•\ I t R.P.Chander, I.A.S. Dear I have received a P.O. letter from Deputy commissioner, I I . Yamuna Nagar regarding Setting up of Interpretation Centre and Archaeological Site Museum at Adi Badri. ' ' • I am sorry to inform you that the Deputy Commissioner, Yamuna Nagar has stated about the bad shape of the Museum and functioning of the Interpretation Centre. Copy of the' D.O. letter dated 13.1.09 is also enclosed for your perusal. i You are, therefore, requested to look into the matter personally and direct your concerned officer to set' up the museum and interpretation centre properly so that the Importance of this site could be restored. With regards. Yours Sincerely, (R.P.Chander) Smt. Anshu Vias, I.A.S. Director General, Archaeological Survey of India, Govt. of India, Ne\A/Delhi. irt^TJiarr h /-, v-i . -* : N - 1 - ■'' T I t5i?n "OTtww 'git' aft^ ■isi.jnittwra A litH stra fHi i.,«ra?3 ,.i,3Ren5I ^ ^ ^ aft ■'i?^ ^ '' ;« TTi^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ V; J -rrraT Pi""-jl&^X f-l A/ /f_ { ©// Pof^l^ f/0'(^ i ■-—L G()VKRNMI':NT ok IIARYANA! CONSr.RVh WATI-R - SAVI- Lll-1' V I -• i Q TfiPfiprr 12/102-9 I ' =f«-/ L- -t: Ityj ^ 3nr-f& ^^iTTTcr irP=5T, ^tots a® trgm^ aa-pt 000 ; "f^a ^ "TrmTtT -f^JS-TI !i STTT 3ft- Slfft 5f^T«TJlf^ «e ^ ' ■ qTTsna gvr ijrrr fer w i sft ^ ^is Trqr w ira . nl^ a?; uir^ wr -ft-firaa rmn I I qg 5T^ q"P=OT I, ftJiaaT -fturfrf^ fR 1866 I I ^ q"Fe?" % gT^rsJ ijn-q^ ssrg; arrfi I* i ^rftsq rrFar a §; arm afsiTs gfcfl-1 I . gff q-p=g?- a<t! ata ad* i' ?r ar aaiTr I i a? « Tarqiai' ^ "feaf ' it* 5Ta: "Pg at arar I i as ar^ arrs'Ti' ft aas-'n at f^atgr $t ar It'fl I i aa: srrtift sFRttfV3 I -ftn ait areasI ft at^Jaaat^ afa aaarrt qrt Trp^iTr jpa-f^qa -f^Ta ^ ar a rt'p Sasa ar^ ar asia at' i ^aatar Tti^^ncTT "ir^ri at ?fl-. qa. aixEt, an d y. aa, 3am3a,\A 9 aaaraar\.% i I 2k4^-!i!i •4(. hkLS[^,ia i|nnr>js •My.i..2k attJlC I .4!5! 236 a!6 I^J!£i34£ .. i I '•■ Jtlll thirJ'h i^h Sih i6U a2=J-!l ^ 21i2 i!6 ^JUr. iy.| japkE ^JLU£ :U-C' ^ , I ' l l U3=y- ' ' . • iJti 4i& 4j& >p [jf |u.siij z li-tiiiJI aiiSi® ^j-k iay.ii ab I .a lai |Ji£ ii^y 4^. % -iSziiJi ii JlaUI i2yi£ t4|iJ.S 2tt I I IU-U2 43 Ia±jaj?' 111^411 % ^ . tj. 412 I lUt-lj JJn Itllb 43I lAli ^k 426; iU-k iSU112:y.l| kg I |.4pk ! LU I ? UMJ-y, m lihSbE |4!6 14 |ifc I21i2J4 ^ ^ iblb 34 UI Cj. 4^ I Jh. ■lUk J.ti!y. J_U2 14 22:*J.it Jslb 45i!>21_iff'4J«i-Lii5 ,4124|J4)4JJ: %■ iinihy g 'kxiiy.'tikiaf^'.m eiiaib <y.| bs^y. ib Jisy:} wt.?hF ■ _ooo ! •' - I I lib yibB ]iJ4 iutjaji 42 211214 /Sy^ 'lay-t 1211:4^13 RMJ£ 4)< -:to4J- , ^^^y/llb-T?=20l/sr41!i^ 4^ I 2k^-l3 !JI-nl.tJ4(.a I4lii.4k ba.