s t EUROPEAN EDITION USAFE WEATHER FORECAST One Year Ago Today . NORTH & WESI: Clear intermittent Himmler is turned over to Allies. rain, Max. 76, Min. SO; SOUTH & EAST. Same, Max. 76, Min. 50; BERLIN: Clear, Army announces that Africa vets PES Max. 72. Min. 48; BREMEN: Same, Max. in ET will not go to Pacific. Japs THE STJIIiA 70, Min. 48; VIENNA: Same, Max. 80, Min. 50; FURTHER OUTLOOK: Con- dig in on Okinawa. Onoflieia! Newspaper of U.S. Armed^^^^^^l ^ ~S&€^ F«rc«t in the European Theater tinuea clear. Volume 2, Number 133 . Tuesday, May 14, 1946 20 Pfg., 2 fr.s 1 d One for the A-Bomb — TVo for the Go | U. S. Faces Rationing To Fill Food Pledges * Stop Wasting Food, World Peace Is in Balance, Ike's Order to Army Briton Warns WASHINGTON, May 13 (UP) WASHINGTON, Mayl3(AP) Pilotless . .. —A stern order against waste —The United States may restore Getting its title frorV the bee food rationing in August, a family—pilotless and operated of food in the Army was issued from a mother craft byradio—this by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, high Washington official said Hellcat "Drone" takes off from an Chief of Staff, as a result of last night soon after the arrival aircraft carrier in a rehearsal for the coming Bikini Atoll atom- the findings of a' civilian in- here of Herbert Morrison, bomb t' s. vestigating committee appointed British cabinet minister, on a by Robert P. Patterson, Sec- special food mission to Pres- retary of War. ident Truman. Slaying Raid Eisenhower made the order The official, who declined to be named, said that Chester Bowles, before leaving on his current Economic Stabilization 'Director, Nets 6 Germans tour of Pacific bases. He directed would make such a recommendation court, martial proceedings against to the President unless the world any officer who through negligence food prospects improved speedily. But No Clues permitted spoilage or waste of Gov- (The United Press reported that ernment property. Morrison said the United States and The Stars and Stripes Bureau The unfavorable report of the Great Britain might lose the 'peace NURNBERG, May 13—Ar- committee coacluded a two-month because the hungry nations might rest of six German civilians and* food survey of 42 Army posts. The turn Fascist. and Breathless. group was headed by John L. (He said, "I simply don't believe confiscation of two daggerjs to- Hennessey, executive vice president after licking Hitler and the tfaps we day were the only known re- Boosted by rocket propulsion, a Navy JM-1 riwsWum bomber leaps of the Statler Hotels Inc. are going to be defeated in this into the air after a short take-off run in a demonstration at the equally decisive campaign which sults of the "shakedown" in Patuxent River test center. The demonstration was for the benefit of Eisenhower's Order which military police scoured will determine the fate of the free visiting members of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences. Eisenhower demanded that; world, at least for a generation.") suburban Erlenstegen for clues CHECKS by the Inspector Gen- in the fatal shooting of two eral's office be made and that any Bread May Be Rationed • American enlisted men. violations of Army regulations be The official said Bowles, believed The two victims—S'Sgt. William Accord on Ruhr Is Hinted reported directly to him. that unless America was able to R. Timmons, 21, of West Haven, .ALL OFFICERS read the civilian meet her famine relief commit- Conn., and T/4 Paul R. Skelton, 21 committee's blistering indictment. ments quickly, it might become of McKinney, Texas, both assigned Meanwhile, the Food, Tobacco, necessary to ration meat, butter, to the fiscal section of The Stars As Big 4 Resume Talks Agricultural and Allied Workers cheese and probably bread. Bread and Stripes—met their death while Union of America, CIO, urged never has been rationed in the riding in a jeep with four compan- PARIS, May 13 (AP)—A compromise on French demands for detach- removal of Herbert Hoover as history of the United States. ions Friday night. It is believed one ment of the Ruhr arsenal from Germany appeared likely today as the honorary chairman of the Famine Bowles directs such Government bullet from a carbine killed both. Council of Foreign Ministers returned from a day off to try to clean up Emergency Relief Committee. economic agencies as the Office of Skelton was immediately slain by the remaining points of disagreement on the Italian peace treaty. Donald Henderson, president of Price Administration, the Wage one of three shots apparently aimed A well-informed French source said the germ of a possible compromise the union, sent a letter to President Stabilization Board and similar was contained in a recent British proposal which reportedly suggested bodies. He is regarded as one of at the jeep as it was proceeding Truman