---------..--------~~--~-~-~~ ross~ Pointe ~ws Grosse POinte, Michigan Thursday, April 12, 1984 30 cents 44 Pages VOL. 45-No 15 f01'1OWi~ • Stage set for fight to control schools thl eatened Iecall of three of my Jng~ He ..aid he's countltlg on that Raclmck. of the Woodi> J'>an <I'> By Susan McDonald school board County election sl~tant Wa) nc County pro ..etulor workers are racing agalllst the fello\\ bom d mem ber!>" fOl'(~ed !>UppOIt to I,l, III him re electIOn The stage has been set for an ....ho hab pi cVlOu!'>ly,>ought <'Il'( ealendat' to verify petitIOn signa- her to reconSider an eurher decI- June lJ The l!oo!'>ue,"he ,>ald "IS early summer battle to control the tlOn as Judge III Recorder'!> Lourt Grosse Pointe Board of EducatIOn tures in an attempt to put three SlOlJ not ~e(>k re.electlOn, !>he~ald are we gOlllg to retam the hl!>tollC Those event!> have blought the neighborhood ('lementary '>chool and Common Plea!> Court He '>aJd and the 15 schools, $34 million an- recall questions on that ballot, a,', he has never attended a meeting school!:. to "one of the most C! uClal charader of thl'> commullIty')' nual budget and 7.500 students well of the Gro.'>se POInte Board of E:d under its directIOn po!>ltlOns In our hl!>tory Candidates III the regular elec Brown~combe, of the CIty was ucatlOl1 but was Involved In the Rabbit reward lion, In addition to Ml's Hanpeter, "In order to progre,',s to\\ al d lhe fll!>t PCIbon to fur mally file for Bishop Galla~her school hoard a'> Looks like they've got a bit of On one side is a band of citizens are Hogel' MOUl'ad, the only board acadc'mlc goal,', and to attnlct a the electIOn HI!> Committee for a representatl'.te of hiS par:sh a mystery at Cottage Hospital Joined by a smgle event, the clos- member who voted agaJn.~t the hIghly Qualified new supenn-. Neighborhood Elementary Schools this week, according to Public ing of Barnes Elementary School Radnlck said he opposes the They filed petitions last week for plan to close Barnes Elemental y tendent, \\e need a perIod of sta. has been active slllce labt sum- RelatIOns Director Kathy b!!lty. :1 ~p.r't of "m-kme Io~rtlwr mpr ~tlpt){lmfJ ...c'ho,,1 ho:tl"Ci mf'et- c1o~Jng of Barnes school and that t1u: 1~\"dH of tlu tt tt u~t~~,:, ~..nj S\..hoJ1, '\~ln:~mBro\~~n~comb~, Maslanka. ' expel ienced leaders harmony ings in ma!>s to protest the plans he sIgned recall pelltlon!> ror Inree are promoting two school closmg the chairman of the Comnllttee trustees \~ho supported it But, he It seems some artistic students for Neighborhood Elementary and not discord." Mrs Hanpeter to close elementary bulldmgs He foes for election on the regulat' added, he 1'5 not comfortable \~Ith from a local elementary school also helped 01 ganlze a petitIOn June ballot Schooh, which worked again!>t the bllld the recall because "1 don 'I like dropped off about a dozen two- closmg plan; Fred W Adams, a drive de!>lgned to prove hiS group foot high rabbits to cheer up the On the other side are the recall Mourad, of the Shores, was (he has support from the commumty the Idea of plckmg out an mdl\ retired American Motors and fed- flr!>t candidate to throw his hal Idual person" hospital's patients, but the targets, Jon Gandelot, Catherine eral government worker who hospital never did catch the name mto the nng He said in an earber Brierly and Ernest Buechler, who could not be reached for com- And he has been achve as a Radlllck said he moved to the of the school IllterVle\\ that he would I un for a agree they will fight to retain ment; and Robert Allen Radl1lck, block \\orkel m the campaIgn to Pomte two years ago from De The beautiful bunnies are cur. their seats, and a group called !'>econd term of ofhce to continue an assistant Wayne County prose- flghlmg plans to close Barnes recall three trustees trOl1'!>east :>Ide rently cheering up the walls and CARE (CItizens Against Recall cutor ....ho also opposes the closing school next fall rooms of the hospice department Effort) which Will work with of Barnes Brownscombe !>ald In an earher Adams, of the City, is a retlred and Hospice Volunteer Co-ord1O- them. And there's Joan Hanpeter, Since the Nov. 14 vote to close Intel VIew that he hopes the executIve who worked With Pack- ator Julla Arango would like to the incumbent school board pres- Mrs Hanpeter, of the Park, the school, Mourad has had steady board's deCISIOn on Barnes can be ard Motor Car. American Motors thank the students for their ident, who declared Monday that launched the campaign for her Ieversed, If IllS group manages to support flom the closmg foe::. who (Continued on Page 8M thoughtful gesture she will be "a vigorous and en- fourth term on the board Apnl 9 have lammed !