Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 2008-2009 Student Newspapers 11-12-2008 College Voice Vol. 33 No. 8 Connecticut College. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_2008_2009 Recommended Citation Connecticut College., "College Voice Vol. 33 No. 8" (2008). 2008-2009. 13. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_2008_2009/13 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 2008-2009 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE First Class •J STUDENTS OF CONNECTICUT COLLEGE .,:- ....""" U.S. Postage •' .' . 0.... - PAID Q THE Permit #35 ~C" " ", ,~'. .. COLLEGE VOICE"dOO'CT - NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT VOLUME XXXIII • ISSUE 8 WEDNESDAY, November 12,2008 "Change Has Com.e To Atnerica" History is made as Barack Obama is elected 44th Presi- dent of the United States Students' A Professor's Views on the View on the Presidential Presidential Election Election LAUREN MORROW '09 SARAH KOSOSFSKY '12 news editor staff writer November 4, 2008 will live on as It is now almost a week after the one of the most monumental days announcement of the results of the in the history of most people in this presidential election. We all stayed nation. For many of the students at up late to watch the results, and some Connecticut College, it was their first of us partied on Tempel Green. At chance to vote in a presidential elec- this point, most of us are glad that the tion, and most at this LIBERAL arts election and all of its hype are done SEE RESPONSES SEE RESPONSES (mage courtesy 0 iideleuie Ignon: continued on page three continued on page three "more than ordinary" Dance Dance Revolution Courtney Blanch, Emily Evans, Morgan Griffin, and Ellie Whiteford appeared in Kim Lusk's Schrodinger Would Know this past weekend. The show, "more than ordinary", which premiered Thursday, November 6,jeatured seventeen completely student-run and produced dance pieces. Photo courtesy of Nick Edwards. OPINION NEWS ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Dev's on Bank Are Club Hock- Find out Street. Conti- How did Vol- ey games are about Conn's nental Cuisine leyball fare in best show of endowment or Tapas Bar? its first playoff school spirit? game? oversight on Find out on Find out on See on Page 12 page 3 Page 9. page 6. THE COLLEGE VOICE EDITORIALS November 12,2008 CONTRIBUTE: e-mail [email protected] 'Letter From The Editor The COLLEGE VOICE Change, change, change. It was all litico.com estimates that 60.7 to 61.7 Box 4970· Office (860) 439-2813 we heard before the election, and it is percent of the 208.3 million eligible Email: [email protected] all we hear now as we begin to assess voters cast ballots in the election this whether our collective on President- year. In 2004, 60.6 percent of eligible elect Barack Obama blinded us from voters voted. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF how much will actually Changeone he Whether or not the change mani- Ben Eagle '09 is all moved into 1600 Pennsylvania fests itself in the current administra- Ave. tive choices or in the poll numbers, MANAGING EDITOR Early reports show that that change it is undeniable the world around us Claire Gould '10 might not be coming as fast as we had is changing. Videos from Tokyo to all predicted. Obama and his newly Rio show ecstatic citizens scream- NEWS EDITORS plucked transition team have vowed ing Obama's name. While screaming Lauren Morrow '09 to address the economic situation the name of the US president is noth- Kasey Lum ' 11 first, but with the treasury draining ing new to angered citizens around and a possible new war on the hori- the world, this time, the tone has zon, many of President-elect Obama's changed. SPORTS EDITOR campaign promises may have to be Obama faces a tough challenge; Ben Eagle '09 shelved for some time. The best ex- Things are far from good. The auto- ample of this: Obama's request that industry is on the verge of collapse, ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR we judge his first 1,000 not 100 days. and even though they are produc- Carolyn Sebasky '09 Obama's team might bring much ing outdated gas-guzzlers, the Unit- of a change to Washington either. ed States must bail them out if they OPINIONS EDITOR Rahm Emanuel, Obama's choice for don't want to plunge the country into White House Chief of Staff, was also a much deeper recession. The U.S. Lilah Raptopoulos ' 11 President Clinton's top adviser. Other Jobless rate hit a l4-year high. names that have been thrown around And, of course, the cost of tuition is PHOTO EDITORS like John D. Podesta and Anthony still on the rise. With all this change Arielle Shipper' 10 Lake also have deep ties to