MOD Acronyms and Abbreviations Definitions for terms and acronyms used throughout MOD documents. Acronym Long Title 1ACC No. 1 Air Control Centre 1SL First Sea Lord 2 PUS Second Permanent Under Secretary 2 PUS Second Permanent Under Secretary of State 200D Second OOD 200W Second 00W 2C Second Customer 2IC Second in Command 2Lt Second Lieutenant 2nd PUS Second Permanent Under Secretary of State 2SL Second Sea Lord 2SL/CNH Second Sea Lord Commander in Chief Naval Home Command 3D 3 Dimensional 3IC Third in Command A in A Appropriations in Aid A&A Alteration & Addition A&A Alterations & Additions A&A Approval and Authorisation A&AEE Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment A&AEW Avionics And Air Electronic Warfare IPT A&ER Ammunition and Explosive Regulations A&ER Ammunition and Explosives Regulations A&Ers Ammunition and Explosive Regulations A&SD Arms and Service Director A/AS Advanced/Advanced Supplementary level qualifications a/c or A/C Aircraft A/D Air Defence A/G Air-to-Ground A/G/A Air Ground Air A/R As Required A/S Anti-Submarine A/S or AS Anti Submarine A/WST Avionic/Weapons, Systems Trainer A3*G Acquisition 3-Star Group A3I Accelerated Architecture Acquisition Initiative A3P Advanced Avionics Architecture and Policy A3P Advanced Avionics Architectures and Packaging (TDP) AA Accommodation Allowance AA Active Adjunct (sonar) AA Administering Authority AA Administrative Assistant. Civil Service grade AA Air Adviser AA Air Attache AA Air-to-Air AA Alterations and Additions AA Alternative Assumption AA Anti-Aircraft AA Application Administrator AA Area Administrator AA Australian Army 1 Acronym Long Title AAA Anti-Aircraft Artillery AAA Automatic Anti-Aircraft AAAD Airborne Anti-Armour Defence AAAD All Arms Air Defence AAAI Association of Australian Aerospace Industries AAAM Advanced Air-to-Air Missile AAAP Advanced Avionics Architecture and Policy AAAV Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle AAAW Advanced (Airborne) Anti-Armour Weapon AAAW Advanced Airborne Anti-Armour Weapon AAAW Advanced Anti-Armour Weapon AABM Air-to-Air Battle Management AABNCP Advanced Airborne National Command Post AABW Antarctic Bottom Water AAC All-Aspect Capability AAC Army Air Corps AAC Asset Accounting Centre AAC Automatic Amplitude Control AACMI Autonomous Air Combat Manoeuvring Installation AACOMS Army Area Communications System AACP AACP Advanced Airborne Command Post AACR Anglo-American Community Relations AACS Airborne Advanced Communications System AACS Automatic Access Control Systems AACT Air-to-Air Combat Test AAD Army Armament Depot AADEOS Advanced Air Defence Electro-Optical Sensor AADGE Allied Command Europe Air Defence Ground Environment AAE Arms, Ammunition & Explosives AAED Advanced Airborne Expendable Decoy AAEE Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment AAF Auxiliary Air Force AAFCE Allied Air Forces Central Europe AAFSS Advanced Aerial Fire-Support System AAG Air-to-Air Gunnery AAG Anti-Aircraft Gun AAGW Air-to-Air Guided Weapon AAH Advance Attack helicopter AAI Ambient Attitude Detector AAI Angle of Approach/Attack Indicator AAICP Air-to-Air Interrogator Control Panel AAIP Analogue Auto-land Improvement Programme AAL Above Aerodrome Level AAL ATM Adaptation Layer AALAAW Advanced Air-Launched Anti-Armour Weapon AALC Amphibious Assault Landing Craft AALPS Automated Air Load Planning System AAM Air-to-Air Missile AAMI Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation AAMOUR Anglo-Australian Memorandum Of Understanding on Research AAMTU Automatic Antenna Matching and Tuning Unit AANCP Advanced Airborne National Command Post AAO Agency Accounting Officer AAO Air-to-Air Operations AAOS Acoustic Artillery Observer Sub-system AAP AA Practice ammunition with a small bursting charge 2 Acronym Long Title AAP Allied Administrative Publication AAP Annual Application Plans AAP Anti-Aircraft, Practice AAPSO Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organisation AAQMG Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General AAR After Action Review or Air to Air Refuelling AAR Air to Air Refuelling AAR Air-to-Air Refuelling AARA Air-to-Air Refuelling Area AARADCOM Army Armament Research and Development Command AARB Advanced Aerial Refuelling Boom AARMAC Air-to-Air Macro AAS Advanced Automation System AAT All Arms Trencher AATDC Army Air Transport and Development Centre AATH Automatic Approach to Hover AATS Anti-Aircraft Training System AATU Automatic Antenna Tuning Unit AAUS Active Adjunct Undersea Surveillance AAV Amphibious Assault Vehicles AAV Autonomous Aerial Vehicle AAVP Assault Amphibian Vehicle, Personnel AAVR Assault Amphibian Vehicle, Recovery AAW Advanced Analysts' Workstation AAW Anti-Air Warfare AAW Anti-Armour Weapon AAWC AAW Commander or Co-ordination circuit AAWC Anti-Air Warfare Commander AAWC Anti-Air Warfare Controller AAWC Anti-Air Warfare Co-ordinator