RLA Color Slide Catalog Page 1 of 667 Site No. Slide Accession Description Date Mex 1 Mexico, Teotihuacan, Terra-Cotta Doll 1953 Mex 2 Mexico, Zapotecan Funerary Urn 1953 Mex 3 Mexico, Zapotecan Figure 1953 Mex 4 Mexico, Totonac Incense Burner 1953 Mex 5 Mexico, Human Sacrifice 1953 Mex 6 Mexico, Human Sacrifice 1953 Mex 7 Mexico, Toltec, Temple of Quetzalcoatl 1953 Mex 8 Mexico, Ceremonial Vase, Mihuatlan, Oaxaca 1953 Mex 9 Mexico, Temple at Mitla 1953 Mex 10 Mexico, Figurines, Middle Culture 1953 Mex 11 Mexico, Pottery & Figurines, Middle Culture 1953 Mex 12 Mexico, Toltec, Teotihuacan 1953 Mex 13 Mexico, Aztec Goldwork 1953 Mex 14 Mexico, Aztec Mosaic Work 1953 Mex 15 Mexico, Aztec Architecture, Tenayuca 1953 Mex 16 Mexico, Aztec Porphyry Mask from Vera Cruz 1953 Mex 17 Mexico, Aztec Feathered Snake 1953 Mex 18 Mexico, Aztec Religious Ceremonies 1953 Mex 19 Maya, The Leyden Plate 1953 Mex 20 Maya, Chichen Itza 1953 Mex 21 Maya, Ball Court; Temple of Jaguars 1953 Mex 22 Maya, Chichen Itza, El Castillo 1953 Mex 23 Maya, Corbeled Arches 1953 Mex 24 Maya, Facades, Puuc Period 1953 Mex 25 Maya, Sculpturing, Wall Panel, Piedras Negras 1953 Mex 26 Maya, Stucco Work, Acanceh 1953 Mex 27 Mexico, Regional Map 1953 Mex 28 Mexico, Palmate Stones 1953 Mex 29 Mexico, Yokes 1953 Mex 30 Maya, Plumbate Wares 1953 - 31 Melonesia, Slit-gong Drum 1953 - 32 Melonesia, Dance Decorations, Malaita 1953 - 33 Melonesia, Spear-Thrower, Wogeo 1953 - 34 Melonesia, Head Binding, Arawe, New Britain 1953 - 35 Melonesia, Nose Ornaments, Solomons 1953 - 36 Melonesia, Nose Ornaments, Solomons 1953 Research Laboratories of Archaeology, UNC-Chapel Hill RLA Color Slide Catalog Page 2 of 667 Site No. Slide Accession Description Date - 37 Melonesia, Face Carvings, Solomons 1953 - 38 Melonesia, Trobriand, House 1953 - 39 Melonesia, Guadalcanal House 1953 - 40 Melonesia, Guadalcanal Trophies 1953 - 41 Melonesia, Guadalcanal Trophies 1953 USA 42 NW Coast, Houses 1953 USA 43 NW Coast, Tlingit, Chilkat Blankets 1953 USA 44 NW Coast, Nootka Food & Haida Burial Boxes 1953 USA 45 NW Coast, Tlingit Food Box 1953 USA 46 NW Coast, Salish Spindle Whorl 1953 USA 47 NW Coast, Kwakiutl Stone Pile Driver 1953 USA 48 NW Coast, Salish Dance Mask 1953 USA 49 NW Coast, Tlingit, Mask 1953 USA 50 NW Coast, Haida, Mask 1953 USA 51 NW Coast, Tlingit, Helmet 1953 USA 52 NW Coast, Helmet 1953 USA 53 NW Coast, Tlingit, Rattle 1953 USA 54 NW Coast, Haida, Rattle 1953 USA 55 NW Coast, Tlingit, Ladle 1953 USA 56 NW Coast, Kwakiutl & Haida "Soul Catchers" 1953 USA 57 NW Coast, Haida, Slate Pipes 1953 USA 58 NW Coast, Haida, Carved Slate Plate 1953 USA 59 NW Coast, Haida, Carved Slate Box 1953 - 60 Peru, Nazea Jar 1953 - 61 Peru, Mochican Pot 1953 - 62 Pacific, New Guinea, Lime Containers 1953 - 63 Pacific, New Guinea, Spatulae 1953 - 64 Pacific, New Guinea, Clay Modeled over Skull 1953 - 65 Pacific, Easter Island 1953 - 66 Pacific, Micronesian Navigation Map 1953 - 67 Africa, Nigeria Scarification 1953 - 68 Africa, Mask 1953 - 69 Africa, Carved Wooden Figures 1953 - 70 Africa, Wooden Mask Showing Face Carving 1953 USA 71 NW Coast, Tlingit