GENERIC NAMES APPLIED TO BIRDS DURING THE 5TEARS 1901 TO L905, [NCLUSIVE, WITH FURTHER ADDITIONS TO WATERHOUSE'S "INDEX GENERUM AVIUM." By Charles W. Richmond, Assistant Curator, Division of Birds, U. S. National Museum. The list presented herewith may be regarded as a continuation of a the one published several years ago. It consists of some 200 names introduced as new during the years L90I to L905, inclusive, with about 850 others <>f earlier date, the majority of which are not recorded by Waterhouse. Among the latter are a number of nomina nuda, and Dames of more or less uncertain status. Included in this category are the names given by F. (). Morris, in "a new system of nomenclature, illustrated by a list of British birds," published in Neville Wood's Nat- uralist (II, L837, pp. 123-127). Every one of the thirty or more gen- eric names proposed by him are identifiable with certainty, usually by means of the distinctive specific names of earlier authors, or by the the citation of current and well-known vernacular appellations. There is no doubt, for example, what bird is intended by " Probatt us rost ws," or "Rose-colored Pastor," when given in a list of British birds, yet Morris did not explain in s» many words that his genus Probatt us was based on Tardus roseus Linnaeus. In these and similar cases I have indicated the absence of definite authority for the type species by gn - ing the name in quotation marks and by the addition of the vernacu- lar name. Thus, under Ampelis Morris, the type is given as "Anvpt "( lis '/'///"/'/." or " Roller," not as 'oracias garrvlus Linnaeus," which it undoubtedly is. This treatment of oameswill enable ornithologists todecide each case <>n its individual merits. The ensuing list was compiled fully two years ago, but various causes have contributed to delay its publication until the presenl time. In' its preparation I have been aided by several friends and correspond- ents, to whom my best acknowledgments are due: Mr. ('. Davies " List of generic terms proposed for birds during the years 1890 t<> L900, inclusive, " to \\ bich are added names omitted by Waterhouse in his Index < Senerum Avium." Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, No. 1267, 1902, pp. 663-729. Proceedings U. S. National Museum, Vol. XXXV— No. 1 656. 5S3 584 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vol. xxxv. Sherborn sent references to the names given Iry Billberg; Miss M. J. Rathbun verified numerous references in the Echo du Monde Savant while in Paris; Mr. Witmer Stone supplied several names proposed b}r Dumont and permitted me to examine the late Professor Newton's cop}' of Billberg's "Synopsis" at the time it was in his hands; Dr. L. Stejneger and Messrs. Outram Bangs, S. A. Buturlin, and J. H. Riley have also aided me in various ways. The derivations of generic names given in the following pages are of two classes, authentic and probable; those in the first category were furnished by the original authors, and are so indicated; the remainder were largely contributed by Mr. H. C. Oberholser, and the whole list was finally submitted to Dr. Theodore Gill for revision. list, T Fossil genera, as in the former are distinguished b} a f ; nomina inn/a, and names of undecided status are preceded by an asterisk. Aaptus" Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XV, April 25, 1902, p. 85. New name for Aphobus Cabanis, 1851, not Aphobus Gistel, 1s48. (Type, Agelaius