AAWO Anti-Air Warfare Officer AAWS Advanced Anti-tank Weapon System AAWS-H Anti-Armour Weapons System – Heavy AAWS-M Advanced Anti-tank Weapon System – Medium AAWWS Airborne Adverse Weather Weapon System AB Able Seaman AB Admiralty Board AB Air Base AB Airborne AB Airborne (forces) AB Army Board AB Assault Breaker AB 88 Lift Equipment Register Form Book ABA Adaptation Box Assembly ABACUS All Arms Battlefield Computer Simulation ABACUS Artillery Battery Computer Support system ABC Acquisition Behavioural Competences ABC Activity Based Costing ABC All-purpose Ballastable Crawler ABC All-purpose Battle Computer ABC America, Britain and Canada ABC Argentina, Brazil, Chile ABC Atomic, Biological/Bacteriological and Chemical ABC Automatic Boost Control ABC Automatic Brightness Control ABC PARETO Cost Accounting (20% of stock = 80% of Value) 3 Acronym Long Title ABCA America, Britain, Canada and Australia. The treaty ABCA American, British, Canadian, Australian (group) ABCA American-British-Canadian-Australian Armies ABCCC Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Centre ABCD American, British, Chinese and Dutch Allied Forces ABCF Acquisition Behavioural Competence Framework ABDR Aircraft Battle Damage Repair ABES Air Breathing Engine System ABF Adaptive Beam Forming ABF Annular Blast Fragmentation warhead ABFM American Board of Foreign Missions ABI Application Binary Interface ABI Association of British Insurers ABICS ADA Based Integrated Control System ABIOS Advanced Basic Input Output System ABIS All-Bus Instrumentation System ABIT Advanced Built-In Test ABL Airborne Laser ABLE Automated Bridge Launching Equipment ABM Activity Based Management (MRPII) ABM Adaptive Bandwidth Management ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile ABM Assignment Bid Manager ABM Assistant Bandmaster ABMD Advanced Ballistic Missile Defence ABMS Air Battle Management System ABMT Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty ABNL Admiral, Benelux and Netherlands ABO Access Basing and Overflight ABO Army Band Office ABO's Agents of Biological Origin ABPW Admiralty Board Professional Warning ABRC Advisory Board for the Research Councils ABRES Advanced Ballistic Re-Entry System ABRO Army Base Repair Organisation ABRV Advanced Ballistic Re-entry Vehicle ABS Activity Breakdown Structure ABS Amphibious Bridging System ABS Anti-Lock Braking System ABs Awarding Bodies ABS(T) Amphibious Bridging System (Tracked) ABS(W) Amphibious Bridging System (Wheeled) ABSA Advanced Base Support Aircraft ABSD Army Blood Supply Depot ABSOC Advanced Broadcasting Systems of Canada ABSV Armoured Battlefield Support Vehicle ABT Advanced Back-plane Technology ABT Advanced Bi-CMOS Technology ABTA Association of British Travel Agents ABTAL Aircraft Branch Temporary Amendment Leaflet ABU Aviation Bird Unit ABW Abbey Wood AC Accounting Classification AC Accounting Code. AC Active Component AC Additional Capability 4 Acronym Long Title AC Agreed Characteristics AC Air Coordinator Ac Aircraft AC Aircraft Commander AC Aircraft Controller AC Aircraftman AC Alternating Current AC Ammunition Container AC Analyst Console AC Area Coverage antenna AC Authorisation Committee AC Authorisation Condition. AC & CS Air Command & Control Systems Ac Comd Aircraft Commander Ac Tech Aircraft Technician AC(H) Aircraft Controller (Helicopters)) AC/RC Active Component/Reserve Component ACA Agile Combat/Cargo Aircraft ACA Airspace Control Authority ACA Allied Control Authority ACA Ammunition Container Assembly ACA Application Control Architecture ACA Army Cataloguing Authority ACAB Air Cavalry Attack Brigade ACAC Air Cargo Allocation Centre ACADA Automatic Chemical Agent Detector Alarm ACALS Army Computer aided Acquisitions and Logistic Support ACAM AUV Concept Assessment Model ACAP Advanced Composite Airframe Programme ACARD Advisory Council for Applied Research and Development ACARS Automatic Communications and Reporting System ACAS Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service ACAS Airborne/Aircraft Collision Avoidance System ACAS Airfield Chemical Alarm System ACAS Assistant Chief of the Air Staff ACAS Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (2* post) ACAST Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology ACBS Atmosphere Control Breathing System ACC Air Component Commander ACC Alternative Command Centre ACC Area Control Centre ACC Army Catering Corps ACC Artillery Control Console ACC Avionics Computer Control ACC Axis Controlled Carrier ACC Aircraft Commodities IPT ACCAC Qualifications Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales ACCAP ACE CIS Contingency Assets Pool ACCCHAN Allied Command Channel ACCE AFCEA Computing Conference and Exhibition ACCESS Aircraft Computerised Equipment Support System ACCESS WAH64 Attack Helicopter Logistic Support System ACCHAN Allied Command
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