IN THIS ISSUE: SPRING 2016 EDITION The Official Publication of KAP'S Keystone Agricultural Producers Outstanding MEMBER PROFILE Dairy farmers MANITOBA Lisa & William Dyck Using milk produced on their farm FARMERS' for a hot-selling ice cream yOung farmers VOICE The Kehlers from Carman » PG 3 MAGAZINE March 10, 2016 SerVinG Manitoba FarMerS Since 1925 | Vol. 74, no. 10 | $1.75 Manitobacooperator.ca Coming soon to a hog barn Criticism of CTA review panel near you A new high-protein report continues to build canola meal could reduce hog feed costs Agricultural economist Richard Gray says if the railway Maximum Revenue Entitlement ends the only alternative to protect farmers is running rights BJ y ennifer Paige Co-operator staff/Brandon BLny aL a daWsOn Co-operator staff ow AgroSciences used the Canola Council of ithout a competitive rail DCanada convention in market, or regulations to San Diego to launch a new high- W mimic one, scrapping the protein feed option for hogs Maximum Revenue Entitlement made from canola meal. (MRE) will encourage railways to ProPound is designed to be ship less grain and charge more to do a cost-effective replacement to it, warns University of Saskatchewan soybean meal in hog and poultry agricultural economist Richard Gray. feed. Gray was commenting on the “ProPound represents a step Canada Transportation Act review change in the quality of canola panel report released two weeks ago. meal,” said Dave Hickling, for- It recommends phasing out the MRE over seven years to create a commer- See HOG FEED on page 7 » cial rail market. However, Gray said the report fails to spell out how one leads to the other. “I’m not very impressed,” he said in an interview March 4. The report notes the railways were regulated because grain shippers are captive. “That reality for grain hasn’t changed… and by no means is it a competitive environment,” Gray said. “There’s no rationale… for say- ing that we should allow a spatial monopoly (railways) to continue to price as they like.” Open running rights The only alternative to the MRE is open running rights, which would drive railway competition by allow- ing companies to run trains on tracks A shortage of grain trains during the winter of 2013-14 prompted an early review of the Canadian Transportation Act. Photo: Laura rance See CTA REVIEW on page 6 » TPP effecT: Turkey B:10.25”producers brace for impacT » PA Ge 15 T:10.25” Publication Mail Agreement 40069240 S:10.25” EARLY WEED REMOVAL B:3” S:3” 10% YIELD INCREASE* T:3” To learn more watch the Early Weed Removal video at cropscience.bayer.ca/YieldGain and enter for a chance to WIN a spray performance kit. * 2015 Agronomic Development trials, 3 replicated trials, 6 different treatments: Varro® or Simplicity® or Everest® + Pixarro™ or Paradigm™ cropscience.bayer.ca/Varro 1 888-283-6847 @Bayer4CropsCA Always read and follow label directions. Varro® is a registered trademark of Bayer Global. YIELD OVER LATE APPLICATION All other products are trademarks of their respective companies. Bayer CropScience Inc. is a member of CropLife Canada. +10%OF GROUP 2 HERBICIDES C-78-02/16-10508448-E BCS10508448_Varro_101.indd None Insert Feb 25 Dinno.Espiritu 10.25” x 3” Alex Van Den Breggen 1 10.25” x 3” Noel.Blix NEWSPAPER None None 100% None 1 Monica Van Engelen Production:Studio:Bayer:10...als:BCS10508448_Varro_101.indd Bayer 10508448 Love Jones, Helvetica Neue LT Std, Gotham, Blanch Manitoba Cooperator 2-24-2016 9:29 AM -- 2-24-2016 9:29 AM -- Olivier Du Tre -- Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black -- -- 2 The Manitoba Co-operator | March 10, 2016 INE SiD Di D you know? L iVESToCk Elections Manitoba reaches The unintended out to young voters consequences Grade 11 and 12 students can get paid to work on election day Research shows how transport affects animal welfare 12 ElEctions Manitoba rElEasE hree hands-on pro- grams invite young CRoPS T Manitobans to engage in the electoral process during the upcoming provincial elec- tion. CitizenNext, the Student Information Officer program, A lasting legacy and Your Power to Choose are designed to foster the habit of The late John Smith electoral participation among didn’t start out children and youth. to create a new class 17 “By providing opportunities of wheat for young people to partici- pate in this election, we hope to play a role in engaging the PHOTO:c eLe TiOns canada next generation of voters,” said Chief Electoral Officer Shipra tion, games and activities that Your Power to Choose FEATuRE Verma. “It’s never too early to teach young people about the (YPTC) is a long-standing pro- learn about democracy.” electoral process and why it’s gram of Elections Manitoba CitizenNext invites parents to important to vote. developed in partnership