Section 1 Step-by-Step Instruction Four Bullets Through My Coat SECTION SECTION “ We were attacked by a body of French and Indians, Review and Preview whose number (I am certain) did not exceed 300 men. Ours consisted of about 1,300 well-armed troops, Students have learned about the spread chiefly the English soldiers . I had four bullets of new ideas about government in the through my coat, and two horses shot under me.” colonies. Now they will focus on how competition between European coun- —George Washington, reporting on the defeat of tries in North America led colonists to General Braddock’s army, 1755 begin considering new plans for self- government. ᮤ Washington captures French Fort Duquesne, 1758. Section Focus Question Trouble on the Frontier Objectives Why It Matters How did the British gain French American colonists expanded their settle- • Identify the reasons why fighting broke out ments. As they pushed further inland, they came into con- territory in North America? between France and Britain in North America. flict with the French and Indians. In this power struggle, the Before you begin the lesson for the day, • Describe the early defeat of the British by the future of much of North America was at stake. write the Section Focus Question on the French at the beginning of the French and Section Focus Question: How did the British gain board. (Lesson focus: The British gained con- Indian War. French territory in North America? trol of French territory in North America with •Explain how the British gained victory, and military victories during the French and Indian explain the results of the French and Indian Competing Empires War.) War. By the middle of the 1700s, France and Britain each controlled large areas of North America which bordered on Prepare to Read Reading Skill each other for thousands of miles. Each country feared the other and sought to increase the area it controlled. These Make Inferences Build Background ambitions collided on the frontier and eventually led to war. analyzing the details and evidence in the text. As Native Americans lived on most of the territory claimed Knowledge L2 you read about the choices and views of both the by France and Britain. There were few French settlers. Ask students to recall from earlier chapters Americans and the British in colonial times, think Therefore, they did not threaten to seize Native American what they have learned about competition about the inferences you can make from their lands. However, the need of British settlers for farmland led between European countries for control of actions. to conflict with the Native Americans. By the 1740s, British territories in North America. Write all settlers were pushing into the Ohio River valley lands accurate information on the board. Then Key Terms and People claimed by the French. The pressure soon led to trouble. ask students to preview the section by George alliance The French and Indian War Begins In 1753, the Washington reading the headings and looking at the cede French began building forts to back their claim to the land militia images. Ask students to predict what else between Lake Erie and the Ohio River. This news alarmed they will learn about European competi- the Virginia Colony, which also claimed the Ohio River tion for control of North America. Use the valley. The governor of Virginia decided to send soldiers to Numbered Heads strategy (TE, p. T24) to order the French to leave. He chose a 21-year-old surveyor elicit responses. in the Virginia militia, George Washington, as the leader. The militia is a force made up of civilians trained as soldiers Set a Purpose L2 but not part of the regular army. Washington made the I Read each statement in the Reading dangerous journey, returning home to tell the governor that Readiness Guide aloud. Ask students to the French had rejected his warning. mark the statements True or False. 140 Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution Teaching Resources, Unit 2, Reading Readiness Guide, p. 16 Differentiated Instruction I Have students discuss the statements in L1 L1 L1 English Language Learners Less Proficient Readers Special Needs pairs or in groups of four, then mark the worksheets again. Use the Numbered Create a Flowchart As students read, of the French and Indian War. When they Heads participation strategy (TE, p. T24) have them create a flowchart to organize have finished, have students compare their to call on students to share their group’s the order of events that led to the outbreak charts with a partner before handing them in. perspectives. The students will return to these worksheets later. 