chopi Vieillot.) [Icteridse.] " Atxnros, unapproachable. Abalius Cabanis, Journ. fur Orn., IX, July, 1861, p. 212. Type, Thamnophiluspunctatus Cabanis [Foi'micariidse.] "Von a privativum und fiaXios, scheckig, bunt."" (Cabanis.) *Abernius C. T. Wood, Orn. Guide, Jan., 1837, p. 185 (see also p. 12, note). Type, "Abernius albus, Wood," or "White Abern," or "Pere- nopterebrun" [of his list of "Birds of Britain "]--[ Vulluridx.] Ablas Billberg, Synopsis Faunae Scand., I, Pars 2, 1828, tab. A. New name for Capito Vieillot [ Capitomdse.] A, very; /JXixZoo, I am foolish, silly. *Abuceros Billberg, Synopsis Faunae Scand., I, Pars 2, 1828, tab. A. For part of the genus "fiuceros Cuv." b [Bucerotidse.] A, not; fiovKEpoog, horned like an ox. Acanthis Borkiiausen, Deutsche Fauna, I, 1797, p. 218. Types, Fringilla carduelis Linnjeus, F. spinus Linnaeus, F. etui mill!mi LiNN.Kis. F. linaria Linnaeus, F citrinella Linnaeus, F. ilavirostris Linnets, and F flammea Linnaeus .[Fringi/Hdx.] AKccvdig, the goldfinch or the linnet. «This name is preoccupied by Aaptos J. E. Gray, 1867. It may be renamed Gnorimopsar {yvoopiuos, well-known; ipdp, starling). & Cuvier divides the Hornbilla into two groups, and A huceros doubtless applies to the section "sans proelninences." The species of this group, as given by Cuvier, /»'. are: Buceros javanicus ( -B. undulatus Shaw), nasutus LiNN-asus, B. nasica Cuvieb />'. (=/>'. nasutus Linn^us), coronatus i B. melanoleucus Lichtenstein), and B. ben- galensis Cuvier (=B. gingalensis Shaw). no. 1656. LIST OF GENERIC TERMS OF BIRDS—RICHMOND. 5X5 *Acanthropterus " Brookes, Catal. Mus. Joshua Brookes, Pt. [I, July, L828, p. LOO. " n Type, Acanthropterus hilobus. or "Two-lobed Spurwing." ( [ 'haradriida . \ ' \k(vi-H<\\ i horn, spine; 7rrf-/j<>i\ wing. Acanthura GuiLDlNG, Zool. Journal, III. L827, p. 4o7. Type, "Mr. Stephens * * * has separated, under the generic title of Chaetura, a group of birds which 1 had named Acanthura in my cabinet. * * 11. acutaoi Stephens may stand as the type" | Micropodida . \ iKavffa, thorn, spine; ovpa, tail. Acanthurus Bertoni, Aves Nuevas del Paraguay, 1901, p. 7*2. Type, Acanthurus microrhynchus Bertoni {=2)endrocolapte8 , rithacus Lichtenstein) [Dendrocolaptida . \ "AKOtvOa, thorn, prickle; ovpd, tail. (Bertoni.) Accentor''' BechSTEIN, Getreue Abbild. Naturhist. Geoenstande. II, I left 3, 1797 (Sept., or later), p. 47, pi. 30. Type. Accentor aguaticus Bechstein [= Stum/us dnchts Lin- naeus) Cihclida . [ \ Accentor, one who sines with another. Acritillas Oberholser, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., Quarterly Issue, XLYI1I, No. 2, duly 1, 1905, p. 162. Type, ( 'rhi'ujt r ictericus Strickland [Pycnonotida . \ l/cpiros, confused; iXXas, a thrush. (Oberholser.) Acrochordopus Berlepsch and Hellmayr, Journ. fur Orn.. LI 1 1, dan., L905, p. 26. Type, Phyllomyia8 subviridU Pelzeln [ Tyrannida . \ [Kpoxopdwv, a wart; ttovs, foot. (Berlepsch <& Hellmayr.) iEgithalus BlLLBERG, Synopsis Fauna' Scand.. I, Pars 2, L828, tab. A. Type. " Les Moustaches Cuv." (=Parv& biarmicu8ljBsn$M\ s.) \Parida . \ [iyiffaXos, a titmouse. ^Igithocichla Siiaui-k, Hand-List Birds, IV. 1903, p. 134. New name for Cichlopasser Bonaparte, on grounds of purism. [Turdida . \ AiyiBo?, the hedge-sparrow; xix^*?, :l thrush. & " Acanthopteryx, Leach" is cited by Gray, Catal. Gen. I>ir<!>. L865, p. Ill, as a synonym of Hoplopterus BoNAPAETE. ''This name was later transferred to the 1 [edge-sparrows by the same author, who then adopted Borkhausen's term Cinclua i'"?