Food Box 1953 USA 72 NW Coast, Salish Grave Marker 1953 Research Laboratories of Archaeology, UNC-Chapel Hill RLA Color Slide Catalog Page 3 of 667 Site No. Slide Accession Description Date USA 73 NW Coast, Tlingit Dance Mask 1953 - 74 Europe, Cave Painting, Altamira, Wild Boar 1953 - 75 Europe, Cave Painting, Altamira, Bison 1953 - 76 Europe, Cave Painting, Altamira, Bison 1953 - 77 Europe, Cave Painting, Two Bison 1953 - 78 Europe, Cave Painting, Imaginary Animal 1953 - 79 Europe, Cave Painting, Bull 1953 - 80 Europe, Cave Painting, Bull 1953 USA 81 Southwest, Areas by Time Period 1953 USA 82 Southwest, Loom, Backstrap 1953 USA 83 Southwest, Loom 1953 USA 84 Southwest, Loom, Zuni 1953 USA 85 Southwest, Design El. Pueblo 1953 USA 86 Southwest, Evo. of Design from Basketry to Pottery 1953 USA 87 Southwest, Rain Symbol Adapted to Pottery Decor 1953 USA 88 Southwest, Atlatls 1953 USA 89 Southwest, Dendrochronology 1953 USA 90 Southwest, Dendrochronology 1953 USA 91 Southwest, San Juan Area 1953 USA 92 Southwest, Four Corners Region 1953 USA 93 Southwest, Southwest 1953 USA 94 Southwest, B.M. II Sandal 1953 USA 95 Southwest, B.M. II Baskets 1953 USA 96 Southwest, B.M. II Corn 1953 USA 97 Southwest, B.M. II Slablined Storage Pits 1953 USA 98 Southwest, B.M. III or PI. Pitchers 1953 USA 99 Southwest, B.M. III Sandals 1953 USA 100 Southwest, B.M. III House Construction 1953 USA 101 Southwest, Corrugated Wares, Cooking Pots 1953 USA 102 Southwest, Head Deformation P.I 1953 USA 103 Southwest, Bone Awls, Pueblo 1953 USA 104 Southwest, Whistles, Gaming Pieces, P.I 1953 USA 105 Southwest, Pueblo I Pipes 1953 USA 106 Southwest, Pueblo I Kana-a-Gray Cooking Vessels 1953 USA 107 Southwest, Pueblo I Axes 1953 USA 108 Southwest, Pueblo Masonry 1953 Research Laboratories of Archaeology, UNC-Chapel Hill RLA Color Slide Catalog Page 4 of 667 Site No. Slide Accession Description Date USA 109 Southwest, Pueblo II Pottery, Black & White 1953 USA 110 Southwest, Pueblo II-III Pitchers Black On White 1953 USA 111 Southwest, Pueblo II Kiva and House Plans 1953 USA 112 Southwest, Mogallon Houses 1953 USA 113 Southwest, Zuni Canteens 1953 USA 114 Southwest, Zuni Jars 1953 USA 115 Southwest, Zuni Jars 1953 USA 116 Southwest, Zuni Pitchers 1953 USA 117 Southwest, Zuni Bowls 1953 USA 118 Southwest, Zuni Cooking Vessels 1953 USA 119 Southwest, Zuni Effigy Vessels 1953 USA 120 Southwest, Black On White 1953 USA 121 Southwest, Ladles, Black On White 1953 USA 122 Southwest, Black On Red Bowls 1953 USA 123 Southwest, Kiva 1953 USA 124 Southwest, Kiva 1953 USA 125 Southwest, Kiva Subfloor Vault 1953 USA 126 Southwest, Kiva Features 1953 USA 127 Southwest, Kiva, Cliff Palace P. III 1953 USA 128 Eastern U.S., Monolithic Stone Axes 1953 USA 129 Eastern U.S., Stone Plummets 1953 USA 130 Eastern U.S., Stone Effigies & Banner Stones 1953 USA 131 Eastern U.S., Shell Ornaments 1953 USA 132 Eastern U.S., Stone and Clay Pipes 1953 USA 133 Eastern U.S., Baton 1953 USA 134 Eastern U.S., Bird and Snake Combo 1953 USA 135 Eastern U.S., Hafted Cir. Axes 1953 USA 136 Eastern U.S., Cedar Effigies, Stone Bowl 1953 