Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 15 OCTOBER 1959 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions [15 OCTOBER] Questwns THURSDAY, 15 OCTOBER, 1959 killer until he went with his solicitor to the Woolloongabba Police Station the next day?" Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. A. R. Fletcher, "(3) Has Young been charged with fail­ Cunningham) took the chair at 11 a.m. ing to remain at the scene of the accident as required by law and, if not, can that QUESTIONS be taken to indicate that motor killers and maimers will be considered to have LOCKHART RIVER ABORIGINAL CHRISTIAN fulfilled the requirements of the law if Co-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. GOLD MINING they drive on or abandon their cars and LEASE report to the Police later, when it suits their personal convenience or when sober Mr. LI"OYD (Kedron) asked the Minister enough to do so?" for Development, Mines, and Main Roads- "Has any application been received by Hon. K. J. MORRIS (Mt. Coot-tha) his Department from the Lockhart River replied- Aboriginal Christian Co-operative Society " (I) On August 30, 1959, Robert Ltd. for a gold mining lease within the Young was arrested at Brisbane and charged area of the Lockhart River Mission that on August 29, 1959, at Brisbane in Reserve? If such application has been the State of Queensland he unlawfully received, what is the policy of his Depart­ killed one Alice Grace Rowley Badenoch. ment in relation to the granting of such a On October 2, 1959, at the Court of Petty lease?" Sessions, Brisbane, following evidence having been tendered by the prosecution Hon. E. EVANS (Mirani) replied- to the Court at the hearing of that charge "No application for a gold mining lease against the defendant Robert Young, the by the Co-operative Society has been Stipendiary Magistrate dismissed that received. The substance of considerable charge and discharged the defendant." correspondence is that in March last the "(2) As this is the subject of possible Chairman of the Australian Board of further action, I consider it inadvisable to Missions applied on behalf of the Lock­ answer it at this stage." hart River Aboriginal Christian Co-opera­ "(3) In view of the Magistrate's decision tive Society Ltd. for an Authority to Pros­ on 2nd October, this matter i> still in pect. The Board of Missions has been action by the Police Department. The informed on more than one occasion that, phrasing of this question follows the same provided it was established that the Co-op­ pattern as others asked by the hon. member erative was competent to apply for and on traffic breaches, all of which are couched hold, the Department of Mines would grant in such terms as to lead to and encourage -(a) a Dredging Lease for mining for lawlessness as they suggest that the law is gold over an area of 3 miles by 2 chains not being stringently administered. This (48 acres) along Alpha Creek; and (b) is completely untrue, and he is doing a an Authority to Prospect, for gold only, grave disservice to those people who are for an initial term of one year and on cer­ making constant and consistent efforts to tain conditions over two areas aggregat­ stamp out this type of lawlessness." ing approximately 28 sguare miles in area. The Australian Board of Missions was informed on May 14, 1959, that the Soli­ SENILE ANNEXE, HOSPITAL BUILDINGS, citor-General considered the Co-operative TOWNSVILLE to be legally competent to hold, and on June 26, 1959, the Board indicated it was Mr. AIKENS (Mundingburra) asked the waiting for the Department to concentrate Minister for Health and Home Affairs- on the granting of entitlements in accord­ "(1) Does he appreciate the inconveni­ ance with its previous applications. On ence caused to relatives of northerners in July 2 the Chairman of the Board was senile annexes established at Oakey and informed that the Department can only other southern centres, who wish to visit grant such titles for mining purposes as these patients?" it is empowered by existing laws." "(2) Has any decision been made to con­ vert all or portion of the old hospital NOTIFICATION OF FATAL ACCIDENT buildings at Townsville to a senik LOGAN ROAD, BURANDA annexe?" Mr. AIKENS (Mundingburra) asked the "(3) If so, will he fully inform the House Minister for Labour and Industry- on the matter?" "(1) Did a man named Robert Young Hon. H. W. NOBLE (Yeronga) rcplied- run down with a car and kill Mrs. Alice "(1 to 3) In planning accommodation in Grace Rowley Badenoch in Logan Road, both senile annexes and chronic wards the Buranda, on August 29 at 10 p.m.?" question of convenience for relatives to visit "(2) Did Young abandon his car after patients has been kept in mind. When seni!e the accident and not give any report or annexes were first established it was a indication to the Police that he was the matter of urgency that the many old folk ti50 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Seasonal Unemploy, &c., Councils who were accommodated in mental hos­ Hon. J. A. HEADING (Marodian-Minis­ pitals should be taken out of those ter for Public Works and Local Government), hospitals. This