- the Dipper. As Oinelus lias priority, it follows thai Accentor can not be used for either group. The earliest available name for the genus now called Accentor appears to be Laiscopus Gloger, while that for the family is Prunellida 586 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vol. xxxv. Aegithospiza Hellmayr, Journ. fi'ir Orn., XLIX, April, 1901, p. 171. Type, PantsJringillarius Fischer & Reichenow [Parida&J] ii'yidog, hedge-sparrow; aniZa^ finch. iEgyps Billberg, Synopsis Faunae Scand., I, Pars. 2, 1S2S, tab. A. T}T pe, " Temia Vaillant" (= Corvus variant Latham). (See also Temia Oken.) [Corvidte.] AiyvTtws, a vulture. Aeronympha Oberholser, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XVIII, June 29, 1905, p. 161. Type, Aeronympha prosantis Oberholser [Trochilidse,.] Arjp, air; J'y/^v, a Nymph. (Oberholser.) Aerornis Bertoni, Aves Nuevas del Paraguay, 1901, p. 66. Type, Aerornis niveifrons Bertoni (= Chsetura major Bertoni, 1900= Cypselus senex Temminck) [llieropodidae.] Ajjp, air; opviz, bird. (Bertoni.) * Aesalon Morris, in N. Wood's Naturalist, II, No. 9, June, 1837, p. 123. Type, "Aesalon fringillarius" or "Sparrow Hawk "[of his list of British birds] - [Buteoii idse. ] AiffaXaov^ a small hawk. Aethia "Merr." Dumont, Diet. Sci. Nat, (revised ed.), I, 1816, suppl., p. 71. Type, Aethia cristatella { — Alca cristatella Pallas) .-[Alcidas.] Ai'dviot, a sea-bird of some kind. Aethocorys Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XII, No. LXXXVIII, April 28, 1902, p. 62. Type, Spisocorys personata Sharpe [Alaudidas.] '//^//?, unusual, strange; Kopvg^ a lark. Aethostoma Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XII, No. LXXXVII, March 28, 1902, p. 51. New name for Trichostoma Blyth, 1842, not Trichostonm Pic- tet, 1831 . [ Timaliida}.] AtjOtjg, unusual, strange; ffro/xa, mouth. *Aetus Morris, in N. Wood\s Naturalist, II, No. 9, June, 1837, p. 123. Types, "Aetus pygarTfus" or "Erne," and " Aetus aquila" or "Golden Eagle" [of his list of British birds] [Buteonidae.] It-To^, an eagle. Agami [Blyth '."] in Partington's Brit. Cyclop. Nat. Hist., 1, 1836, p. 46. New name for PstpJiia Linnaeus (type, P. crepitans). [Pxophiidse.] " Most of the ornithological items in this work arc said to have been written by Mudie; a few, however, were from Blyth's pen (compare N. Wood's Orn.. Text Book, L836, p. 73). mo.1656. LIST OF GENERIC TERMS OF BIRDS -RICHMOND. f>s7 Agreutes BlLLBERG, Synopsis Kann;r Scand., I, Pais '2. IM'S, tak A. New name for Dacelo Leach. ... [Alcedinidas.] i ypevTTjS) a hunter, fisherman. •• ( Albellus '. T. Wood, Orn. Guide, Jan., L837, p. 209. ." Type, "Albellus maculosus, Wood" or ** Pied Smew j Anatida . \ Albt litis quasi-diminutive of albus, white. Alcyon II. Bon:. Neues Staatsbiirgerliches Magazin [Schleswig],' [, Heft 2, L832, p. t91. Type, "Mein Genua Alcyon scheint mit Swainsons Halcyon zusammen zu fallen, wenigstens zieht er collaris dahin." [ . Vlcedinida . \ Wkvoov, the kingfisher. *Alcyon Hodgson, in Gray's Zool. Misc., No. 3, L844, p. 82. Types, "Alcyon capensis? v. princeps, H. 221. A. smyrnensis, 590. A. calipyga, 769. A. guttata, 364. A. rudis, 365. A. bengalensis, 606" [Alcedinidae. | Alector Schrank, Fauna Boica, I. L798, p. 135. Type. Phasiami8 gallus Li\\ i i s [Phasianida . \ 1\4ktgop, a cock.
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