4 Today's Weather 'Open End' Draft $100 Santa Clara : F'air to- airs, day ecept for patchea of s% ill tie di. iissed win- morning fog. Little tempera- ist the Open-End Forum at lera ture- change. Predicted high: 17: TARTAN DA I LY 7:15 tomorrow night In the ax-66. 14/W ilea night: 32-42. Faculty Dining Room of the e Gentle %%Inds. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE spart a it Cafeteria. inci- Sev- Vol. 53 .41110" SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1965 No. 46 _ Tile Mite the Psychoanalyst Speaks Prof. Says Quarter At ASB Forum Today Psychoanalyst Dr. Rollo May practicing psychoanalyst and pro- will speak this morning on "Crea- fessor of clinical psychology at tivity and the Unconscious" at New York University. 10:30 in Concert Hall. The lecttwe is open to the col- System No Solution Guest of the ASB Forum Lec- lege community without charge. ture Committee, Dr. May is a Dr. May, a widely published By SHARON OSAKI round operation is not the answer mean heavier burdens on students, author, has written "The Mean- Spartan Daily Staff Writer to the problem faculty and clerical staff because ing of Anxiety," "Man's Search Instituting the year-round quar- The obvious answer to the prob- of increased registrations &id for Himself," and numerous arti- ter system at all California state lem, according to Dr. Morris, is finals. more money from the State Legis- Dr. Morris also thinlcs that the cles on psychology and religion. colleges and universities is a "false Weather Go' lature which will enable the col- change would greatly He is currently a supervisory hinder teach- attempt of Overcoming the prob- leges to operate under the present er education program because of a and training analyst with the lem of inadequate classroom space semester system. conflict in semester and quarter William Alanson White Institute For Gemini "But the legislature seems un- systems in student teaching work. of Psychiatry, Psychology and Psy- and will cause considerable harm willing to do this," he said. The summer quarter would also choanalysis in New York. to the quality of our educational PROGRAM KEY reduce summer school offerings Space Flight A native of Ohio, Dr. May was Program." because of lack of space and per- According to Dr. MOITiS, the educated at Oberlin College and This is the opinion of Dr. Bert sonnel. Dr. Morris key to the proposed plan lies said that this CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) Columbia University where he re- Morris, professor of chemistry and with the summer quarter which would hurt graduates, especially Weathermen gave Gemini 7 Astro- ceived his Ph.D. chairman of the year-rowid com- teachers, who want to take short will offer substrunially all the reg- nauts Frank Borman and James In recent years, he acted as mittee of the Academic Council. sununer courses. ular courses available during the Lovell a tentative go-ahead yes- President of the New York State The committee is studying ways rest of the year. terday for blastoff Saturday on Psychological A.ssociation, Fellow to implement the quarter system * * * Will enough students forsake man's longest venture into space. of the National Council of Religion at SJS by 1969 as requested by summer jobs and vacations to at- The all-clear weather forecast in Higher Education, member of the Chancellor. tend the summer quarter? Dr. came as the 37-year-old space the Board of Trustees of the THREE YEAR PLAN Morris doubts it. 'Stop Plan' pilots were in the doctor's office American Foundation of Mental Dr. Morris said the reasoning If there is not a high enrollment seeking to add a medical O.K. to Health and Fellow of the Amen- DR. ROLLO MAY behind the State Board of Trus- during the summer, the result the growing list of "go" reports Can Psychological Association. "Creativity and the Unconscious" tees' decision to operate on the would be higher operational costs Says Judge for the grueling 14-day orbital quarter system is to allow stu- and no substantial change in grad- journey. A writ of mandamus ordering dents to go to school all year uation time. The five hour physical, last ma- the State Boarrl of Trsutees to FAB c round so they can graduate in The quarter system poses sev- jor checkup before launch, got temporarily halt conversion of all three years. eral other problems, according to underway shortly after 7 a.m. California colleges and universities Dr. Morris. EST. No difficulties were expected. ASB The faster graduation wlll make to the quarter system was issued hief Tells The present course unit system Gemini 6's space chase pilots, room for new students and allevi- Tuesday by San Francisco Superior must be completely revised since Walter Schirra and Thomas Staf- ate the shortage