-! ikJ-iy. inji^y. 442 'iiiiiitJ-K jeSfi k m I ItJLny-j situub >itti>w ijnI n 3 'ay.ii^ik 2iSliJ£ \ % I vrould like that Aadi Badri Nath, an ancient I rf^JTrirr hwt temple (near Chhachhrauli, District Yamunanagar) which • I ■ has got its ancient values may please be taken over for preservation. P ■ 124.6.1992 wfemi C^C.A. 1991.92 C-. j 0/n Stoto Minister for Sr-orL'i, llar/ai CHAN DIGAP-H Diary ^•o.SS7.r^- Dated.. S . cw- im m vAp \CD ^TRcft^ / !Y £ :::;d post TI?fe=T Wl^Pdcfc iRIFPT TIT^TT ■5R}W, ^ "^c^-IIOOIl U| 9 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE I MINISTRY OF TOURISM & CULTURE aftr sm ft Rcccipr n ; ' GOVT. OF INDIA JANPATH, NEW DELHI-110011 Gauri Chatterji, i.a.s. Director General and Additional Secretary \ku#) to ttie Govt.of India TEL : 23013574 fj FAX ; 23019487 2 MAY 5003 email : [email protected] 1 D.O.No^/i_/DG(ASl)/1/3/2003-SP/EE May 09, 2003. Dear Shri Mathur, As you are aware, the Department of Culture, GOI has \^Vr\oi started a Project to conduct a multidlscipilnary (geo-technical, archaeological, cultural and ethnological) study of the River Sarasvati and its basin and to develop along the jriver courses 15 bs dedicated to research and tourism all through from Adi Badri Haryana to Dholavira In Gujarat. Six of such hubs have beenl identified so |far for Haryana. Each hub will have a documentation centre/museum, an office,, huts for lodging scholars/researchers - al| set In a landscaped I W? park with a sarovar. Two of the six places identified in Haryana for the proposed hubs are:- ! 5^*^/ (!>KAdi Badri, District Yamunanagarl traditionally blelieved to bi the source of Sarasvati and , Kapal Mochan, District Yamunanagar, a Holy place on the Sarasvati. An ASl team with the assistance■ of ithe concerjied Djstrlct f^P revenue officers has identified about 9 acres ofi land at Adi Badri and about 6 acres of land that li!es about: one km. to the north west of the Kapaimochan sarovars and close of Village Wlohri for kapal Mochan! Maps tor Doth the sites are .enclosed. I I Shri Jagmohan. Hon'ble Minister for tourism and Culture is deeply interested in promoting archaeO|logical research -and tourism in Haryana, for which he has launched anjd funded several schemes for Kurukshetra, Thanesar and jKapalmochan already. [/ Now he Is keen to immediately start the wgrk of Iconstruction and development of each of the hubs in Haryana. Contd 21' I 2 : For the proposed works at Adi Badri and Kapal Mochan (both in Yamunanagar), speedy acquisition of land is imperative. I would therefore request you to kindly direct the D|C, Yamunanagar to invoke the emergency clause under the Land Acquisition Act for acquiring the identified land in both cases. I wo'uld also request that an area of one km. radius of the proposed I'and at Adi Badri be declared as a controlled area. In the case of Kapalmochan, the controlled area may be one km. on three sides and 500 metres on the north west where village Mohri is located. i In the controlled area,_no activity other than the prevalent land use should take place*"~by^ any agency, whether state or private, without clearance from ASI. These measures would greatly help in expeditious implementation of the above-mentioned development plans for Haryana. 