THESOUTH'SFOREMOSTCOLLEGE WEEKLY1 VOLUME LXXXV MONDAY,JANUARY31, 1994 NUMBER15 Closingofweightroom tonon-varsityathletes sparkscontroversy By Wendy Lee letesonly. Non-varsity athletes interested inlift- coach and "should notbe threatened thatif "Separateisnotequal. That isanhis- The new weight room is available for- ing free-weights must schedule lift times they don't keep the schedule they willbe torical lesson that every educated person usefromMondaythroughThursday,9a.m. with football coach TimLandis and must cut." should know." Senior Rafael Candelario midnight;Friday,9a.m.-7 p.m.;andSatur- commit toaprogramof four days a week. Rudell,whopushedforextended used these words to express Baker his and other dayand Sunday,1p.m.-7p.m. Thisoption,only for the trulydedicated,is hours last semester, feels students opposition to that the athletic recent changes in Student Concerns available onlybetweenthehoursof2 and 6 administration had verygoodintentions in weightroomfacilitiesat BakerSportsCom- When Candelario learned of the p.m.,inRichardsonStadium. makingthe weightroomchange, plex. butthatthe changes,hewroteapage-longpetitionpro- Students whoenjoyalternatingbetween jobisnot Adjacent complete. Hefeelsthatthecurrent to the complex entrance,the nouncingopposition,collectingalmost 200 free-weights and the machines no longer size of the new weight room recently should be renovated racquetball court student signatures. Inthepetitionandelse- havethatoption,Candelarionoted. Having expandedand more equipment, equipped with new including Nautilus machines where,Candelario andothers have voiced tocommit toaliftschedule withthe football free-weights,shouldbe added. openedfor usebyall students, faculty,and their concerns about thechanges. coachis"unrealisticandunfairtostudents." Manystudentshave the stafflast week. expressed opin- According to Candelario,the greatest BJ. Rudell,SGA Junior Class Presi- ionthat thenew equipment does notgiveas Theoldweightroom,on thelowerlevel disadvantageof thenew weightroomis the dent,agrees. Students shouldnot have to of thecomplex, open is now to varsity ath- absenceoffree-weights. follow alift regiment setupby the football See Baker onpage5 Intent crucial Thanks for the grub Bookstore, in definition cafe dominate of plagiarism Unionplan By KatherineHash ByMandyCurtis Davidson's Union Planning Youforgettociteaparaphrase. Committee expressed unanimous Youmisquote anauthor. Youuse supportfor anew CollegeUnionin an idea without attribution. Are areportsubmittedto the Facilities these trivialoversightsor casesof Planning Committee on Friday, January 27. debateoverthecollege's Thereport,submittedbycom- tTherialdefinition ofplagiarismis mitteechair Dr.Sally McMillen, something with which many fac- offered the committee's response ulty members and students have to MPC associates draft report beenwrestlingsince lastspring. In which outlined the consultants' theattempt to clarify the termfor findings concerning Davidson's theentirecollege,theStudentCon- Unionfacilities. ductCouncilexamined the ambi- The draft reportassertedsev- guities surrounding plagiarism eralneedsincluding theneedfora implications and voted on a re- new Union,the need toprovide a viseddefinition. wide range of opportunities for Therevisionreads: "Intention- thisrelativelyisolatedcampus,and ally 'presenting someone else's Photoby AmyLaukkanen theneedtomodernizeperformance workas yourown'[SheridanBaker, Huskies JennyRose,KristiKops,Emily O'BrienandJulieDawson enjoy lunch. More than half areas. TheUnion PlanningCom- The Complete Stylist and Hand- ofstudents eatonPattersonCourt;quantity and qualityoffood,however,differ. What are you mittee-comprisedoffaculty,staff, book]in aresearchpaper, written gettingfor the money youpay? For thecomplete coverageofboard bills,seepage5. and students-expressedits sup- work,lab report,musical compo- port for these findings andcom- sition,computeralgorithm,ordata mended the consultants for their file is,therefore,cheating." Juniors to gamble on RLO lottery efforts. Before, the statement defin- By AshlynDannelly contain 18"5-person" suites. kindof hopingthat people would McMillen focused her com- ingplagiarism read: "One of the With the addition of a new The numerical difference beafraidtogofora5-person(apart- mentson thereasons for andloca- premiseson whichtheHonorCode seniorapartment,anewloftpolicy, causes problems for juniors who ment). But,thenifyougofor a5- tionofanew CollegeUnionrather isfounded is thateveryDavidson andother changes,this year'spro- aredecidingtheir beststrategy to person,and thenyoudon't get an thanon specific requirementsand student willgive credit when he cessofchoosinghousingwillwork getanapartment.Manypeopleare apartment,whatdoyoudo withthe allocations of space--a task she borrowstheideasorwordsofoth- much