object was best achieved for Hon. J. C. A. PIZZEY (Isis), replied- by the establishment of the Dalby, Oakey, "The Honourable Member is informed and Mt. Lofty senile annexes. However, that information is available in respect of the position will soon be reached that it will the aggregate examination results and not be necessary for old folk whose mental total enrolments at the University in faculties have deteriorated to be admitted particular years but existing records do not to mental hospitals at all. Honourable separate statistics according to the place Members will agree, I feel sure, that it of residence or home address of the person would have been very unjust to allow those concerned. The information required old folk who had been admitted to mental would necessitate extensive research into hospitals to stay there for the remainder the progress through primary, secondary of their lives and to admit fresh cases schools and the university of every direct to senile annexes. In future, it is individual student. It is regretted that the confidently expected that by the provision necessary staff is not available to under­ of chronic wards in addition to the senile take this work." annexes old folk requiring such accom­ modation will be admitted to beds in that portion of the State where their family PAPERS reside. As regards Townsville, portion of The following paper was laid on the table, the old hospital buildings are to be remodelled for use as accommodation for and ordered to be printed:- aged and chronic cases." Report of the Rural Fires Bc:trd for the year 1958-1959. The following papers were laid on the BUILDING ALLOTMENTS, MAREEBA table:- Orders in Council under the State Mr. GILMORE (Tablelands) asked the Electricity Commission Acts, 1937 to Minister for Public Lands and Irrigation- 1958. "In view of the shortage of allotments and the desire of Mareeba people to erect their own homes, will he give consideration SEASONAL UNEMPLOYMENT AND to the question of making allotments avail­ REGIONAL ADVISORY COUNCILS. able in Mareeba as early as possible?" Mr. DEWAR (Chermside) (11.13 a.m.): Hon. A. G. MULLER (Fassifern) replied- I move- "That this Parliament commends the "Forty allotments in Mareeba will be efforts being made by the Minister for offered for sale by public auction as soon Labour and Industry to overcome the as the necessary road access has been lon<> standing pattern of seasonal unem­ constructed. The Mareeba Shire Council ployment in Queensland which has caused was recently authorised to proceed with concern to successive Governments for so the work. A number of other allotments many years; in particular by the initiation are affected by irrigation pipe lines in use of the principle of Regional Conferences, and these will be made available after and the consequential setting up of the provision of access roads when it is practicable to do so." Regional Advisory Councils." Mr. Davies: You will find this a very hard task. UNIVERSITY PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS AND STUDENTS FROM BRISBANE AND IPSWICH Mr. DEWAR: It did not take the hon. member very long to get into discord. Mr. GARDNER (Rockhampton) asked the Following the election of the present Minister for Education- Government in August, 1957, steps were "What is the number of (a) students from taken very quickly to give effect to the Brisbane and Ipswich or students who had promise in their policy speech that co-opera­ normal daily travelling services available to tion between employers and employees them to attend day classes at the University would be encouraged. A conference com­ who sat for Scholarship in 1954 and the prising representatives of both employ~rs and number who passed; (b) students who sat employees from almost every sectiOn of for Junior (same areas as (a)) in 1956; (c) industry in Queensland was convened on those who sat for Senior in 1958 (same area 2 October, 1957, a very short time after we as (a)); (d) students who entered the became the Government. From that con­ University in 1959 from 1958 Senior exam­ ference and from later meetings, has been inations (day and evening classes); (e) formed' the State Ministry of Labour Advisory students who sat for Senior 1950 to 1959, Committee. The committee consists of repre­ both inclusive, and the number who entered sentatives from all spheres of industrial the University; and (f) day students who activity, such as the Queensland Cane entered the University in 1950 to 1959 Growers' Council, the Chamber of Commerce, inclusive?" the Chamber of Manufactures, the Australian Seasonal Unemployment and [15 OcTOBER] Regional Advisory Councils 651 Sugar Producers' Association, the Queensland The items concerned with the motion that State Service Union, the Queensland Teachers' will be discussed on a continuing basis include Union, the Professional Officers' Association, the possibility of co-operation between all the Federated Clerks' Union, the United sections of industry towards the development Graziers' Association, the Australian Workers' of secondary industry.
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