Article Komunitas: International Journal of Design and Construction of Indonesian Society and Culture 12(2) (2020): 209-215 DOI:10.15294/komunitas.v12i2.18937 Traditional Fishing Boat in © 2020 Semarang State University, Indonesia p-ISSN 2086 - 5465 | e-ISSN 2460-7320 Jepara in the Context of http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/komunitas Cultural Ecology: UNNES JOURNALS The Implication as Arts Learning Resources Eko Sugiarto¹, Triyanto², Mujiyono³ 1,2,3Department of Visual Art, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Received: February 25th 2019; Accepted: March 01st 2020; Published: September 30th 2020 Abstract The existence of a traditional fisherman community in Jepara is proven based on the system of equipment or technology of fishing vessels. As part that is familiar with the life of the fishing community, this phenom- enon is very interesting as well as important to be studied more deeply in the context of the north coast Javanese sub-culture. Based on that, this study aims to explain: (1) the design of fishing boat construction as a representation of the technology system of traditional fishing communities in Jepara, (2) the ecological aspect of the north coast Javanese sub-culture includes the process of creating traditional fishing boat in Jepara communities, and (3) wisdom potential in traditional ship design as learning resources. This study uses a qualitative approach with case study design. The data is collected through interviews, observations and document reviews, and analyzed by using flow mode. The results of the study will provide an empirical explanation of the construction design and boat creation technology in the ecological perspective of the north coast Javanese sub-culture. Traditional ship design in Jepara is potential as learning resources to create the value of cooperation, openness, communication and religious. Keywords art; boat; cultural ecology; design; traditional fishermen INTRODUCTION the marine life of the Indonesian people has been around for a long time (Naila, 2014:2). The design of construction and technology It is evidenced by the findings of prehistoric for the creation of fishing vessels is a cultural and historic sites. heritage that presents the prowess of Indo- The seafront city shows the pheno- nesian ancestors (people say that Indonesi- menon of urban culture and maritime cul- an ancestors were seamen). The greatness of ture that is full of symbols and traditions the maritime fleet even became the unifica- in its culture. The harmonious of maritime tion of the Archipelago by Majapahit. Since culture and urban culture offers a different the 9th century AD, the Indonesian people perspective. According to Konvitz, maritime have sailed far away by boat. They went to cities are defined as “Urban maritime cultu- the north across the sea, they went to the Corresponding author west across the Indian ocean up to Madagas- Gedung B9 FBS UNNES Kampsu Sekaran Gunungpati car, and they went to the east to Easter Is- Semarang 50229 land (Naila, 2014:2). The history records that Email [email protected] Komunitas: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture 12(12) (2020): 209-215 210 re” (Masimo, 2014). Jepara as the north coast with local affordability (Savin, 2013; Gul- of Java (Pantura) is one of the maritime rep- brandsen, 2004). resentation of Indonesia. Jepara is located The construction design and techno- in the political territory of the Central Java logy for the creation of fishing vessels in Je- province, precisely it is located in the north para show a variety of uniqueness, so that it coast of Central Java. In the cultural context, is interesting and important to be studied Jepara and its surroundings are included in deeply. Fishing vessels that function as fis- the central north subcultural with Kendal, hing have been used in Jepara in a long time Semarang, Kudus, Demak, Pati, and Rem- to carry out fishing activities at sea. The fis- bang. hing vessel equipment is one of the impor- The maritime greatness of Jepara was tant aspects in fishing activity because it is well known in the Islamic era, namely Je- one of the technical units that determine para became a very famous port and trade the success of fishing. city (Kartodirdjo, 1977). The Jepara’s mariti- The life activities of fishermen related me glory can still be felt to this day in the to traditional shipping of construction de- form of the existence of a fishermen com- sign and technology for the creation of fis- munity group which is passed down from hing vessels in Jepara can be concluded as generation to generation in the fishermen a part that familiar with fishermen commu- families. The existence of a traditional fis- nity. If it is referred to the cultural compo- hermen community in Jepara cannot be nent, everything that is related to the equip- separated from the equipment or techno- ment of the fishing community is included logy system of fishing vessels. The ship