. ,----.. -'i . - J l ■. ■ / ..^• *■, (V. .'V ! '. '• X n/ESDAY, MAY 8, 19M ■ATenipe Daily Net Prea^ Run PAGE^XTEEM ‘ ; .. '■.* . Fer the Week Km iai , Tha Waathar , ^ u n t U t A n lE iif n m g N May 8, ItSC / Fereeaat af P. 6 , Weathw ■anaa OMMldertable rIemMaaa* M g aet The daughter bom last Friday fdr a^ver which the *3el*ty is col­ an c*td teplglit. Lew la the Mlg St. Margaret^* Oirrie. No. MO, Rallroltd Agents lecting. 12,1 Daughters pf laabolla. 'will heOA. a to Xfr. and Mrs.-Lee M. Sltveratein. r Menber M the AhrUt 4a*. Tharaday, wWdy with iliaWew 34E Garden Dr., haa been ^named Borsotti-Miner Wedding Hostesae'a, for th* day wiU be IllM-ly la the atteraeoa. High tS A b o u t T o w n buaineaa meeting thla evening .at d Mra. Fred.L*vey. ^airman; Mrs.. L e g l e r c ^ ^ ^ e l Ct realstloa o'clocK in the K of C Home. ' Leslie Joy. The maternal grand­ Tou^Towh, Seek to 70. • , parents are ^fK. and Mrs. Mac Carl Hultthc, Mra. EmaK KJall- FUNERAL HOME MtmehesUr^A City • / Village Charm Una* Lode*. Ko. 72. KnlfhU of aon. M l*' Arthur HulDnan*a(id Ji. The Watea will conduct a milK rner of Portsmouth, Va., and Ini^ustrial Sites PyUass, will ' hold lU monlhly thh paternal grandparents are >tr. /' ' / Mrs:. Guataf Ulrichi. ^ Devotion* aMetlnc tomorrow night •t S tary whlat tonight at 8 o’clock in Ivlfl'b* in charge of Hrs, C. Henry FUNERAL ^ : VOL. LXX^yiiOjl87 •nnker Hall, to whlth the public la knrfKMrs. Saul M. SUversteln of litanehester la one of a liuihbcr (THIRTY.tWO'PAGES^TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY. t, 1956 (C8aa*mea AgverMahig ea Pag* gg) o’dock id < ^ g e Hall. 28 l^phen St. Anderson. PRICE n V B CENTS Invited. A social time with refresh­ town* the New Hkve'n/RgUroad SERVICE JL I ' ‘ 'f ment* w ill' follow the 'gamea, CUWorth-Oohnell-Quey Po*t, No. Myers of the Torrington began surveying y es^ d a y in ’ a j Walter N. weighing will be at 7;30. Mrs. Kay ub,. lieutenant governor IW . Amertcnn U)glt>h. **'«*•' search for potential Induatrial Plan Open House' Lecferc V tonight at B:15 at poat hpme Preutt.________ 50 Glenwood____ S t,I..... H.irHno-.ior' f,i,r methi •-4tl sites along the railToa'd^ track*. Director ,» US. Bullet fop an important b)iahi**d merting, Aarll'\5” *^unds*'MrV^ne^^ m an\t the Junior Republic April. 12'» -pounds, Mrs. Qenevleve ^ LltchfleldC will be the guest The tour. whicK-ls being headed At School Here V O which wUl ihclutle re>orU from 1 hy Percy Benjamin, acting man- 23 Math Street, Manchester tha Memorial*u<?tlon and Ring, who Was second with a re- speaker at thV meeting of the Kl ducllon of 11 'ispoimds, received 15. ! ager of. Indiiai^rial developmiint, Call Ml 9-586» \ flredroriu cowm it t ^ . w-anis'Club TWraday noop at Parent* ami friend* are cordi*l- P e rm its 12 ^ . .12:15 at the W^cheater Country will take a group of railroad In- -b- A Sunday SchoM teachers meet- I dustrtal ag/nta through eaatiern 1\ invited to attend open hduse, Mrs. l U ^ o n d f . Bchloaaer, ^ ing will be h^ld\ sfx the Zion ; and north^ntral Connecticut and to be held at the Barnard School Lydall SW haa been aptwinted to i west-central Massachusetts. Ultheran Church t^iorVow night St. Christopher's Mahers C lfclr tomorrow night from Ixio to 9 E x t r a B 5 2 s tha pohlicity committee for the aK7:30. I Purpose of the tour, the^Allroad o’clock. ■ ' Outdoor pop CJoncert of the ^ r t ' I rwently elected the fhll «rlv*_the field men a; o „ many club for4 M etn ^U U n caiapter UV leers: Mrs. Gloria Petmndi. leader Washington, May 9^,/P)— Sen. W alter V. .George. (D-Ga), Washington, May 9 (ftV - Members of Mgmheiidr Gr*n^ Mrs, Helen Curtiii, aecr^r; flr*t;^and arquaintence with the *;uch a* weaving, figur- t L Joseph CoUege Alumnae. Tlck- I various sites available for tvares-;i inea,r_„' enameling, pottery, photogra. ,78-year-old dean p ( theX^nate, has de^dra not to seek re- Secretary of Defense Charles ete for the May » concert may be .‘i** : Margaret Fslco, treasur i\lght at Varmlngtbn Grange to\ l<ay.* -Fauldes - : and M hoUslqg_ ss.well. as for induatry... !-.phy, science,AUence. audio-isaudio- 1 . - aid*. Red election. His plWsician «illed the decision^ wise one” ip E. WiUon testified today the aecured at the Hartford Symphony morrow evening. Tlie ' meeting’ Adams. representatives; " *nd mode building, If You Wont Eitpert view of a heim difficulty^nml diabpies, boili described is administration’s defense oSloe, Old State House, Hartford, place is Oakland Gardens Xhe Winifred' Bolton, librarian; which Is to eivl today, is the^firjjt exhibition i.v the culmina- and from the Alumnae Office, St. hollar. Rt. ♦. -a short di.stance from TV ScrvicB . ''mi|ld.’’ Th# doctor said a har budget will enable the Air Eleanor 'Pisch, hialprlan and club,*nd hobby work c«r- campaign m ^ t be detrimental.' Joseph College.^ the West Hartford snd KsrminX- be undertaken in -the next few throughout the year a* Force to place orders for 12 llcity.. The anniiai dinner. moiitha. ' I Insist on o TELSA man George wap preparing a state­ lon town line. \ part of the regular curriculum. more B52-bombers than it re­ \be held^on May 29 a* the Beside* Maru'heHter, the towns ment to b^aaned momentai'ily. He St. Jud* Thaddeus Molhera Or- '^oach GMII. You’ll find the mem­ quested. , cle w ill meet at the home of Mrs. Tlie choir of Concordia Luthei an lh*‘t, were to be visited yesterdsyj declined Any iminedtate comment, Democrats, bers listed in the yellow but frlMds reported the Senator’* Wilson told a Senate Appropria­ Offers/Post John J. Oyr. 7« Scarborough Rd.. Church AtSlI hold a business meet­ 'he arts and crafts typical ^ d today include New London,- tions aubcommittee that the -$$6 N^iwleh, ' Jewitt • City, Danielson.! pages of your telephone/ decision not to rtmi And Georga'a tonight at 8:lii. ing Immediately following the re­ the prt program carried on' in the billion budget carries funds for -202 hearsal tomorrow evening. Putnhm,' Willimantic. Hartford.] P H O N i book. / phyrtclan. Dr'.Worth B. Daniel; public schools bf Manchester .will ra mm. _ * u ^ Ihfa ataPement: of the^S-jet intarcontinental bomb- G O P C la im Mra. Ftancla KiUgerald. Mra. V °h display in\ Watkina Bro*. East: Hartford, .Sjinsbury, Granby, era. T o R e iu .Siiffield, Windsor, Windsor Locks. gRRMCOnKTS M jf* * * !* * ^ ^ “ Sen. George has discussed yith Anna Leber and Mrs. Helen Erlck- The former Red Cross Volunteer^ window from today through He said this compArea with the East Windsor. Thompsonville,! § on several occaaiona whether aon attended th* Gold Star Moth- Nurses Aide group has set the date ■ i*. This year's exhibit festu FOR A A ir Fdrce'a initial request for Plainfield and Rioomfield in'Con­ Studerd j '^It w’ould be wise, for him w run! ors tea Sunday at the Valley Re­ of June it for its sinnual picnic, to! paintings in water-color and funds for 190 of the long-range liidianaW in necticut; and Springfield, SorUh- L O A N for the United States Senatg sgain.J gional High School, Deep River, of be held at the home of Mra. Irene deslgna executed in Anger H O L L Y V ^ O ^ bombers in the fiacal year begin­ SeiiiGeorgie the American Legion Auxiliary. Brennan, 21 Ml. Iijebo Pi. 1 college and craft works in nick, Westfield ami East Long- t 2 5 la » S 0 0 / Hi* decision to withdraw is 'a wise I meadow In Massaemuetts. - one..,, .... ; ..----------------__l ning July 1. / By I ^ K ASSOCIATED PRESS,. ISpiftinettt :W OonnectlcTit T ^ ' ic. enamels, paper mache, — fhoductiaa Speeded --W ^lB ftoR, May « (ypY— wero accompanied by Mra. EJyerett ' “ He has authoriged /ha to . say- ; Five -gtstteg-trchf primary All membera of the Senior MFY Ing and paper sculpture Cbeew f#i6 peyRwtf fife ywf Wilson also testified that the 202 electioM yesterday and an im- Prefildent EliBnhower gold Moaeley, prealdent of the l^cal of the South Methodiat Church ArR#wfit Am«4N)f*l MRRtlily P AvMll.iHgl| .that he hak a mlld'dlfflculty with B52r will be produced “ In four or auxiliary; and Mr*. Letitla Rady,' WHO are planning to attend the Mrs. Beatrlcejd^nWig, pastes-j Society Planning •riOAN 11MO. 13 MQ, his heart and milrl diabetes. The ^five months quicker time" than m edi^, and inevitable, dis- t()day .he will undergo r new Gold Star Mothera chgirman. MrA work and play day .Saturday are tional president.of Uie DaughtersJ % $• $ s.et atrain of a vigorous campaign at originally antimpated. pUte/ai'ose as to the political hend-to-toe physi(uil extmi- aaked to-coniact Sue Brown by U.M % t?3S. 4.79 Isaity ceo« his age might be detrimental. Wilber Little and Mias Barbara of Union • V ctera i^ of the. Civil | Parly in Jilile see se.if 94.1s 19.9S **riad froii* H* did not say -n-hen they would significance of the Indiana nntion Fridey, including « tVaiiett attended, xepresenUng the Thursday. War, artcr^ Mrs. ^ a u d e Shearer,] see 47.41 3ft4 34.49 “ fjnder proper treatment a rea­ come/sOff - tha a s a e ^ ly linea, but )htt» trhP^Mlfia •!' r«pA)mfnl intiudffllil sKirjft.
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