with bring their children with them The Student Information Manitoba educators. Through A draining issue when they vote. Children will be Officer (SIO) program offers YPTC, facilitators deliver inter- welcomed at advance and elec- Grade 11 and 12 students active in-class workshops to An illegal drain is tion day voting places where a chance to work on election students from Grade 4 and up, they will receive a “Future day. The role of SIOs is to greet as well as to adult learners. plugged, but tensions Voter” sticker. voters at the voting place and The workshops introduce continue 8 Kids can display the sticker direct them to their correct vot- participants to the history of on a Future Voter Pledge Card ing station. elections, the current elec- that they can print out from SIOs are paid $11 an hour toral process, and conclude the CitizenNext.ca website or and also attend a paid train- with a mock election, in receive at the voting place. The ing session. Applications and which students take on the CRoSSRoADS card shows the year the child information are available on roles of election workers, can- will be eligible to vote and indi- the Elections Manitoba web- didates and voters. Educators cates their commitment to do site. Students under 18 years of are invited to find out more so when the time comes. age must also submit a release and register for a workshop The CitizenNext.ca web- form signed by their parent or on the Elections Manitoba The Dairy Fairy site also includes informa- guardian. website. Entrepreneur brings old-world cheese to the new country 28 READER’S PHOTO Editorials 4 Grain Markets 11 Comments 5 Weather Vane 16 What’s Up 8 Classifieds 36 Livestock Markets 10 Sudoku 42 ONn Li E & MoBiLE Visit www.manitobacooperator.ca for daily news and features and our digital edition. (Click on “Digital Edition” in the top right corner.) At our sister site, AGCanada.com, you can use the “Search the AGCanada.com Network” function at top right to find recent Co-operator articles. Select “Manitoba Co-operator” in the pull-down menu when running your search. Scan the code to download the Manitoba Co-operator mobile app. PHOTO: sandi knigHT www.manitobacooperator.ca Editor / FBC Editorial dirECtor ADEi V rt Sing SErViCES CrU i C lation ManagEr SUBSC ription SErViCES Laura Rance Heather anderson Classified Advertising: Toll-Free: 1-800-782-0794 [email protected] [email protected] Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. U.s. subscribers call: 1-204-944-5568 204-792-4382 204-954-1456 Phone: (204) 954-1415 e-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor dave Bedard Toll-free: 1-800-782-0794 shawna gibson SUBSCription ratES (s g T Registration #85161 6185 RT0001) FR OBO ManiT a FaRMeRs since 1927 [email protected] prodUCtion dirECtor [email protected] Canada 1666 dublin avenue 204-944-5762 dirECtor oF SalES cory Bourdeaud’hui 204-944-5763 12 months $64.00 (incl. gsT) Winnipeg, MB R3H 0H1 n aEWS St FF / rEportErS [email protected] 24 months $107.00 (incl. gsT) Tel: 204-944-5767 Fax: 204-954-1422 204-954-1414 pUBliShEr Lynda Tityk 36 months $134.00 (incl. gsT) a llan dawson [email protected] www.manitobacooperator.ca [email protected] national adVErtiSing Jack Meli USA 204-944-5755 204-435-2392 [email protected] 12 months $150.00 (Us funds) Published by Farm Business communications Shannon Vanraes 647-823-2300 aSSoCiatE pUBliShEr Publications Mail agreement #40069240 issn 0025-2239 a division of glacier FarmMedia [email protected] rEtail adVErtiSing Terry Mcgarry John Morriss 204-954-1413 Member, canadian circulation audit Board, [email protected] [email protected] lorraine Stevenson We acknowledge the financial support of the government of canada Member, canadian Farm Press association, 204-981-3730 204-944-5754 Member, canadian agri-Marketing association [email protected] through the canada Periodical Fund of the department of canadian 204-750-0119 adVErtiSing Co-ordinator prESidEnt Bob Willcox Heritage. arlene Bomback glacier FarmMedia TM Jennifer paige canadian Postmaster: Return undeliverable canadian addresses [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (covers only) to: c irculation dept., 1666 dublin ave., 204-291-4348 204-944-5765 204-944-5751 Winnipeg, MB. R3H 0H1 The Manitoba Co-operator | March 10, 2016 3 Jason and Laura Kehler Twist and turns named Manitoba’s Returning to the Manitoba Co-operator feels a lot like coming home Outstanding Young By GORD GILMOUR Co-operator associate editor “I have a very clear Farmers memory at the time The couple will compete for the national title ou never really know of thinking this where life is going to take later this year in Niagara Falls ‘business is way more Y you.
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