that in the cultural field, especially in the living is studied in this study is a traditional ship equipment and technology system (see Ko- or in Javanese referred to a boat. It can be entjaraningrat, 2002). Based on this state- categorized into ship with engines and ship ment, the object of this study was examined without engines (Djafar, 2009). In additi- interdisciplinarily by using cultural theory, on to boats, traditional ship in Indonesia especially cultural ecology to position it in in the context of ethnological have many the central north Javanese coastal sub-cul- names in each area, namely in Cilacap, it ture. In the explaination of cultural ecology, is called jukung, in East Java, it is called ke- technology aspect and characteristics of the tinting, and in Madura, it is called butek. physical natural environment are connected In around the world, the design and con- with technologi system. Therefore, this struction for traditional wooden boats have phenomenon is very interesting and impor- developed over the centuries. The design tant to be studied in deeply. In particular, was designed by considering local fishing this paper questions the creation of fishing method, the distance to fishing area, and vessels as a representation of living equip- the availability of building materials. In ad- ment and technology systems in the context dition, there are also modern technology of Jepara coastal culture. equipment that is also influenced by foreign This study is related to the study of designs (Savin, 20013). traditional shipping equipment and techno- In the archipelago area, there is a st- logy system in the context of the north coast rong tradition of building traditional woo- Javanese subculture. Theoretically, this stu- den boats. It is related to two things, name- dy is also explained in the context of the eco- ly the elements of nature and culture that logy of coastal areas as a former of coastal are believed and followed by the fishermen culture in Jepara, Indonesia. community. It is known as cultural ecology. Traditional wooden boats are usually made METHOD to locally acceptable standards that have evolved in the context of activities carried A qualitative approach was used in this stu- out by coastal community. These standards dy by focusing on the field research method. and designs also tend to be very compatible According to the principles of qualitative re- UNNES JOURNALS 211 Eko Sugiarto, et al, Design and Construction of Traditional Fishing Boat in Jepara in the Context ... search, researchers have a role as key instru- ped with plans and general requirements. ments. Researchers will research directly, Fishermenboat in Jepara do not have spe- adjust to the time and place to obtain the cial education even formal education in vo- data holistically (see Hohidi, 2012; Marshall cational high schools or in Institute in the & Rossman, 2006). naval architecture major. The ability of boat The design used is a case study builder is inherited in the family and in the to find out the uniqueness deeply about community. construction design and traditional ship- One of the boat builder in the De- ping technology in Jepara. The researcher man Urban Village, Pesajen Hamlet, Jepara will explore the lives of traditional fishing District, Supomo (48) claimed that he has vessels builder and several key informants made the construction of fishing boats sin- from several traditional fishermen. ce three years ago (2014). In the first time, The main subject of this study is he was a furniture carving craftsman in Je- traditional boat builder in Jepara. Purposi- para. Then, he learns about ships (helping vely, the research subjects were focused on others), so he can make or produce ships in- five traditional fishermen who utilize boat dependently. building service. The research data were In the process of building a fishing collected through (1) observation, (2) inter- boat, the boat builder usually has two assis- views, and (2) document studies. First, re- tants in facilitating his work. There are divi- searchers use the “controlled observation” sion of tasks, namely, the first person helps method. The observations were made in the in installing blocks and layers of wooden Jepara coastal especially in: (1) boat builders’ boards to form the main body of the boat. villages and (2) traditional fishermen villa- Whereas, the second person has a taskto ges namely Panggung Village, Kedungma- smokethe wood to form a wooden curvature lang Village, and Surodadi Village Kedung as a boat’s body. Subdistrict Jepara Regency are two Fisher- The fishing boat construction design men villages in Jepara Regency that its com- in Jepara has three main construction sec- munity rely on their lives from the sea. tions which functionas a basic construction Researchers use visual recording with and fastening, namely (1) keel, (2) bow, and digital camera as recording tool to complete (3) stern.
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