140 Chapter 5 The next year, Washington traveled west again with orders to Make Inferences build a fort where the Allegheny and the Monongahela (muh non How did Virginia’s Teach goh HEEL uh) rivers meet to form the Ohio River. governor view George Washington? Give one detail that Washington arrived too late. The French were there already, supports your inference. Competing Empires building their own fort, which they called Fort Duquesne (du KANE). Washington marched south for about 50 miles and built a small fort p. 140 of his own. He called it Fort Necessity. Instruction L2 Later, Washington’s troops attacked and defeated a small French I force. However, a larger French army arrived and forced Washington to Vocabulary Builder Before teaching surrender Fort Necessity. The French allowed Washington and his men this lesson, preteach the High-Use to return home to Virginia with the message that they would never give Words resolve and phase, using the up the Ohio River valley. strategy on TE p. T21. The Albany Congress Expecting war to break out soon, the Key Terms Following the instructions on British government called a meeting of colonial leaders. It took place p. 7, have students create a See It– in Albany, New York. The British wanted the colonies to agree to Remember It chart for the Key Terms in cooperate in defending themselves against the French. The British this chapter. also invited the Iroquois tribes to the meeting. They hoped to form I To help students better understand the an alliance with the Iroquois against the French. An alliance is an concept of power, which is important to agreement between countries to help each other against other the understanding of this section and countries. chapter, use the Concept Lesson Power. The Iroquois refused to make an alliance, in part because they Provide students with copies of the Con- expected the French to defeat the British in a war. The colonial leaders cept Organizer. tried to work out a plan to defend themselves. Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania believed the colonies had to succeed. To make that Teaching Resources, Unit 2, point, his newspaper, the Philadelphia Gazette, published a picture of Concept Lesson, p. 23; Concept Organizer, p. 6 asnake chopped into pieces with the warning “Join, or Die.” I Read Competing Empires with students Join, or Die using the Paragraph Shrinking strategy (TE, p. T23). I Discuss the Albany Plan of Union. Ask: How would an alliance with the Iro- quois have helped the British? (If the Benjamin Franklin’s 1754 cartoon was a plea for unity Iroquois joined the British in an alliance, in defending the colonies then the French would have had to defend during the French and against two armies.) Indian War. (a) Distinguish Relevant Independent Practice Information Identify Have students begin to fill in the Study the eight sets of initials that label the eight Guide for this section. pieces of the snake. (b) Draw Conclusions Monitor Progress What point is Franklin making about the As students fill in the Notetaking Study importance of colonial Guide, circulate to make sure students unity? understand the importance of the Albany Congress. Provide assistance as needed. Section 1 Trouble on the Frontier 141 Answers Use the information below to teach students this section’s high-use words. Reading Skill He thought Wash- ington was a capable leader because he High-Use Word Definition and Sample Sentence sent him on an important mission even resolve, p. 143 n. strong determination to succeed in doing something though Washington was only 23 years old. The goal of gaining land for Spain strengthened Columbus’s resolve Reading Political Cartoons (a) South to find a sea route to Asia. Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Mary- phase, p. 143 n. stage of development land, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New Puritan ideas strongly influenced the early phase of colonial York, New England (b) Possible answer: development. Without sticking together, the colonies would not survive. Chapter 5 141 Early British Defeats Franklin drew up a plan, called the Albany Plan of Union. It called for a council of representatives elected by the colonial assem- p. 142 blies. The council would have authority over western settlements, relations with Native Americans, and other urgent matters. It also Instruction L2 could organize armies and collect taxes to pay its expenses. I Have students read Early British The Albany Congress approved Franklin’s plan, but the colonial Defeats. Remind students to look for assemblies rejected it. The colonies wanted to control their own taxes sequence of events. and armies. Franklin complained that “everyone cries, union is I Ask: How did the British defeats affect necessary,” but they behave like “weak noodles” when the time the chances of a British alliance with comes to take action. the Iroquois? (They made an alliance less Why were the British concerned about French likely because the Iroquois thought it was activity in the Ohio River valley? likely that the French would win the war against the British.) Early British Defeats I Ask: How would a French victory in Soon after Washington’s return, the British government decided the French and Indian War affect the it had to push the French out of the Ohio River valley.
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