1 U)tifr I Yours sincerely, ( GAURI CHATTERJI ) Shri A.N. Mathur, Chief Secretary, Government of Haryana, Chandigarh. t # y «7l ta c/ ^ . \ ■TAWJ, r^r^iHS 0 tf »n *> 3 p- :7 £/ O^ fc'/'tf t/ ;pj.oN it .-' X . ^ i. X' • 5 •( l,< »t nvj" •\\cr •• • • \ 1 1* • '. \' I- M . ^ }. : l[ ol ■ *11- ijmn0iit4'''i' f?-r> .■•> >'--i '-.S:- ', • t - K .1 t t' « i I J >: 1 ■ «•« ct Ll ll y v- ~r I . ^TT :^l • •?7v39 f ^ 9 ' V *•< ') jtS'Q 'JVOCrfl- lQV J.V ,.*1!7c/.Ty..9.^. l'tot^oio?)/H:>iiy yoj V3Vy;:,>=, ■ / V I'W^) CVjj* i(. Proposed Plan OF ARCNAaOLOClCAl Pnau . - UI&T7 YAMUNAAJAGAR C PR.) /V : ij" s 2Zo' // • li I-2. W i \-L -n I 1% a — \k_ \V. - c.t • » t 4 SN ■V*- » r-^ 1^ a'l xs fcp i« - j •^»Ti Mf'oia I KK9 4L MacwAiO ® (&• ® IX 1% vt>V L^- . \% \<i ^H ox XM 1A /!/i7r^.-- /[pieA TO Acau/RSP SHOUJAJ - -4 0^/ if^rrrT, "TOFTT I i' r Jf w j-tJpi ?rftw, ef^-nrrr fr??rr, jrrnrt f^TR I i 5jrEfl- p# 12/1 iit-9i-5'?"r/?'y^ ' "RjHfie ij/^/o " I f^Klsr;- lf{? 3rfbTS*-f I J • < ( jnrTf'in fcTSftr wz ^rf^Tbre 3frf iwr ?r;fti*, »rr?fT frf^ir _ r r I I frmtJT j^-Tcrref fr?i3»-r, IbfPTTt X=rT?w, JJB* ^ifirt.rfbirrrr rfci g? jfto -ftniT iJTrJT I fip Trfflt?! jmir* flbrr I ' 3rTT ^rrFTfltiH ^ "P^r 3rftpfgn-r Efitrit I jrfija Hfr I g?vfH? jh srrr wfr ifii 3rftmg«-r rr -fbsmr «f)t *• ^ / I srirfFft I I f I 3rcT: 3Rrty I "Rs f?r If isttsiTw; snfcrgt jfl? £jr^ In STTET^, wTrnT?" fibT srr^t fSsIr sfr? •■ 3Tf^?f4j |rr: f%m, jrrfTr^ fWHPT, V i"ft^"nnT,l wmm" i n m\ ^ 1 4 From s:"s-ss : To Archaeolcgy & Muse^s Department. | Memo MO. i^T^g-lkAM I j^ Dat^d Chandraarh, ■-ae ^ /y?/,' ^ Reference on the EUbjoct noted above. V 'p ^ t ^ dJ.. ^ (y^^QjPP 5^7 superintenopn-^.^ AiU ^ary- for cc-cfcmirs;: •^;,f;^V^As'"dro^ c- '. r c..aeoloQ7 f- M^saums T r 5^, j ffrrgTiW ffTiiTir, sfofTDTr, ^■=^1 ^ ffVr^, arrjw frftr*. rfYrrrrrr frriiir, '■ jrinf^ f^npT I V «rT^ jiifra 12/1 m-gi-jTrr/ f^:- ^ iUv^ ^t\ae-o\o^dJ ^ ^ir-Jr<XviX'e_o\oC^ t_]cJ <^lerir>AYyl.'£,?^'o*^ j STirHi fgw nT frr'iirr ?; pf® ■l''p/2003-i^. ir. 'p, ■'- 17. 7.03 % H I i ~ ' • I ^ srrrrtTTT qrmr^ ff^-T, c»TTr ?rftl^, J7"Tr^f «• • ^ g-yifrftm ffi*T fsriPT ^3' rfVq-nrrr fT?^rr jjn er Ji- 'Sii y * A crrarI "ft) gffisi ^rsfergt f^fpr srrf rrir^I j sfH^ i I i 5fi" TTfn frrsrr % "ftrv gtn-rirmt, fftcf?", tR^gyfirre ,$t Tf5T''i3rfipjgD-r / ! j " ■ 5T =T>ftrf«i%n^ 3ft- f^3?pi syrr gt snrTl: "ftsnri ^t, ^t j ?Tnr^^E yy re fri:t5:^-^!rnnT, "ftf^, |jrTar|g/^g i 1 \1 <3- 02, •fY / frrT^m ^rii fqwn.Hfinrrtrr r i /\m f ?iqr 'ft T/r- jrrfiTq ¥n wgT?iq fgini, Cc\a^'Y HfrqTDTr.qo^YTf i I ^ 5>nf^ piTofipfqo5oJfrfoqir^5"2oo3/ j V ^' \j /3/^/03 fqisiq:- ngrafkiT TTK^trfti hhY^jt ®Y 3rr-ft jJirjor ^ afnrf^srn strY gxTiJ^n fgqii qr ifsq jTfqq nsYqq .gffirrnrrr ^ Hf^rrl" \» -O JiQ ifV??i/?fl'?V2003/l 7 24.
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