of classroom Judge Raymond J. Arata. quarter units will be worth 35 of ford, also had medical appoint- / space. The temporary restraining order semester units. ments today. They got a prelimi- Dr. Morris admitted that the was issued shortly after a Petition nary look over for their Dec. 13 "pmjected needs of California state HEAVIER BURDENS was filed by Attorney Victor Van verrule If Necessary colleges is tremendous and they Instructors will be forced to launch. Bourg on behalf of the College A special team of spaceflight are way behind in building pro- revise their class curricula to fit Council of the American Federa- meteorologists making their first The chairman of the Financial ter, ASB Treasurer Bill Clark, dean of students, and Mks Cor- grarn." the new system. tion of Teachers (AFT). Advisory Board (FAB) told Stu- Student Council finance officer nelia Tomes, associate dean of system would also report for the twin-launch spec- However, he feels that the year- The quarter John Galm, SJS assistant dent Council yesterday to "over- John Bruckman, junior represent- students for activities. tacular said weather was expected professor of English and vice- rule us (FAB) when you believe ative, and one student-at -large. Since the FAB chairman only to be "satisfactory" Saturday at president of the AFT, Local 1362, It's neccsary," and then invited votes in case of ties, students will the launch site with balmy tem- The student-at-large has yet to explained that the Board of Trus- council members to sit in on FAB outnumber the non-students five peratures, partly cloudy skies and be named, since the accession of tees ha.% until Jan. 12 to show meetings to "watch us in action." Popular 'We Five' To Sing a moderate breeze. Bill Clark to treasurer Pres Hen cause why the tempormy order Prof. Jack Holland, chairman dricks has announced he will ap- should not become permanent of the Management Department point the student-at-large "as soon 475 Favor Recall Attorney Van Bourg will explain and chairman of FAB, addressed as possible." At Spartan Program Tonight the implications of the court action council to clear up "a lack of According to Richard Patten- this afternoon at 2 in Cafeteria Senior Pictures Hendricks, Spotter, Clark and The We Five, popular vocal up this morning" and find them- rapport and lack of understanding aude, co-chairman of Students to The public is invited to Bruckman are FAB members by selves an overnight smash. The A and B. ,emor eiriures for of FAB's functions" between the Recall Hendricks Committee group, will present a concert to- according to reason of their offices. group, formed three years ago, attend this discussion, Sparta Life magazine began this two groups. (SRH), 475 students have signed night at 8:15 in the Men's Gym. Faculty members of FAB, ap- was known as the "Ridge Run- Gahm. week in Building R, Room 1. petition.% favoring the nuster of The group, known for its hit rec- FAB's FUNCTION pointed by SJS Pres, Robert D. ners." The tried to break into the Seniors and graduate students who Clark and confirmed by the Aca- ASB Pres. John Hendricks. ord, "I Woke Up This Morning, FAB's function is to folk field. have not yet made appointments He noted demic Council, include Holland, The committee needs about 2,000 on budgetary mat- You Were on My Mind," is per- With little success as folk sing- Israeli Speaker for photos are invited to do so now. advise council Dr. Richard Elliot, assistant pro- signatures with ASB card num- ters, and that "student officials forming under the auspices of the ers, the group, accepting the sug- Portraits are being taken daily fessor of Drama, and Prof. Ray bers to place the recall mea.sure Robert Keller, an Israeli gov- control FAB." Students actually ASB Spartan Prognuns Commit- gestion of Frank Werber, manager from 8:30 until 4:45 p.m. through Wilkerson, associate professor of on the ballot ernmental industrial official, will control more votes on FAB than tee. of the Kingston Trio, began to Wednesday, Dec. 8, by Keith Cole chemistry. Tickets for the second concert search for a unique sowid. speak on "Economic Trends in Studios of Redwood City. Cost of non-students, he added. votes to four when Hendricks ap- in the Washington Square Series Last April We Five found that Israel" tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. phot,os is $4, including a one-year, FAB membership includes five STUDENTS OUTNUMBER points the student-at-large. an- $1.50 for students and faculty sound in "You Were on My Mind." in Concert Hall. -issue subscription to Sparta- students: ASB Pres. John Hen- College administrators on the three Holland said the ASB reserve and $2.50 for the general public.
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