making the following Mr. Truman's closest advisers. toward the home of Miss Rose Korb, some form of federation for the>> proposals: Bowles' friends say hfe already is American civilian employed by the Ruhr region, including part of the 4 Points Proposed paving the way for restoration of office of the Chief of Counsel at the Rhineland. WAC Wins Praise rationing should it become neces- Nurnberg war-crimes trials. Tim- The British and Americans have ABOLITION of, the Combined mons, a University of Texas student, opposed France's demands for com- Ol Eisenhower and Food Board and establishment of a sary. staggered out of the driver's seat plete political separation of the world-wide food board with rep- Government officials, until now, and fell by the roadside in a pool of Ruhr from the Reich under inter- McNarney lor Work resentation for the Soviet Union have generally avoided committing themselves publicly in favor of blood. He died on the way to the national political control, and pro- FRANKFURT,, May 13 (UP)—Gen. and other* democratic and friendly hospital. posed international economic con- Joseph T. McNarney, theater com- countries now excluded. rationing. This is in line with Mr. The scene of the shooting was two trol instead. mander tbday lauded the members of ESTABLISHMENT of production Truman's position that it could not be put into effect in time to do blocks from the residence of Brig. Reaction to 25-Year Plan the Women's Army Corps for their and supply goals by the world food Gen. Leroy H. Watson, commanding "efficiency and loyalty" as the or- board for ^countries capable of any good. general of the Nurnberg-Furth En- The French source said that a producing supplies beyond their The Food, Tobacco and Agricul- federated Ruhr,' similar to the set- ganization celebrated its fourth clave. Watson would not. comment for anniversary. own needs. tural Workers Union, CIO, made publication pending result of the up American occupation forces have SUPERVISION of distribution to public an open letter to the Pres- instituted in . Greater Hesse, might McNarney said that in 36 months investigation. in Europe, the women soldiers "have prevent political, national or racial ident which said, "We must im- The six German civilians were meet French approval as long as mediately reinstate rationing of es- the federated state was not under proved themselves capable of under- discrimination by the board, in- (Continued on Page 8) complete control of a centralized taking the diversified tasks required cluding distribution %g colonial or (Coniinued on Page 8) German authority .in Berlin.' in the conduct of military operations dependent countries or areas. In any case, this informant con- in this theater as well as the duties REPRESENTATION in policy- tinued, French acceptance of the of the occupation. As in the past, making and supervisory positions 53 Nazis to Die plan depends on how the details they are serving their Army, their on the board for representatives of Service Chiefs are worked out. and international country and their theater with ef- the World Federation of Trade economic control will be insisted ficiency and loyalty," he declared. Unions. For Massacres upon. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Army Meet Truman I DACHAU, May 13 (AP)—Fifty- Secretary of State James F. Chief of Staff, also sent greetings, Officers With 41 Months WASHINGTON, May 13 (AP)— eight operators of the notorious Nazi Byrnes' proposal of a 25-year expressing his appreciation of the mutual assistance pact. to assure "impressive record of competence On Way Home by June 15 President Truman called top-rank- Mauthausen extermination camp German disarmament was received achieved by the Army service ing Army and Navy leaders to a were sentenced today by a General warmly by the French, but an author- woman." He added, "To those of you FRANKFURT, May 13 (AP)—All conference today on unification of Military Court to death by hanging. ized French spokesman said flatly still on the, team, shouldering the officers seeking discharge who will the armed forces. Three others received life-im- that it was' not enough guarantee have 41 to 43 months of Army Announcing the meeting, Charles responsibilities of reconstruction and service by Aug. 31 will be on their prisonment sentences. against future German aggression. peace, our special appreciation." G. Ross, White House press secre- The 61 defendants were sentenced It would work, one French, source way home by June 15, USFET head- after the American court had found (Detailed story on WAC anniversary quarters announced today. tary, described it as one "to promote said, only as long as the Big Four on Page 5) unification and not to sabotage it." them guilty of murdering thousands were in complete agreement.
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