnation is not available, resort is nade to old knowledge to provide a background on the basis of which nener studies can be planned. Furthennore, depending on the availability of published or unpublished reports, the type and depth of infornation conplled uay vary from country to country. Where aPProPriate, it has been necessary to refer to the knowledge conpiled in the ..THE SETies of PART I I.JHOAFRICAN REGIONAND THE SOUTTIERNWIIO EASTERN }IEDITERRANEAN REGION". The serles of documents of this part has been llsted in ANNEXI in VOL. I. As mentioned in the PREFACEOF VOL. I, results of the recent precipitin tests for the period 1971-1978 are quoted frou the data annexed to the review of Garrett-Jones, Boreham & Pant (1980)r. Regarding vector resist.ance to j.nsecticides, records are quoted from the lists conpiled in the reports of the WHOExpert Conmittees of Vector Biology and control respectively, (wHo, 1980 - TRs. No. 655, and l,Illo, 1986 - TRS: No. 737). More recent infornatlon is added from reports of susceptibillty tests cornnunicated to WHO/VBC by field invectigators i.n several countries durlng Lg}4-LggB2 Infornation on the recent nalaria si.tuation by country are obtained roainly fron WHO publications and data communicated to WHO/MAPby the WHORegional Offices (E}IR0 and EURO).J Additionally, country profiles constructed in a document entitled "Regional Malaria Information" by Dr G.A. Farid, WHORegional I'lalarla Adviser, E!1R0, are used for inforoation on countries of that Region.q Records of chloroquine resistance in P. falciparurn in the Regions under review as mapped by WHOare reproduced. Inmunological studies of malaria are beyond the scope of this conpilatlon, but seroepidemiological surveys as part of nalaria epideniological studies are suumarized. 1. Perroissj-on to quote these data was granted by the late Dr C. Pant and the Commonwealth Institute of Entouology (Dr J.M.B. Harley) in April 1983. 2. A conputer printout of these reports was provi.ded through the cooPeration of Mr G. Shidrawi, VBC/VCT. 3. Copies of these data were provided through the cooperation of Mr J. Henpel, l"lAP/El,tE. 4. Pernission to use information contained in this docunent was granted by the Regional Director, WHO/EMRO,Alexandria. vBcl90.2 t4aL/90.2 Page 5 Due to language problens, i! has not been possible to summarize adequately infornation published j-n Russian in the USSR. However, it was useful to find articles writt.en in English by certain Soviet workers in the proceedings of a seminar entitled "International Scientific Project on Ecologically Safe Methods for Congrol of l"lalaria and its Vectors" published in l4oscow(1980) - lCotiected lecrures, Parrs 2 e:;.1 From rhese publications, certain articles have been sunmarized or a brief orientatlon Eo their contents has been made in the present issue. At the end of this docunent, selected references are listed. Since the ain of this series is to assist newly assigned nalaria workers to trace lhe source of infornation on their oldn or adjacent countries of sinilar conditions, the references are arranged by country in alphabetical order. At the top of the list, references dealing wlth subjects of general nature or coverlng several countries are placed first. As nentioned in the PREFACEof VOL. I, it is inpossible to define adequately the mathenatical terms used by some authors ln a reasonable space. Orientation to the relevant literature to be consult.ed is shown in ANNEX1 in this document. Someabbreviations have been used in this docunent, the glossary appears in ANNEX2. It is necessary to reiterate that literature search was made through screening the abstracts published in the Tropical Disease Bulletin (TDB) of the Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, [IK, and the Review of Applied Entooology (RAn), Series B, of the Conmonwealth Instltute of Entornology, London, Ut<. Tne efforti-nade by these institutions are fully acknowledged and greatly appreciated. It should be explained that the preparation of this document was at the final stages in December 1989 before the disestablishnent of the Division of Vector Biology and Control (VBC) and the Malaria Actlon Progranrne (MAP). Therefore, it has been decided to retain ln the text the designation of the o1d unlts of VBC and MAP to whLch the WHOofficers who contrlbuted to this document were formerly asslgned. However, the names of these 0fficers are arranged in the Additional Acknowledgenents accordlng to their posts in the units of the new set up: Divislon of Control of Tropical Diseases (CTD). 1. Copies have been provided through the cooperation of Dr R.L. Kouznetsov, }IAP/PAT. vBc/90.2 r4AL/90.2 Page 6 ADDITIONALACKNOWLEDGEMEN]:S In addition to the Acknowledgenents shonn in V0L. I (cocunenr VBC/88.5 - l,lAP/88.2) grateful thanks are expressed to the following colleagues in various institutions and WHO for their valuable contribution to the present and issues, and to authors and copyright authorities for granting permi.ssi.onto reproduce illustracions and/or data from published papers: Prof.
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