the former in mind, the Voice staff would like to Gabrielle Kaminsky '09 Democratic dynasty. thank everyone who makes sure we Brooke Smith '09 And that new democratic spirit? can stay in school. On behalf of every The droves of newly registered vot- student who attends Connecticut Col- ers that were supposed to cast their lege, thank you. LAYOUT EDITOR ballot for Obama? Well, that didn't Phillip Fritzsche' 11 really happen either. A report by Po- -Ben BUSINESS MANAGER Birce Karabey '10 Spring Break 2908 COpy EDITORS Travel Free Justin O'Shea' 10 Rebecca Reel' 11 Free Meals/ Drinks Elizabeth Tredeau '09 Book before Nov. 1 Carolyn Roose '09 Hottest destinations ~~.,., '::':~~~ John Sherman '11 www.sunsplashtours. Biki Lapadula ' 11 com COURIERS 1-800-426-7710 Ashley Clinton '09 Oscar Monteon'09 Sascha Golden '09 Agree? Disagree? Connect With Us Let us know what you think. E- Advertisements The College Voice is an open forum. The opinions expressed by mail Opinion pieces or Letters to individual advertisers are their own. In no way does The College Voice endorse the views expressed by individual advertisers. The the Editor to ccvoice@conncoll. College Voice will not accept ads it deems to be libelous, an in- citement to violence, or personally damaging. Ad rates are avail- able on request by calling (860) 439-2813; please refer all ad edu. inquiries to the Business Manager, Birce Karabey. The College Voice reserves the right to accept or reject any ad. The Editor- in-Chief shall have. final content approval. The final deadline for advertising is 10:00 AM. on the Thursday preceding publication. Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor are due strictly by 3;00 PM. on the Friday preceding publication. The College Voice reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length. No unsigned or anonymous letters will be published. However, names may be withheld upon IN DECIDING WHICH LAWSCHOOL TO ATTEND, . the author's request. The College Voice will not publish letters deemed to be a personal attack on an individual. The College Voice cannot guarantee the publication of any submission. Let- CONSIDER THIS: ters should be single-spaced, no longer than 300 words, and must include a phone number for verification. Please send all letters as a Microsoft Word attachment to: ccvoice@conncoll. edu Quinnipiac University School of Law ranks amongthe top 100 law schools in such categories as full-time student LSATscores Columnists and Staff (median -159); admission acceptance rates; student/faculty ratio (11:1); Students from any class year interested in writing weekly news, and employment rates after graduation. Not to mention, we opinion, arts & entertainment, or sports pieces should contact offer merit scholarships ranging from $3,000 to full tuition. [email protected]. Before you decide which school to attend, make sure you review the facts. To learn more, visit law.quinnipiac.edu, email Photographers [email protected]. Students from any class year interested in taking photographs should contact [email protected] Disclaimer "The views and opinions expressed in The College Voice,as in all student publications, are strictly those of the student authors, and not QUlNNIPIAC UNIVERSITY LAW.QUINNIPIAC.EDU of Connecticut College. All content and editorial decisions remain in SCHOOL OF LAW HAMDEN, CONNECTICUT the hands of the students; neither the College's administration nor its faculty exercise control over the content." • THE COLLEGE VOICE NEWS November 12,2008 3 • ConnectICut I Got A Crush On' Obama College Takes Fifth Place In List Of Most Expensive Colleges EMILY ZUBKOFF '12 staff writer It may come as no surprise to some that Connecticut College is among the most expensive colleges in the country. But it may be shocking to hear that Conn was ranked the fifth most expensive college of 2008- 2009, according to a list compiled by campusgrotto.com. Sarah Lawrence Students celebrate an Obama victory with jubilant cheers on Tempel Green. Not pictured depressed Mccatnfans. Photo courtesy of the Voice was ranked number one with tuition Photo Staff. of $53,166, followed by George Washington University at $50,312, New York University at $50,182 and Responses "There are numerous pos- sible causes for higher costs, Students'Views Professor's Views such as the weak economy or a deficient amount of do- continued from page one continued from page one nations from alumni, but for Connecticut College, the rea- college got to revel in the results. with. "It's about time," says senior, Shana Chock-Gold- But what happens now? We only have a little more sons are not clearly speci- man ofObama's victory.
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