differently from last year's hesitant tosetupa5-personapart- extraperson?" He adds that his feels willbebetter handledbyex- ers. SheridanBaker [inThe Com- process. The procedural changes mentgroup,wantingtoavoiddrop- grouphas decided "toavoiditand perts. plete Stylist and Handbook] de- have caused much confusion for pingone member of the group if juststick witha4-person." The committee and the con- fines plagiarism simply as 'pre- students,particularlyrisingseniors, theapplicationisnotsuccessful. This year, the deadline for sultants believe that a College senting someone else's work as who are trying to straighten out Fortunately,withtheaddition PhaseIof apartmentapplications, Union should be a centrally lo- your own.'" livingarrangements. of the new apartment, there are February 22,ismuch earlier than cated building which draws stu- Last semester, the council, Thenew seniorapartment enoughspaces for every member last year's deadline of March 30. dents, faculty, and staff together withfive faculty consultants,con- The addition of a newsenior of the junior class. The central Groups must apply for eithera4- for academic, social,and cultural vened todiscussopposingideolo- apartmentbuildingmaysurface as problem lies in the grouping of or 5-person suite,with the lowest activities. gies in the debate over what ex- the most complex aspect of the apartment members. combinedtotalofrandom lottery Aunionsituatedin the "corri- actly constitutes plagiarism and lottery process. Currently, the JuniorJ.D.Semones findsthe numbers determining who picks dor of space"between Duke and how todeal withsuch infractions. MartinCourt apartmentscontain a process of choosing which apart- first. Only risingseniors may ap- Sentelle, the laundry, and Belk, The compromise is reflected totalof 62 "4-person" suites. The ment toapply for extremelydiffi- ply inthis phase. RLO will then accordingtothecommittee,would newestapartmentbuilding, which cult. He says: "We have three See Cheat onpage6 recentlybegan construction,will peoplenow,and initially wewere See Lottery onpage6 See Union onpage 8 Steinberg startles audience withPieta secrets ThisWeek Court McBryde Art,""Picasso'sSe//Portrait,1907,"and"The Nature World renowned art historian Leo Steinberg oftheSpectator'sParticipationina WorkofArt"were NEWS: ARTS: KByke about topics ranging from Picasso to thelecturesthatledtohisclimaticspeechentitled"The SGA election coverage: inter- Rachelmightbe inMorocco,but Michelangelo during his two-day stay on the OutrageousSecretsofMichelangelo'sFamousPiefa." views with candidates. Pages2 she still loves to write for The College campus last week. Steinberg Steinberg addressed a largecrowdof Davidson OPINIONS: vedas the 1994Davidson CollegeR.J.Reynolds students, faculty,and membersof the community in Davidsonian. Page 14. King turer. Love Auditorium on Tuesday,January 25, with his Rob somehow relates fra- and God. 12. KvidsonThislectureship wasestablishedin1959 witha grand finale onPieta. He thanked the audience by ternities Page FirstClassMail grant from the Z.Smith ReynoldsFoundation and saying thathisstay atDavidson included"warm gen- SPORTS: U.S.PostagePaid renownedspeakers tocampuseach year. Men'shoopsholdsoffearlyETSU Permit#7 rsWhy Iamunfit tospeak about Contemporary See Art onpage8 run. Page 17. Davidson,NC28036 2 THEDAVIDSONIAN MONDAY,JANUARY31,1994 MEET THE CANDIDATES — — EricrosenbacH |— — I B.j.rudelL I Junior PoliticalScienceMajor Junior PoliticalScience Major What has been your most significant DeanTerry but it'sa job thatneeds tobe What has been your most significant are looking to come to a new school,it's contribution to SGA or the Davidson done. Ithink that'sa significantcontribu- contributiontotheSGAortheDavidson clear that the studentgovernmentasawhole community? tion toDavidson." community? andas amajority tookthe sideoffeelingthat "Asfar asSGA,freshmanandsopho- "Thereisnoonesignificantcontribu- theStatementofPurposeisobsolete andthat more year,Iwasclasspresidentsoin terms In your opinion, what were the SGA's tion that Ihave tried to make. Idon't it needed to be changed to coincide with ofleadership,Ithinkmyfirst yearandahalf most important accomplishments of believe,andI'venever believed,intrying student life and what was expected of a here,sinceIwentabroadthesecondhalfof 1993? tocreate theperfect society inDavidson, student. Obviously those twoissues espe- my sophomore year, Icontributed good "Ihave a lot of respect for the things in trying to establish something so far- ciallystick out.I'vebeenhappy tobeapart leadership. That entails everything from that Alden has done. Ithink a lot of the reachingthatitwillaffect somanypeople of it." good representation of my classmates to things he did took courage because
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