USA 137 Eastern U.S., Ceremonial Stone Blades 1953 USA 138 Eastern U.S., Human Sacrif. Effigy Clay Pipe 1953 USA 139 Eastern U.S., Stone Effigy Pipes 1953 USA 140 Eastern U.S., Southern Death Cult 1953 USA 141 Eastern U.S., Southern Death Cult 1953 USA 142 Eastern U.S., Southern Death Cult 1953 USA 143 Eastern U.S., Southern Death Cult 1953 USA 144 Eastern U.S., Southern Death Cult 1953 Research Laboratories of Archaeology, UNC-Chapel Hill RLA Color Slide Catalog Page 5 of 667 Site No. Slide Accession Description Date USA 145 Eastern U.S., Middle Miss. Moundville Pottery 1953 USA 146 Eastern U.S., Mississippi Pottery 1953 USA 147 Eastern U.S., Mississippi 1953 USA 148 Eastern U.S., Mississippi 1953 USA 149 Eastern U.S., Mississippi 1953 USA 150 Eastern U.S., Mississippi 1953 USA 151 Eastern U.S., Mississippi 1953 USA 152 Eastern U.S., Effigy Vessels 1953 USA 153 Eastern U.S., Effigy Pottery 1953 USA 154 Eastern U.S., Effigy 1953 USA 155 Eastern U.S., Effigy Vessels 1953 USA 156 Eastern U.S., Caddoan Bottle 1953 USA 157 Eastern U.S., Caddoan Bowl 1953 USA 158 Eastern U.S., Chart 1953 USA 159 Eastern U.S., Early Mississippi Pipe 1953 USA 160 Eastern U.S., Early Mississippi Pipe 1953 USA 161 Eastern U.S., Stone Pipe 1953 USA 162 Eastern U.S., Stone Pipe 1953 USA 163 Eastern U.S., Effigies Heads Mississippi 1953 USA 164 Eastern U.S., Animal Effigy Pipes Mississippi 1953 USA 165 Eastern U.S., Animal Effigy, Mississippi 1953 USA 166 Eastern U.S., Map 1953 USA 167 Eastern U.S., Log Tomb Of Hopewell 1953 USA 168 Eastern U.S., Hopewell Effigy 1953 USA 169 Eastern U.S., Pipes 1953 USA 170 Eastern U.S., Pipes 1953 USA 171 Eastern U.S., Middle Woodland Material, Crooks Site 1953 USA 172 Eastern U.S., Hopewell Vessel Zoned Incised 1953 USA 173 Eastern U.S., Hopewell Vessel 1953 USA 174 Eastern U.S., Hopewell Vessel 1953 USA 175 Eastern U.S., Hopewell Vessels 1953 USA 176 Eastern U.S., Platform Pipes 1953 USA 177 Eastern U.S., Hopewell Artifacts 1953 USA 178 Eastern U.S., Hopewell Copper & Stone Artifacts 1953 USA 179 Eastern U.S., Hopewell Stone Artifacts 1953 USA 180 Eastern U.S., Stone Effigy Pipes 1953 Research Laboratories of Archaeology, UNC-Chapel Hill RLA Color Slide Catalog Page 6 of 667 Site No. Slide Accession Description Date USA 181 Eastern U.S., Carved Femurs Hopewell 1953 USA 182 Eastern U.S., Hopewell, Effigy & Platform Pipes 1953 USA 183 Eastern U.S., Hopewell Stone Rings 1953 USA 184 Eastern U.S., Hopewell, Design From Sheet Copper 1953 USA 185 Eastern U.S., Hopewell Copper Bracelets 1953 USA 186 Eastern U.S., Middle Woodland Monitor Pipes 1953 USA 187 Eastern U.S., Hopewell Vessels 1953 USA 188 Eastern U.S., Hopewell Vessel 1953 USA 189 Eastern U.S., Hopewell, Obsidian Blades 1953 USA 190 Eastern U.S., Early Woodland (?) 1953 USA 191 Eskimo, Transpacific Contact 1951 USA 192 Eskimo, Transpacific Contact 1951 USA 193 NW Coast, Maps 1953 USA 194 NW Coast, Tsimshian Headdress 1945 USA 195 NW Coast, Baskets 1953 USA 196 NW Coast, Baskets 1953 USA 197 NW Coast, Masks 1953 USA 198 NW Coast, Iroquois Mask & Haida Med.
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