>chool board me('t- \\ III (:ontl 01 of the board So If there's an elementary thusastic candidate for re-elec- by saying recent events have school out there that feels it tion" in June. "cast a dark and disturbing shad- deserves a pat on the back, ow across the district please give Cottage a call. Voters will pick two of five How candIdates on June 11 for four "The resignatIOn <last week} of Not 80 trivial year terms on the seven-member Supt Kenneth Brummel and Hey, hke to spend a free sweet week in Hawaii'? While you're it is at it, how would you like to help A season of change the Youth Scholarship Fund of It ma)' look hke the Children's Aid Society? By Susan McDonald ftrst buildmg next fall since its chocolate, but You can do both by entering enrollment decline began 10 years that's really the and winning the Marathon TrIV- ThiS could be a season of great ago In addition, middle schools bright shme of ial PursUIt Tournament and change in Grosse Po1Ote's public are gearing up curriculum and success these party at the Detroit Westin schools Consider the following: staff to handle the mflux of some three gentlemen Hotel scheduled for Saturday, -A search began last week for the 450 sixth graders, whose transfer to are holdmg In their hands Dan April 14, from 9 a,m til 11 p.m. fourth supermtendent to serve in middle school was also part of in the hotel's Renaissance Ball- the last 10 years. Dr Kenneth Supt. Brummel's plan to reorgan- Hughes. lfar left). Jay Hunter, (cen- room The contest is sponsored Brummel, who will leave July 1, Ize the system The plan was ap- ter) Tom Mat- by the Westin and COZY -FM became the third consecutive proved 10 November 955 superintendent to resign before he High school staffs are gearmg thews plUS a miss- ing Lisa Howen- spent ftve years 10 Grosse Pointe. up, also, to implement new, tough- Tournament entry IS $30 and stain make up a is hmited to the first 400 two- All three were considered prom 1- er graduatIOn reqUirements and a nent educators who came from seven period day, also proposed by four-person Gros- person teams. Tickets are se Pomte team other commumhes after nation- Brummel At the elementary level available In the lobby of the that conceived, WIde searches to serve In the POSI- administrators are studymg pro- Westin Hotel; all Renaissance created and mar- Center World of Shops outlets; hon that last year paid $54,000 posed,pre-school programs and all- , day kmdergartens. ketE'd the lale~t hIt all tri-county area branches of -The system.s seven-mem!?er "U's an awful lot of thmgs on the candy First Federal of Michigan and Board of Educahon could have flv.e coming real fast" said William &C'e'M! - ,,'" ma I\- at COZY -FM studios at 10 Mile new ~bers by, 1J.~ s~mmel',~,L -'-iiuettreruan, an ette.ne,.>whe'~. cial Crunch." and Greenfield. the effort to recan thre~ trustees IS ed on the school board from There WIll also be a Trivial succ~f~l and both mCU:'Jlbents 1971-1978who still writes about the Pursuit Party from 8 p.m. to runmng In the June elechon are system in a monthly newspaper 1:30 a.m. in the ballroom dur- ousted. column. Just caU them - - - ing the last two rounds of the Petitions ca1lin~ for an elecllon "Il's going to be a very crucial tournament. Admission for the to remove Jon Gandelot, Cath- period for the schools," he said. party IS $1 for non-tournament erme Brierly and Ernest Buech- "There has always been change, The 'Financial Cmnch' bunch players. ler were filed April 6 With the but it has come slowly t with a lot of Lisa. who's a model WIth the Ei- late fol' a bl'Oader appeal county elecllon commiSSion. Three thought COZY's personalities Dick By Tom Greenwood leen Ford Agency in New York, separate recall questions will lIke- "If I were on the school board Nearly everyone who's ever Then they had to deSign a box Purtan. Mark Andrews. ly be placed on the June ballot if right now I'd have to start asking said she was gOlOg to market a As fate would have It, they ended earned a dollar tries to aVOId a cereal called 'Financial Crunch' Gene Taylor.
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